
Today is Sunday. A new clothes shop is open (营业). Its name is Friends Clothes Shop. All kinds of good clothes are in it. Betty wants to buy some new clothes with her friends Lisa and Frank, so she calls them. In the afternoon, they comes to the shop. The clothes shop is very big and its clothes look nice. The following form (下面的表格) is about the clothes and the prices (价格) .

Clothes Shop
CoatsRed, Yellow   42
ShirtsBrown, Blue, White   35
PantsBlack, Green, Blue   48
SkirtRed, Pink, Purple   32
1.Which is the most expensive (最贵) of all clothes?
2.What can Betty buy in the shop?
A.A brown coat.B.A white T-shirt.C.A pair of blue pants.D.A black skirt.
3.Lisa loves red. What does she want to buy in the shop?
A.A coat and a shirt.B.A shirt and a pair of pant.
C.A shirt and a skirt.D.A coat and a skirt.
4.Frank wants to buy a shirt. How many colors can he choose (选择) from?
5.Betty wants to buy a shirt and a skirt. How much are they?

Jack is 12 years old. He is a student. He likes hamburgers. He doesn’t want to eat vegetables and fruit. He is heavy. His mother often says to him, “Jack, you are too fat. It’s not healthy.” But Jack says, “I’m fine, Mom. I want to eat my favorite hamburgers every day.”

Today is Sunday. Jack gets up at seven o’clock in the morning. Then he has breakfast at home. He has a piece of bread and a hamburger for breakfast. Jack goes shopping with his mother at 9: 00 in the morning. He wants to buy new clothes, but he is not happy in the shop. Why? He finds a nice T-shirt. It’s a big size T-shirt. But it’s too small for him. When he gets home, Jack says to his parents, “I don’t want to be fat! And I want to be healthy.” His father asks him to do sports. His mother asks him to eat healthy food, Jack nods (点头).

1.What is Jack’s favorite food? ________
2.What does the underlined word “heavy” mean in Chinese (画线单词的意思是)? ________
3.What time does Jack get up today? ________
A.At six.B.At half past six.
C.At seven.D.At a quarter past seven.
4.Who goes shopping with Jack? ________
A.His teacher.B.His friend.C.His father.D.His mother.
5.Why isn’t Jack happy? ________
A.Because his mother doesn’t buy the T-shirt for him.
B.Because the T-shirt is too small for him.
C.Because the T-shirt is too old.
D.Because the T-shirt is too big.

Hi, my good friend! My name is Alice. I’m very happy today because it’s the first day of my new (新的) term. From 7: 30 to 8: 15 is my first class, Chinese. 1. Then at 8: 25 I have math. I don’t like it because it is boring for me. At 9: 20, I have science. It is very useful. I like it. 2. We play soccer with our P. E. teacher. Lunch is from 11: 30 to 12: 10. I eat well. I have rice, chicken and vegetables for lunch. 3. School finishes at 4: 00.

4. They are Mike and Tom. I often play sports with them after school. Next week is Tom’s twelfth birthday. 5.

A.I have P. E. at 10: 15.
B.It is my favorite subject.
C.Let me think about his party.
D.I have two good friends at school.
E.In the afternoon, I have three classes.

Amy gets up at 7: 00 a. m. 1. Monday to Friday. At 7: 20 a. m. She has breakfast and then goes to school. There 2. many subjects like Chinese, geography and math at her school. Chinese is Amy’s favorite subject, 3. she thinks it is interesting. 4. Amy thinks math is very difficult. She is not good at it. She likes China 5. Chinese food.

阅读翻译 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分翻译成中文或英文。

Money may not buy happiness, but it helps. Many teenagers want to learn how to manage money before going out into the world. 1.精明理财. This idea is raised by Dr. Mara Harvey, a money expert. The following are some of her tips.

Learn to make money. Ask parents or neighbors if you can do chores to make pocket money. These could include washing a car or taking the dog for a walk. Agree on the value of different jobs before you start. In this way, you can also improve your communication skills, which will help when you have a grown-up job, too.

Help your money grow. Money can’t grow if it’s sitting inside a piggy bank. Put your money in the bank and you can get interest (利息). 2.Save your money in the long run. One day you may feel surprised at how much money you have.

Make a plan. If you have a big event, such as a holiday coming up, it might mean you will need to spend more of your pocket money. 3.试着制定个支出和储蓄的计划. Write down how much money you have and what you are spending. Then it will help you take control of your money.

Spend your money wisely. Figure out how much you can reasonably spend each month. Spend your money on what you truly need. 4.Then try to cut down on spending. For example, rather than eating out, you can choose to cook at home.


Like many other foreigners, Rosalind Oliver’s first touch of Chinese Tai Chi came from popular kung fu movies. However, she has become a Tai Chi master herself, teaching it to both Chinese and foreigners.

Oliver’s journey with Tai Chi began in her early 20s, when her backache was always troubling her and she was turning to an exercise. Then she discovered advertisement classes about Tai Chi by accident and decided to try the “mysterious” eastern sport. Right away Oliver fell in love with the beautiful movement of Tai Chi. To her joy, she found that her back pains disappeared after years of practice.

Oliver later met her late husband, who was also her Tai Chi teacher. In the early 1990s, the couple opened their own Tai Chi school in the UK. To further understand Tai Chi, they decided to start a journey to China. However, three years after moving to Shanghai in 2000, her husband died, leaving her alone to work on Tai Chi.

The 58-year-old British woman recalled that it was a hard time for her. However, she was thankful to Chinese friends in Shanghai who supported her through the painful process. “They didn’t treat me like a foreigner, but rather like a friend.” Oliver said.

In 2005, Oliver set up the Double Dragon Alliance Cultural Center, which acts as a bridge for foreign people to get a better understanding of Chinese culture such as traditional Chinese medicine and Peking Opera.

Besides her Tai Chi classes, Oliver now teaches English at Shanghai University. Oliver expressed her deep love for cultural exchange and hoped to spread her work in this area.

1.When did Oliver’s journey with Tai Chi begin?
2.What happened to Oliver’s back after years of practising Tai Chi?
3.Where did Oliver’s couple open their own Tai Chi school?
4.Why did Oliver set up the Double Dragon Alliance Cultural Center?
语法填空     阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式 (每空最多不超过三个单词)。

The human population on Earth grows larger each year. As 1. result, some scientists carried out a research project. Because of climate change (气候变化), growing more food is 2. (become) even more difficult. When farmers 3. (try) to grow more food in the past, they would use farming methods that weren’t always healthy for the environment. 4. (solve) this problem, more and more food needs to 5. (grow) in order to feed everyone. They spent several years talking to 6. (farmer). They wanted to see what problems farmers were having and how these problems could be solved. This led to the creation of special robots. These special robots move around on farms and collect information about crops (庄稼). They can take pictures of plants, track (追踪) each plant’s growth and measure (测量) its size.

In the past, 7. farmers did have information about the weather and the earth, they couldn’t track each plant. But now, with these robots, they can.

By collecting information about plants, the robots can help farmers make predictions (预测) about 8. their plants will grow. By studying each plant, the robots can also help farmers grow plants 9. (good). For example, if the robots find out which plants get sick, farmers can quickly throw them away before they are about to influence nearby plants. With the help of 10. (this) robots, farmers can take better care of the plants in need.

语言运用 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

In the Chinese history, writing tools play an important role. Among ________, the writing brush is the first one that should be paid attention to.

The beginning ________ the writing brush in China can go back to the Neolithic Age (新石器时代), while its popularity was during the Warring States Period (战国时期). This tool is ________ used in Chinese writing and painting. Nowadays, calligraphy (书法) classes ________ to students at school. Teachers teach students how to use the writing brush ________ and spread traditional Chinese culture. The soft brush can create strong and powerful lines on paper. But that only comes through ________ of hard work. If you want to be an excellent writing artist and be highly praised by others, you need to keep practicing for a ________ time every day.

For many Chinese artists, the brush is more than a writing tool. “It seems in my blood. ________ I pick up the writing brush, suddenly my thoughts, ideas and even stories build a relationship with the brush,” said Liu Qinghe, ________ famous Chinese artist. With a good writing brush, when we ________ our ideas into it, we give it life.

A.are preventedB.are lainC.are taught
A.to manageB.to enjoyC.to produce

Life is full of unexpected (始料不及的) moments. Whether these moments are surprising or challenging, we all need to face them bravely. 1.

Here are four simple ways.

Take a deep breath

Breathing exercise can help relax us in both mind and body. We can breathe deeply through our noses, then blow slowly through our mouths. 2.

Be creative

If we fail to express ourselves, we can turn to artistic outlets (艺术表现途径). 3. These can help us share our thoughts and feelings.

Do some reading

We can get good advice through reading. 4. They can help us feel better after a busy day. They can also open up a whole new world to us.

Practise positive (积极的) self-talk

If we often practise negative (负面的) self-talk, we will think negatively about ourselves. 5.

Shall we try these ways when we face the unexpected moments?

A.Good books are good friends.
B.For example, we can colour, paint, or keep diaries.
C.So we’d better talk to ourselves in a positive way.
D.This can be a great way to help us feel calm.
E.Then, how can we students face these properly?

Last week, I finally managed to ask my parents to buy me a new football shirt for the school match. I was very excited and wore it to the training before the match, but I wished I hadn’t done that! My new shirt was torn (破损的) after the training!

As I walked home worriedly, I saw a shop sign: All Kinds Of Repairs. I went inside at once. An old man came up to me and said cheerfully, “Welcome! This is a repair shop!”

“But...what I need is a tailor to deal with my football shirt.”

To my surprise, he took the shirt from me, put on glasses and sat down on the sofa with my shirt in his hands. “I guess you are a striker (前锋),” he smiled. How could he know? The man gave me a wink (眼色) and said, “See the picture on the wall? That was me 30 years ago.”

I couldn’t believe my eyes! He was Orhan, the famous footballer on the city team years ago!

I told him I was playing for the school team and I had been his fan for years. I told him everything, my dream, my practice and even my dad’s words.“Dad thinks I should be a doctor.” I lowered my head.

“Follow your dream, choose a job that you love and carry on.” The man smiled at me. He patted (轻拍) on my shoulder and put the shirt which he had repaired in my bag.

Today I have become a footballer and I still keep the shirt in my closet.

1.What was the new football shirt for?
A.For the football match.
B.For the football training.
C.For the writer’s birthday.
2.Why did the boy go into the old man’s shop?
A.To visit the old man.
B.To repair his football shirt.
C.To buy a new football shirt.
3.What do we know about the old man?
A.He didn’t like the writer.
B.He used to be a footballer.
C.He couldn’t repair the football shirt.
4.How did the writer feel after meeting the old man?
5.What could be the best title for this passage?
A.An Unforgettable Meet
B.A New Football Shirt
C.A popular Footballer