
Music Makes You Pretty Smart.

Many studies show music makes you smart when you learn it at an early age. 1. Studies show learning music at an older age can do wonders for your mind, too.

Music Builds Your Confidence (自信).

When you are in a bad mood, you could play for just one person or your friend. 2. Also, you will bring that confidence (自信) into other areas of your life.

Music Brings You Closer to People.

3. Many of us can enjoy songs in languages we can not speak or understand. You will be surprised at how music can bring you closer to people, especially if you need to meet and spend the time with people from other countries. For example, if you don’t know what to talk about, ask the other person what his/her favorite song is, and if you are knowledgeable in music, you will have a great talk.

Music Makes You a Team Player.

4. And when they do, it is important to always listen to your teammates and watch their facial and body language. Then you can decide how you want to play your instrument to make the show successful. .

5. If your parents want you to learn a music instrument, what will you choose?

A.Music is a special language.
B.Musicians often play with other musicians.
C.After finishing a show, you will feel better about yourself.
D.All in all, music is a very important part of our life.
E.But what if we already passed early age?
Knowledge ________ ________ questioning.

习主席曾说: “民之所忧,我必念之;民之所盼,我必行之。” 这体现了国家领导人为人民尽责的态度。作为中学生的我们,应该如何对自己、对家庭、对社会负责呢?最近,你班召开了一次以 “How to be a Responsible Student?” 为主题的班会。请你综合以下同学的观点,并发表你自己的看法,写一篇短文,向学校校刊投稿。


As students, we should study hard.
We can also help with housework.



To make the society a better place, we can do some volunteer work.
(1) 需要包含图表中的所有信息;
(2) 80词左右 (开头已给出,不计入总词数);
(3) 文中不得出现真实人名和校名。

How to be a Responsible Student?

Recently, our class had a heated discussion about how to be a responsible student.



World Blood Donor Day (世界献血日) is a very important holiday. And its goal (目的) is to make people know about donating blood, encourage people to donate blood, as well as thank current (现在的) and past donors. It is held every year on June 14th.

The first World Blood Donor Day began in January, 2004. People chose June 14th because it was Karl Landsteiner’s birthday. Karl Landsteiner created the ABO blood group system (系统).

World Blood Donor Day is mainly a holiday of celebration. It encourages people to donate their blood worldwide. Blood is short in nearly all countries, especially in developing countries.

According to WHO, over 90 million people donate blood every year, but there is still a shortage (短缺) around the world. If everyone donates blood, there may not be such a shortage.

While World Blood Donor Day provides a chance to call to action, blood donors are also celebrated every June 14th. Some cities host events so that patients have the chance to thank donors for saving their lives. During these events, people may also be able to donate blood through blood donating centers.

Because of World Blood Day, more and more people get to realize the importance of donating blood. Not only is this important in achieving the goal set by WHO, but it is good for people.

1.What’s the goal of World Blood Donor Day?
2.How long has it been since the first World Blood Donor Day began?
3.How many people donate blood every year according to WHO?
4.Is there a shortage of blood in developing countries?


要求:1. 词数不少于80词;
2. 文中不能出现真实的人名、校名。

A magazine did a survey about students’ dream jobs and here are the results. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


September 1st is the perfect day to pick up a pen and paper and write a letter to someone because it’s World Letter Writing Day. The holiday is created to keep the art of letter writing alive in our digital age (数字时代).

For a long time, letter writing was the primary means of long-distance communication. However, the appearance of modern means of communication, such as e-mails and text messages, has made letter writing a less popular activity. Few people would like to take the time to sit down and write a letter.

Even though the new technologies have provided us with much faster ways to communicate, letter writing is still important for a number of reasons. Writing a letter to someone shows them that you really care about them, because you took the time and effort to do something people seldom do these days. Handwriting is also an important skill you shouldn’t lose, because writing by hand stimulates (刺激) your brain in a different way than typing and improves your language processing and reading skills. Another reason is that writing a letter forces you to really think about what you’re writing. Far too often, we hurriedly send texts and e-mails without really thinking about the influence our words have on the receiver. With a handwritten letter, you are forced to be more careful with the words you choose.

So, how do we celebrate this day? The best way is to write a letter to someone. It could be a friend or relative who lives miles away, or someone you have lost touch with over time. Of course, you can also just read some famous letters. Whatever you do, please know that letter writing is still worthwhile.

1.When is World Letter Writing Day?
2.What are the reasons for writing letters by hand?
3.How can we celebrate World Letter Writing Day?
4.Can writing by hand stimulate the brain the same way as typing?
5.If you could write a letter, who would you write it to? And why?

《2023年双十一消费行为报告》显示,近6成年轻人热衷于购买国货,这届年轻人对国货有明显青睐,国潮热不仅体现在国货购买上,还体现在越来越多的年轻人十分热衷于传承中国传统文化上。在书法篆刻,绘画,戏剧,服装,建筑,烹饪,刺绣等众多领域都有着大批对中华传统文化感兴趣的年轻人,他们用有趣,潮流的方式传达着对传统文化的热爱。请你根据以下要点提示,以“How to Pass Down Chinese Culture”为题,写一篇英语短文。

1. 介绍2个你最感兴趣的含中国元素的文化形式;[martial arts (武术); Chinese painting; the Great Wall...]
2. 为什么要传承中国文化;(the pride of Chinese people; the precious wealth of world culture...)
3. 如何传承中国文化。(protect; introduce Chinese culture in a modern way...)
1. 文章需包含所有要点,可适当发挥;
2. 词数不少于80;
3. 文中不得出现自己的真实姓名。

How to Pass Down Chinese Culture


Technology is changing to suit people’s needs. Of course, technology has also made life more complicated (复杂的) and some may say, led to bad effects. However, it is obvious that technology has made life better than before.

There’s no doubt that technology has improved the standards of living. Machines can now do the heavier work which human beings find very difficult to do. Industrialization (工业化) has brought about large production, people can get goods at a cheaper price, too. Technology has made every aspect (方面) of life more convenient: computers have made work in the office more efficient and transport systems have made travel cheaper and even more enjoyable.

Technology has also improved the quality of social life. The communication technology has brought the world closer, whether for business or for personal relationships.

Yet, even though it is true that life has improved with technology, life has also become more complicated as technology becomes more common in our lives. The use of the Internet has changed the way we communicate, socialize and do business, and thus exposed us to risks. As more business deals take place online, there is an increase in cybercrime (网络犯罪). And stolen data has become a huge problem for businesses and banks. Cyberbullying (网络欺凌) is also becoming more widespread today.

Still, technology has given us the means to a better life that was unimaginable. To say that technology does not make life better or even makes life worse is a totally wrong conclusion. There are also creative ways to solve the problems that technology has brought about, such as using laws and technology itself to solve the very problems it brings about. For example, some countries have introduced laws that control the use of online information to ensure personal safety is protected.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.Machines can increase people’s heavier work.
B.Technology can make different aspects of life more convenient.
C.Technology can solve all the difficult problems in life.
2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Technology has brought more problems than convenience to human.
B.Machines will take the place of human beings in the future.
C.Laws can be made to protect personal safety on the Internet.
3.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? (P=Paragraph)?
4.What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Can We Protect Ourselves with Technology?
B.Can Technology Change the Way We Work?
C.Has Technology Made Life Better?


The number of the students

Music that they like


dance to


music that has great lyrics


sing along with





1. 内容全面,语言流畅,层次清晰,可适当发挥;
2. 书写规范,卷面整洁,词数80—100词;
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。



Do you have problems with relationships (人际关系)? Some behaviors (行为) will have a 1. influence on your relationships. So, today we’re going to find out what they are.

1. Refusing to say sorry

Do you sometimes refuse to say sorry, even if it’s your own 2.? Why is it so difficult to say sorry? Actually saying sorry doesn’t mean you have a bad personality. It just 3. that you are brave enough to admit that you’re wrong, and you value the other person and will try to be better for them.

2. Refusing to compromise (妥协)

Relationships are about getting close to someone else. 4., you’ re two different people. You’ re sure to have some disagreements along the way. And that’s 5. compromise is necessary. Try to build an environment that’s both peaceful and open to healthy arguments.

3. Always putting them first

In order to make those you love feel happy, you give them gifts, and protect them. That’s all good. But do you 6. give the same treatment to yourself?

Remember that your relationship with yourself comes 7. before everything else. It needs some love and care as well.

4. Always putting yourself first

This is just the exact opposite of Number 3. But it needs to be mentioned. It’s OK you care about yourself a lot. However, when you’ re doing whatever you want to do without 8. other people’s feelings, you may come off as selfish (自私).

My friends gave me some books at my fifteenth birthday party.(改为被动语态)
I ___________ ___________ some books at my fifteenth birthday party.