1.What makes the speakers caught up in traffic?
A.Road construction.B.A car crash.C.Bad weather.
2.Where are they heading?
A.To a stadium.B.To the police station.C.To a theater.
Who is probably the woman?
A.A cook.B.A customer.C.A cleaner.
Why won’t the woman have supper with the man?
A.She doesn’t feel hungry.
B.She has to work overtime.
C.She has an appointment with John.
Why does the man make the phone call?
A.To change his booking.B.To cancel a reservation.C.To book a table.
Who won the game last night?

My dad doesn’t write me letters. And he doesn’t always remember my birthday or wedding anniversary -- or even how old I am sometimes.

But I only need to look around me to be reminded of his love. He restored a 100-year-old rocking chair after I told him how much I wanted one. When I moved into my first apartment, he spent his weekends in a small space replacing pipes. And when I lost a blue stone from a favorite necklace, he worked his magic with common stuff

The four greatest words I know are “Dad will build it”.

I could never forget when I was seven, one day we walked by a toy store window. There in the corner was the most unusual doll house had ever seen. It was shaped like an upturned log. Little oval windows were cut into it decorated with white curtains and framed by tiny balconies.

“Oh, Daddy,” I said, “isn’t it beautiful? Do you think Santa Clause will bring it to me?”

Dad looked at the $100 price tag -- too high a figure in those days. “I think even Santa couldn't afford this house,” he joked, hiking up his belt, as he often does when he’s nervous. “Maybe one day, sweetheart, ”Dad probably hoped I’d forget about the doll house, but I kept talking about it.

On Christmas morning, I awoke early and raced downstairs. In the faint light, I made out some wrapped boxes under the tree-- but none large enough to contain my doll house.

Dad could see my disappointment.


Four months later, a beautiful doll house was in front of me.


How to Make Friends at Community College

Making friends at a community college can be a bit more challenging compared to four-year schools. Since students usually don’t live on campus, there isn’t always a shared living environment. 1.Here are some ways to make friends at a community college.

Get involved on campus: Look for opportunities to get involved on campus, such as joining clubs, organizations, or student government. These activities provide a chance to meet and interact with other students who share similar interests or hobbies. 2.

3.: In many courses, group projects are a common part of the curriculum. Use these assignments as an opportunity to collaborate with classmates and build relationships. By working closely with others, you can get to know them better and potentially form lasting friendships.

Be friendly and approachable: 4.. Be open to striking up conversations with your classmates, whether it’s before or after class. Show genuine interest in getting to know them and be willing to listen.

Work out with a partner: College work will occupy most of your day. Your health, for one, is something you may start to neglect as you throw yourself fully into college life. Needless to say, ignoring your health is absolutely unacceptable. 5.. You can start with your pal by heading over to your school’s gym or fitness center and try meeting new people there.

A.Take advantage of group projects
B.Know your group member better
C.By participating in campus activities, you can expand your social circle and make new friends.
D.A simple smile or greeting goes a long way in creating a friendly atmosphere.
E.Community colleges offer programs that are two years long
F.However, that doesn’t mean opportunities aren’t available
G.Finding yourself an exercise friend will help encourage you to become more active

After nearly a decade of enduring the busy and noisy life in Las Vegas, Nevada, my family and I reached a decision to have a slower pace and adopt a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle. We collectively agreed that moving to the countryside would be the perfect solution.

After some searching, we found a home in Yucca, Arizona, a small town with a population of less than 1,000 people. However, when I called to ask about the condition of the house, I was surprised to know that there was no electricity available in the area. Initially, I almost denied the idea of living here, but then I realized that it was an excellent opportunity to go green. After careful consideration, we decided to make an offer and moved in on Thanksgiving Day.

In the beginning, we faced challenges as we remodeled (改造) the house and lived in our motor home. However, these frustrations just made us work harder. We gradually fixed the things and after 38 days, we were able to move into the house.

Living off the grid (电线) has been a significant adjustment for us over the past four months, but it has also brought numerous benefits. One of the most educational lessons we have learned is teaching my kids the importance of conservation. They used to take water, power, and gas for granted, but now they understand the need to be mindful of their usage. We have made changes such as taking shorter showers, doing full loads of laundry, and turning off the water while brushing our teeth. Additionally, we have embraced other sustainable practices like recycling, growing our own organic vegetables, and re-purposing items instead of throwing them away.

Overall, our decision to go off the grid has been incredibly positive for our family. We hope that even after our children move out, they will continue to keep the habits they have developed while living off the grid.

1.Why did the author and their family decide to move to the countryside?
A.They wanted to experience a busy and chaotic lifestyle.B.They wanted to lead a green life.
C.They wanted to live a life without electricity.D.They wanted to save money on housing.
2.What was the first reaction of the author when she learned that the house was no- electricity ?
A.She had meant to reject the idea.
B.She was excited about the opportunity to go green.
C.She was unsure about whether to move or not.
D.She was disappointed and continued searching for other options.
3.What is one of the valuable lessons the family has learned from living off the grid?
A.Repair the house before it rains.B.Have a new lifestyle is a trend.
C.The joy of growing their own vegetables.D.It is significant to save resources.
4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Urban Family’s experience of living in the countryside.
B.The trend — leading an environmentally-friendly lifestyle.
C.How to adapt to a new environment.
D.Urban Family’s transformative journey to a green life.

Volunteer by supporting a local animal rescue center in Africa!

If you have a passion for animals and a strong interest in environmental conservation, this program is an ideal fit for you. Your role will involve assisting and supporting a local animal shelter, which not only provides care for homeless animals but also rehabilitates injured wildlife.

In addition to looking after the animals’ needs, volunteers also play an important role in welcoming visitors at the entrance and addressing any questions they may have about the shelter or its inhabitants. As you spend more time volunteering, you will gain valuable knowledge and experience in wildlife management.


- Applicants must be at least 15 years old and enrolled in high school or above by the program start date.

- Speaking English is a basic requirement.

- There are no nationality restrictions. Volunteers from both Africa and other countries are welcome.

- You will need to be available to help from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday.

Program fees
DurationProgram fees
1 week (minimum stay)$300
2 weeks$600
3 weeks$900
4 weeks$1200
5 weeks$1,500
50 weeks (maximum stay)$15,000

*Booking payments (15%): The booking payment is merely to secure thy volunteer placement. Payment is made by PayPal. You can also pay using a credit card.

*Final payments (85%): Thy final payment shall be agreed upon with Volunteer Now Africa during the application process.

1.What can a volunteer do in the rescue center?
A.In search of homeless animals.B.Communicate with visitors.
C.Receive training to assist with animal placement.D.Deliver lectures about animals.
2.Who can be a volunteer in the program?
A.An adult who can only speak German.B.A college student from Canada.
C.A student in primary school.D.A local individual free on Saturdays.
3.If you want to apply as a volunteer for a duration of 3 weeks, how much should you pay to make a reservation?
1.What is the man doing at the start of the conversation?
A.Talking on the phone.B.Typing a text message.C.Writing an email.
2.What will the man do tomorrow?
A.Take a test.B.Travel with the woman.C.Attend an important meeting.