
On a windy day, Emily invited Nora to play football in her garden. “I go first!” Nora shouted as she kicked the ball towards Emily.

“Is that all you got? Watch me, the champion, hit the ball. It will travel off to infinity (无穷大)!”

Emily ran like the wind to the ball and kicked it so hard that it flew over the fence of her garden and into the neighbor’s house. There was a sharp cracking sound.

“Uh oh... what did you do?” Nora asked, feeling afraid.

“L…I don’t know. Oh no! 1 think I broke my neighbor’s window,” Emily cried as she dashed across her garden and hid behind some cherry bushes. Nora faded into thin air.

Terror was written all over Emily’s face. She saw the neighbor, Mr. Mason, picking up the pieces of sharp glass. There was anger, as well as panic, on his face.

The sun was setting. Emily knew that it was not secure for her to stay out so late. Eventually, as the light faded, she returned home, keeping her eyes wide open for the neighbor.

Her heart was shaking as she cautiously arrived home. Her mother saw the sweat on her face. She knew, her daughter had done something wrong. Mother sat next to Emily on the comfortable sofa and then asked, “Emily, are you okay? Is something wrong?”

Emily held her mother’s hands. Her eyes were wet with tears. “Mom, I did something bad, but it was unintentional. I hit the football so hard that it flew out of our garden and broke Mr. Mason’s window.”

Mother listened to her patiently as she calmed her and wiped her tears away. Then she held a sharp-tipped pencil. “Do you know why pencils have erasers?” Mother asked, surprising Emily since she wasn’t expecting such a question.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

“To erase our mistakes, ” Emily replied.


With her heart beating fast, Emily walked up to her neighbor’s front door.


At Beaver Creek, The Extraordinary Awaits You

Are no two snowflakes alike? The snowflakes we see in the winter are most likely completely unique from one other.

Beaver Creek is a great place to experience the beauty of the snow, with programs for everyone—from children, teens, and women-only lessons to small groups and private-guided experiences.

First Track, from Beaver Creek Reserve, lets you be the first on the mountain, with an adventure that begins at 7:30 a.m. when you are met by ski professionals and taken on a private, guided tour—before the mountain is open to the public. Once you have skied, you are treated to a delicious breakfast at Allie’s Cabin.

If you are looking for a higher level of comfort there is the White Carpet Club, from Beaver Creek Reserve. Located in the heart of Beaver Creek Village, it maximizes your time on the mountain by streamlining your access to it. At the club, there are private lockers and boot dryers, along with preferred self-parking and a slope-side ski waiter. A receptionist can assist with lift tickets, pass purchases, dinner reservations, and activity recommendations.

Of course, there is more to explore during the winter in Beaver Creek as well. There is ice skating, snowshoeing, shopping, and spas—you name it, Beaver Creek has it. It is the perfect place to take advantage of the snow and be in the moment, in the mountains, together.

The extraordinary is a rare combination of one-of-a-kind experiences designed to be shared with service that exceeds expectation. The extraordinary brings you closer to one another and offers a special place to belong together. Belong in The Extraordinary.

1.First Track can offer visitors ________.
A.an early visitB.an ice skating show
C.a tasty lunchD.a free skiing lesson
2.What is the White Carpet Club special for?
A.Skillful trainers.B.Quiet living experience.
C.Thoughtful service.D.Good views over the mountain.
3.The passage is written to ________.
A.attract visitorsB.compare different programs
C.appeal for sportsD.introduce training courses

The Mogao Grottoes, a world-renowned 1. (culture) heritage site in Dunhuang, contains 735 caves and more than 45,000 square meters of murals. Their preservation could not have been done 2. the dedication of countless guardians across 3. (generation). Among them, Fan Jinshi, former president of the Dunhuang Academy, is an illustrative one.

Fan first trekked all the way to Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes in July 1963 shortly after 4. (graduate) from college. She kept a dream to protect the national cultural heritage 5. remained there for more than 50 years. Over the past decades, she 6. (put) down roots in the desert, as if her life and Dunhuang’s have blended into one. Thus she has become known as “Daughter of Dunhuang”.

Fan has made outstanding contributions to the cause of “protecting, studying and carrying forward” Dunhuang Grottoes through her work. She was the first 7. (suggest) the “Digital Dunhuang” concept in the late 1980s to preserve the murals, 8. (paint) sculptures and historical data in Dunhuang Caves permanently. She also 9. (active) promoted the popularization of the Dunhuang culture.

Now, 85-year-old Fan Jinshi, 10. still works very hard to protect and manage the caves, is as busy as ever, “I’ve done all I could for Dunhuang,” she says.

A. pleasant B. worthwhile C. lanes D. complaints E. appreciate F. hit G cold
H. sample   I. rising , J . differently K. identically

I am not an enthusiastic air traveler. Bustling through airports, getting checked by security, and standing in lines leave me 1.. But road trips are different. While the transit time is longer, opportunities to get off the beaten path(常走的路) make it 2.. I see places and interact with people and cultures that I otherwise tend to miss, rediscovering how far you can go and how much you can experience without leaving the United States. So, when my son said he wanted to tour the Kansas State University campus after receiving an admission offer, we threw our luggage and a case of bottled water in the car and 3. the highway. One attraction of traveling at the speed of a car is the transitions. Arizona's Meteor Crater(陨石坑), Two Guns, and Painted Desert give way to New Mexican villages, then farm towns. Red rocks become open plains and grain elevators are the only features 4. above endless miles of flatness.

That flatness poses an unexpected challenge when there's nothing to step behind. Eating on the road can also be a challenge. For basic food, Anthony and I relied on Subway sandwich shops, which offer the same reliable fare(饭菜) at every location. While not exactly a 5. of local cuisine, they didn't leave us regretting lunch when we returned to clocking miles. Salads were curiously difficult to find in the college town of Manhattan, Kansas, although we had no 6. about the burgers and barbecue.

In contrast to airport excursions, which often feature conflicts and even confrontations, our trip was entirely 7.. When you meet folks in their natural environment after hours of changing scenery, it's easier to remember just how big the world is and to 8. that many of its inhabitants are perfectly happy living 9., and there's no reason they shouldn't be.

As it turned out, the greatest source of stress was the frequent reminder that my son changes 10. like he's afraid of missing a sharp turn. Fortunately, that's a travel headache that can be fixed.


China has nearly 5, 000 years of 1. (record) history. However, the history of Chinese furniture is even longer than 2. of its writing, which can be traced back to more than 7, 000 years ago.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, most of the furniture was hand-made using high-quality hardwood 3. raw materials, which are now rare and expensive. Ordinary people often use wood such as pine, elm, and beech, but the quality between the woods 4. (different) greatly.

Classical furniture is mostly made by hand. Modern machines cannot 5. (complete) replace handwork. The shapes carved by the machine are neat but the lines are rigid and lacking in vitality. The most delicate aspect of Chinese classical furniture is the structural part of the work. Combining pieces of wood together, 6. (use) nothing more than the wood itself, is a basic skill of all carpenters in ancient China. It was first discovered in the wooden structure of the Hemudu site 7. the ancestors lived. This structure fully represents the 8. (create) and artistry (艺术性) of humanity.

Ancient Chinese 9. (philosophy) have been expressed in traditional Chinese furniture. 10. (achieve) that, skilled carpenters properly matched the curves and straight lines of the furniture.


As modern technology brings so much convenient to us, traditional things are fading away. Take paper-cutting in example. When I was very small, it was too popular that most women could cut all kind of interesting shapes. Today I found that most of them had stopped to cutting paper, because they could buy it at a very lower price. Besides, young people don’t learn such art as paper-cutting, for they think this is not necessary to learn old-fashion things. Personal, tradition should not abandoned. It is the reflection of our culture. Even face the challenge, we need to inherit the tradition.


With the beautiful snow-coated landscapes, winter reveals a different world of national parks with significantly fewer crowds. Here are some of the best national parks in the US for a winter getaway.

Acadia National Park, Maine

Between October and March, Acadia National Park’s Cadillac Mountain, the tallest mountain on the east coast, offers hikers epic views of the first sunrise in the country. Because the roads are closed to motor vehicles during the winter, those who undertake the 3.5-mile hike from Park Loop Road are rewarded with a stunning view all to themselves. Snowmobiling in the park is another special experience for visitors.

Mount Rainier National Park, Washington State

Mount Rainier National Park in Washington State is one of the oldest national parks in the US and a playground for outdoor enthusiasts in winter. Unlike other snow-crowded resorts, this park allows visitors to heartily enjoy snowmobiling, sledding and snowshoeing. Its hotel offers comfortable rooms with views of Mount Rainier, and tasty local dishes.

Denali National Park, Alaska

With its remote location and minimal light pollution, Denali National Park is an ideal place for photographers to capture the northern lights during the aurora (极光) season, between September and April. Visitors in this crowd-free park can spot wildlife such as wolves and black bears, which remain active in the winter.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico

In northern New Mexico, Chaco Culture National Historical Park holds stone great houses, which were the largest buildings in North America until the mid-18th century. Accessible for most of the winter, the park can see fewer than 10 visitors a day in colder months. Photographers can capture landscapes amid the constellations (星群) by night.

1.What experience can visitors only have in Acadia National Park?
A.The longest hiking route.
B.The earliest sunrise in USA.
C.Snowshoeing and snowmobiling.
D.Comfortable accommodation.
2.Where will photographers go if they want to shoot the northern lights?
A.Acadia National Park.
B.Mount Rainier National Park.
C.Denali National Park.
D.Chaco Culture National Historical Park.
3.What do all the four national parks have in common?
A.Snow and ice activities.
B.A chance to meet wildlife.
C.Cultural heritage sites.
D.An escape from the crowds.

The announcements that follow inform you of various First Presbyterian Church programs and events to which you are invited. Please save this publication, take it home and keep it for easy reference.

Summer Musikgarten — Today

Musikgarten is for infants (V)L) through three years old, but if you have older children, bring them with you during the summer. We don't want to leave anyone out! We'll meet for Summer Musikgarten classes in Room 307 at 9:20 — 9:50 AM today, and on June 25, July 9, 16, 23, 30, August 13 and 20. If you have questions or for more information, please contact Kathy Middleton (kmidd@mchsi.com; 563-505-0471).

BTC Book Club Bonus — Monday

Join us for dessert and a discussion of the book, The Traitor's Wife, by Allison Pataki, led by Lois Boyer-Fitzpatrick. We will meet Monday, June 19 at 12:30 PM in the Parlor. For more information, contact Carol Phoenix (563-332-0980).

Performing Arts Series — Saturday

The twenty-fifth anniversary season of the Performing Arts Series concludes with two performances of the classic Broadway musical, My Fair Lady. Lerner and Loewe's most successful collaboration, My Fair Lady has delighted audiences for decades, and we look forward to producing it for you. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students, and can be purchased on the church's website or by calling the church office.

Tabitha's Circle — Sunday

All those who sew and make some simple dresses and shorts can join us in Fellowship Hall. The clothes we make are sent to children in Africa, Guatemala, Cambodia and Haiti. Please bring your own sewing machines and invites others who would like to participate. We will have refreshments. Contact Rosen Paulsen (563-355-3165) for questions about this outreach project.

1.If you value the children education, which event is your best choice?
A.Summer MusikgartenB.BTC Book Club Bonus 19
C.Performing Arts SeriesD.Tabitha's Circle
2.You can contact all of the four events by               
A.making phone calls.B.visiting the websites.
C.inquiring in person.D.writing letters.
3.According to the third section, we know My Fair Lady
A.is free for young kids.
B.has been popular for years.
C.was starred by Lerner and Loewe.
D.was one of the longest classic Broadway musicals.

I was never a fast runner and thus I always didn’t like running. Throughout my childhood, whenever we competed in the 50-meter run, the 400-meter, or any other type of race, I would finish in the bottom half. In my late teens, as a member of a baseball team, I was the slowest runner on the team. In the preseason training, I was always the one running by myself at the end.

Therefore, twenty years later, when I entered my first official running race — a 3,000-meter challenge in my city — at age 38, I certainly didn’t expect to win or come close to winning.

I was there because my college friend Jim Hosek was the director of the race, and he asked me to run. The race was aimed at raising money for the unfortunate patients in a hospital and encouraging the patients and their fanilies to be brave, determined, and confident with sportsmanship.

It was a heartwarming program.I wanted to support it, so I showed up, paid the entrance fee, had a number pinned (把……别住) on my back, and moved over to the starting line. There, I waited with about 300 other runners for the race to begin. I was nervous. Would I be the last one to finish a race again? Could I even finish the race? I wondered.

Before long, someone spoke into a microphole, “Anyone weighing over 200 pounds comes down to the scale (秤), please.” Knowing I was over 200 pounds, I walked down to the scale. A man told me to stand on it. “Two hundred and three pounds,” he said. Then he wrote down the race number that was on my back. Out of curiosity, I asked him why he did so,and then I was told there would be an award ceremony (仪式) after the race. One award was for the first finisher in the over 200-pound group, and this special award would be announced at the end of the ceremony.

Not expecting the award, I ran towards the starting line, never realizing there were only two runners weighing over 200 pounds.

Paragraph 1:
             Soon after, the race started.
Paragraph 2:
             Then came the last award, and to my surprise, my name was announced.

During Yang Zhongkai’s early years, a 500-year-old majestic ginkgo tree that did not sprout leaves for two to three years at a stretch used to be a daily sight for him on his way to and from high school. Since villagers widely regarded the tree as having the power to make their wishes come true, they used to kneel down in front of the “lucky” tree and burn offerings under it, which led to prolonged heat exposure at its roots, stunting its growth.

“Millions of such old trees are in urgent need of protection given their importance as vital biological resources and symbols of ecological civilization,” said Yang, who started the team — Zhiyue — dedicated to protecting ancient trees.“But the recording and management of ancient and famous trees nationwide commonly rely on Excel spreadsheets (电子表格), which present issues such as information silos, lack of real-time updates and incomplete content,” he said.

However, things have changed of late. Yang and his team now use the artificial intelligence technology developed by Tencent Cloud to identify and register trees accurately based on individual traits and GPS tracking. “With the acceleration of a new generation of technological revolution and industrial transformation, new technologies bring more excitement to the protection of ancient trees.” Yang said. “We can now collect data on the trees’ growth, health and environment in real time, which helps us make informed decisions on how to better protect them.”

“In addition to applying cutting-edge technologies such as AI and large models to assist in the development of traditional industries, the company also makes great efforts to promote the development of charitable causes through technological and platform advantages, “Wu Yunsheng said, vice-president of Tencent Cloud, adding that“the power of technology can change the world”.

1.What does the underlined word“stunting”in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2.What problem did ancient trees face according to paragraph 2?
A.The lack of effective protection measures.
B.The risk of information loss and accuracy.
C.The destruction by local villagers.
D.The extreme heat from burning.
3.What do we know about Tencent Cloud's new technology?
A.It enables the collection of real-time data on trees'growth.
B.It is a valuable tool for people to protect the eco-system.
C.It has been widely used in the traditional industries.
D.It can quickly update the number of trees in China.
4.Which is probably the best title for the text?
A.Modern Technology Advances Charitable Causes
B.Ancient Tree Management is Vital for Biodiversity
C.Ancient Trees Hold Cultural Traditions
D.New Technology Helps Tree Protection