
How to Learn from Regrets

Life is full of regrets. Unanalyzed and unmanaged, any variety of regret can be poison for your well-being. The trick is to acknowledge it and use it for learning and improvement. Regret’s benefits don’t come to us by chance.   1. Here are three steps you can take the next time you find yourself reflecting on your past missteps.

Kill the ghost (鬼)

People often say their regrets “haunt”them. This suggests that regret is like a ghost: not entirely clear but always threatening. 2. Write down why each one still bothers you and its bad effects. You will find that a list is a lot less frightening than a ghost.


After you make a mistake, life moves on. But sometimes you just can’t stop kicking yourself. In other words, you have voluntarily chosen a life punishment for a poor decision you made in the past. Now is the time to relieve your emotional punishment with a simple verbal declaration: “ 4.

Collect your diploma

Regret is like a school run by human nature. If you never experienced regret you would keep repeating the same behaviors that led you to miss opportunities and destroy relationships in the past. 5. In your list of regrets, note how you want to change your behavior and outline your resolutions. Next, list all the ways that you can invest in your own skills and improvement right now-and get started.

A.Forgive yourself.
B.Avoid the punishment.
C.You can try to live without the ghost.
D.I will not waste time reliving an unchangeable decision.
E.We have to seek them out on purpose to improve ourselves.
F.You can bring it out of the shadows by making a list of your regrets.
G.Your regret can teach you to become smarter and more successful.

Why do we find ugly animals so appealing? And what makes odd-looking creatures so cute?

Evolution (进化) plays a role. According to Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz, human attraction to childish features, such as big eyes, large heads and soft bodies, is an evolutionary adaptation that helps ensure that adults care for their young, guaranteeing the survival of their species. Odd-looking animals such as blobfish, pugs, and bulldogs all share these childish qualities that initiate an affectionate response among humans. And these childish characteristics increase a person’s “protective behavior, attention and willingness to care” for the individual and reduce the “likelihood of attacks towards a child”, says Marta Borgi, a researcher.

Ugly animals often have other value—some, like the blobfish or the naked mole rat, live in extreme environments that they have adapted to in remarkable ways. Scientists are keen to study these animals to understand whether their biology might provide fresh insights that could lead to treatments for human health conditions such as cancer, heart disease and other deadly diseases.

Our fascination with ugly-cute animals can also be traced back to culturally-based causes. “The ugly-cute thing is very fashionable,” says Rowena Packer, a lecturer of animal behavior. “This is partly driven by social media, with many influential people showing off pet pugs and French bulldogs on the Internet,” she says.

But there are some serious welfare concerns around this trend. Vets are urging people not to choose a flat-faced dog, because they suffer from serious health problems. Pugs and French bulldogs which have been selectively produced experience breathing difficulties, repeated skin infections and eye diseases.

We may want to rethink our love for “ugly-cute” animals because of their silly features like protruding (鼓出的) eyes and wrinkly faces.

1.Why do people like ugly animals according to Konrad Lorenz?
A.People appriciate their efforts to survive.B.People appreciate their super adaptability.
C.People are attracted by their childish looks.D.People are fond of their fast response speed.
2.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.What media are changing people.B.How public practices influence people.
C.Whether social media is worth believing.D.Why celebrities show off their pet animals.
3.What’s the author’s attitude towards people’s love for ugly animals?
4.How does the author mainly answer the questions raised in Paragraph 1?
A.By quoting different researchers’ findings.B.By showing some examples of keeping pets.
C.By observing people’s behavior towards animals.D.By referring to authoritative evolutionary theory.

More than20 types of delicacies (美食) from Fujian Province are making mouths water not only in China but across the world. 1. consumers like most are noodles boiled in bone soup served with peanut butter and wontons (馄饨) 2. (fill) with juicy meat in a hot soup.

Twenty years ago, Luo Guangcan, 59, from Xiamao township in the county, worked in a local shoe factory to make 3. living. Now, he earns a lot more 4. operating five restaurants serving Shaxian delicacies in cities such as Beijing, Tianjing and so on.

He has developed these restaurants since 2007, and four years ago, 5. (open) his first overseas restaurant in Singapore. In recent years, the yearly profit from his business has reached more than 1 million yuan. He’s planning to have a business 6. (expand) in Singapore, and he’s also considering 7. (run) one in Malaysia, where there are many overseas Chinese.

Over 60,000 people —8. (most) farmers — from Shaxian county have run restaurants across China serving Shaxian food since the 1980s, 9. locals traveled far to set up family-run outlets (店). There are now more than 88,000 such restaurants nationwide. And since mid-2018, Shaxian Snacks restaurants 10. (establish) in 62 countries and regions, including the United States, Japan, Australia, France and Portugal.


My brother and I were like most people, I imagine, who find themselves trying to do the right things for a parent suffering from the symptoms of dementia (痴呆). Though there was useful advice available from various online sources, nothing prepared us for the reality or the effects the symptoms had upon Mum's loving, kind, caring nature.

The greatest shock for me was seeing Mum being violent and aggressive with a carer. At times the aggression was directed at me too and I never really knew what to expect as Mum could go from being a loving Mother to this violent stranger in a flash. It was as though Mum had been possessed at times and all I could do was to constantly attempt to distract her from her fears at any moment.

One of the many challenging aspects of the dementia symptoms is that the sufferer often doesn't know that they're ill. In Mum's case, the main thing was to carry on as though everything was just as it always was. Many were the nights where she'd be convinced that friends and relatives were coming round for a party and she'd rush around setting the table, preparing snacks and getting everything ready until she was exhausted. I got to see first hand just how the anxieties that came with the illness would really stay with her until she fell asleep.

Mum longed for reminders of her early life in Liverpool and once travelling there had become too difficult, we found great comfort in local history books and a DVD about many of the places and landmarks Mum remembered from her childhood.

I learned to go with whatever experience Mum was having. I would always be with her. If I could pass on any guidance for those about to care for a loved one, it is the above I found that really helps.

1.How was the writer when her mother suffered dementia?
A.She started to care about her mother's health.
B.She was not prepared mentally at all.
C.She knew nothing about the disease.
D.She doubted the effect of medical care.
2.What shocked the writer most according to Para 2?
A.Her mother's longing for her childhood photos.
B.The sudden distinct shift in her mother's temper.
C.Her mother's sufferings from fear and anxiety.
D.Her mother's failing to deal with daily chores.
3.Why does the author tell the story of Mum's preparing for a party?
A.To prove her mum is not aware of her illness at all.
B.To explain how to help her mum come over her anxiety.
C.To regret that she failed to help her mum with her problem.
D.To look for a better medical treatment for her mum.
4.What may the author suggest to those who have a parent with dementia?
A.Hard work pays off.B.Where there is a will, there is a way.
C.Company is the best medicine.D.Look before you leap.
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a hot and dry summer. The beach near the city was crowded with a lot of people, from little kids to the aged, who planned to beat the heat in the water. They enjoyed themselves leisurely. Some were playing beach volleyball, some were making sand castles, and some were doing sunbathing.

Among them, there was a group of 10 boys aged between 12 to 15 years old trying to take an adventure. At first, they intended to hire a yacht (游艇), but due to the wind and the waves, the yacht rides were forbidden on that day. After a while, the boys decided to challenge themselves to race in the sea. They made a deal that the one who swam the fastest would win the race and deserve a huge treat from the group. Most of the boys agreed, except for a few. A boy in the group warmed them of the danger, as the waves weren’t constant. Some boys began to hesitate, but some didn’t listen to him and started their race.

Everything went so well. Suddenly, waves from the sea rose a lot and most of the boys in that young group struggled to reach the beach. However, three boys who considered themselves very brave, decided to ignore the waves and swim further out to sea for more excitement and fun.

Although many people on the beach shouted at them and asked them to swim back immediately, they continued to swim further from the beach. The wind became stronger;all of a sudden, one boy was washed away by a rising wave and the other two boys were so scared that they shouted for help and swam as fast as they could to the beach. However, no one on the beach risked his life to save the boy as the waves were so alarming;and the crowd were asked to move to a safe place.

注意: 1.续写的词数应为150左右;
Paragraph l: From the crowd on the beach, a young man stood out.
Paragraph 2 : The man stood silently for a few seconds.

When leaving school, I was pleased that my exam results meant that I could study engineering at university. But I also wanted to travel before starting my course. A friend of mine told me about the Schools Exploring Society, an organization which helps students take a gap year (a year between leaving school and going to college). It has three foreign journeys a year, taking 16-20-year-olds on science and nature trips. I love being outdoors, and a mountaineering trip to Alaska was on offer. So I signed up immediately.

There was one problem, though. I had to raise a large amount of money for the trip. It was a big task, but I managed to make it. I washed cars, worked in a cafe and also sold off some of my old books, clothes and CDs. Then, just before starting out, I started worrying. Can I do this? Am I fit enough? What if I see a bear?

Seventy of us traveled to Alaska. The first two days after arrival were spent in a school hall preparing our equipment and five tons of food. Then we left for the beautiful Talkeetna Mountain. On the trip we dug paths and recognized plant species. Then we climbed a mountain that was over 6,000 feet high. It was tiring but exciting.

Looking back, a gap year was so right for me. I learned a lot about accepting other people for what they are. We had to help each other and it made me less selfish. My gap year has also made me more able to concentrate. Now, whenever Tm worried about anything, I think I did Alaska-I can do this!

1.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the author      .
A.hadn’t taken foreign trips before
B.made the trip together with his friends
C.was not satisfied with his exam results
D.was going to study engineering at a college
2.What was the problem for the author?
A.His body was not strong.
B.He couldn’t afford the trip.
C.He had no outdoor experience.
D.He had little time to prepare for the trip.
3.The author may agree that his gap year      .
A.was well worth it
B.got him interested in plants
C.made him fall behind others in study
D.helped him know more about himself
4.What might be the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To explain how to prepare for trips.
B.To advise on how to spend a gap year.
C.To describe his experience in his gap year.
D.To encourage students to do part-time work.

In 2000, we were on our usual weekend adventure in suburban Pearl River. But unlike other weekends, on this day a _________ was waiting in our driveway: two adult geese and a gosling(小鹅). The adults were frightened by us and _________ leaving their baby behind.

The tiny little thing was wandering around our yard. We called him Peeper. Days _________ into weeks, and weeks into months, until almost a year passed. We _________ into a routine filled with feathery hugs and care. Part of this _________ included dad sending Peeper up into the air so he could fly a loop(圈)around the house f coming back.

One evening, my uncle came overhand my dad wanted to show him Peeper's loop. He _________ him up in the air, but this time, Peeper flew off. Twenty years passed and Peeper became a fond _________ for my family.

Geese live to be around 25 years old and are very _________ They never forget their first home.

Even so, it came as a shock when a/an _________ adult goose made his way back to my family home. After two weeks of his coming back repeatedly, it became clear this was not a __________ goose. He did all the things Peeper used to. He also __________ to the name Peeper turning his head and waddling(摇摆走)closer to us. To my __________ .my old best friend had returned,20 years later.

It's possible that he is longing for his early __________ , He doesn't come back every single night. Some nights he may seek the comfort of his own kind at the __________ nearby. Geese in the wild typically sleep on water. But he's here a lot, making his __________ known and giving me joy.

A.hid behindB.slipped upC.flew awayD.backed off
3、采访:interview(v, n )   预约:appoint (v)   appointment (n)
Dear Linda,
I’m Li Hua, a reporter of the English Newspaper of our school. _____________________
Li Hua

The announcements that follow inform you of various First Presbyterian Church programs and events to which you are invited. Please save this publication, take it home and keep it for easy reference.

Summer Musikgarten — Today

Musikgarten is for infants (V)L) through three years old, but if you have older children, bring them with you during the summer. We don't want to leave anyone out! We'll meet for Summer Musikgarten classes in Room 307 at 9:20 — 9:50 AM today, and on June 25, July 9, 16, 23, 30, August 13 and 20. If you have questions or for more information, please contact Kathy Middleton (kmidd@mchsi.com; 563-505-0471).

BTC Book Club Bonus — Monday

Join us for dessert and a discussion of the book, The Traitor's Wife, by Allison Pataki, led by Lois Boyer-Fitzpatrick. We will meet Monday, June 19 at 12:30 PM in the Parlor. For more information, contact Carol Phoenix (563-332-0980).

Performing Arts Series — Saturday

The twenty-fifth anniversary season of the Performing Arts Series concludes with two performances of the classic Broadway musical, My Fair Lady. Lerner and Loewe's most successful collaboration, My Fair Lady has delighted audiences for decades, and we look forward to producing it for you. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students, and can be purchased on the church's website or by calling the church office.

Tabitha's Circle — Sunday

All those who sew and make some simple dresses and shorts can join us in Fellowship Hall. The clothes we make are sent to children in Africa, Guatemala, Cambodia and Haiti. Please bring your own sewing machines and invites others who would like to participate. We will have refreshments. Contact Rosen Paulsen (563-355-3165) for questions about this outreach project.

1.If you value the children education, which event is your best choice?
A.Summer MusikgartenB.BTC Book Club Bonus 19
C.Performing Arts SeriesD.Tabitha's Circle
2.You can contact all of the four events by               
A.making phone calls.B.visiting the websites.
C.inquiring in person.D.writing letters.
3.According to the third section, we know My Fair Lady
A.is free for young kids.
B.has been popular for years.
C.was starred by Lerner and Loewe.
D.was one of the longest classic Broadway musicals.

I was never a fast runner and thus I always didn’t like running. Throughout my childhood, whenever we competed in the 50-meter run, the 400-meter, or any other type of race, I would finish in the bottom half. In my late teens, as a member of a baseball team, I was the slowest runner on the team. In the preseason training, I was always the one running by myself at the end.

Therefore, twenty years later, when I entered my first official running race — a 3,000-meter challenge in my city — at age 38, I certainly didn’t expect to win or come close to winning.

I was there because my college friend Jim Hosek was the director of the race, and he asked me to run. The race was aimed at raising money for the unfortunate patients in a hospital and encouraging the patients and their fanilies to be brave, determined, and confident with sportsmanship.

It was a heartwarming program.I wanted to support it, so I showed up, paid the entrance fee, had a number pinned (把……别住) on my back, and moved over to the starting line. There, I waited with about 300 other runners for the race to begin. I was nervous. Would I be the last one to finish a race again? Could I even finish the race? I wondered.

Before long, someone spoke into a microphole, “Anyone weighing over 200 pounds comes down to the scale (秤), please.” Knowing I was over 200 pounds, I walked down to the scale. A man told me to stand on it. “Two hundred and three pounds,” he said. Then he wrote down the race number that was on my back. Out of curiosity, I asked him why he did so,and then I was told there would be an award ceremony (仪式) after the race. One award was for the first finisher in the over 200-pound group, and this special award would be announced at the end of the ceremony.

Not expecting the award, I ran towards the starting line, never realizing there were only two runners weighing over 200 pounds.

Paragraph 1:
             Soon after, the race started.
Paragraph 2:
             Then came the last award, and to my surprise, my name was announced.