Dear Alice,

I am worried to know that you should be so addicted to TikTok these days.



Li Hua

假定你是李华,你的同学Tom邀请你本周六上午去敬老院(nursing home)参加志愿者活动,但你因故不能参加,请你给Tom写一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 表达歉意
2. 缺席原因
3. 另约时间
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
Dear Tom,


Li Hua


It was the end of the school year. Mum dropped me off at the school gate and I dashed toward my classroom as usual, without being aware my German Shepherd, Baxter also jumped out of the car and followed me into the school. For fear that I might be late for Mrs. White’s class, I just ignored the strange glances and laughter all the way, thinking they had nothing to do with me, until my best friend Roy yelled anxiously, “Melisa... Baxter behind you.”

I turned around. There he was, with his tongue hanging out and tail wagging happily in the wind. I was rooted on the spot. I wasn’t supposed to bring my dog to school, but at that moment, it was just impossible to get Baxter back.

I lowered myself and tried to get Barter to come closer, but he stared at me for a while, and jumped back. He was waiting for me to take him outside for a walk. Praise is always good, even for a dog, so I said, “Baxter, good boy. Come on now.” Luckily, he ran toward me.

But I could never hide such a naughty dog under my desk. I looked at Roy helplessly, whose eyes suddenly lit up, “The closet (储存室)...”

Yes, the closet. A thrill of excitement ran through my body. There, at the end of the hallway of this building, just on this floor, there was a small unlocked closet where we could safely park Baxter. That was really a perfect idea which would free me from my dilemma.

Then, Roy and I ran desperately back into our classroom. Hardly had we settled down into our seats when Mrs. White came in, books and papers in her hand.

The class went on smoothly. Mrs. White explained some rules patiently and reminded us to take notes. I listened attentively. Then something went wrong. When Mrs. White began to write some math problems on the blackboard, quietly, a dog slid in. It was Baxter. Mrs. White turned around, frozen with shock. “Whose dog is it?”

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1:

At this time, Baxter spotted me and ran toward me excitedly.

Paragraph 2:

I had thought Mrs, White wouldn’t get away with it.

1. 时间和地点;
2. 事情的经过;
3. 你的感想。
注意:1. 词数100左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
“Party Cries” In Ireland
Mark Twain

Belfast is a peculiarly religious community. This may be said of the whole of the North of Ireland. About one-half of the people are convinced Protestants (清教徒) and the other half Catholics (天主教徒). Each party does all it can 1.(make) its own doctrines (信条) popular and draw the affections of the irreligious toward them.2.hears constantly of the most touching instances of this passion. A week ago a vast crowd of Catholics assembled at Armagh to dedicate a new church; and when they started home again the roadways 3. (line) with groups of meek and lowly Protestants who stoned them 4.all the region round about was marked with blood. I thought that only Catholics argued in that way,5.it seems to be a mistake.

Every man in the community acts like a minister and carries a brick to argue against 6.holds different ideas. The law has tried to break this up, but not with perfect success. The law says that persons uttering (说) irritating “party cries”7.be fined forty shillings (先令) and costs. And so, in the police court reports every day, one sees these fines 8. (record). Last week a girl of twelve years old was fined the usual forty shillings and costs 9.claiming in the public streets that she was “a Protestant.” The usual cry is, “To hell with the Pope!” or “To hell with the Protestants!” according to the utterer's system of salvation.

One of Belfast's local jokes was very good. It referred to the uniform and inevitable fine of forty shillings and costs for uttering a party cry--and it is no economical fine for a poor man, either, by the way. They say that a policeman found a drunken man lying on the ground, up a dark alley,10. (amuse) himself with shouting, “To hell with! To hell with!” The officer smelt a fine--informers get half.

“What’s that you say?”

“To hell with!”

“To hell with who? To hell with what?”

“Ah, ye can finish it yourself--it's too expensive for me!”

I think the seditious disposition (倾向), restrained by the economical instinct, is finely put in that.


Pride and Defeat

I had always prided myself on my talent in debates and arguments. Thus, when I was selected to represent the school in the national debate series, I was naturally confident of my readiness for the task Little did I know that this would turn out to be one of the most important lessons in my life.

The run-up to the finals was a breeze for my team. Our teacher was very experienced and we were all good speakers. My teammates were open to communicate so we showed perfect teamwork. But I was undoubtedly the most outstanding. In each round, the judges had always selected me as the best speaker. This means that my confidence was at an all-time high by the time we found ourselves with one week to train before the finals. I had no reason to even think that I would not be voted the overall best speaker for the debate series.

Unfortunately, I began to get self-focused about the whole business and started putting on airs with my teammates. I saw myself as the natural debater who would be let down by their bad performance. I became so dissatisfied that I began missing practices, which disappointed my kind teammates and teacher. They had no choice but to continue their training schedule.

The day of the finals dawned bright and fine. Actually, I just passed my teammates to enter the hall of the debate finals, feeling the excitement of being able to finally show off my debating power. But the reality was something quite different. My absence from the practices had created a gap between my teammates and me. We could not work perfectly as we did previously. Instead, our teamwork was so bad that even our school supporters were shamed into silence. When it was my turn to conclude as the last speaker of the team, the hall was quiet. Everyone knew that I was the most likely to win the overall best speaker for the series.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

But as I launched into my speech. I knew that things were very wrong.


Suddenly, one of my teammates came up and patted me on the shoulder.

Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

As a liberal arts teacher, it is my more often average to find myself obligated(不得不) to speak to my students about books that I haven’t read, 1. in the strict sense (having never opened them) or the attenuated(宽松的) sense (having only skimmed them or almost forgotten them). I am not sure whether I have dealt with this sort of situations better than my colleagues. But I have often attempted 2. (reassure) myself with the thought that those who are listening to me are no doubt on similar ground and are probably 3. (confident) about it than I am. Of course, there is always a risk that my class will be disrupted and I will find myself humiliated, if even one of my students has read the text I’m discussing.

As a result of such all-too-familiar situations, I believe I am well positioned, if not to offer any real lesson on 4. to talk with others about unread books, at least to convey a deeper understanding of the non-reader’s experience.

Admit it or not, we still live in a society, on the decline though it may be, 5. reading remains the object of a kind of worship. This worship 6. (apply) particularly to a number of books —the list may vary based on the circles one moves in —which it is practically forbidden not to have read if one wants to be taken seriously.

To speak without shame about books we haven’t read, we would thus need to free ourselves of the oppressive image of cultural literacy 7. (impose) by school and society, for we can strive toward this image for a lifetime 8. ever managing to coincide with it. Truth destined for others is less important than truthfulness to ourselves, something attainable only by those who free themselves from the obligation to seem cultivated, which tyrannizes(欺压) us from within and prevents us from being ourselves.


If at first you don’t succeed, as the old saying goes, try, try again. Good advice, up to a point. But let me offer a _________: even when you do succeed, try, try again. Tempting as it is to declare victory and move on, in many endeavors there is much to be said for rethinking an apparently satisfactory formula.

Consider the advice for job interviews in Talent, a new book by economist Tyler Cowen and venture capitalist Daniel Gross. They suggest asking a(n) _________ question, such as “give me an example of when you resolved a difficult challenge at work.” Then ask for another example. And another. The pat answers will be _________ quickly, and the candidate will have to start improvising, digging deep — or perhaps admit to being stumped.

Indeed, one way to describe this tactic is that the interviewer is asking for answers in _________ rather than for answers in series. Instead of stringing together a logical sequence of 17 questions, the interviewer is asking for 17 different answers to the same question.

While that approach is _________ in job interviews, it is common practice among designers. They often produce several _________ attempts to meet a given brief, rather than immediately focusing on what seems to be the best idea. In doing so, the designers force themselves to _________ the full range of possibilities, to avoid the risk of committing too early to a concept that seems attractive but may _________ be a dead end.

A striking example of parallel design is the creation of the Windows 95 startup sound. Microsoft was looking for an opportunity to _________ the audio capabilities of the computers of the day, so it is commissioned the famed music producer Brian Eno to do so.

Eno recalls receiving a brief, asking for music that was “inspirational, sexy, driving, provocative, nostalgic... there were about 150 __________. And then at the bottom it said, ‘and not more than 3.8 seconds long’.”

Eno describes himself as being “completely bereft of ideas” at the time. He found the brief both hilarious and inspiring. In the end he __________ more than 80 tiny pieces of music. The final result was a musical signature that has stood the test of time and was one that helped to creatively liberate Eno. “It really __________ a logjam in my own work,” he told The San Francisco Chronicle.

Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, in their delightful book Designing Your Life, suggest an exercise in which you sketch out a vision for the next five years of your life. What will you be doing? Where will you live and with whom? Are you hoping to run a marathon? Start a business? Write a novel?

This is often a straightforward act of __________, but what makes the exercise excruciating is what comes next: Burnett and Evans ask you to do it again, only this time, you’re to write an entirely different projection — the idea at the heart of the plan is one that is completely forbidden: Forcing yourself to go back to the __________ board, not only a second, but a third time.

I’ve tried this myself and seen others try it. People squirm. They protest. Sometimes they cry. And then, sooner or later, the ideas start pouring out.

We all contain __________. But we don’t always let them see the light of day. Perhaps we should try producing answers in parallel more often. Even when you do succeed, try, try again.

A.scale upB.figure outC.experiment onD.show off
1. 活动背景和意义;
2. 活动细节;
3. 效果和感受。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 请按格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Happy Class Break


For as long as there have been gifts, we naturally make choices based on the recipient (接受者). But what if we have been wrong all along and that we could turn things around, which not only made gift buying easier, but the recipient happier?

In 2015, psychologists Lauren Human and Lara Aknin conducted an online survey, which suggested that when people buy gifts, they prefer to choose something based on the recipient’s personality and tastes. Most people also said that they preferred receiving gifts bought with them in mind: gifts for them.

But Human and Aknin wondered if this approach to giving failed to take advantage of the way we connect as people. So they sent 78 volunteers into a shopping centre before Mother’s Day. Half were told to buy a card that “reveals(揭示) your knowledge of the recipient” while the others set out to buy a card that “reveals your true self”. After the purchase, the givers who had thought partly of themselves reported feeling emotionally closer to their mothers.

To find out how that approach goes down with recipients, the psychologists did another test, asking more than 100 students to choose a song on iTunes to give to a friend, partner or family member. Each half of the group received the same instructions as the card buyers. Results revealed that recipients of songs that revealed something of the givers felt closer to them than those who received gifts bought only with them in mind.

Human and Aknin suggest it might apply to all gifts. “If building stronger social connections is the underlying (潜在的) goal” of a gift and surely it should be—then we “may well be advised to offer more self-reflective gifts”. In short, for a present to be meaningful, you need to give away a bit of yourself, even if there is a risk that the gift might not so closely suit the recipient’s practical needs or tastes as one acquired purely with that in mind.

Moreover, giving something of oneself can be a safer act, the psychologists added. Because it reduces the risk of revealing poor knowledge of a recipient by attempting to buy something that fits their character—and failing.

But a note of caution here: what the research does not examine is the potential risk in repeated, unsympathetic giver-centered giving, which, according to Human and Aknin “could signal self-obsession” —and nobody wants to reveal that about themselves.

1.From the Mother’s Day card test, we can conclude that ________.
A.gifts chosen with the giver in mind work well on the giver
B.most people choose gifts with the recipient in mind
C.most people choose gifts based on their personal tastes
D.gifts chosen with the giver in mind work well on the recipient
2.What do the underlined words “them, them” refer to in order of appearance?
A.The recipients; the givers.B.The givers; the recipients.
C.The givers; the givers.D.The recipients; the recipients.
3.What does the author think is the significance of gift giving?
A.Making the giver’s life happier.
B.Showing one’s knowledge of the recipient.
C.Establishing and strengthening social connections.
D.Meeting the recipient’s practical needs.
4.Which of the following is Human and Aknin’s advice on gift giving?
A.Choose gifts that reflect more of yourself.
B.Just focus on your own tastes when choosing gifts.
C.Buy something that fits the recipient’s character most.
D.Be careful not to signal your true personality.
5.Which is the best title of this passage?
A.The tradition of gift giving.B.The purpose of gift giving.
C.The effect of gift giving.D.The psychology of gift giving.