
Tess was eight years old when she heard her mother and father talking about her little brother, Andrew. All she knew was that he was very sick and they were completely out of money.

Only a very costly surgery could save him and it was looking like there was no one to loan them the money. She heard her father say to her tearful mother with whispered desperation, “Only a miracle(奇迹) can save him now.”

Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jar from its hiding place. She poured all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way to Rexall’s Drug Store.

She waited patiently for the pharmacist(药剂师) to give her some attention but he was too busy at that moment. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. It worked. “And what do you want?” the pharmacist said, “I’m talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven’t seen in ages.” Tess replied, “My little brother, Andrew, has something bad growing inside his head and my father says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost?” “We don’t sell miracles here, little girl. I’m sorry but I can’t help you,” the pharmacist said.

The pharmacist’s brother was a well-dressed man. He came up and asked her, “What kind of miracle does your brother need?” “I don’t know,” Tess replied with her eyes welling up. “I just know he is really sick and my mother says he needs an operation. But she can’t pay for it, so I want to use my money.” The man from Chicago asked, “How much do you have?” “One dollar and eleven cents,” Tess answered.

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The man touched Tess’s head and smiled.


In fact, the man was a famous doctor.


A famous theorist once said, “I don’t divide the world into the weak and the strong: or the successes and the failures...I divide the world into the learners and the non-learners.”

What on earth would make someone a non-learner? Everyone is born with an intense _______ to learn. Babies rise to the learning challenge daily. Not just for _______tasks, but the most difficult ones of a lifetime, like leaning to walk and talk. They never decide it’s too hard or not worth the _______. Babies don’t worry about making mistakes or _______ themselves. They walk, they fall, they _______.

What puts an end to this fearless learning? A fixed mindset. As soon as children become able to evaluate themselves, some of them become _______ of challenges. They worry about not being _______. My research team have studied thousands of people from preschoolers on, and It’s breathtaking how many _______ an opportunity to learn.

We offered four-year-olds a _______:they could redo an easy jigsaw (拼图) or try a harder one. Even at this young age, children with a fixed mindset stuck with the __________ one. They believe smart kids don’t make __________.

Children with a growth mindset, however, thought it was a __________ choice. Why would anyone want to keep doing the same puzzle __________? They chose increasingly difficult-ones instead.

Believing that success is about learning, children with a growth mindset seized the chance. But those with a fixed mindset didn’t want to expose their __________. This is how a fixed mindset makes people into __________.

A.get upB.give upC.show upD.shut up

Anyone who’s met a cat knows that cats are extremely difficult to keep track of. Once one of my cats disappeared somewhere in the house, hiding while I fruitlessly tore the place apart with the fear that it might have got outside. After some period of time, he just... reappeared. We’ll never beat a cat in a hide-and-seek game, because cats have such sensitive ears that enable them to track their owners’ whereabouts (所在之处).

That has been proved by a new study led by Saho Takagi, a doctoral student at Kyoto University. They did an experiment at a cat cafe with home setting to observe how cats reacted to their owners’ voices — without visual signals — when hearing their owners saying their names from speakers (扬声器). The researchers placed the speakers apart from each other, out of the cats’ sight, to see how the cats would respond to the sounds, especially if the owner’s voice appeared to “transport” from one location to another. The cats’ behaviors, especially their ear and head movements, would be carefully observed.

The researchers found that the cats were very surprised when their owners seemed to transport from one corner of the café to another. The results showed that cats have clear understanding of the relationship between space and sound, meaning they can mentally picture where others are through sound signals: “It is generally believed that cats are not as interested in their owners as dogs are, but it turns out that they just react differently. When hearing their owners’ voice, they are mentally picturing the invisible presence of their owners. This is an ability that is the basis of creativity and imagination,” Takagi said. “Cats have an unbelievable mind.”

“Cats seem to spend most of their time sleeping, but they may be thinking about many things, not just sleeping,” Takagi added. Our furry friends hear more — and think more — than we give them credit for. But whether they choose to listen to you or not is a different story.

1.Why did the writer fail to find his hidden cat?
A.It was not in the house actually.B.He didn’t search carefully enough.
C.The cat has extraordinary hearing.D.The house is too big for the cat.
2.What did the research led by Saho Takagi prove?
A.Cats can recognize their owners’ voices.
B.Cats can know where others are through sound.
C.Cats have better hearing than other animals.
D.Cats are good at creativity and imagination.
3.What may a cat usually react when it hears its owner in daily life?
A.It hides away immediately.B.It becomes very sleepy.
C.It rushes to its owner.D.It looks uninterested.
4.What does the underlined phrase probably mean?
A.Recognize their abilities.B.Teach them skills.
C.Dislike their attitudes.D.Offer them rewards.
When the meeting was over, with several problems remaining ________, the marketing manager asked some of us to remain seated.
A.to solveB.being solvedC.to be solvedD.solving

Compassion has not been a traditional characteristic of sport. With its UK roots in 19th-century British public schools and universities, modern sport developed as way of creating strong military leaders, training them to develop adaptability defined in those times by iron will and biting the bullet. Fear and harsh criticism were crucial to toughening up players and soldiers alike. The “tough guy” narrative was strengthened by 20th-century media stereotypes and Hollywood’s heroes and became rooted into sport and society.

I’ve heard countless stories like the popular culture I found when I joined the Olympic rowing team in the mid-1990s. We were expected to suffer after mistakes or losses to show that we truly cared, and everyone believed coaches needed to be severe and unforgiving to get results. These approaches still exist. But an alternative approach with compassion at its center addresses aims of performance and wellbeing for those with greater ambitions.

This isn’t some soft option which plays down hard work, as supporters of the earlier traditional sporting mindset might criticize. Research across branches of psychology — behavioral, sports, positive — shows how compassion creates the strongest foundation for adaptability and sustained performance under pressure whether in sport, the military, healthcare or business. Rather than activating our threat system which began to help us survive way back, compassion helps us to feel safe and protected, leaving us free to learn, connect with others and start exploring what we’re capable of.

The continuous need to improve performance has led top coaches to appreciate that high performance requires levels of support to match the level of challenge. When you provide that, players start thriving while striving to achieve more. Rooted in compassion, a different coach-athlete relationship thus develops.

The dictionary definition of compassion includes the recognition of another’s suffering and the desire and support to relieve it. Compassion has been shown to decrease fear of failure and increase the likelihood of trying again when failure does happen. But how many talented athletes experience that depth of support in moments of crisis and failure?

1.What does the underlined phrase “biting the bullet” in paragraph one mean?
2.Why is the example of rowing team mentioned in the second paragraph?
A.To arouse people’s interest about rowing.
B.To recall a painful training experience.
C.To draw a distinction between training approaches.
D.To bring out a compassion-centered training approach.
3.What does the paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Criticism about the compassion.B.Necessity of employing compassion.
C.Characteristics about the compassion.D.Fields that compassion is involved in.
4.What would the author possibly agree?
A.The media is active in developing tough training style.
B.Extraordinary athletes rarely received enough support.
C.The compassion-centered training is widely used in sports.
D.Compassion means more openness to failure and less training.

The past three weeks have witnessed the dramatic rise and fall of a new candidate for the materials science: a superconductor (超导体) that works at room temperature. On July 22th 2023, a team of researchers in South Korea reported their findings on a substance they called LK-99, claiming that its discovery was a “brand new historical moment”. A hit of online physics discussions followed, only to fall flat two weeks later. LK-99, it seemed, was a bubble (泡沫).

Whenever electrical power runs through a transmission (传送) line, some is lost as waste heat, a common tax forced by the laws of nature. The huge potential of superconductors is that they carry electricity over large distances with perfect efficiency, having the greatest impact on energy generation, transmission and distribution. If we ever figure out how to produce them cheaply and make them work at room temperature rather than only at hundreds of degrees below zero, it would revolutionize our economy and help save the environment.

Superconductors can also achieve things like powerful magnetic (磁场的) fields in mid-air, enabling new electronic devices, computers and modes of transportation. This technology has been in development in Japan for decades, with maglev trains originally projected to open to the public in 2027, running at speeds up to 375 miles per hour between Tokyo and Nagoya.

The pull of a room-temperature superconductor grows as our economic and environmental picture darkens. It’s the kind of miracle material that could slow climate change while driving global economy, realized new technologies seen in science fiction.

We still don’t know whether the field of superconductivity research will benefit from the new paths opened up by the LK-99 in the last few weeks. It’s a field where theory and experiment have often challenged each other, and our expectations of what is possible have frequently been questioned by what has been observed. Although public interest will no doubt fade for now, an obvious promise remains: a superconducting golden age might be just over the horizon, and the role of science is clear-to find a way to get us there.

1.What can we learn about electricity from the text?
A.We should pay the tax using electricity.
B.The law of nature regulates the electricity tax.
C.Electricity loss during transmission is unavoidable.
D.Electricity loss can be reduced to zero by superconductors.
2.What may happen if superconductors are materialized?
A.The electricity bill will become a huge burden.
B.The issue of climate change will be dealt with.
C.The economy and environment will start to fade.
D.The new modes of transportation are more available.
3.What is the author’s attitude to superconductors?
4.What would be the best title of the passage?
A.Bubble Burst: Where Is Superconductor LK-99 Going.
B.Superconductor: Why It Sends Scientists Heart Racing.
C.Material Science: How It Booms with Superconductors.
D.Superconductor: How It Becomes the Commander of Technology.

The fall leaves are really starting to change now. It looks like the trees and mountains have become a canvas _________ by a loving artist. The bright, beautiful reds are _________ in the sunlight and the yellows are glittering (闪耀) like _________. Some trees have only a few leaves changed, some are half-way and others have already completely _________. Some of the leaves are falling to the ground to turning it into a colorful _________. I am enjoying this so much because I am _________ aware when winter arrives all of the trees will be _________ with the leaves down. It is always a little _________ to see but I know it is the circle of life. Those dead leaves will become the soil that nourishes (滋养) the trees and _________ new life next spring.

Today I noticed a lovely little girl from our __________ picking up the fallen leaves from the ground. The prettiest reds, yellows, and oranges were picked up and __________ in her arms. Soon she had quite a pile and __________ carried them over to her Mom and then with a smile gave them to her as if they were delicate flowers. Her Mom accepted them with a smile and together they __________ them out on their porch and stared at them like the priceless __________.

I watched this __________ from my living room window with a smile on my face as well. The world __________ a circle of love as well as a circle of life. And I am __________ that the former like the latter will never end. It will __________ all through this life and into the next. Take your place in the circle. Give love, receive love and live every day of your life to the __________ with love. And your __________ will shine bright like the most beautiful tree in autumn.

A.brings upB.brings aboutC.brings forwardD.brings in

Grandma called me in from the yard. “Would you please go to the store for me? I’m ready to bake rolls, and there isn’t enough yeast(酵母). Take a quarter from my little change purse.”

I found Grandma’s purse and put the quarter in my pocket. I was soon in the little general store that served our farming community.

“Mr.Jenkins,”I said,“Grandma needs some yeast.”

Mr.Jenkins set three cakes of yeast on the counter(柜台). His eyes twinkled(眨眼), and he smiled at me. “And what do you need?”

Í knew what he meant. I was always allowed to pick a cent’s candy when I came to the store with Grandma.But Grandma wasn’t here, and she hadn’t said anything about spending a penny.

“How much change do I have from a quarter?” I asked.

“Four cents,” Mr. Jenkins replied. “The yeast is seven cents a cake.”

I thought that over quickly. I would have four cents back. I was sure Grandma wouldn’t care if l spent one cent, and if she were here, she might even say I could have them all. The longer I looked at the candy, the more certain I became that I needed one cent’s worth as a reward for coming to the store alone.

As Mr.Jenkins handed me the candy and three cents, a voice inside me said this was not a really honest thing to do. That wasn’t my money, and I hadn’t asked if I might spend it.However, I put the cents in my pocket and started home, running past Uncle Roy, who was heading in the direction of my home.

“Thank you,” Grandma said when I laid the yeast on the table. “Did you put the change back in my purse?”

“Yes, Grandma,” I replied, hurrying out to the passage(走廊), I hadn’t really lied to Grandma.I argued with myself. I did put back all the change I had.


I knew I had cheated Grandma, and I was nervous.                                                                                   


I watched Uncle Roy make his way home, his words repeating in my mind.                                                    


When we lived on a farm, a black-and-white Border Collie mix showed up at our gate one day. My young son Alec fell in love with this dog instantly, and within an hour, he had named him Oreo.

Within a day, I could see how he would make a house in a mess. The great outdoors itself barely seemed enough space for him to run. When he was let out of his fence, he became a mass of black-and-white fur rushing all over the place at breakneck speed. He never seemed to be tired of running, of jumping on people, or of barking. His high energy was entertaining, but also wearing (令人疲惫的). So it was usually my husband Gary’ s job to leash (栓链子) him up for walks.

One day in late summer, Gary, Alec, and I walked with Oreo to the edge of the field and loosed the leash. He took off on his normal run across the juicy, green fields and soon disappeared over the top of a hill. My family walked on the path along the fence at a much slower pace, looking for four-leafed clovers (四叶草) when suddenly we heard barking behind us.

We turned to see two unfamiliar dogs speeding toward us, and they did not look friendly. Ears back, teeth bared, they flew toward us over the dirt path. Gary pushed Alec and me toward a tree with some low-hanging branches. “Get Alec in the tree,” he ordered as he picked up a heavy stick. Heart pounding, I lifted Alec onto a branch, and Gary squared off (摆好架势) to face the attacking dogs and give us time to get into the tree.


Suddenly, a black-and-white ball shot over the hill and hit the bigger of the two dogs.


I hadn’t spoken with Samantha in months. Perhaps it was because I was jealous (嫉妒的). After all, she seems to have everything a girl could want. I used to admire her too until she proved that she could draw better, run faster, and score higher in every other subject.

My family was going to go camping at the lake on summer holiday like we always do. Only this time, my Mom announced some very unwelcome news. ”Hanna! Guess what? I’ve invited the McCarthy’s family on our camping trip. “How does that sound?” “Terrible,” I groaned. However, Mom wasn’t changing her mind.

At the lake, my family organized ourselves in the cabin (小木屋) while the McCarthy’s set up their tent. I spent the week ignoring Samantha and staying inside reading. I thought I could get away without talking to her, but it wasn’t so.

On the fourth night of our trip, a thunderstorm struck. The McCarthy’s decided to spend the night in our cabin because they didn’t feel safe in the tent. I, of course, had to share a room with Samantha.

I woke up late at night. The storm had gotten worse. I desperately needed to use the toilet. Our cabin didn’t have one, so I had to use an outhouse a short walk away.

I got out of bed, being careful not to wake anyone up. However, when I was reaching for my flashlight, I accidentally stepped on Samantha’s arm. She woke up immediately. Knowing that I would go to the bathroom alone, she insisted to go with me.

Outside, it was raining hard. Lightning flashed across the sky and the thunder was so loud it seemed to shake the cabin. When we went back and rounded the comer to the cabin, we saw a big tree lay across the entrance of the cabin, blocking the door. There was no way to get back in.

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“Oh my gosh! What should we do?” she cried out.


Morning dawned on us and we walked out of the tent.
