
After a decade of climbing, I gradually started free soloing (单人徒手攀岩). I _________my comfort over time and slowly took on bigger and more_________walls.

The first choice was Half Dome, a 2,000-foot wall overlooking the east end of the valley. I didn't really know how to prepare, so I decided to___________the preparations and just go up there and directly start climbing.

I figured it would be easy, which,   _________,was not. Thankfully, it was pretty much the right way. I was slightly nervous, but I tried not to let it___________me.

I needed to be___________ It was a beautiful September morning, and as I climbed higher, I could hear ___________the of tourists chatting and laughing on the summit (山顶). But between me and the___________was a blank slab of granite (花岗岩平板) .There were no edges to hold on to, just a vertical (垂直的) wall. I had to trust the friction (摩擦力) between my climbing shoes and the wall, carefully climbing my way_______________.

Then I reached, a foothold that I didn't quite trust. I changed my__________and tried a foot further out. It seemed even__________.I started to panic (恐惧). My mind was__________in every direction. I knew what I had to do, but I was too____________. I just had to stand up on my right foot. And after what felt like a century, I accepted what I had to do and I stood up on the right foot, and it didn’t slip (滑). I didn’t die. And that move______________the end of the hardest climbing.

Eventually, I could enjoy the sound of the birds singing around. It all felt like a(n)   ____________

A.contributed toB.built upC.took inD.stuck with
A.languagesB.criesC.wordsD. sounds

Even small amounts of processed meat can greatly raise your cancer risk, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) writes. The WCRF update their guidelines every decade, and in this one, they outline three main problems: tobacco, red processed meat, and alcohol (酒精). 1.Almost half of all cancer cases are preventable, they write, and the most straightforward way is through a healthy diet. But what does that mean?                           

No smoking

2.While this is not strictly a part of a healthy diet, smoking has long been proven to cause a wide variety of cancers, as well as increase the risk for cardiovascular diseases and other serious health issues

Avoid alcohol

Decades ago, people thought that you could enjoy alcohol in low to moderate quantities without causing a health risk. Recent research seems to suggest that even in low quantities, drinking alcohol can greatly increase, your risk of cancer.3. So, better avoid it.

Red meat

The list wouldn’t be complete without red meat. As other studies before it, the WCRF report further emphasizes that red meat is also associated with an important rise in cancer risk, especially processed red meat. 39.4.No amount of processed red meat is safe if you want to minimize your risk of cancer.

The findings don’t necessarily offer something -they just repeat what mountains of research are already saying: if you want to avoid, cancer, you need to eat more things that are good for you, less of the things that are harmful to you, and be at least somewhat physically fit.5.

A.Yes, even little drinking is bad for you.
B.A smoking area is planned for people who want to smoke.
C.The first thing you should do is give up smoking (if you do smoke).
D.However, in the modern world, that seems to be increasingly difficult.
E.Let me spell that out a different way: bacon and sausages are bad for you.
F.The WCRF report focuses on finding the causes of cancer and how to avoid them.
G.Besides affecting physical health, red meat also does harm to one’s mental health.

Should martial arts be part of the school curriculum (课程)? In the United States and most of Europe, self-defense is not taught at schools. Yes, schools have after-school clubs with trainers from both inside and outside the school using the gyms and classroom to teach a big range of martial arts, but schools very rarely have it on their curriculum, let alone as a main subject.

But after new research that shows that obesity (肥胖) levels are still rising in the first world at a surprising rate, some are suggesting that martial arts may help fight obesity, and also help children become better adapted to the wider world in terms of self-defense and discipline (自律).

Martial arts provide not just a physical work out, but also a chance to develop self-defense skills while training both the body and mind to be disciplined and mindful. Studies have shown that there is a significant connection between practicing martial arts and self-esteem (自尊). Through the arts, students can develop discipline, and cultivate respect for different cultures-something even more important than ever before in our increasingly divided societies. Martial arts also strengthen muscles,improves flexibility and balance. Everyone knows that with better physical health, come better, happier lives.

However, some have been keen to point out that yes, martial arts in every school would be great, but finding those who are trained and qualified (合格的) to teach martial arts could probably prove to be challenge. They believe it is a chicken and egg situation, where without compulsory (强制的) curriculum of martial arts, those who are good at it may never find themselves in a dojo (武术馆) to find out. But to bring it to everyone you need experienced trainers who can teach the martial arts without fear of mishap (不幸事故) or physical damage.

1.What’s the topic of this text?
A.What martial arts are.
B.Whether martial arts should be on school curriculum.
C.Who should teach martial arts as a main subject at school.
D.How martial arts work for schools.
2.Why should martial arts be added into the curriculum?
A.Self-defense is not taught at schools.
B.Obesity levels are still rising fast in the world.
C.It provides physical and mental benefits.
D.It can help prevent physical damage.
3.What are the “chicken” and the “egg” in the “a chicken and egg situation” in the last paragraph?
A.Building a dojo and finding the trainers..
B.Teaching martial arts and the physical damage.
C.Lack of trainers and the fear of mishap.
D.Lack of trainers and no compulsory curriculum of martial arts.
4.What is the author’s attitude towards adding martial arts to the curriculum?

Ridley Scott’s famous war film “Napoleon (拿破仑)” is a series of successful battles looking for a better movie to connect them. Once again, Scott’s craftsmanship (技艺) is on show here, but it’s in service of a deeply shallow screenplay. A great actor is reduced to a ghostly presence in the middle of the movie, and his partner, the character who needs to give the film a beating heart, comes off as flat and hollow.

One of the problems is that the film script tries to put a lot of life into the running time of a single film. Naturally, it opens during the French Revolution, as Napoleon climbs up the political ladder of France with his war talents above all else.

Another part of the problem is that Kirby, the leading actress never really understands what to play with Josephine, a mysterious celebrity (名人) who becomes too much of a mirror for Napoleon. She couldn’t give Napoleon a son, which resulted in their break-up.

Was Napoleon the kind of world leader whose own unsafety resulted in killings we have seen in history? That’s here in a few places, but Scott is uninterested in making any sort of statement about Napoleon or men like him. A very just-the-facts approach of “Napoleon” is incredibly disappointing for a filmmaker who usually finds so much depth in the stories he tells. Worst of all, by the time “Napoleon” gets to Waterloo, we don’t know much more about the main character than we did when we came in. That’s a problem.

Having said that, the wonderful war scenes in “Napoleon” may be enough to prove its existence for fans of historical war films. Whether its bloodied bodies breaking through ice or waves of soldiers rushing into battle, “Napoleon” has some fantastic battle scenes. Maybe the point is that Napoleon Bonaparte was only truly alive when surrounded by so much death.

1.How do you understand the underlined word “hollow” in Paragraph 1?
2.What can we infer from Paragraph 2 to 4?
A.The film successfully covers Napoleon’s whole life.
B.Kirby has a good understanding of how to play Josephine.
C.People couldn’t know Napoleon better through this film.
D.There are some outstanding features of “Napoleon”.
3.What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
A.The successful battle scenes in “Napoleon”.
B.The achievements of Napoleon Bonaparte.
C.The wars Napoleon Bonaparte fighting in.
D.The reason for Napoleon Bonaparte’s aliveness.
4.What type of writing is this text?
A.A news report.B.A film review.
C.A historical document.D.A science fiction.
Good Part-Time Jobs for Teens

Consider what your goals are. Do you want to gain experience for or try out a future career path, do something you enjoy, or simply make money for future college expenses?

You also should consider your specific state’s labor laws. This will help you determine age limits as well as the number of hours you can expect to work per week.

It’s also important to consider the requirements or experience needed for the position as well as the location and schedule. Aside from typical part-time jobs like working as a barista (咖啡馆服务员), delivering pizzas, serving in a restaurant, or working for a fast-food chain, here are some other part-time job ideas for teens: Babysitter, Catering staff, Grocery store stocker or cashier, Receptionist or customer service representative, etc.

Pros and Cons of Part-Time Jobs for Teens

When determining whether or not a part-time job is right for you, it can help to weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision. You also should consider your personality as well as your existing time commitments.



Learn to manage money

Have less time for studying

Gain experience

View workplace negatively

Have less time for risk-taking

Interfere with activities

Build life skills

Might create stress

Acquire work skills

May lead to drug abuse (滥用)

Signs a Teen Is Ready for a Job

Aside from having the time and the drive to find part-time employment, there are some additional characteristics that may indicatethat you are ready for a job as a teenager:

*Good time management skills;

* Strong communication skills;

* Sense of commitment and good follow through;

*Willingness to be a team player.

1.What can we learn from the text about seeking a part-time job?
A.You needn’t keep your purpose in mind.
B.You shouldn’t ignore the law.
C.You don’t have to notice the requirements.
D.You can’t rely on your experience.
2.You have decided to take a part-time job probably because it helps you        .
A.have some risky life experience
B.gain more skills for future living
C.taste the pressure of life earlier
D.consume less time on school work
3.Which of the following shows you are ready for a part-time job?
A.Arriving late for school activities frequently.
B.Being nervous about communicating with others.
C.Struggling to follow through on projects.
D.Being able to work together with others.
假定你是李华,你校英文报专栏节目Voices of Youth就是否在校内成立心理健康俱乐部(Mental Health Club)征询学生的意见。请你给该栏目编辑写一封邮件,内容包括:
Dear editor,

I’m Li Hua, a student of Class 1.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


China Post recently issued a special collection of stamps featuring Pingyao, an ancient city in Shanxi Province, to mark its 26th anniversary as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The special stamp collection, which 1. (comprise) of three distinct stamps and a souvenir (纪念品) sheet, displays overall scenes and representative architecture of 2. ancient city.

Each stamp in the collection is a window into the world of Pingyao, 3. (offer) a visual journey through its well-preserved streets and structures 4. (combine) in a collage (拼贴画) style. The complex designs on the stamps highlight the narrow streets winding through the city, the traditional buildings with distinctive architectural features of Han era, 5. the historical walls, which stand as silent witnesses 6. centuries of history.

The souvenir sheet accompanying the stamps is a masterpiece in 7. (it). It provides a bird’s-eye view of the city, emphasizing the 8. (harmony) combination of architecture and urban design as well as 9. (constant) reminding us of the significance of promoting cultural heritage.

As stamp collectors and history enthusiasts explore these stamps, they are invited to appreciate the architectural wonders and urban planning, 10. have made Pingyao a timeless diamond in the crown (皇冠) of Chinese heritage.


When I first built my website 3 years ago, I had no idea what I was doing.

Naturally, I went to various websites and blogs for _________. I noticed features like social media buttons, advertisements, comments and more. At first glance, these seemed _________ since every website had them. But as I _________ my site, I found they were not. Instead, a clean, user-friendly design had _________ effects. Without advertisements or social media buttons, more people were _________ in my articles. It seemed that the _________ my website became, the better the results were.

Later, I noticed the _________ of simplicity in other areas of life.

As a kid, I was too thin. As an athlete, I needed to get stronger. So I spent hours designing the right combination of exercises. But when I _________ got stronger, I assumed that I was missing some kind of exercise. So I kept _________ something new. But it took me years to realize that the key was the exact opposite.

I __________ the complex workouts and focused on just one or two exercises. Surprisingly, there was a noticeable __________ in my strength in just four months.

From __________ to workouts, my skills didn’t improve overnight. Instead, I made progress by ignoring, reducing and __________ non-essential choices. I think this principle also __________ to most things in life. So when you make a list of your plans, decide what truly matters to you and __________ the rest.

A.carried onB.gave upC.took outD.set down
A.turn offB.put offC.cross offD.show off

Soda bottles and sour cream containers—these plastics typically arrive at recycling plants mixed together in the same bin. But because they are made of different monomers (单体), they must be sorted into different streams before they can be melted to make new products.

“Until about a year ago, everybody thought the only thing you could do is take a plastic, break it back down to a monomer and then re-form it,” says Sanat Kumar, a chemical engineer at Columbia University. To seek new solutions to old recycling problems, his team had to solve a fundamental chemical difficulty: when different plastics are melted together, their various monomers tend to separate from one another. They have developed a process that allows different kinds of plastic to be recycled together. Their findings, reported recently in Nature, could give new life to many items that end up in landfills.

The new process solves this problem by adding chemicals called universal dynamic cross-linkers (交联剂) to the mix. Just as soap brings together oil and water, which creates a bridge, allowing the oil and water to mix together and form a stable liquid, these cross-linkers(when applied under heat)form covalent molecular bonds (共价键) that attach the diverse monomers together. These materials can then be melted and remade again and again because the cross-linkers can break and re-form their bonds.

The researchers hope the technique could eventually help handle more plastic waste—but it’s not yet cheap enough to be widely used at existing recycling facilities. Still, Kumar wishes it would be one way to help recyclers address the plastic waste crisis. “The plastics problem is huge,” he says, “and you’re going to have to look for multiple solutions.”

1.The difficulty of recycling different plastics together lies in how to ________.
A.re-form them more quickly
B.prevent various monomers being apart
C.break them down thoroughly
D.separate various monomers successfully
2.How does the author explain the new process?
A.By listing facts.
B.By quoting a report.
C.By providing examples.
D.By making a comparison.
3.What can be inferred about the new technique from the last paragraph?
A.It still needs some improvement.
B.It will solve the plastics problem.
C.It has already gained great popularity.
D.It has been affordable for most plants.
4.What can be a suitable title for the test?
A.Monomers Are Still Important for Plastics Recycling
B.The Use of Cross-linkers Outperformed Other Chemicals.
C.Multiple Solutions Are Needed for Mixed-Plastics Recycling
D.New Chemical Process Offers Hope for Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Authors are upset after tech companies started using their books to train artificial intelligence without letting them know or seeking their permission. They worry about copyright and loss of income, among other issues.

According to CNN, the system is called Books3, and according to an investigation by The Atlantic, the system is based on a collection of pirated (盗版的) e-books including all genres, from fiction to poetry. Books help generative AI systems with learning how to communicate information.

The Atlantic article notes that some of the text that’s training AI on how to use language is taken from Wikipedia and other websites. But high-quality generative AI requires higher-quality input than what is usually found on the internet — that is, it requires the kind found in books.

Many authors apparently don’t view the use of their books to train artificial intelligence as an honor. Rather, it’s a shortcut that robs them of their due, they say. CNN reported that Nora Roberts, who writes romantic novels, has 206 books in the database — “second only to William Shakespeare.” “The database is all kinds of wrong. We are human beings, we are writers and we are being exploited by people who want to use our work, without permission or compensation (赔偿金), to ‘write’ books, scripts, essays because it’s cheap and easy, ” she said in a statement to CNN.

Not everyone is upset, however, by use of their work to train AI. Ian Bogost, author of some popular books, wrote a column for The Atlantic. Bogost claims that successful art is beyond its creator’s plans, noting that an author cannot accurately predict a book’s audience. “To complain this unexpected use for my writing is to decline all of the other unpredictable uses for it. Speaking as a writer, that makes me feel bad.”

1.What contributes to some authors’ dissatisfaction with Books3?
A.It is unable to train AI.
B.It uses their works illegally.
C.It fails to improve their income.
D.It sells books without permission.
2.What is mainly presented in paragraph 3 concerning Books3?
A.The reason it was created.
B.The high quality it possesses.
C.The benefit it has brought.
D.The bond it has with Wikipedia.
3.What does the underlined word “exploited” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Made fun of.B.Caught up with.
C.Taken advantage of.D.Looked down upon.
4.Which statement would Ian Bogost probably agree with?
A.It’s necessary to predict a book’s audience.
B.Being involved in Books3 is hardly an honor.
C.Good art should be limited to creators’ plans.
D.It’s acceptable for books to be used to train AI.