很多措施正在进行中以保护濒危野生动植物。(现在进行时的被动语态) (汉译英)
他们期待参加这次志愿者活动,在活动中他们可以帮助无家可归的人。(look forward to;定语从句) (汉译英)

Many people dream of the moment when they will walk across their college graduation stage to accept the diploma (毕业证书), which they’ve worked so hard for. And in Alfonso Gonzales’ case, that moment was extra ________. Although at the age of 96, Gonzales ________, not walked, across the stage, the moment was still everything he ________.As the entire crowd of staff, students and teachers erupted into ________, Gonzales raised his hand in ________ with a childlike smile that lit up the entire room.

It took Gonzales six ________ to complete the degree he started out to finish. Actually he first started towards his ________ as a zoology student in 1947. Later, however, ________ became the center of attention and he began working with his brothers, so he never made time to actually attend his school’s ________ ceremony. Years later, when his niece tried to pick up the diploma for him, the family was ________ to learn that he was actually one credit short of graduation! The school, in response (作为回应), ________ a one-credit course just for Gonzales so he could ________ his degree. “I did this for my family,” Gonzales said onstage at the graduation ceremony. “I did this to ________ them to hold on to their dreams.”

Gonzales earned his college degree from USC in 2007, making him the school’s ________ graduate. And after all that hard work, the new college graduate in the wheelchair had only one big ________ after the ceremony: “I’m going to take a rest” he joked, “and I would like to say that’s a well-deserved rest.”

A.stood forB.answered forC.hoped forD.looked for

I finally climbed into bed at 1: 20 in the morning. My friends had helped me celebrate my 31st birthday in the basement apartment, where I lived.

Earlier in the day I had prepared for the unlikely event of a flood. We are about a third of a mile from the banks of the Ahr River. It had been raining buckets that week and the government had sent out a flood warning, though not for where I was. Still, I’d placed sandbags on the floor outside my garden door and put electronics on tables. “Silly bro!” My friends laughed at me for doing that, but I thought, why take a chance?

As I drifted off to sleep, I was awakened by the sound of rushing water, as if I were lying beside a waterfall. When I got off the bed, I was shocked that cold water was rising fast. In darkness, I grabbed my cellphone and turned on the flashlight. When I stepped out of the bedroom, I saw water shooting through the gaps of the door.

I began to panic. I knew I had to get out—fast! In bare feet, I started to make my way to the only escape: the door that led upstairs to the main floor. Finally I made it to the door and tried several times to-pull it open even just a little bit, but the rushing water shut it again. I looked around for anything I could use to keep it open. There in the corner was a coat rack (架子). I took it and, once again, opened the door, throwing the coat rack between the door and the frame (门框) to keep the door from shutting. Finally, I managed to make a gap just wide enough to squeeze (挤) through and make it into the hallway.

I leaped on to the stairs and ran outside. I stood there in the darkness, wet through. What was once a lovely street was now a waterscape, with floating ruins instead of people and cars. The river had drowned (淹没) the neighborhood!

1.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2imply?
A.Better safe than sorry.
B.It never rains but it pours.
C.A lost chance never returns.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
2.What was the author doing when water flooded in?
A.Celebrating his birthday.
B.Sleeping in the basement.
C.Placing sandbags by the door.
D.Playing with electronic devices.
3.Which of the following might be the most difficult for the author during the escape?
A.Making his way to the door.
B.Finding a coat rack.
C.Keeping the door from shutting.
D.Squeezing through the gap.
4.How did the author feel when standing on the street?
A.Sad and shocked.
B.Annoyed and anxious.
C.Surprised and disappointed.
D.Puzzled and awkward.

These days, tourism is back in full swing. An increasing number of people prefer to take a break from big city life and start exploring those harder-to-reach towns.

Paraty, Brazil

Paray is a bays de town halfway between Rio and Sao Paulo. Here, life moves at the pace of a horse-and-cart moving across the road (no cars allowed in the historic Old Town). The boats in the harbor are not just there to look good. Pick your favorite and set sail for a deserted island beach nearby.

Avignon, France

One of the most recognizable historic towns is found in the south-eastern part of France. The Palace of the Popes here defines the city and is the city and is visible from a far. It once housed Europe’s largest library, and became a hotbed for thinkers, philosophers, composers, and musicians. Now it is protected by UNESCO as a world heritage site. Four million tourists visit Avignon every year to explore the ancient architecture.

Sakrisoy and Reine, Norway

This pair of tiny finishing villages sit far, far north. Admittedly, they are a bit of pain to reach: The long (but beautiful!) journey there will require some combination of one or two fights, a bus or a boat. If you can make it that far, though, you’ll be rewarded with some of the most impressive scenery on Earth. Look out across the mountains from the hike or enjoy the Northern Lights.

Old San Juan, US

The oldest settlement in the country was founded in the early 16th century. Today everything here is colorful: the houses differ in color and style and even the pavements are made of the blue bricks, making it a very attractive and amusing place.

1.What can visitors do in Avignon, France?
A.Take a boat trip.
B.Enjoy the Northern Lights.
C.Admire ancient architecture.
D.Explore the largest library in the world.
2.Which destination is the least convenient to reach?
A.Paraty, Brazil.B.Avignon, France.
C.Sakrisoy and Reine, Norway.D.Old San Juan, US.
3.Where can the text most probably be found?
A.In a wellness book.B.In a travel magazine.
C.In an adventure guide.D.In a geography textbook.

The Longtaitou Festivl, which means “dragon-raises head” in Chinese, is a traditional Chinese festival held on the second day of the second month in the Chinese lunar calendar. So, it’s also called Eryueer Festival. In Chinese culture, the dragon is an auspicious (吉利的) animal that dominates clouds and rains. The 2nd day of the 2nd lunar month is thought to be the day when dragon awakes and raises its head according to the Chinese folk legend. So the day is called Dragon Heads-raising Day. After the day, spring is coming and there will be more and more rain. People think these credits (功劳) go to the dragon. So the day is also called Spring Dragon Festival. Since the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), Chinese people have had the custom of spending the Spring Dragon Festival.

The most popular custom on the Dragon Heads-raising Day is cutting hair. Dragon is highly honored for its dignity (尊贵) and power for good. It is thought to be auspicious to cut hair on the Dragon Heads-raising Day. Luck and opportunities will always knock you in the year. So, on that day, barbershops’ (理发店的) businesses are growing and full of customers.

The most common foods for celebrating the festival are popcorns, pancakes, noodles, dumplings, fired soy beans and pig’s head. People in different areas have different traditions about the food on the day. In Beijing, people eat Lvdagunr (Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour) and spring pancakes on the day. In Shanxi, people like to eat fried dough twists (油条) and pancakes. In Shandong, fried soy beans, noodles and dumplings are the festival food. In Fuzhou, the salted porridge made of glutinous rice, celery, scallion, garlic, fry dried shrimps and shredded meat is eaten. These show people’s hope to be blessed (保佑) with favorable weather and plentiful grain harvest by the dragon.

1.Which of the following is true about the Longtaitou Festival?
A.It dates back to Song Dynasty.
B.It is celebrated for two days.
C.It attracts fewer people than other festivals.
D.It suggests the return of spring.
2.Why do people cut hair on the Dragon Heads-raising Day?
A.It is the most popular custom.
B.It is in honor of dragon’s dignity and power.
C.It is people’s wish for luck and opportunities.
D.It is a sign of barbershops’ prospering businesses.
3.What can we infer from the third paragraph about the Longtaitou Festival?
A.People in China share the similar traditional foods on he day.
B.Foods for celebrating the festival usually bear people’s best wishes.
C.Salted foods are used to celebrate the festival throughout China.
D.Traditional foods on the day are prepared for the dragon to eat.
4.What might be the best title for the text?
A.The Dragon Heads-raising Day.
B.The celebrations of the Longtaitou Festival.
C.The origin of the Longtaitou Festival.
D.The purpose of the Dragon Heads-raising Day.

How to give effective feedback (反馈)

In the ever-evolving landscape of personal and professional growth, feedback serves as a compass (指南针) guiding our journey towards improvement. 1. Constructive feedback should follow several principles.

2. It’s not unusual to tell someone about something that upset or pleased you six months later. It’s also easy for people to start from the point of view of “everything you do is rubbish”, especially when things are not going well. But don’t. Think about exact and precise occasions and behavior that are still fresh in both the giver’s and receiver’s minds.

Lay stress on behavior, not personality. Your feedback should target how they act, what effects it has on you or how it makes you feel. Remember that you are making no comment on what type of person they are, or what they believe or value. 3.

Focus on improvement rather than criticism. It is expressed in a manner that encourages growth and avoids being negative. To take it a step further, it also provides suggestions for change. 4.It involves putting constructive criticism between positive or encouraging comments. For example, when discussing a project with an employee, start by praising their hard work, then add the areas for improvement, and conclude with encouragement.

Offering effective feedback to others is a win-win act. 5. Both of you get a slice of personal development. To develop better feedback skills, you need to keep practicing and make it a habit. Anyway, practice makes perfect!

A.Be timely and specific.
B.Adopt a tolerant attitude.
C.It’s just like sharing a pizza with a friend.
D.So giving feedback is like making sandwiches.
E.But you can get better at it after reading the principles.
F.However, it can be difficult to give feedback effectively.
G.This reduces the risk of making the receiver feel attacked.

Winter Volunteer Programs Abroad

Volunteer abroad during your winter break to make the most of the holiday season. Our winter volunteer programs abroad are short-term team trips that all form part of our efforts to find long-term sustainable solutions to specific challenges.

Medical Internships (实习期) in Nepal for Teenagers

Join our medical internships for teenagers and learn directly from doctors. Attend lectures at a local teaching hospital and gain a deeper insight into a developing country’s medical practices.

●Price: $2,646 USD for 2 weeks
●An Extra Week: $ 570 USD
●Start Date: Winter Break
Volunteer with Children in Nepal as a Group

Travel to Asia with like-minded people to do community volunteering in Nepal. Support local teachers by running educational activities and games with the children. When you’re not working, we’ve organized plenty of cultural and social activities for you to enjoy, along with a weekend trip guided by local staff.

●Price: $2,245 USD for 2 weeks
●An Extra Week: $470 USD
●Start Date: Throughout the year
Volunteer Community Work in Fiji for Teenagers

Help make schools and care centers places that encourage learning by painting, building playground equipment, or maintaining a vegetable garden. This project is open to teenagers from all over the world, so you’ll make lots of new friends, and our staff are there to support and guide you throughout.

●Price: $3,045 USD for 2 weeks
●An Extra Week: $ 570 USD
●Start Date: Winter Break.
Volunteer Building in Nepal for Teenagers

Put your strength, time and energy into rebuilding homes damaged by earthquakes. Help to give young children a chance to live in a safe environment. You, as well as teenagers from around the world, will work along with local engineers, architects and our staff.

●Price: $2,545 USD for 2 weeks
●An Extra Week: $570 USD
●Start Date: Summer/Winter Break
1.How much will you pay if you are in the first program for three weeks?
A.$2,646 USD.B.$3,216 USD.
C.$2,715 USD.D.$1,710 USD.
2.Which program provides a guided tour during the weekend?
A.Volunteer Building in Nepal for Teenagers.
B.Medical Internships in Nepal for Teenagers.
C.Volunteer with Children in Nepal as a Group.
D.Volunteer Community Work in Fiji for Teenagers.
3.What do these four programs have in common?
A.They are all held in Nepal.
B.Their activities center on education.
C.They are available only in winter breaks.
D.Their minimum duration is two weeks.

2023 Hot List: The Best New Restaurants in the World

Place des Fêtes-New York City

This famous wine bar provides a spot with a rare sweet and warm atmosphere. For date night, go to the bar with views of the open kitchen, or fill up the large table in the back with a group and taste the entire 20-item menu. Either way, do not miss the famous mushroom soup.

Le Doyenné-Saint-Vrain, France

Australian chefs James Henry and Shaun Kelly transformed the former stables (马厩) of a 19th-century private estate into a working farm, restaurant, and guesthouse driven by the principles of regenerative agriculture. More than one hundred varieties of fruits, vegetables, and herbs make their way into Henry’s cooking after being carefully nurtured by Kelly.

Mi Compa Chava-Mexico City

Seafood is a hangover cure in Mexico, and almost everyone eating here is devoted to fixing last night’s damage from drunkenness and getting a head start on creating today’s. On the sidewalk, crowds of locals and tourists alike lineup for fisherman Salvador Orozco’s creative takes on Sinaloa and Baja seafood. Anything from the raw half of the menu is a sure bet, though cooked dishes like fish can help fill out a meal.


Can a dish inspired by a Spanish recipe using Japanese ingredients still be considered Thai For Chef Prin Polsuk, one of Bangkok’s most famous Thai chefs, it most certainly can. At his latest restaurant, a small dining room at the base of Bangkok’s landmark King Power Mahanakhon Tower, he draws inspiration from King Chulalongkorn’s 1897 journey around Europe and the foreign ingredients and cooking techniques he added to the royal cookbooks.

1.What does the author highly recommend at Place des Fêtes?
A.Red wine.B.Mushroom soup.
C.Baja seafood.D.Fried fish.
2.What is the best choice for people who were drunk last night?
A.Mi Compa Chava.B.Le Doyenné.
C.Place des Fêtes.D.Vilas.
3.Where is the passage most probably taken from?
A.A science magazine.B.A life magazine.
C.A travel magazine.D.A health magazine.
What color dress does the man tell the woman to wear?