
When Mrs. March came home and heard the story, she said to Amy, “How could you do that? Those were stories Jo hoped to get printed in the newspaper.” Amy began to realize what a terrible thing she had done and started to cry. Later, she asked Jo to forgive (原谅) her. But Jo answered, “I’ll never forgive you!”

The next day, Jo went out to skate with Laurie. Meg told Amy to follow Jo and do something nice while she was glad. So Amy went to the river and started skating, too. Jo turned away when she saw her.

“The ice in the middle isn’t safe!” Called Laurie. “Stay away from the center.”

Jo heard the warning, but Amy didn’t. She skated to the middle of the river. Suddenly, the ice cracked. Amy fell through the ice with a loud cry. Jo and Laurie pulled Amy out and quickly took the scared girl home.

Mother covered Amy with quilts. She soon fell asleep. Then Jo asked her mother, “Are you sure she’ll be okay?” “Yes, it’s a good thing you got her home so quickly.”

“Thanks to Laurie. Oh, it’s my fault! I became angry so easily. Why can’t I be more like you?” “I get angry every day,” said Mrs. March. “But I’ve learned to hide it. I don’t allow all of those angry words to leave my mouth. You’ll learn to do the same one day.”

Jo began to cry. This made Amy open her eyes and smile. Her smile hit Jo straight in the heart. They hugged each another. _______.

1.What probably happened before Mrs. March came home?
A.Amy burned Jo’s notebook.B.Amy already knew she did wrong.
C.Amy fell through the ice when skating.D.Amy went out to skate with Jo.
2.Which of the following “cracked” means the same as the underlined word “cracked”?
A.He cracked me on the head with a ruler.
B.Dave fell off the bike and cracked a bone in his arm.
C.I couldn’t hear you because thunder (雷声) cracked overhead.
D.He walked in and everyone just cracked up.
3.What did Jo mean by saying “Why can’t I be more like you?
A.She can’t be like her mom.B.She regretted taking Amy to skate
C.She wanted to like her mother.D.She regretted being angry with Amy.
4.What can we infer from the passage?
A.Jo invited Amy to skate with her.
B.Jo enjoyed writing stories.
C.Amy went skating for fun.
D.Amy skated to the middle of the river to catch Jo’s attention.
5.Which is the best for “________” in the last paragraph?
A.Everything was gone and admired.
B.Everything was finished and thanked.
C.Everything was forgiven and forgotten.
D.Everything was checked and reported.
1.How was the weather when the boy was on the Great Wall?
2.Who did the boy go on vacation with?
A.His parents.B.His sisters.C.His friends.
3.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.The Great Wall was always crowded.
B.Emily thought the Great Wall was great.
C.Li Ming and Emily come from Australia.
第二节     听材料,回答下列各题。
1.Where does this conversation most likely take place?
A.In a concert hall.B.In a parking lot.C.In a restaurant.
2.What does the man advise the woman to do?
A.Make a quick choice.B.Find their seats first.C.Drive to the hall.
1.What is across the river?
A.A school.B.A church.C.An old bridge.
2.How can they watch videos?
A.They buy videos.B.They rent videos at the supermarket.
C.They go to the movie theater near their houses.

Do you know sugar painting? It is a kind of snack and also one of the traditional Chinese art forms. Sugar painting started from the Ming dynasty and became _______ in the Qing dynasty. At that time, many people made a living through sugar painting, setting up stalls (货摊) in _______ streets or public places. Now people can still see it in many areas of China.

The sugar painters usually sit before a wooden table. On the side, there is a wooden plate with a revolvable arrow (可旋转箭头) on it. The plate is painted with different _______ such as a horse, a bird, a flower and so on. After paying, the customers (顾客) turn the arrow and wait till it _______. The picture pointed by the arrow is the one that the painters will make.

Sugar painting is _______ from usual painting. The sugar painters use syrup (糖浆) as the “_______”, a spoon as the “paintbrush”, and a smooth slab (板) as the “paper”. To make the syrup, the painters have to make sugar hot before _______. Since the syrup may become solid (固体的) if it cools, the painters have to work very _______. They move the spoon full of the syrup up and down, left and right. Soon a sugar painting of an animal, a flower or a bike is _______.   

The number of sugar painters is getting ________. However, some of them still keep doing this art. They try their best to hold different activities such as offering classes and giving speeches.

—Thank you for offering me so much useful advice, Josh.
— ________.
A.It’s hard to sayB.I can’t agree more
C.It’s my pleasureD.That’s not the case
当你离开教室的时候, 应该随手关灯。
You ________ ________ ________ the lights when you leave the classroom.

After a whole day’s work in my office, I walked home. On the busy street, I saw a young man selling some small toys sround the corner. Usually, I would hurry past such sellers and never buy anything, But when I noticed he was blind, I decided to stand there for some time. I wanted to see how he sold his toys.

Soon, a little girl came with her mother and wanted a toy. The toy was 18 yuan. The mother took out a 20-yuan note. She told the young man how much she was giving him and wanted the change(零钱) back. I was wondering what he was·going to do next. He told the mother to put the money in his bag and get the change herself. Then she did so.

What the young man did shocked me. He chose to trust people even if he couldn’t see. I was so touched that I made a decision to buy a toy although I didn’t need it at all. He said it cost 18 yuan and I told him that I had only one 20-yuan note. Again he told me to do the same thing as the mother. I put my 20 yuan in his bag, but I didn’t take any change.

As I walked down the street, I saw a little boy with his father and I gave him the toy I bought. I was happy to see the smile on his face.

The young man was a good example to us all. On my way home, I kept thinking the world would be a better place if we all could learn to trust other people more, just like the young blind street seller.

1.What did the writer do when he saw the young man?
A.He hurried past the young man.
B.He helped the young man sell the toys.
C.He bought all the toys from ‘the young man.
D.He stood there to see how the young man sold his toys.
2.How did the mother get her change back?
A.The seller gave the change to herB.The writer gave the change to her.
C.She got her change herself from the bag.D.Her daughter helped hergel the change from the seller.
3.Why didn’t the writer take any change?
A.Because he was too rich.B.Because he wanted to help the young man.
C.Because he liked the toy he bought very much.D.Because he didn’t know how to get the change.
4.What’s the correct order according to the text?
a. The writer met a boy and his father.
b. The writer bought a toy from the young man.
c. A little girl and her mother bought a toy from the young man.
d. The writer saw a young man around the corner of the busy street.
5.What can we learn from the text?
A.One tree can’t make a forest.B.Nothing is more important than our health.
C.We should trust other people more.D.We should be kind and honest to make more friends.

THE 16-YEAR-OLD confidently walked to the edge of the diving platform (跳台) and turned around. Seconds later, she jumped from the water after a flawless (没有瑕疵的) 407C—the dive she is good at. Because of her excellent performance, all seven judges awarded her a perfect score of 10 points. China’s Olympic champion Quan Hongchan won the women’s 10m platform gold medal at the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Nine years ago, the young girl was playing hopscotch (跳房子) with her classmates on the playground when a coach, Chen Huaming, noticed her. He found her talent on jump and thought that she could jump higher and further. His judgment turned out to be correct. Before the Hangzhou Asian Games, Quan was already an Olympic champion.

In some ways, Quan is like any normal teenager. She loves snacks, amusement parks and grabbing dolls from claw machines (抓娃娃机) like most girls her age. Her favorite doll is a blue one-the color of a swimming pool—her elder brother gave her as a gift. She keeps it on her bed, a quiet friend that is always there to relieve her stress.

Unlike her peers (同龄人), the young diver needs to train extremely hard and has to improve her family’s living conditions. Her family live in Maihe Village of Zhanjiang, and her parents have five children to feed with the little money from an orchard (果园). To make matters worse, her mother was disabled in a traffic accident in 2017.

As a result, Quan has grown up to be brave and hardworking. She couldn’t even swim before she went to the sports school, but she was the first among all the new students to step onto the 3m springboard and the 10m platform. When asked if she was scared at the time, she answered, “I didn’t think about it that much. I just closed my eyes and jumped.” Soon, she fell in love with diving. Quan shot to fame after winning the gold medal in the women’s 10m platform at the Tokyo Olympic Games.

1.When did Quan Hongchan start to train dive?
A.When she was 9 years old.
B.When she was 16 years old.
C.When she was 7 years old.
2.What does the underlined word (划线单词) “relieve” mean?
3.What can we infer from paragraph 4?
A.Quan Hongchan’s father was badly hurt in a traffic accident in 2017.
B.Quan Hongchan lives in a rich family.
C.Quan Hongchan has a big family.
4.According to the passage, what is the most important achievement for Quan Hongchan?
A.The women’s 10m platform gold medal at the Hangzhou Asian Games.
B.The women’s 10m platform gold medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games.
C.The women’s 3m springboard at the Tokyo Olympic Games.
Of the two cups, he bought ________ one.
A.the smallerB.the smallestC.smallD.smaller