Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False.(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):
1.One evening, Mr. Read took his daughter to a restaurant.
2.They waited and waited, but no waiter came to their table.
3.Then Mr. Read walked around the restaurant to find the waiter.
4.Mr. Read phoned the waiter to order(预定)a meal.
5.The waiter came to the table to tell her that Mr. Read was waiting for her.

Many English people have three names. They are the first name, the middle name and the last name. Actually, the last name is the family name, and the first name and the middle name are given names.

For example, my name is Jenny Allen Brown. Jenny is my first name. Allen is my middle name. Brown is my last name. My friends often call me Jenny. My teachers often call me Jenny Brown.

In China, the family name comes first. For example, my friend is Zhang Liang. Zhang is his family name, and Liang is his given name. People often use Mr., Mrs. or Miss before the family name.

1.How many names do many English people have? What are they?
2.What are given names?
3.Where do we use (使用) “ Mr.” in the name of James Allen Miller?
4.Zhao Lin is a Chinese boy, what name is “Zhao” ?
5.What’s the passage mainly about?(文章的大意)
Helen sings beautifully. I never hear ________ voice(嗓音).
A.the betterB.a goodC.the bestD.a better

“What will I be like in 2029?” I asked myself.

Everyone has _______, and I am no exception(例外). Sometimes, I cannot help dreaming about what I will be like. If I were to keep practising the _______ every day, I would become a famous pianist. If I were to study hard, I might become a famous scientist or novelist. As I _______, I realized that I was just an ordinary(普通的) girl. It is almost _______ for me to become famous all over the world.

Now, however, I have a different idea about the _______. In ten years, I might be a worker in a small company. I may not make a lot of money but I am very happy. I am _______, but I still have time to work on my blog. I am still practising the piano and the _______ makes my home warm. Yes, I am not world-famous, _______ I am happy every day.

It’s nice to have big dreams, but _______ is more important than words. A dream that is too far to reach is _______. The world is _______ fast and many things are out of our control. _______ people will become world-famous, but we can still do a lot to change the future. Being _______ doesn’t necessarily mean becoming world-famous. Some people have _______ with their lives. They work hard to overcome(克服) the problems and keep making _______. They are also the winners of life.

I don’t exactly know what I will be like in ten years, but I’m sure I will do my best and be the best I can be.

A.got upB.woke upC.put upD.grew up

In our daily life, we always put our time into three jars (罐子). These would be the necessary (必要) tasks jar, the voluntary (自愿) tasks jar and the happiness jar.

Every day, we spend time filling the necessary tasks jar. We fill this jar with useful things, like making money, doing housework, buying food and paying bills. We then fill another jar with voluntary tasks. These are things that we do for others, but we may not enjoy them. This jar is filled with tasks like taking children to activities and cooking family meals. Those jars are very important. If we don’t fill them each day, our family won’t run well.

However, we often forget to fill the third jar − the happiness jar. This is the jar that we fill with activities that make us happy. Is your happiness jar sometimes empty at the end of the day? We all have days like that. Between doing all the necessary and voluntary tasks, time flies by on some days, and before we know it, it is time for bed.

That is why each day we try to fill our happiness jar. Most days, I fill mine by going to the ballroom dance (社交舞) class. Between the music, the dancing and the friendship among the students, I always leave classes more happily than when I entered. Playing music is another way that I fill my happiness jar. This week, I was happy to take part in an orchestra (管弦乐队) practice at my church (教堂). A small group of us met to practice Christmas music for a church service. It was a time of fun, friendship and music making. At the end of the evening, my happiness jar was full.

Consider how to spend your time. Try to find ways to get a balance. At the end of the day, hopefully we’ve done all we can to make sure that we fill our happiness jar.

No more than 10 words.

1.How many kinds of jars are there in this passage?
2.What will happen if we don’t fill the necessary tasks jar and the voluntary tasks jar?
3.Why do we often forget to fill the third jar?
4.How does the writer fill her happiness jar?
5.Why is it important for us to fill the happiness jar?

Dickon pushed the wheelchair s1. round and round the garden. He often stopped to s2. Colin something—green buds, a feather, an e3. eggshell (蛋壳).

“I’m going to come back tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after,” said Colin. Suddenly he p4. to the high wall and said, “Who’s that man?”

Mary and Dickon t5. and looked. It was Ben Weatherstaff on t6. of a ladder (梯子)!

“What are you doing?” he shouted a7.. “How did you get into this garden?”

“The robin showed me the door!” Mary shouted b8. to him.

Colin a9. Dickon to push his wheelchair over to the wall.

“Do you know who I am?” demanded Colin, like the young Rajah. Ben Weatherstaff stared and stared at him but he didn’t say a w10..

“Do you know who I am?” demanded Colin again. “Answer!” Ben Weatherstaff’s voice was shaking when he replied.

“I know who you are. You look like your mother. You are the poor hunchback (驼背).” Colin’s face went red.

Who can finish carrying the boxes first?

Animals are our friends. Sometimes they make trouble, but sometimes they can help us. And they hope to live a happy life, too. Here are two real stories from our readers.

The first story is from Ray. “I hates my cat, Tiger, because when I use my iPad, it takes my attention away. One year, I had a fall at home and was on the floor for 16 hours. During this time, I was unable to move and couldn’t get to the phone to call for help. Tiger stayed by my side until he disappeared under my bed. ‘What’s he up to?’ I wondered. To my surprise, he started to push something towards me. It was my iPad, which I didn’t realize had fallen off the bed and onto the floor. He probably didn’t know what it was, but he knew that it made me happy. Thanks to Tiger, I was able to call my friend, Becky, who then told my doctor.”

The second story is from Colin. “Years ago, my friend Julius saved a bird—a wild ‘Mom’ parrot from the side of the road and kept it as a pet in a big cage. It lost one of her wings, so she was unable to return to the wild. Soon, two wild parrots came visiting and one ‘Dad’ bird wanted to find his way into the cage. The ‘Mom’ parrot in the cage was soon hoping. But as she couldn’t fly, ‘Dad’ parrot built a home in the tree, keeping off everyone who got close to ‘Mom’ parrot. ‘Baby’ parrot would spend his days flying off with his dad, leaving his mom behind. She would sit and wait until they returned home each afternoon. The family stayed together happily.”

After reading the stories, don’t you think we should get along well with animals? No matter they are our pets or live in the wild, they have their feelings. We should care for every life in the world.

1.“Mom” parrot didn’t return to the wild because ________.
A.Julius caught it as a pet
B.she was badly hurt and couldn’t fly
C.she liked the life in the cage
D.“Dad” parrot built a home in the tree
2.The main idea of the passage is that ________.
A.friends should help each other
B.we shouldn’t use iPad too much
C.Ray, Becky and Colin are animal lovers
D.we should care for every life in the world
3.Which of the following is True according to the passage?
A.“Mom” parrot spent her days flying off with his family.
B.Tiger call Ray’s friend, Becky, who then told his doctor.
C.“Dad” parrot wanted to find a way to save “Mom” parrot.
D.Tiger gave Ray his iPad because he thought it was expensive.
4.What’s the best title of the passage?
A.The parrot family
B.The clever Tiger
C.Ways to protect animals
D.People and animals
He also cut out a picture of colourful balloons and _____ it on the cover. (stick)

If you lose 12 times in a row (连续地), will you just give up? Dale Carnegie, a pioneer in public speaking and self-development, kept trying. And he showed people how to be successful.

Carnegie was born into a poor family in the United States. The boy didn’t see a train until he was 12 years old. In his teens, he had to get up at 3 a.m. every day to milk cows for his family.

When Carnegie first entered college, he felt upset because of his worn-out clothes and common looks. His mother encouraged him, “Why not try to be better in other things instead of just dress and good looks?”

Carnegie tried to be more active in college. He joined the debate (辩论) team. But one after another, he lost 12 competitions. The young man was very disappointed with himself. He said later that he thought of killing himself after failing so many times. But soon Carnegie was seen practicing public speaking on the riverside. His hard work paid off at last. In 1906, Carnegie won a famous speech contest and became famous. “Believe that you will succeed, and you will,” he said.

In order to share his success, Carnegie opened schools and wrote books. His best-sellers include How to Win Friends, Influence People, How to Stop Worrying. More than 50 million copies of his books have been translated into 38 languages. They are still helping people on the road to success.

1.Why did Carnegie have to get up very early every morning in his teens?
2.What did his mother do when Carnegie felt upset in the college?
3.What made Carnegie be well-known?
4.How many books of Carnegie’s are mentioned in the article?
5.What should we do after failing many times from Carnegie’s story?


1. What’s your school life like?
2. What’s your favourite subject?
3. Who is your best friend?       
4. What’s he/she like?                                                                                                  
5. Do you like to do DIY job in your free time?
6. What do you think of DIY?     
Dear Sandy,

Thank you for your email. I am very glad to tell you something about my study and life.


How about your study and life? I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Mei
