
We are King’s College London (KCL) Students’ Union!

We have a huge range of events!

1.What is special about Anatomy Museum Tour?
A.It will be held in the afternoon.
B.It is only for students of certain majors.
C.There is no limit to the number of participants.
D.Students from other schools should pay to attend it.
2.How much will you pay if you donate 2 shirts and take 2 coats at Clothes Exchange?
3.Which event is open to every student free of charge?
A.Shiny Stocking.B.Anatomy Museum Tour.
C.Clothes Exchange.D.Shab-E Yalda Games Night.

What to expect at high school

Are you super worried about what to expect at high school? Well, guess what? Everyone is! The following tips will help guide you safely through your first day!

► Understand that you’ll be moving a lot.

Depending on the school you’re at, there could be more subjects and you’ll have more classrooms! 1. Be ready to move around and remember what classrooms they are in.

► Understand the newness of high school.

There are usually more strict teachers and more classrooms! Don’t worry. 2. More friends and more freedom (hopefully)! There will be a lot of differences, so go along with it and don’t feel nervous about the change.


Stay away from students who have higher grades than you! They’re older and you will be an easy target (目标), so watch your back! If they do try to threaten (恐吓) you or anything, tell your parents or teachers to help you with it.

► Be prepared for the dining room.

Make sure you have friends to sit with, or you’ll look lonely and feel lonely. Make some new friends to sit with. 4.

► Remember to stay good in school.

5. You don’t need an “A” for everything, but an “F” on everything is not good! Spend enough time on study and take notes during class.

A.One for every subject.
B.Put your books in order.
C.Know who to watch out for.
D.There are some advantages!
E.Try to eat healthily on your first day.
F.Try to make a good impression on the teachers.
G.Do your homework and make sure you study hard!
If it had been prepared many hours ahead, the ________(mix) would separate out now. (所给词的适当形式填空)
I found the_________(讲座)hard to follow because it had started when I arrived.(根据汉语提示填空)
When fear ________ ________ of the mind, most of us will be at a loss and don't know what to do.
I was a little anxious because I wanted to ________ ________ ________ ________ on others.

Imagine being able to see perfectly in the dark. This dream has become a reality thanks to a newly developed technology. This technology consists of a thin film that will be placed on the lenses (镜片) of regular glasses, The film is inexpensive to make, easy to produce, and is lightweight. It is actually 100 times thinner than a hair. Yet, despite its tiny size, its performance is impressive; this special film allows you to see in the dark.

This technology is able to transform infrared light (红外光), normally invisible to the human eye, and turn this into images people can see. Compared to animals, humans have very impoverished night vision. Over the years, night vision devices (设备) have been developed to help the medical, industrial, and scientific worlds. Scientists are able to study night-time animals by using infrared cameras, while companies use infrared imaging for food quality control.

Traditional infrared devices work by discovering the beat of an object. They use a cooler in low temperature and can be easily influenced by the heat noise. Such shortcoming led the team into exploring an improved device. Their new device is able to function at room temperature.

As the new technology is unlike the traditional devices, it has many future uses. Once this new night vision is available to all, it could save lives. Drivers will be able to see better at night, especially when driving on unlit roads. Police can use them when searching at night, and hikers who lose their way can feel more confident walking in the dark.

The inventors are excited to make the practical application. “While this is the first experiment, we are actively working to further advance the technology. Of course, the many uses are exciting and seeing in the dark opens up a new world for all,” said Mohsen Rahmani, lead developer of the technology.

1.What do we know about the film according to the first paragraph?
A.It costs a lot to make.B.It is difficult to produce.
C.It helps us see in the dark.D.It looks like regular glasses.
2.What does the underlined word “impoverished” in paragraph 2 mean?
3.What can be inferred about the technology in Mohsen’s words?
A.It needs to be further developed
B.It has been available to common people.
C.It is not exciting enough to scientists.
D.It has become a hit in the experiment.
4.What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Exciting Technology Makes the Invisible Visible
B.Several Ways Make People See Things More Clearly
C.The Technology Is Developing Very Quickly
D.Infrared Devices Are Very Useful In the Dark
How did Tom feel a moment ago?
1.What caused the man’s problem?
A.His worry.B.His wound.C.His overwork.
2.Who probably is the woman?
A.A manager.B.A doctor.C.A teacher.

Do you still remember what happened on your first day of school? I still remember my first day of school. On that day, I hurried to my science class in the morning and found a seat in the back. I waited there for 15 minutes before the bell rang. The science teacher told us about some class rules. No one talked to me nor did I talk to anyone else. I was one of those very shy girls. After the science class, I had an English class. I thought it would be boring but it turned out to be very funny. When the classes of the morning ended I went to lunch. I sat outside the dining room with no one to talk to and no food because I was too nervous to join the lunch line. I kept looking around hoping to see someone I knew but I never saw anyone.

Lunch ended and I went to have my art class. I was the first one there and not even my teacher was there yet. So I sat at my desk and started drawing some pictures. I didn’t notice the rest of the class walking in or the girl that was standing behind me till I was surprised by the voice, “So what are you drawing?” It was a girl who had really long hair. She ended up being my best friend and one of the kindest and liveliest girls I know.

In the next class meeting, the teacher asked us to talk about the past holiday. I was glad to make some new friends in the class. The first day of high school was hard for me but I got through it.

1.What do we know about the author’s science class?
A.She sat in the front row.B.She learned some class rules.
C.She made some new friends.D.She was 15 minutes late for it.
2.Why did the author have no lunch?
A.She wasn’t hungry.B.She forgot the lunch time.
C.She didn’t like the dining room.D.She was afraid to stand in the line.
3.In the art class, the author ______.
A.met someone she knew beforeB.talked about her past holiday
C.got to know a lively girlD.drew some pictures about her class
4.What did the author think of her first day of school?
A.Exciting and funny.B.Terrible and boring.
C.Confusing but interesting.D.Difficult but satisfying.