
Are you someone who easily gets tired and doesn’t feel like doing anything? Do you label this kind of behavior as mere laziness? 1.

Feel disconnected from everything.

People experiencing exhaustion most commonly don’t feel like themselves anymore, don’t feel engaged by anything and constantly struggle with the sense of helplessness and inability to take back control of their lives.

Used to be motivated and passionate.

A clear difference between someone who’s worn out and someone who’s lazy is that the tired people used to have things they were passionate about. 2. And even hate doing anything because of how much they overworked themselves.

Become moody and annoyed.

Do you suddenly find yourself easily angry? 3. If you start to have trouble controlling your emotions, especially when it never used to be a problem for you, this might be the reason why.


One of the warning signs is that you start neglecting your self-care and socially keep away from others. You stop making an effort to dress up yourself or look good and you tend to spend most of your time by yourself doing nothing.

Changes happen gradually.

Studies show that exhaustion develops in five major stages, according to degrees of severity. The honeymoon phase, the onset of stress, chronic stress, exhaustion and habitual exhaustion. By the time you reach the final stage, exhaustion will make you suffer from depression and anxiety. 5.

A.Ignore your self-care.
B.Focus on warning signs.
C.Do you often feel emotionally out of control?
D.So it’s important to raise awareness about exhaustion.
E.But the lazy people don’t ever devote themselves to things.
F.However, they may now be struggling to find interest in anything.
G.Here are five signs to show you’re experiencing exhaustion rather than laziness.

Does your life ever feel as if you’re pushing a heavy car—one on which you’ve spent much money and that has now broken down? You’ve done everything right: you haven’t invested heavily in a new business or quit your job to pursue your childhood dream of becoming a professional athlete. You have been a sensible adult living your sensible life. So why does it feel like such hard work?

This has been me for the past few months. Earlier this year, I took a long hard look at my sources of income and decided to focus on the ones that provided the most money. I’m lucky enough to have had a good financial year. But despite doing the right thing, it has used up my energy and I’ve worked out why.

Years ago, I realized that I disliked hard work. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind working hard, but hard work isn’t for me. What’s the difference? For a start, hard work feels as if it never really gets going. You can push hard work and it might move a little but there’s no celebratory moment when it gets done. Most importantly, hard work lacks joy. Working hard on a project you feel excited and moved by can be tiring and difficult, but it’s ultimately joyful and that is what I’ve been missing   

So I asked myself what would feel scary but joyful and this is the answer. I’m going to write a romance. Of course, being a middle-aged journalist who suddenly decides to write a book is nothing novel. However, for me, it hits the sweet spot between being joyful enough to make me want to do it and scary enough to make me feel it’s worthwhile.

As with all good middle-aged changes, this one hasn’t really been thought through. I know little about writing fiction and even less about what makes a good book. I have the thinnest of ideas for a plot but, for the first time in a while, I’m excited, I will be another Jane Austen with my fantasies which give me life. So now, I have to go and sharpen my pencil.

1.What can best describe-the author’s current feeling about life?
A.A new business makes her feel fresh.
B.She has got everything under her control.
C.She is conflicted about living a sensible life.
D.A childhood dream inspires her to more efforts.
2.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Living a rather sensible life.B.Identifying income sources.
C.Discovering new life goals.D.Sorting out the author’s jobs
3.What’s the authors understanding of hard work and working hard?
A.Journalism is a career worth working hard.
B.Hard work is something either sweet or tiring.
C.Writing a romance is difficult but rewarding.
D.Working hard rarely brings about satisfaction
4.What is probably the best title for the text?
A.Works like a dream.B.Middle-aged job crisis
C.Celebratory moment.D.A future Jane Austen.
Love is one of the greatest things in the world, but sometimes it ______ be difficult.
Tony has just arrived here, but I didn’t know he        until yesterday.
A.would comeB.had come
C.cameD.will come

Gan De was an ancient Chinese astronomer born in the State of Qi. Along with Shi Shen, he is believed to be the first   1. history known by name to produce a star catalogue (星表). He made fairly 2. (detail) observations of the five major planets during the 3. (four) century.

Gan De may have been the first to describe one of the 4. (satellite) of Jupiter (木星), usually invisible without the aid of telescopes. He gave the following 5. (describe) of Jupiter’s journey: Every 12 years Jupiter returns to 6. same position in the sky; every 370 days it disappears in the fire of the Sun in the evening to the west, 30 days later it reappears in the morning to the east... In 1981, Gan’s work 7. (identify) by Xi Zezong as describing a naked-eye observation of either of the two 8. (large) and brightest satellites in summer 365 BC.

Gan was one of the earliest practitioners of Chinese astronomy. As the earliest attempt 9. (document) the sky during the Warring States period, Gan De’s work possesses high scientific value. He wrote two books, the Suixing Jing and the Tianwen Xingzhan, 10. sadly both texts have been lost. Some of his works’ titles and fragments (片段) quoted from them are known from later texts.


Kristin Schell turned a delivery mistake into a way to connect with neighbors. Ten years ago, her family ________ to a new home in Texas. One day, Kristin ________ a few picnic tables online for a party in her backyard. The deliveryman set one table down in her front yard ________ , and Kristin couldn’t get the ________ out of her head. “After the party, I painted the table turquoise (青绿色) — my favorite color — and put it in the front yard, just a few feet from the sidewalk,” she said.

That turquoise table became the place where Kristin and her kids ________ . They used to do activities at the kitchen table, but they now did them out front at the picnic table. “We got ________ about where we spent our time,” Kristin said.

Neighbors began to stop by to introduce themselves and sit down for a chat. Kristin asked people to ________ her at the table for coffee. “It was a simple ________ to slow down and connect with others,” she said. The turquoise table was ________ and had a shared feeling.

People often ________ to invite others into their homes. They think their house is not spacious, or they don’t have enough time. Kristin’s picnic table takes away the pressure and the excuse. ________ by the act, neighbors put a picnic table in their front yard too. A movement was ________ .

A decade after their Texas beginnings, thousands of Turquoise Tables ________ in the country. Not all of them are actually turquoise. Texas Christian University in Fort Worth has several purple tables to ________ their team color. “No matter what ________ it is, it’s a friendship table,” Kristin said.

A.by choiceB.by luckC.by heartD.by mistake
A.ran outB.calmed downC.hung outD.slid down

While there’s nothing quite like watching a movie at the theater, watching a movie at home is often more convenient, more comfortable, and less expensive. 1. Either way, you’ll need to pick a great movie, make your space movie-ready, and prepare some delicious foods.

2. Maybe you want to enjoy your movie alone, or maybe you want to round up some friends or family members to watch with you. It’s your call. Watching a movie with others can be exciting, but it also means that you might need to deal with a movie selection.

Pick a movie type. If you are watching alone, simply pick the type that you’re in the mood to watch. If you’re stressed, a comedy could help you relax. If you want some excitement, go for a horror film. On the other hand, deciding on a type as a group can be hard, particularly for groups. 3.

Look through available movies within the type. Browse (浏览) movies within your own collection and use a Blu-ray player to watch them. 4. For each movie you consider, check out online review s to get a better idea of movie content and quality.

Check movie ratings if you are watching with children. If you are watching a movie with kids, be certain to check movie ratings as you go through to help you find age-appropriate content. 5. You should do research on your own as well.

A.Decide if you want company.
B.Choose a space for your “home theater”.
C.Your room could also serve as a nice cinema.
D.When in doubt, pick a popular type, like adventure or comedy.
E.Or take a look at the selections on streaming services like Hulu.
F.You may want to watch a movie alone or along with your friends.
G.While ratings help your selection, they can’t bring you all the answers.

For Kurt Gray, a social psychologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, conducting experiments comes with certain problems. Before starting any study, his lab must get ethical(伦理的)approval from an institutional review board, which can take weeks or months. Then his team has to hire online participants—easier than bringing people into the lab, but Gray says the online subjects are often lazy. Then the researchers spend hours cleaning the data. But earlier this year, Gray accidentally saw an alternative way to do things.

He was working with computer scientists at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence to see whether they could develop an AI system that made moral judgments like humans. But first they figured they’d see if a system from the startup Open AI could already do the job. The team asked GPT-3. 5, which produces human-like text, to judge the ethics of 464 scenarios(情境), previously evaluated by human subjects. It turned out that the system’s answers were nearly the same as human responses.

“This is crazy,” Gray says. “If you can just ask GPT to make these judgments, why don’t you just ask GPT instead of asking people?” The results were published this month in Trends in Cognitive Science.

Now, researchers are considering AI’s ability to act as human subjects in fields such as psychology, political science, economics, and market research. No one is yet suggesting that chatbots can completely replace humans in behavioral studies. But they may act as convenient stand-ins(替代者) in pilot studies and for designing experiments, saving time and money. Language models might also help with experiments that would be too impractical, or even dangerous to run with people. “It’s a really interesting time,” says Ayelet Israeli, a marketing professor at Harvard Business School who believes the models’ impact on behavioral research could amount to a “revolution”. “Some of these results are just astonishing.”

1.What is a problem facing Kurt Gray at the start of a study?
A.Online participants demand higher pay.B.Volunteers dislike the online experiment.
C.Preparations take lots of time and effort.D.Researchers lack skills to function in teams.
2.How does Kurt Gray find GPT?
3.What is an advantage of language models according to the text?
A.They can be applied to cases difficult to study.B.They may replace human subjects completely.
C.They will improve people’s well-being.D.They might promote economic growth.
4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.What Has AI Brought About?B.What Do We Expect of GPT
C.Should We Get Rid of Chatbots?D.Can AI Help Behavioral Research?

Seafloor cables (光缆) carry over 95% of all digital data traffic worldwide, including financial trading information and social media communications. However, how the Earth’s changing climate could impact this vast undersea network has been relatively understudied until now.

In a new study published in Earth-Science Reviews, an international team of researchers led by the UK’s National Oceanography Centre(NOC) worked to illuminate this problem by assessing how and where future climate change is likely to impact subsea cables.

By analyzing published datasets, the researchers identified regional climate change “hotspots” where threats to subsea cables may become more intense. These include areas in the western Pacific where changes to tropical cyclone (热带气旋) intensity and frequency have already increased cable damage.

“In our paper, we conducted the first comprehensive assessment of a range of climate-related threats to seafloor cables across the globe and their landing stations,” says study co-author Thomas Wahl. “Our analysis clearly stresses the need to carefully plan cable routes and landing station locations factoring in a range of local threats and how those are affected by climate change.”

When we look at Florida, there are at least 21 subsea telecommunications cables that connect to the Florida coastline, North and South America and the Caribbean, meaning that there will be a breakdown in communications worldwide if a cable is damaged, the researchers say.

However, the study identifies the importance of assessing changing conditions, particularly where multiple cable systems share a landing point, as they may be affected by combinations of threats that affect the low-lying Florida coastline, such as sea level rise, and changes in storm activity. “Our reliance on cables that are no wider than a garden hose (软管) is a surprise to many, who regard satellites as the main means of communication,” says lead author Mike Clare, a researcher with NOC. “But satellites simply don’t have the bandwidth to support modern digital systems. The ‘cloud’ is not in the sky—it is under the sea.”

1.What does the underlined word “illuminate” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The threat of sea level rise.B.The finding of the study.
C.The cause of climate change.D.The method of the research.
3.Which of the following best describes Florida in the global network?
4.What can we infer from Mike Clare’s words?
A.Subsea cables are more important for global communications.
B.Satellites have the ability to support modern digital systems.
C.Natural disasters will happen frequently due to climate change.
D.There is no need to assess potential threats to seafloor cables.

Many visual artists have a signature style, as unique and identifiable as a fingerprint. For Amoako Boafo, who often paints with his fingers, this seems doubly true. His distinctive paint strokes (笔画) combine the complex skin tones of his chosen subjects, many of whom are, like himself, Africans with global life experiences.

Boafo, whose first solo museum exhibition runs at the Seattle Art Museum, was born and raised in Accra, Ghana, and moved to Vienna, Austria, in 2014, where he ran into difficulties, with gallerists unwilling to show his works due to his focus on Black figures. He continued making an effort to create self-portraits (自画像) and people he knew or admired-African people and Black people who have African ancestry, painting a community of sorts during a time of hardship. He also developed his standout approach to figurative painting, which combines areas of bright and noticeable color with his soft and deep fingerpainting.

He began posting his art online and caught the attention of artists like Kehinde Wiley, the celebrated American artist. The word started to spread.

Boafo is now a global art star, with numerous shows at galleries and art fairs, working with fashion house Dior, and several paintings selling for over a million dollars. In 2021, with three of his paintings being launched into space by Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos’ Kent-based spaceflight company, you might even say Boafo has rocketed to success.

And yet a recent phone conversation with the artist from his studio in Accra, which is once again his home base, revealed a well-mannered person who appreciated his success while pointing out all of the luck and preparation that led to it. Seeing so many of his paintings -created from 2016 to 2022-gathered together in an exhibition has helped him remember that “I did not ‘just happen. ‘I did not expect this success but I was hopeful and ready for it.”

1.What makes Boafo’s paintings different from other artists’ works?
A.His finger strokes.B.His home country. ss-ess
C.His life experiences.D.His traditional style.
2.How did Boafo deal with the difficult situation in Austria?
A.By turning to celebrated artists for help.B.By developing a unique painting style.
C.By running his art exhibition at home.D.By working with local art galleries.
3.What is the author’s purpose in mentioning the spaceflight company?
A.To indicate the price of space travel.B.To show the value of Boafo’s works.
C.To introduce an international brand.D.To tell us the advances in technology.
4.What can we learn about Boafo?
A.He is talkative.B.He is patient.C.He is determined.D.He is humorous.