the Campus Cultural Festival校园文化节
the school hall学校礼堂

A Nation of Animal Lovers

The British are traditionally a nation of animal lovers. This is clear from the large number of animal programmes on TV. There are programmes about wildlife in Britain and other countries, and about pets at home. There are programmes like Animal Hospital about sick animals and the working lives of animal doctors. Some programmes try to find new homes for unwanted or homeless animals. All these programmes are very popular. There is a pet in more than half of the homes in the UK(52.3%). The most popular pets are cats.

Battersea Dogs and Cats Home

Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in London is a very famous home for unwanted dogs and cats. It was started in 1860 by Mrs. Mary Tealby, because she was worried about all the homeless animals on the streets of London. Since it opened, the home has taken in more than 3 million dogs and cats. In 2006, over 11,000 dogs and cats came to the home. By the end of the year, homes were found for 5,000 of them. The home even has its own magazine, Paws.

It Can Only Happen in Britain!             The Echo January 13

The rat at platform one has just made your train late!

An officer was called to Stirling station today because passengers were worried about a large white rat on the line. Three trains passed over it, but the rat was unhurt. The Scottish railway company, Scotrail, closed the line. Then passengers watched as the officer carefully caught the rat. It bit him, but he took it away safely.

An officer from Scotrail said, “We try to protect all wild animals and pets. At first the rat was very frightened, but now he’s fine.”

“We’ve called him Ronnie. He needs a good home. People think rats are dirty. But they make great pets!”

1.What is the programme Animal Hospital about?(no more than 15 words)
2.How many homes in the UK raise pets?(no more than 10 words)
3.Why did Mrs. Mary Tealby started Battersea Dogs and Cats Home?(no more than 15 words)
4.What was the result of the rat in the train station?(no more than 10 words)
5.How will you react if you see some wild animals in cities? Please further explain that.(no more than 20 words)

Digital technology -email and smart phones especially - have vastly improved workers’ ability to be productive outside of a traditional office. Even so, most white-collar work still happens in an office. One reason is that, according to findings of a new survey of office workers conducted by Wakefield Research for the IT company Citrix, most bosses are doubtful about remote working. Half of the workers say their boss doesn’t accept it and only 35 percent say it’s tolerated.

Skeptical bosses will likely have their doubts reinforced by the same survey, which shows that 43 percent of workers say they’ve watched TV or a movie while “working” remotely, while 35 percent have done housework, and 28 percent have cooked dinner.

It is true, however, that working at home makes people much more efficient(高效的), because it allows workers to take care of annoying housework while still getting their jobs done. It’s much faster, for example, to shop for groceries at a quarter to three than to stand in line during the after-work rush.

The fact that such practices remain officially unaccepted reflects how far we haven’t come as a society from the days when we expected every full-time worker to be supported by a full-time homemaker.

More broadly the Wakefield survey suggests that employers may be missing a low-cost way to give workers something of value. Sixty-four percent of those survey participants who haven’t worked remotely would rather give up some bonus in order to get even one day a week working from home. Under such circumstances, smart firms need to find ways to let their employees have enough flexibility to manage their time efficiently.

1.Why do some employers hesitate to allow remote working?
A.They fear losing control of their workers.
B.They want to stick to their routine practice.
C.They have little trust in modem technology.
D.They are used to face-to-face communication.
2.Working from home is more efficient because workers can _____.
A.take care of the annoying children
B.watch TV or a film while working
C.save a lot of time to get their job done
D.enjoy the long wait in the after-work rush
3.What seems to be most workers’ attitude toward remote working?
4.What does the author suggest smart firms do?
A.Shorten their office hours.B.Adopt flexible work patterns.
C.Give employees a pay raise.D.Reduce their staff’s workload.

The Right and Left Brain

It is common today to identify, in some way, with one side of the brain. You may think, for example, that you are more “right brain” than “left”. When we make such statements, we are referring to the fact that the two halves of the human brain deal with information from the senses, and hence the world, in different ways. In general, the left hemisphere(半球)is responsible for our processing of language and logic and the right deals with aspects of thought like emotions and spatial(空间的)relationships. The hemispheres also control our movements, though the left hemisphere controls the right side of our bodies, and vice versa.

The fact that the two hemispheres of the brain work in different ways on different tasks is a relatively new discovery. That discovery was made by a psychobiologist(精神生物学家)named Roger Sperry and it won him a Nobel Prize in 1981. Sperry uncovered the inner workings of normal brains by studying the brain function of people who had a certain kind of brain damage. In most brains, the nerves, which serves as a “bridge” of sorts between the two hemispheres; allowing them to communicate with each other. The people Sperry studied had had their corpus callosa cut, and because of this, their left and right brains couldn’t exchange information.

In a famous experiment, Sperry showed one such subject two pictures. The subject saw a picture of a knife with his right eye(controlled by the left brain)and a picture of a spoon with his left(controlled by the right). When asked to name what he saw, the subject said knife, because it is the left brain that deals with language and the naming of things. However, when asked to reach over with his left hand to a nearby table on which was placed both a knife and a spoon, and choose, without looking, the object he saw, the subject chose the spoon. This is because his left eye (controlled by the right brain)saw the spoon and his left hand(also controlled by the right brain)chose this rather than the knife. The subject himself was not at all conscious of the fact that he was seeing and choosing two different objects.

Until recently, it was thought that there was a strict division of labour. Today, however, we are aware that, for example, while the left brain is responsible for most of the language functions, the right brain plays a role in some language functions like following a story and interpreting humour. Tasks such as face recognition require both halves in different ways. Unfamiliar faces are interpreted and processed by the right hemisphere while familiar faces are processed and recognized by the left. Similarly, non-musicians will interpret a melody with their right brain, but musicians will process music with their left.

1.The right hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for ______.
C.sense of touchD.the right side of the body
2.Roger Sperry studied _______.
A.the connection between vision and touch
B.people with damaged brains
C.people with normal brains
D.the corpus callosum
3.The corpus callosum is ______.
A.only found in abnormal human brains
B.found between the two hemispheres
C.part of the left hemisphere.
D.where memory is stored
4.Roger Sperry’s experiment shows that ______.
A.one half of the brain processes language and the other processes touch
B.people are not conscious of the left and right halves of their brain
C.the two hemispheres of the brain function in different ways
D.people see differently with each eye
5.The subject of the knife / spoon experiment ______.
A.thought the spoon was a knife
B.was not aware that he was seeing two images
C.was unable to process visual information accurately
D.could not tell the difference between a spoon and a knife.
6.The example in the last sentence about musicians demonstrates that _____.
A.the left side of the brain processes music more efficiently
B.the left side of the brain deals with familiar material
C.listening to music requires both halves of the brain
D.musicians are born with more developed left brains
Social Media Detox


Today marks the last day of the Social Media Detox, Brenton High’s fundraising campaign for new sports equipment. At the start of the detox, over 100 students had been persuaded to stop using social media, in ANY form, for seven days. This meant no messaging friends, no posting photos, no blogging - nothing. They had been promised money by family and friends for each day spent without using social media. They were excited. They were nervous. But could they do it?

With the detox finished, they’ve switched on their devices and they’re back online. I bet you’re as eager as I am to find out just how many have been motivated enough to last the full seven days! And what, if anything, have been learnt from the experience?

Anna 17

I lasted two days. The detox was more difficult to tolerate than I had expected. I felt like I had lost an arm! Not eating for two days would have been easier! But on reflection, I can see how much of my time had been occupied with checking my phone. I’m now trying to spend less time online and more time picking up my hobbies.

Devon 16

I lasted four days. On Monday, our classmate and I spoke about what we did at the weekend — it felt strange not to already know what he had done. We would have posted pictures and updated our profiles. Doing the detox meant we had to talk and explain what we were doing and thinking! It made me realise the value of real contact that I had forgotten.

Cindy 18

I managed the whole week! At first, I really felt I was missing out. Then, instead of messaging my friend, I went around to her house. Without our phones, we had a proper conversation for over two hours. Without being distracted by messages from other people, it felt so good! Then I decided to visit a different friend every day. By the fifth day, I wondered – was I really missing out by not constantly checking my phone to see what everyone else was up to?

George 16

I did all seven days, too! To be honest, I didn’t find the detox too difficult, but I did give my phone to my father to avoid giving in! My brother thought I should make full use of the time without my phone; so he took me to check out our local sports centre. An hour’s sport each day left me tired out and sent me early to bed. The detox made me healthier!

Max 17

I’m embarrassed to say that I threw in the towel on the first day! I knew there was a party happening that evening, but I without access to social media I couldn’t remember where it was! In the end, I turn on my phone to check, but couldn’t resist having a quick look at my social media accounts. What’s worse, I then spent so much time catching up on news, I almost missed the party.


The detox raised a total of $1,632.82 for. new school sports equipment! Well done, everyone who took part! After, reading the posts on this forum, it seems that something rather than money has also been raised through the detox. Awareness of just how much we rely on social media can help us step away from it and communicate with each other better.

1.What was Devon’s reflection on the Social Media Detox?
A.He realised the value of real contact.
B.He felt healthier because of the detox.
C.He found it more difficult to tolerate than expected.
D.He thought too much of his time had been occupied by the phone.
2.What was George’s attitude towards stopping using social media?
3.Who lasted the shortest among the five students?
4.Which is not the benefit of the Social Media Detox program according to the passage?
A.Strengthening family relationships.
B.Raising money for new sports equipment.
C.Sharpening students’ communication skills.
D.Reducing students’ reliance on social media.
5.What will the money raised by the detox be spent for?
A.Phones.B.Picking up hobbies.
C.Sports equipment.D.Putting up posts.

Sitting back in my seat, I can’t quite believe that I’m about to travel along the railway that many foreign experts claimed was “impossible”. The train has been racing along steadily since it left Xining. All this time, the song “Sky Railway” has been_________inside my head. The words “railways like massive dragons are winding among the mountains” seem particularly_________as I travel across the “roof of the world”.

I was one of the people who came from all parts of China to work on this railway._________years to complete, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a record of all of our efforts to_________the most difficult engineering challenges. How to_______the delicate ecosystem was among the top concerns.

The first_________to catch my eye is the splendid Qingshuihe Bridge, the world’s longest bridge built over permafrost. Look! A group of Tibetan antelopes is moving under the bridge, with some stopping to eat grass at their_______. Thirty-three passages have been built under the railway to allow the animals to move safely and freely in their natural_________. Wild animals such as these Tibetan antelopes have now been using these_________for years. They seem totally__________that we are speeding past at over 100 kilometres an hour.

To prevent__________to wetlands and grasslands, 675 bridges with__________about 160 kilometres were built between Golmud and-Lhasa. We even moved 140,000 square metres of wetland to a new area in order to protect its distinct ecosystem.

The journey has been flying by, and before I know it, we have reached Tanggula Station.__________at over 5,000 metres above sea level, this is the__________railway station in the world. In locations such as this, the thin air,__________weather and high levels of UV radiation presented perhaps the greatest__________ for railway workers. To make sure we stayed__________, several oxygen-making stations were constructed. We were also able to enjoy__________breaks in lower areas.

As we pass Cuona Lake, I feel a sense of pride and achievement. Using thousands and thousands of sandbags, we built a twenty-kilometre wall along the lake to protect it from construction waste. Cuona Lake is so close to the railway that I want to__________and touch its pale blue mirror-like surface. Water birds playing in the lake, and cattle and sheep wandering the grasslands bring the scenery to life.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has been attracting people’s admiration for centuries. Now, thanks to our efforts, passengers from all over the country have been enjoying these magical landscapes. I am proud that we built our “impossible” railway, and did so with the care that the environment__________. It truly is an extraordinary “Sky Railway”.

A.a long history ofB.a large area ofC.a high cost ofD.a total length of
A.blow awayB.pay offC.reach outD.give in
It is no use ________ to persuade him ________ a holiday because he is a work addict.
A.trying; to haveB.trying; havingC.to try; havingD.to try; to have
By the time he left the college, he ______ dozens of things so he was a great guy.
A.has inventedB.was inventingC.would inventD.had invented
If you translate each word in a text separately, translations that are done too ______ often lack natural flow and may sound unnatural.
It is significant to raise public awareness of environmental protection, or it will be only too late one day to regret the________ damage we have done to our environment.