
We know our workplace clothing choices can affect what others think us and influence our success. Do those choices also shape productivity by affecting how we see ourselves?

Researchers conducted two experiments in the United States and a field study in South Korea to investigate the meanings employees associate with their dress. In the first experiment, participants viewed photos of different outfits (套装) and indicated what they thought each would convey in a “business-casual” office. In the second, participants first changed into business-casual clothing and then into new business-casual outfits they selected to correspond with one of three randomly assigned characteristics: aesthetics (美学), conformity (一致性).uniqueness. A control group was asked to select an outfit similar to their first one. All participants were told to imagine that they worked at a company where people could generally wear what they wanted to and where most choose business-casual dress. After each clothing change they reported on how they would feel going to work in what they had on, what they thought their clothing would convey, and their level of self-esteem (自尊).

The experiments showed that people associate clothing high in aesthetics with personal attractiveness conforming clothing with a sense belong, and unique clothing with distinctiveness. and revealed that each of the three qualities raised self-esteem.

The field study involved 84 white-col1ar employees who worked on-site and were free to choose their clothes They filled out three questionnaires daily for 10days, reporting on what they were wearing, their self-esteem, their interactions with colleagues and their productivity. Aesthetic and unique clothing boosted self-esteem, which in turn boosted progress toward job goals and decreased social avoidance. Dress conformity had similar effects, but only when employees frequently interacted with colleagues.

“Investing a little extra time in the morning to prepare an outfit that is aesthetically pleasing and unique-and, if interactions with others are expected, highly conforming to organizational standards—can have a meaningful impact on how an employee feels about themselves throughout the workday,” the researchers write.

1.The researchers carried out the experiments to find out______.
A.what types of clothing employees like to wear
B.whether employees can choose the dress they like
C.why dress conformity is required in the workplace
D.how employees feel about their workplace clothing
2.What did all the participants do in the second experiment?
A.Work at the same company.
B.View photos of different outfits.
C.Report their feelings about clothes.
D.Select dress from three types randomly.
3.What can we know about the findings in Paragraph 4?
A.Three assigned types have the same effects.
B.Unique clothing can increase social avoidance.
C.Conforming clothing can strengthen coworkers’ bonds.
D.Aesthetic clothing has more advantages over other types.
4.What is the best title for the text?
A.Try Different Dress Styles
B.Dress Up To Be More Attractive
C.Wear Proper Clothes To Fit In Society
D.Be Smart About Workplace Clothing

One day, while Will Allen was driving home from work, he spotted a For Sale sign on the last remaining farm in the city of Milwaukee. The place was small, only two acres (英亩), just a few greenhouses on a plot of land. An idea flashed through Will’s head. He could grow food here, without using chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

Will hired some neighborhood teenagers to help him get started. Their first job was to “grow” new soil by composting(堆肥).Will collected different kinds of food waste and piled it up until it rotted(腐烂) and turned into soil. Then he spread layers of worms between layers of compost. Amazingly, this worm poop(粪便) makes the best fertilizer in the world. With the preparations made, Will started growing food.

Today, years later, Growing Power Community Food Center becomes a strikingly productive model farm, growing enough food to feed 2,000 people on just two acres in the middle of a city. As Will’s organization, Growing Power, expands gradually, he hires more people and opens an office to manage three city farms. Will and his staff teach young people how to grow more than 150 varieties of vegetables. They also run garden projects in schools, where kids learn the basics of growing food and then get to farm their own plots. Will also travels across the world to help people grow food more efficiently.

“We’re in a worldwide food crisis right now,” Will says. “A lot of people are hungry. We need to grow food everywhere we can—in backyards, on rooftops, and even in buildings. Will’s vision for the city farm of the future is a multi-storied building, angled toward the sun. This idea, called” vertical farming”, is a new way to help feed more people.

“Growing food is powerful,” he says. “It can change the world!”

1.What inspired Will to grow food?
A.Being tired of his work.B.Finding a farm for sale.
C.Being experienced at farming.D.Visiting a greenhouse on site.
2.What did Will do before growing food?
A.Hire local adult farmers.B.Create soil with waste.

D. Buy chemical fertilizers.

C.Deal with worms in soil.
3.Why is Growing Power regarded as a model farm?
A.It grows the best organic food.
B.It owns the latest farming techniques.
C.It helps more farmers to get employed.
D.It produces more food in a limited area.
4.Which best describes the development of Growing Power?
A.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.
B.All things are difficult before they are easy.
C.From a single spark may burst a mighty flame.
D.Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.
1.What do we know about the jacket?
A.It was unsuitable for the man.
B.It was large for the man’s son.
C.It was bought at a reduced price.
2.What does the woman ask the man for?
A.The jacket.B.The receipt.C.The credit card.
3.What will the man do next week?
A.Get his money back.B.Take a credit note.C.Visit the store again.
1.What did the speakers just do?
A.They watched a show.
B.They performed in a musical.
C.They practiced dancing together.
2.What was the woman?
A.A dancer.B.An actress.C.A musician.
1.Which place will be cleaned today?
A.The hallways.B.The front office.C.The cafeteria.
2.What will the woman do next week?
A.Design a schedule.B.Hold a meeting.C.Host a dinner.
Why does the man talk to the woman?
A.To book a room.B.To confirm his fight.C.To reschedule a meeting.
内容主要包括: 1. 简述调查反馈;
2. 简单评论;
3. 你的建议忠告。
注意: 1. 词数 100-120 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;参考词汇:epidemic 流行病, 疫情

On February 6, 2020, American astronaut Christina Koch arrived back on Earth after 328 days in space. Her time in space is just one of the records set by herself. That’s the longest spaceflight ever made by a woman, and just one of the many things Ms. Koch achieved in space.

Ms. Koch took off from Earth for the International Space Station (ISS) on March 12, 2019. While in space, she made 5, 248 trips around the Earth, travelling 2, 237 million kilometers, which is roughly the same as 291 trips to the Moon and back. During her 11 months on the ISS, Ms. Koch took part in six spacewalks, spending over 42 hours in all outside the station. In October of 2019, Ms. Koch led the first ever all-female spacewalk with Jessica Meir.

But for most astronauts, space travel isn’t about setting records. It’s about doing science. Ms. Koch took part in a wide variety of special experiments, including studying how crystals grow in space, how atoms behave in extreme cold and learning more about growing plants in low gravity. Growing plants in space could be an important way to provide food on future trips. She also tested a new way of separating liquids from gases. This experiment could lead to simple methods of cleaning water and air in space, which could be very important for future space travel.

Ms. Koch isn’t just a scientist and an astronaut. She is also being studied. She’s part of a NASA program studying how astronauts are affected by being in space for long periods of time. Her trip was only 12 days shorter than the American record set by Scott Kelly in 2016. As they did with Mr. Kelly, NASA scientists are looking carefully at ways Ms. Koch’s body has been affected by her time in space. That research is important for the longer space trips NASA hopes to make in the future, such as for a base on the moon or a trip to Mars.

1.Which of the following is an achievement Ms. Koch has made?
A.Making the longest spaceflight by herself.B.Leading the first women-only spacewalk.
C.Cleaning water and air successfully in space.D.Staying outside the ISS continuously for 42 hours.
2.What do the figures in Paragraph 2 suggest?
A.Koch made historic breakthroughs in space.B.Koch went through a life-threatening space trip.
C.Koch completed admirable tasks in the space travel.D.Koch is the most experienced astronaut in NASA.
3.What do we know from the text?
A.Astronauts are competing to set new records.B.Koch’s team produced their own food in space.
C.NASA has founded a scientific base on the moon.D.Koch’s research is significant for space exploration.
4.What can be the best title for the text?
A.Record-Setting Astronaut Koch Returns to EarthB.US Astronauts Carried out Experiments in Space
C.Spacewalks Have Successfully Been Done on the ISSD.NASA is Studying Astronauts for Longer Space Trips

Ferries (渡船) have clear advantages over cruises: you don’t keep bumping into the same people, and they are more environmentally sustainable. Plus, a passage on a Greek ferry costs just a tiny part of the price of a cruise voyage.

Some trips are economical: Piraeus to Rhodes takes 15 hours, but costs only £58 one-way. It pays to familiarize yourself with Greece using a good map and then start planning with a ferry booking site such as greekferries.gr, ferryhopper.com or UK-based directferries.com. You will see all the main tour operators (公司) and be offered fast boats which compete with traditional, slow-paced ferries; the former are sometimes sealed like aeroplanes, while the latter allow deck walks and views.

If you want to hop around, please have a look at the followings.

Top Tips

Going deck (economy) — which is even available on overnight trips — is a surefire way to save money.

When to go

The shoulder seasons of spring and autumn are ideal for a holiday in southern Europe. It isn’t the peak time for holidays; it has fewer tourists and lower accommodation prices.

Do it yourself

Wizz Air (wizzair.com) is offering flights from London to Athens in October from £34 return. A Ferryhopper booking for Athens-Paros-Mykonos-Kea-Athens over eight days in October came in at £101.

Perfect package

Med Experience (020 45717689; medexperience.com) is quoting (要价) £790 for a nine-day island-hopping holiday, including shared B&B accommodation, ferry tickets, tour manager and parties. Flights not included.

1.How many advantages of taking ferries are mentioned compared with cruises?
2.Which of the following can visitors get from the perfect package?
A.Accommodation and flights.B.Ferry tickets and flights.
C.Souvenirs and ferry tickets.D.Accommodation and tour manager.
3.What’s the main purpose of the passage?
A.To guide visitors to save money.B.To compare ferries with cruises.
C.To introduce a travel route to Greece.D.To recommend a travel agency.

If you've seen the timeless childhood classic The Lion King,you should recall Simba and Nala's adventure past the Pride Lands and into the forbidden elephant graveyard.This strange and mysterious place, piled with elephant bones,is only a myth.However,all myths are steeped in truth.Are they not?

According to fairy tale, this is a mythical place where older or ill elephants instinctively go in anticipation of their death-alone, far from the elephant groups and not slowing down the progress of those that remain behind. Yet, is there any chance that one of these secret places could be real? No one has ever found one, but according to some experts on elephant behaviour, it's not unthinkable that such a place could exist. Realistically, elephants could die massively in one place for any number of reasons. Natural disasters such as lightning strikes,localized flooding,or food(water) - shortages drive starving elephants to gather in places where finding food is easier. These animals are already fragile and many of them may die in the same area.

But, does that mean that the conscious practice of “elephant graveyards” by the animals is purely mythical? Perhaps not. Researchers from the UK have recently proved that elephants show strong interest and emotion if they come across the remains of other elephants. Their behavior suggests that they recognize their most close relatives. Whole families can spend hours or even days attending the bones of a herd member.

Few species other than humans demonstrate the same type of awareness in death of their own kind. Chimpanzees have been known to obey certain rituals(仪式)around their dead and will only abandon a body of a relative once it begins to decompose. Lions have also been known to show emotions to dead family members by sniffing or licking the body prior to devouring(吞食)it. This idea lends another origin of the elephant graveyard: a place where elephants gather to mourn the bones of their dead.

1.The author mentions The Lion King in the beginning to
A.introduce the topic
B.provide examples
C.recall childhood memories
D.recommend a film
2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Whether the elephant graveyard exists.
B.How elephants could anticipate their death.
C.When dying elephants left their groups.
D.Why some elephants die in the same place.
3.The underlined word “decompose" probably means “
C.swell up
D.break down
4.What does the author want to prove by the examples of chimpanzees and lions?
A.They are aware of death.
B.They follow some rituals.
C.They recognize their relatives.
D.They are interested in the remains.