
The effects of advertising often work in tricky ways. Many people don’t even realise they are being marketed to when they change their behaviour after encountering advertisements. Advertising is such a powerful psychological tool that an entire field of study devoted to unlocking how advertising influences consumer behaviour has been developed.

Another effect of advertising is educating consumers about specific products or services. This can be part of the persuasion written in an ad. In an advertisement, a company can influence potential buyers by showing how the product works and how it can solve the problems they face. For example, a dog owner who previously thought there was no solution to his dog’s anxiety can learn through a dog vest ad that there actually is a solution, and that solution is the gentle pressure provided by the vest.

Advertisements generally use similar language. Many advertisements are designed to make the viewers take immediate action. Words and phrases often used in such ads include “Buy now!” “Get started!”   and “Try now!”. Specifically, the part of an ad that pushes for immediate action is called “call to action”, which is important to any ad because it drives the viewers or listeners to take action. Besides, companies usually use persuasive language in the rest of the advertisement. This can be a recommendation from a previous buyer, a chart showing the product’s benefits, or a list of the product’s benefits.

Advertising is part of marketing. Although the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably (可替换地), they aren’t the same thing. Marketing is the broad process of researching consumers needs, collecting and evaluating data related to those needs and developing various strategies for attracting consumers. Advertising, on the other hand, strictly refers to the process of attracting potential customers to make a sale.

1.Why does the author tell the story about the dog owner?
A.To show consumers learn about products for pets from ads.
B.To show consumers’ problems are the inspiration for advertisers.
C.To show consumers are affected by ads offering solutions to their problems.
D.To show consumers’ needs can be satisfied by companies devoted to advertising.
2.What’s the text structure?
3.What’s the author’s attitude towards advertisements?
4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.How Does Advertising Influence People
B.What Are the Advantages of Advertising
C.How Does Marketing Differ from Advertising
D.What Are People’s Attitudes towards Advertising

This summer vacation has nearly come to an end, but I have hardly finished reading any useful books or updated any satisfactory writings. With an empty head and a guilty feeling, I owe this to my involuntary addition to the mobile phone.

This is not because I have more free time and rely on my MP as a time-killer. On the contrary, I am occupied by various chores and time left at my will is only pieces of hours. I give up doing serious and creative things during these fragments of hours, making excuses for myself: “I am tired so I need to do something easy and relaxing...” But, sticking my face to the MP turns out to be by no means relaxing. My vision becomes more unclear and precious time is wasted.

The prime culprit(元凶) should be WeChat: Being quick-responsive to any message sent to me is a bad habit; Being afraid of losing track of what all my “friends” are doing comes at a price; The colorful ads of “daigou” sacks(洗劫) not only my purse... The other two accomplices (共犯) that l need to put in jail at once are Taobao and Koala (though I know I can’t bear to do that!)

I have to admit that a lot of apps provide much convenience to my life, such as dictionaries, maps, music, e-books and apps for stock dealing, for taxi booking, for ticket and hotel booking, for picture processing etc. The side effect is that I am so buried in these attractive apps that I just can’t put my MP down, close my eyes for a while and think what my priority is.

1. 续写内容应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

At night, I happily get onto my bed with a book in my hand, hoping to enjoy some “quality” time by myself.


Now I am looking at the desktop of my mobile phone, full of apps.


The homelessness epidemic is now going to be solved in a unique way by two Seattle-born non- profit organizations. Through “The BLOCK Project”, tiny_________ homes are being built in the backyards of the volunteers, to be_________ to the homeless of the neighborhood.

Founder of the BLOCK, Rex Hohlbein joined Facing Homelessness, another non-profit organization to_________ the project. The latter one has the_________ of finding lands, on which the BLOCK will be responsible to_________ small, low-emission housing. Meanwhile, thousands of Seattle residents have already offered their backyards for the project. ________, the government also ________ to make the process legally convenient.

Seattle has been facing a dual problem of having ________ housing on one hand, and the country’s 3rd largest homeless community on the other. In such context, Hohlbein ________ that willingness of kind neighbors could_________ a better and quicker solution than a long waiting for state assistance.

The goal of the project is to introduce the globally changing definition of accommodation brought by Airbnb. According to Hohlbein, in his childhood, he thought it ________ to think about ________ strangers in any regular household just in ________ for little money. But Airbnb has made the concept_________. Through the project, Hohlbein aims to_________ the same kind of “cultural shift” with sustainable housing, starting from the grass-root level of local neighborhoods.

A.take inB.carry outC.live onD.go through
A.broke inB.stepped inC.calmed downD.slowed down

As athletes get stronger and faster, the pace of play continues to increase. The burden of making sure games are played according to the rules and that the officiating (裁判) is accurate is now being taken out of human hands and falling more and more into the lap of technology. It’s called the video replay.

The National Football League is expanding its replay system this upcoming season to include pass interference (传球干扰). Major League Baseball now relies on it for safe-or-out and home run calls. If you’ve been watching the FIFA World Cup, you may have noticed that the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) played a key role in almost every game. And in the Kentucky Derby, a horse was disqualified for knocking another horse. No one knew why until a video replay confirmed the call and controversy was avoided.

However, many purists—those who want people to follow rules carefully and do things in the traditional way—especially in soccer, argue it’s not the way the game was invented, and that the video replay is tainting the sport. But don’t you want to see the proper application of the rules throughout the games? I know I do. Yes, it can slow the game down, but I feel it is worth it. If technological advancements allow fans watching from home to spot mistakes instantly, those same views need to be available to the officiating crews. Another example occurred in the most recent National Football Conference (NFC) Championship Game between the Los Angeles Rams and the New Orleans Saints. When obvious pass interference was committed by the Los Angeles Rams player Nickell Robey-Coleman, with just 109 seconds to play, no flag was raised on the field. It weakened the New Orleans Saints spirits. The Los Angeles Rams won a 26-23 overtime victory. The no-call deeply angered the public. The video replay showed the referees had just missed one of the most apparent pass interference calls.

There are no easy answers regarding replay technology and whether it is a curse (魔咒). But for me, keeping the officiating honest and on task is the right step in limiting controversy.

1.What trend in sports can be observed in paragraph 2?
A.The video replay has been widely used.
B.League games have become competitive.
C.Rules of professional games are becoming stricter.
D.People are showing more interest in sports than before.
2.What does the underlined word “tainting” in paragraph 3 mean?
3.What might the New Orleans Saints think of the referees in the NFC Championship Game?
A.They relied a lot on the video replay.
B.They cared too much about details.
C.They were definitely stressed out.
D.They were terribly disqualified.
4.What would be the best title for the text?
A.Video replays: high-end technology in sports
B.Is technology like VAR a blessing in sports?
C.Officiating: a duty that requires honesty
D.What do qualified referees really mean?

13-year-old Ryan was a lazy video game addict who always required the help of the housekeeper for everything. His father, Alex, noticed how spoiled(宠坏的) his son was, so he decided to set things right.

One day, Ryan was running late for school, but he was still busy playing video games. He was so distracted that he had no time to put on his socks and shoes, so the housekeeper did it for him.

“Dad, I’m ready. Let’s go!” he finally shouted, taking his school bag. Alex had always driven him to his school even though it was just a seven-minute walk from their home. For Ryan, that would seem like a hundred tiring miles.

That morning, to Ryan’s surprise, Alex asked him to walk to school instead. “What? No! I can’t carry this heavy bag to school on foot. Please drop me off, Dad,” Ryan said. But Alex turned a deaf ear. “You’re a grown-up boy now, Ryan! Just walk. Get used to it,” he said.

Ryan had no choice but to walk along the road. He was out of breath when he got to the school gate. He came into his classroom and sat on the chair quickly. He was tired. He wasn’t used to walking, even for a few minutes. What a lazy and weak boy Ryan was!

When Ryan was still resting, he found a boy he didn’t know entering the classroom in a wheelchair. The boy was Mike, who was new to Ryan’s neighborhood and lived very close to Ryan’s house. He moved in with his grandparents recently after he lost his ability to walk in a car crash that killed his parents. Regardless of his extremely bad luck, Mike decided to be strong, optimistic, confident, brave and independent.

Although Mike was new in class, all classmates welcomed him warmly. Ryan never made a single friend all these years. Nobody liked him because he was lazy. The attention Mike got that day made him more upset.

The next day, Ryan begged his dad to drive him to his school again. But Alex just shook his head. Quite disappointed, Ryan had to walk to school,

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

Just as he left home, he saw Mike alone on the road, pushing his wheelchair.

Paragraph 2:

Encouraged by Mike’s words, Ryan decided to try to be independent.


It’s amazing how one dollar can change the culture of a school.

We have a _________ school of about 30 students. It is really full of competition and pressure as most of the kids get good _________ and try to be the best ones. It’s good except that a lot of us middle kids felt really _________. We got the feeling that we were so selfish—it’s every man for himself.

_________, my friend and I set out to find a way to change the culture. We thought doing things for others was the only way to _________ our depression about school. On the first day of school we put a _________ folded into a heart into one of the leaders’ lockers with a piece of paper that _________ “Buy yourself a snack.” We hoped to give away small gifts every day. We didn’t know the _________ it would have.

People went _________ over it and everyone was talking about who it might be doing the acts of kindness and __________ that they should do something too. It is so much fun to see the __________ on everyone’s faces now! Lots of other people have started sharing __________ now too: chocolate bars, cookies and money left on purpose in the vending machine (自动售货机). And lots of notes are on the thanks board saying: “Thanks to whoever started.”

Now I actually expect to go to school to have the chance to __________ people up. I hope kindness will __________ to other schools. If anybody is struggling with being __________ at school and work, I totally suggested doing acts of kindness.

A.In returnB.In chargeC.In responseD.In relief
A.deal withB.live withC.come up withD.keep up with
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One sunny afternoon, Janes, a seven-year-old girl whose parents went to their farm to harvest corns, was left home with their dog, Yeller. Feeling father bored, she decided to go out for an adventure alone. With a toy gun in her hand and a whistle around her neck, Jane crossed a large area of grassland into the woods before she realized that she was lost.

Sitting on a rock and wondering what to do, Jane began crying. After a while, she decided to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes. It was getting dark, but she still couldn't find her way home. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise, which was actually the sound of wind blowing leaves. She ran quickly in the woods until there was no road ahead but a river. She lost her toy gun while running. Cold and scared, Jane sat down near the river and fell asleep against a tree.

Her parents were back from work but could not find their daughter. Deeply worried about Jane's safety, they locked the door and went out to search for her.

Their dog, Yeller, was left at home. He noticed something was wrong because it was dark but there was nobody home. He sensed that Jane was in danger. He tried to get out, but the door was locked. He jumped through a window, looked in the fields but couldn't find her anywhere. However, from the ground came a familiar smell as he lowered his head. He followed the smell and walked across the grassland until he found the toy gun. But Jane was not there. The dog circled around the woods, barking loudly into the air.


Jane opened her eyes and heard Yeller barking nearby.


Weak and hungry, Jane walked back home with Yeller leading the way.


Ariana Porter was very excited. Tomorrow will be a new day and a new beginning, well, kind of. Tomorrow Ariana will go to a boarding school! No little sister to share a room with, peace and quiet. She ate her favourite homemade curry for the last time that year. Then, she curled up in her clean bed and shut her eyes. Excited.

The next day, Ariana woke up, jumped into her best clothes and flew downstairs. After a quick breakfast, the whole family lined up and said their goodbyes. Ariana’s little sister tried to hug her, but she shrugged Liliana off. And off she went to boarding school. Happy.

However, when Ariana got there, everyone looked unwelcoming. A teacher showed her to her dorm. It was cold and dark! A few days later, Ariana got several letters. The rainbow one was from her little sister and another from her parents. Ariana couldn’t even be bothered to open them. She just threw them into the main hall’s fireplace when nobody was around.

Every day, Ariana tried to make friends. It was an all­girls school. Unfortunately, she had no luck. She tried to give girls gifts, she tried to be friendly, but they shrugged her off just like she did to her sister. Two months passed trying to find new friends, but without success. Ariana felt more and more lonely. Something was missing in her life. Something indescribable. Something, or maybe someone.

Week after week went by and then, one day, holding yet another batch of mail, Ariana’s heart trembled. She realized what she was painfully missing, her FAMILY. Whenever she was down, whenever she needed help or comfort, they were there for her. Always. This time she opened the little rainbow envelope and smiled. Reading it filled her heart with joy. Ariana couldn’t reply, for the school didn’t allow that, so she decided to hide the letters under her pillow. The pile grew larger and they were so important to her, for the letters gave her the greatest comfort when she was away from home.

Months passed eagerly waiting for the day when the school year ends. No more dorm life and unfriendly girls. Ariana skipped to math class excitedly, but couldn’t concentrate, she dreamed about going home.


Finally it was the day to go home and Ariana started to pack.


Ariana was leaving the dorm when she realized she forgot something important.


There is hot, and then there is hot! Extreme heat is a period of high heat and humidity with temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit for at least two to three days. Extreme heat is responsible for the highest number of annual deaths among all weather-related hazards (危害).

It’s not your imagination. Summers have been getting hotter and hotter with extreme heatwaves occurring earlier and more frequently. But why is this happening and can we better predict heatwaves in advance to give people time to prepare?

“Climate change is here and it’s already been changing human behavior and causing significant influence in the society. As global temperatures rise, historically excessive (过高的) temperatures are more likely to occur.” says Craig Ramseyer, an assistant professor who studies climate modeling in the department of geography at Virginia Tech.

Ramseyer says heatwaves are the most concerning because of the lack of attention they normally receive. “Hurricanes, tornadoes, and flash floods drive more media attention because of the natural attraction with the visual impact of those types of hazards. However, heat does not tend to be as attractive and it becomes very difficult to communicate the danger to the public,” said Ramseyer. “Around the world, more deaths occur due to extreme heat than from hurricanes, flooding, and drought combined. It impacts the most helpless of our citizens who do not have enough access to air conditioning, water, and other important resources.”

Since the Earth is running warmer than it used to, Ramseyer says that when these heatwave-related weather patterns take place, it results in higher extreme temperatures than we used to experience 30 years ago.

“As a global community, we need to decrease carbon emissions as soon as possible. We have rapidly developing technologies that are going to help advance the process, but the faster the better, there is no time to waste.”

1.What can we learn from the article?
A.Extreme heat is a No.1 death cause.
B.People are suffering more extreme heat.
C.A 100-degree heat is an extreme heat.
D.Extreme heat is getting better over the years.
2.What will Ramseyer possibly agree with?
A.Climate change will soon affect human behaviors.
B.High temperatures happened frequently in history.
C.Air conditioning and water can stop the extreme heat.
D.Garbage sorting can less advance the climate change.
3.Why is extreme heat lack of attention?
A.Extreme heat can be stopped by technology.
B.People have enough time to solve the climate problems.
C.The danger of extreme heat is not easily transferred to the public.
D.Heatwave-related weather patterns will decrease in the future.
4.What’s the article mainly about?
A.Complaints about extreme heat.B.Prevention of extreme heat.
C.Characters of extreme heat.D.Technologies behind extreme heat.