Then the unthinkable happened. A cardiovascular (心血管的) accident sent him into a deep coma (昏迷), ______ he emerged 20 days later in a hospital on the north-east coast of France.
A.whereB.from whichC.whichD.from where
Approximately 45 percent of the world’s population live in the climate zone ______ mosquitoes transmit malaria.
Given the breadth of her research, her ______ knowledge on the topic is evident in every chapter of her book.

“Changing the world” might seem like an unrealistic goal. When faced with huge problems such as air pollution or energy shortages, where do you start? Gogoro believes you start with a scooter.

Proof of concept

In 2015, Gogoro broke onto the scene by releasing an electric scooter called the Smart-scooter. Unlike most electric scooters. This one wouldn’t need to plugged in to recharge. Instead, users would stop by GoStations to exchange drained batteries for fully charged ones.

Gogoro was taking a risk. If people were not happy with the system of changing batteries the whole project could fail. They didn’t need to worry, though. Only one year later Gogoro sold their 10,000th Smart-scooter!

Setting the bar

Fast forward to 2019 and the release of the Series 3 Smart-scooter. Gogoro scooters are as popular and revolutionary as ever. Their bright colors are chosen by Beatrice Santiccioli, a famous color designer who helped shape major brands like Apple, Nike and Swatch. In addition to the scooters’ bright colors, plenty of cool accessories (配件) are available so you can make your scooter your own. But most important of all, Gogoro continues to pave the way toward a future of responsible energy consumption.

Looking forward

Multiple cities and countries have committed to making their transportation all-electric in the coming years, and Gogoro is helping make the possible. Ordered a package? Companies like DHL and Taiwan Post now have fleets of Smart-scooters to make deliveries. Need a ride? Unlock a Gogoro in Berlin, Paris or Madrid, thanks to scooter sharing services.

The Smart-scooters is definitely ingenious, but there’s more. “At Gogoro, I think the essential thing is that we want to change how people use energy. And the Smart-scooters is only the beginning.” says Horace Luke, Gogoro co-founder and CEO. This is where the GoStation comes in.

1.Compared with other electric scooters, the Smart-scooter ______.
A.can recharge itself in Gostations in mega-cities
B.only needs to change batteries in Gostations
C.wouldn’t need to be recharged at all in life
D.can be recharged by its users in Gostations
2.Gogoro scooters are popular and revolutionary mainly because ______.
A.their colors are chosen by a famous color designer
B.their colors are different from those of others
C.it is a good way for people to consume energy
D.it can help us solve the problem of energy short
3.What can we conclude from the passage?
A.The more mega-cities there are, the more GoStations may appear.
B.GoStations will soon entirely take the place of traditional stations.
C.People need not go to GoStations especially during peak hours.
D.More mega-cities will appear throughout the world in the future.
Equally impressive is Li Bai’s free expression of strong feelings, which d________ him from other landscape poets. (根据首字母单词拼写)
(1)I believe every one is sure to receive an unexpected joy.

According to a study done by the University of Florida, 1. students read affects the level of writing they achieve. In the study, researchers surveyed students about their reading materials, and they also took a writing sample from their cover letters. Upon analyzing their 2. (finding), researchers concluded that students who read academic journals and literary fiction scored 3. (high) in measures of writing complexity than 4. who primarily read popular fiction or web content 5. (publish) on sites. Although the study didn’t investigate why a link between reading material and writing ability exists, the authors suggest our writing may 6. (simple) mimic (模仿) what we read.

7., Andrew Jarosz, a psychology professor at Mississippi State University, says this study had a relatively small sample size and that it’s too soon to conclude that the complexity of the material we read affects the complexity of our writing.

“It could indeed be that reading complex materials 8. (lead) to more complex writing,” he said. “Alternatively, what if people who are better writers prefer to read complex materials that mirror their own writing abilities? That is, it is entirely possible that the relationship goes 9. the other direction.”

Jarosz says other variables (可变因素), 10. (include) intelligence and the ability to store and process information at the same time, may also be responsible for why some people write at a higher level than others.


Russ Fee was asleep inside his tent last summer when a series of screams jolted him awake. Throwing on his shoes, he ran out to investigate. Fee and his wife were traveling through Canada’s Banff National Park to enjoy its stunning beauty and awesome wildlife. It was the latter he now encountered. Although it was dark, Fee could detect a neighboring tent in a mess. Backing out was a wolf, dragging something in his teeth. That thing was a man.

Moments earlier, Elisa and Matt Rispoli, from New Jersey, were asleep with their two young children when the wolf tore into their tent. It was like something out of a horror movie. For three minutes Matt threw his body in front of Elisa and the boys who would stand little chance of running faster than a wolf and fought the wolf with bare hands. Atone point, Matt got the upper hand, pinning the wolf to the ground. But the wolf clamped its jaw onto Matt’s arm, set its powerful legs, and began tugging Matt outside while Elisa was pulling on his legs trying to get him back.

It was then that Russ Fee entered the picture. He ran at the beast, kicking it like he was kicking in a door. The wolf dropped Matt and merged from the tent. Wolves are large, Fee felt like he had punched someone that was way out of his weight class. He could feel its heavy breath facing and he could smell the terrible pungent (刺激性) ordor it emitted fishy, oily and bloody.

The wolf turned its anger on Fee, exposing his sharp teeth and snarling at him. Terrified, Fee withdrew a bit. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw his minivan was not far away. Meanwhile, panicked as they were, the two boys concealed themselves at a safe distance from the battle. The elder boy used the satellite phone to call for help.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Matt, his arms bloodied, flew out of the tent to resume the battle.


Just at that moment, a police car came, along with an ambulance.


For decades, India’s time zone has been a hotly debated issue. Back in 1884 when time zones were officially established, two time zones were used — Bombay Time and Calcutta Time. Indian Standard Time (IST) was introduced in 1906, but Calcutta Time and Bombay Time continued to be maintained after India’s independence in1947, until 1948 and 1955 respectively. The current single time, though a legacy (遗留物) of British rule, is often viewed as a symbol of unity. Yet, not everyone thinks it is a good idea. India stretches 3,000 km from east to west, extending across roughly 30 degrees longitude. This corresponds to a two-hour difference in mean solar time, based on the position of the sun in the sky. Thus, the sun rises nearly two hours earlier in the east than in India’s far west. In Northeastern states, sunrise can be as early as 4 a.m. in summer and sunset by 4 p.m. in winter, much earlier than the official working hours. This results in great loss of daylight hours and more consumption of electricity, and often reduced productivity.

Meanwhile, recent studies point out that the current system leads to a serious problem in education for some students. Nationwide, the school day starts at roughly the same time; thus, children go to bed later and have reduced sep in west India, where the sun sets later. Such sleep deprivation (剥夺) caused by later sunset is more pronounced among the poor, mostly due to their noisy environment and lack of facilities that assist seep, like window shades or indoor beds. On average, an hour’s delay in sunset time reduces children’s sleep by 30 minutes, and an hour’s delay in annual average sunset time reduces education by about 0.8 years. As a result, children living in locations with later sunsets are less likely to complete primary and middle school education.

Despite various requests and proposals for multiple time zones, the government is keen to maintain the current system. Reasons provided include prevention of confusion and safety issues regarding railway and fight operations.

1.Which of the following illustrates the Indian time zone system since 1955?
2.According to the passage, when is most likely the sunset hour in December in the city of Varanasi shown on the map?
A.7 p.m.B.6 p.m.C.5 p.m.D.4 p.m.
3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “pronounced” in the third paragraph?
4.According to the passage, which of the following is a supporting argument for multiple time zones?
A.The number of traffic accidents can be checked.
B.Children may have better-quality sleep and education.
C.Confusion about different times can be avoided.
D.The country may remove the impact of British rule.

A vast majority of people usually argue that cycling can make a significant contribution to our world. In reality, there is a gap between desired and actual numbers. In Germany, for instance, only 20% of the everyday short-distance trips are covered by bicycle. When enquiring about the causes, researchers found one point repeatedly tops the list: the perceived or potential risk on the bike routes used. Increasing the share of cycling trips thus depends crucially on well-developed bike paths.

However, designing efficient bike path networks is a complex task that involves balancing a variety of limitations while meeting overall demand. In addition, many districts are confronted with a shortage of funds available for improving the infrastructure. Researchers propose a new approach to generating efficient bike path networks. This considers demand distribution and the route option of cyclists based on preferences for secure outings. Typically, minimizing the travel distance is far from the solely goal. Aspects such as attractiveness of a route are also taken into account.

Under real conditions, a bike path network is created by constantly adding bike paths to more streets. This time, researchers start with an ideal, complex network, in which all streets in a city are equipped with a bike path. In a virtual process, they gradually remove less used bike path sections from this network. The route selection of cyclists is continuously updated. Thus, a series of bike path networks is created and is always adapted to the current usage. Each stage of it corresponds to a variant that could be carried out with less financial support.

“We illustrate the applicability of this demand-driven planning for crowded urban areas of Dresden and Hamburg,” explains researcher Christoph Steinacker. “We are approaching a real-life issue here using the theoretic toolbox of network dynamics and compare efficient bike path networks under different conditions.”

1.Why do people rarely cycle?
A.They think of cycling as inefficient.B.They usually take long-distance trips.
C.They’re concerned about the security.D.They’re unable to find special bike roads.
2.What is a challenge for good bike path networks?
A.Tight budgets.B.Complex routes.
C.Maximized travel distance.D.Decreasing cycling demand.
3.What can be learned about the planning put forward by researchers?
A.It will be updated once in a while.B.It is contrary to the real-life design.
C.It ensures every street has a bike path.D.It serves as a model for other districts.
4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Good Planning Gets the Bike RollingB.A good Network Benefits More People
C.Cycling Paths Change Crowded Urban AreasD.A New Concept Contributes to a Better World