Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

B. excuse

C. featured   

D. favorE. approachesF. defended
G. access

H. serve

I. regional

J. celebratedK. lengths

When Coca-Cola was first sold in 1886, nobody thought it could be improved. Nearly a century later, in 1985, New Coke was introduced to replace the original recipe of Coke in order to rebrand the product amidst falling sales——Coke was losing customers to Pepsi, whose sweeter taste was finding 1.. Unfortunately, the Coca-Cola Company saw a significant drop in sales soon after the release of New Coke. Some customers just preferred the “classic” recipe. The old adage(格言), “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” seems to apply here.

Something similar is happening with A Bite of China, a 2. food documentary focusing on the stories, traditions and culture surrounding interesting regional dishes from around China. The first two seasons of the show saw great success. However, when the third season began last month, the reviewers were not so “sweet”. With an entirely new production team, Season Three steers away from(偏离) the show’s core focus on 3. dishes and towards intimate life stories, non-food-related subject matter and even product placement(植入广告).

In the first episode of Season Two, a teenager in the countryside collects honey high up in a tree. The scene is stunningly filmed, telling a moving story about the dangerous 4. to which people go to gather food for their families. In the third season, however, the focus is taken almost completely away from the food. In one of its most infamous episodes, DIY lipstick using questionable ingredients bought online is 5.. Viewer response has been swift and severe, with several commentators wondering whether it is still suitable to call the show a food documentary. The production crew have 6. the changes, claiming that the innovation is meant to keep the show fresh and interesting to an expanding audience. While this may 7. in part, to explain the show’s creative differences from previous seasons, it doesn’t 8. the show’s declining professionalism, which has led to some silly mistakes such as mixing up ingredients or confusing the correct names of regional dishes.

Innovation is generally 9. in industries big and small, but a winning formula that has popular 10. is not necessarily something that requires changes. Innovation is a tool often best used when a new direction is called for. By trying to reinvent the wheel, one might just end up with a flat tire. It’s time that A Bite of China took a page out of Coca-Cola’s playbook and returned to the classic recipe, where success has never tasted so sweet.


"A woman's life isn't complete until she has________ ."says Lao Bai as he toasts his friends at the dinner table. The line is produced at the dinner party,a________ scene from the latest romantic comedy B for Busy(爱情神话),which is starred by attractive actresses such as Ma Yili, Ni Hongjie and Wu Yue.

With the audience merrily immersed in the carefully designed plots and lines of the film, the ________ of feminist consciousness is distinctly perceived. Indeed, the film featuring the local culture of Shanghai took only a few days to become the highest-rated Chinese movie of 2021 on Douban because the film, as opposed to a wealth of other conventional films, ________ the traditional male gaze, pushing the boundaries of female empowerment even further. As the line at the beginning implies, more and more Chinese women are going all out to ________ themselves from the traditional restrictions set by men and to erase huge sexist bias with great achievements.

Have those women pioneers achieved a huge success in the male's world? Not nearly.

With the opening of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, a grieving ________ unkindly unfolded online before all the Chinese people. One is Eileen Gu, the 18-year-old skier winning two gold medals for China; the other is a chained mother of eight locked in a doorless hut.

The huge gap between them serves as a ________ reminder that the poverty gap remains hard to bridge in China. The extent of a person's ________ determines how cozy his/her life turns out to be. A simple but underlying principle is that the wealthier you are, the wider access you will have to novelties, which will further your ________ on the world. Accordingly, in relatively wealthy areas, the prominent Eileen Gu stands a chance to pursue her dream and secure perfect skiing abilities, thus greeting herself with spiritual gratification in self-fulfillment. ________ in comparatively destitute areas, women are denied the access to self-refinement, subjected to men's incurable obsession with having ________ and thus they reluctantly perform the mission of carrying on the family line-for husbands. The fundamental cause of it comes down to poverty, resulting in the poor's limited horizons, which invariably contribute to ________ misconduct.

On a whole scale, China still has a long way to go because it has just ________ the relief of absolute poverty, not relative poverty. Even if relative poverty is tackled, a lag period awaits before the ________ of deep-rooted concept resulting from it, requiring women's continuous fight.

Thereby, as we take a close look at our country, attention should not be ________ paid to those glorious sportswomen; spotlight also needs to be cast upon those unfortunate women trapped in deep darkness. Be it Eileen Gu or the chained woman in Xuzhou, each one of them, as Lao Bai introduces himself in B for Busy, represents a different and real part of China.

A.stands the test ofB.keeps in line withC.casts light onD.steers away from
Vietnam boasts more than 3,200 kilometres of coastline with ______ clear waters, vibrant sea life and sandy beaches that are a huge tourism draw.
According to the new regulatory policy, providers of online education network products and services that ______ teenagers should offer corresponding products and services according to the mental and cognitive capabilities and developmental stages of teenagers.
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. acknowledging B. discouraged C. drain D. identify
E. negative F. referring G. occurred H. pin
I. refresh J. specific K. ultimately

Make a Wish List

Most of us know of New Year’s Resolutions, where one sets intentions for the year ahead. But too often, people make their resolutions 1.— “I will no longer eat biscuits left at my desk” — and then feel unhappy. In the cold month of January, the last thing you need is to 2. your energy further by setting up a series of battles with yourself. And if you break a resolution, you feel 3., which is a rubbish way to start the year. What you need instead are things to look forward to.

So instead, try a wish list. This involves writing down 100 things you would like to do in the year ahead. The items can be enormous or tiny, ranging from “Climb Everest” to “buy a new pencil sharpener”. The main thing is that at some point it has 4. to you as something that you would like to do.

The key here is — write it down.

Do you feel any resistance to the ideas? If so, ask yourself why. What is wrong with 5. what you would like to do? Try not to say to yourself: “I can’t, I don’t have the money/time/energy/skills.” Just write it down. It helps to be 6., so rather than “Get outdoors”, 7. a place you would like to visit. And take your time when creating it — a wish list is not built in a day. Think about it, polish it and 8. it.

Finally, you have your list. And what a work of beauty it is. Here are all the things that you would like to do. Remember to 9. them up where you can see them; let yourself consider how they can be accomplished. You’ll be amazed that so many of your dreams can be realized though the simple trick of writing them down and 10. to them.

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. available B. carried C. exploring D. introduced
E. management F. nasty G. packed H. quality
I. reduction J. signal K. visit

After-school tutoring to change course under new regulations

Zhong Kaitong, a fourth-grade pupil at a primary school in Guangzhou, enjoys a much more energetic summer vacation this year. Instead of English or mathematics courses she used to attend, her vacation is 1. with fun and laughter, playing badminton and basketball in the playground.

Chinese authorities have in recent months 2. out a series of strict regulations to deal with after-school training and ease the burden on primary and middle school students. In late May, authorities ordered the comprehensive 3. of off-campus training institutions and a tougher crackdown on unqualified operations, false advertising, and so on.

Last month, central authorities 4. a guideline to ease the burden of too much homework and off-campus tutoring for young students. It details requirements in areas such as the 5. of homework and improving quality of education and after-class services provided by schools.

A(n) 6. to several training centers around a primary school in Shenyang, found empty classrooms. Such tutoring has been suspended for about a week and will not be 7. for the whole summer vacation, they say.

Some tutoring institutions are actively seeking transformation under the new guidelines. A manager in charge of one major tutoring company says 70 percent of their business has been affected, and that they are 8. new service areas to adapt to the new policy.

All these moves have sent a very clear 9. to bring education back as a public welfare, and guide the educational training industry to develop in a direction of improving students’ comprehensive 10., says Chen Xianzhe, a professor at South China Normal University.


When you’re shopping at the grocery store, you probably expect that olive oil you see came from olives, and that the organic vegetables were never exposed to poisonous chemicals. Increasingly, however, there is a chance you might be _________. In recent years, there has been an increase in reports of so-called food fraud, or attempts by various entities—to alter products and _________ customers and food companies alike for financial gain (though occasionally the companies are complicit (同伙). Among the more recent _________: “natural?” honey that’s been laced with antibiotics (抗生素) and Italian companies selling “Italian olive oil” from a mixture of oils that did not originate from Italy.

How can this _________? In the U.S., the Pure Food and Drug Act has prevented the “manufacture, sale or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or harmful foods” since 1906, and similar laws exist in other countries. But most global food regulators, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, aren’t equipped to _________ them effectively. For the most part, they _________ safety standards—ensuring that foods don’t contain bacteria or viruses—and rely on companies to police the quality of their own ingredients, lest they face consumer opposition. But now that food manufacturing has become globalized, supply chains are _________, creating more opportunities for bad actors to mess around. “Anyone who can _________ substituting cheap ingredients for more expensive ones is going to try,” says Marion Nestle, who teaches nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University.

Governments are starting _________. In 2014, the UK. created a food-crime unit that collects reports of food fraud. The Institute for Global Food Security lab in Belfast tests __________ sent in by people worried about fraud—a process that’s easier than ever, thanks to advances in technology. And there are efforts in the U.K., the U.S. and China, among other nations, to increase the punishments for companies that get caught selling shady foods.

But in order to __________ fraud in the first place, the food industry needs to get better at safeguarding its own production network. So the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)—a trade group consisting of officials from more than 300 food manufacturers—will this year start __________ its members’ supply chains, from field to table, to identify fraud. Meanwhile, dozens of other food-industry experts recently teamed up with academics from Michigan State University to launch the Food Fraud Initiative (FFI), a group that studies fraudsters—__________, how they avoid safeguards—and then advises food companies on how to keep them away. “There are plenty of __________ out there who are going to wake up and look for some opportunity for fraud,” says John Spink, director of the FFI. “We just need to make ourselves a harder __________.”

A.agree withB.respond toC.substitute forD.focus on
A.longerB.riskierC.more stableD.more selective
A.hold on toB.look down onC.get away withD.make up for
A.take offB.keep upC.set asideD.fight back
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. collectively   B. engine     C. convinced   D. contribute   E. distribute   F. envisioned
G. address   H. increasingly I. seemingly   J. engagement   K. initiative

Ocean plastic has become a defining problem of our time, and a challenge to the world’s brightest thinkers and innovators. With a significant portion of plastic waste entering through rivers, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste is supporting the work of Renew Ocean to 1. the lack of waste infrastructure in developing regions.

Research published in Environmental Science & Technology in 2017 shows that rivers 2. dump anywhere from a half to three million tons of plastic into the seas every year. According to the data, ten rivers alone carry 93 percent of the river-borne plastics that end up in the ocean. To help prevent this plastic waste from reaching the ocean, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste will sponsor Renew Oceans, a localized 3. and investment project focused on high-leakage rivers. As a Founding Global Oceans Sponsor, the Alliance will 4. its materials and logistics (物流) capabilities. The National Geographic Society has also supported the Renew Oceans 5..

Renew Oceans is part of the Renewology partnership, a brainchild of Priyanka Bakaya. Growing up in Australia, Bakaya became fascinated by science, chemistry, and the environment. Trips to India as a child 6. her of the need to do something positive for an environment 7. strained by plastic waste. At Stanford University, she became aware of social entrepreneurship and continued developing her ideas for ending plastic waste in business school at MIT.

How does Renew Oceans plan to tackle a(n) 8. insurmountable (难以克服的) problem? First, using proprietary (专利的) “biofence” technology designed by Renewology, plastic waste is collected as it flows down rivers and branches. ReFences divert the plastic and thus keep it from accumulating and entering the ocean. As 9., the program has major side benefits. The plastic collected across the developing world will be converted into fuel, while waste pickers will receive compensation directly tied to the fuel generated from the plastic they collect. Renewology can become a powerful 10. for empowering local communities while cleaning up the world’s trash and providing necessary fuel.

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. defensively        B. exited        C. initiatively          D. landscape          E. respond          F. thought
G. towered                  H. unaffected        I. uninhabited        J. welcoming          K. winding

Danger in the desert

That day we were deep in Chile’s Atacama Desert. There the 1.   could often be compared to Mars. Our team of four female microbiologists watched as a car full of curious men pulled up beside us. Because we were strangers in a(n)   2. place, our minds immediately jumped to ways we could protect ourselves. So, 3. , our Chilean fellow guide lifted the strong tool she’d been using to dig up plant roots. The rest of us tried to look braver than we felt.

We had come to this desert to conduct DNA studies on giant horsetails that somehow grow well in one of Earth’s driest places. We were searching for plants in the most remote locations, where they would be 4. by human activities such as mining and agriculture.

We’d been warned that the trip could be dangerous. Because we were traveling so far from fuel sources, we were told to take along a can of gas. Our destination was at the end of a(n) 5.   single-lane dirt road lined with burned-out vehicles that had not successfully negotiated the steep downslope. Our sample site was near a village, and the people might not, we were told, 6. positively to us. We were instructed to report our travel plans at the nearest police station so that search parties would know where to look for us if we disappeared.

We had found the amazing plants and their bright green stocks   7.   over our heads. They aroused the 8.   of ancient wetland plants. The men approached as we finished collecting our samples. We waited tensely as a man 9.   the car and walked toward us. To our surprise and relief, he politely invited us to visit their village—they wanted to show us a lovely church of which they were proud. That day, we learned about more than the microbiomes that help desert plants grow well. We also met a(n)   10.   community who had likewise beautifully adapted to their challenging home.
