
The Two Tree Coffee, located in the Liyukou Village of Huyi District in the city of Xi’an, quickly went viral (走红) on social media.

The popularity of the cafe is 1.(large) due to the boom (暴涨) in cultural and ecological tourism in recent years, 2.(combine) with the government’s efforts at environmental preservation.

In recent years, the Chinese government 3.(strengthen) the long-term protection project, and adopted 4.(measure) such as the establishment of the five-level forest chief system. More and more urban residents, especially those 5. Xi’an, are attracted to the mountain villages for slow-paced vacations.

Wang visited many places before 6.(decide) to build the cafe here. “Cafes are among the favorite businesses of young people, and they provide 7. strong sense of uniqueness when they appear in the countryside,” she said. “People come here not only to consume coffee, 8.to ‘pay’ for the green ecology and the pastoral (田园的) environment.”

In front of the cafe is a tourism highway, 9.connects the store with many artistic villages along the mountain range. Art helps the villages to become 10.(fashionable) and livable, while retaining their natural beauty, than before.


A man named Joe in Austin spent several months in order to adopt a dog. Alva is a dog with wobbler syndrome(摇摆综合征), but that didn’t _________ Joe from knowing they would be together.

_________ at Austin Pets Alive in November 2020 at just 5 months old, Alva was _________ , skinny, and in need of a helping paw. She had a hard time _________ and walking on account of the _________ . After almost 24 months of shelter stays, the _________ in her life with wobblers and multiple owners had made her self-protective, _________ , and shy.

Joe had originally seen Alva on APA’s Instagram, and determined to do something to help her. “I just _________ her and said, ‘I bet everyone has given up on you,’” Joe told APA! “‘I’m not going to do that to you.’”

Nor did he, but instead visited her at APA every single day for two months to earn her _________ in the hope that he could welcome her into his __________. Seeing that there was a potential end to Alva’s difficulties, APA staff worked hard to treat and __________ Alva. Alva recovered well during the two months, and __________Joe got what he wished for—Alva was able to move in with him.

He __________ his house with various ramps and carpeted corners to ensure she had a safe, comfortable environment.

“Alva gave me a __________ every time I saw her, and that was: inspiration. It is her infectious spirit that makes her __________, and brightens my days,” Joe told APA!

A.turned toB.looked atC.waited forD.called on
A.adapt toB.take afterC.depend onD.attend to

A little more than three months ago, I began on a journey—one that required neither a backpack nor a plane ticket. Instead, all I needed was a notebook and a pen. 1. Come rain or shine. No excuses. Just words on paper, day after day.

Now, as I’ve crossed the finish line of this self-challenge, I’m here to share the invaluable insights I’ve gained, hopefully inspiring you to give this powerful tool a shot.

I’m a great listener to everyone except myself. Most of us spend our days listening to others, through meetings, phone calls, podcasts, or social media. But in that process, we often drown out (淹没) the most important voice—our own. 2.

My mind is an ocean, sometimes calm, often stormy. Through journaling, I was able to see my thought patterns like never before. Some days, my journal entries were as calm as a peaceful ocean. 3. It was a daily exercise in understanding that our minds, much like the ocean, have ups and downs.

The past is not a prison. 4. Regrets weren’t barriers, but guides showing me a better way forward. Journaling became a form of self-forgiveness and a process of releasing the past events.

The future is a canvas (画布). Journaling didn’t just make me a historian of my past; it also made me an architect of my future. I was able to plan, dream, and visualize like never before. My entries were filled with ideas, goals, and hopes. 5.My journal turned out to be a price less tool for personal growth and development.

A.However, they helped to get to know myself.
B.On others, they resembled waves during a storm.
C.Some mistakes were like the stormy waves on the sea.
D.Mistakes were not terrible failures, but stepping stones.
E.My journal served as a platform for my inner self to be heard.
F.I decided to commit to journaling every single day for 90 days.
G.For these, I could revisit, refine, and reimagine as many times as I wanted.

With the arrival of the summer heat, cultural-themed ice creams are once again trending across social media platforms in China.

Museums, scenic spots, amusement parks and even universities have once again rolled out their unique cultural-themed ice creams this year. These ice creams are often tiny copies of famous landmarks or cultural relies that offer visitors a delight for the taste buds.

The trend of cultural-themed ice creams began in 2019 when the Old Summer Palace in Beijing was one of the first scenic spots in China to introduce lotus-shaped ice creams. It was inspired by that in 2017 eleven ancient lotus(莲花)seeds were discovered in a pool at the Old Summer Palace. Six of these ancient lotus seeds bloomed in the summer of 2019. So to mark the occasion, staff at the Old Summer Palace designed ice creams shaped like lotus blossoms. These ice creams were widely loved by visitors, not only serving as a cold treat but also offering a unique way for visitors to sample and connect with their cultural heritage.

To protect their cultural relics, many museums have put up signs prohibiting photography or the use of a flash. However, cultural-themed ice creams provide an alternative way for visitors to catch memories of their visit. Various flavors offer visitors a choice of colors and ingredients for the ice cream, which reflect the local characteristics and charm of these cold treats. It is also suggested by the museums that the visitors can take the carved ice cream bars home with them to use as bookmarks.

For many young people, taking photos of themselves standing alongside cultural landmarks is an artistic preference from their parents’ generation. To them, a selfie(自拍)with a cultural -themed ice cream is a much cooler way to show off their travel experiences and bridge the gap between modern life and distant historical relics.

1.What can we learn about cultural-themed ice creams from the first two paragraphs?
A.Visitors spend much money on them.B.They may be shaped like landmarks.
C.Visitors are eager to try their taste.D.They are made due to summer heat.
2.What inspired the idea of cultural-themed ice creams?
A.The Old Summer Palace.B.The wide love by visitors.
C.The blossoms of the six seeds.D.The discovery of ancient lotus.
3.For what are cultural-themed ice creams well-received?
A.Protecting cultural relics.B.Remembering one’s visit.
C.Being used as bookmarks.D.Offering visitors various flavors.
4.Why do the youth take the selfie with a cultural-themed ice cream?
A.To do something different.B.To bridge the gap with their parents.
C.To show off their cooler way to travel.D.To show their connection with culture.

Fourteen-year-old Peter often gets helpful tips from his Big Brother, Paul, a 32-year-old computer programmer, is not Peter’s brother. Instead, he is his mentor through an education program called “Big Brothers Big Sisters”.

Paul and Peter have been Big Brother and Little Brother for 1 year. Previously, they met constantly. They would go to Starbucks, walk through different districts of the city or play games. When COVID-19 started spreading, the relationship had to go completely virtual to ensure their health and security. Now things get better and they meet more.

When school is frustrating (令人沮丧的), Peter texts Paul and gets motivated. When he doesn’t understand a math problem, he asks Paul for help. Paul even gave Peter advice on avoiding being distracted while having lessons online at home, where he lives with four brothers and they talk, play and fight all in one space.

Older than Peter, Paul has had more life experiences. He helps Peter see things positively from different points of view, but he never makes decisions for Peter. Peter said, “Paul makes such a far-reaching difference to my life, in my education outside school in particular.” Paul said Peter had an effect on him likewise, saying that his life was enriched. “If you want self-improvement, join in this program. Really, it’s in practice a job worth doing. I’d like to be a lifelong Big. Brother of Peter, and more kids.”

Asked how it started, Paul said when he returned from abroad seven years ago, he started looking for ways to help his community. Then he accidentally found the program.

The program makes the most appropriate matches. Kids from ages 6 to 18 can continue to get help until they turn 21. At present, Big Brothers Big Sisters has about 1 300 kids paired with mentors locally.

1.Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “mentor” in Paragraph 1?
2.What troubled Peter most when he studied at home?
A.It was difficult for him to stay focused.
B.His brothers wanted to use his computer.
C.He wanted to talk and play with his brothers.
D.He always had trouble with his math homework.
3.What can we know from the passage?
A.Paul will leave Peter when he is 20.
B.Peter and Paul were carefully matched.
C.Paul makes Peter’s life even more difficult.
D.Peter depends on Paul’s advice to make decisions.
4.What can be the best title for this passage?
A.Peter and his big brotherB.How to make a great match.
C.Big Brothers Big Sisters programD.New ways to help your community

I was recently involved in a bad traffic accident. I was knocked unconscious by the impact so I don’t __ anything about the accident. My first memory is being given oxygen as the doctors and nurses tried to ____ me back to life.

As I lay in the emergency room, I found myself ____ my life and thanking God that I was still __. The good news is that nobody else was __.

Since that day, the physical recovery has been __ but not as tough as the emotional recovery. I've learned a lot about myself and about what really ____ in this world. Things that are really important are not“things”. I’m not invincible(无敌的)and I cannot ____ everything that happens in my life. I need to be better at ____ the things that come into my way that I didn’t plan for. As someone who was always in a ____,it taught me to slow down a little. I have learned to live each day honestly and ____.

___ I continue to heal physically and emotionally,I have a different opinion on ____ . When tragedy strikes,you can either let it ____ your spirit,or use it as an opportunity to grow. I have chosen to ____ from it.


Most people agree that eating healthy food is important. But sometimes making good food choices can be tough. Now, there are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their diets.

Open Table

Open Table helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat. Open Table is a free service that shows users restaurant availability based on where and when they want to dine. Open Table users can also make reservations directly through the app or website.


Epicurious is a free app and website to help users find recipes and become better cooks. The app has more than 30,000 recipes and can create a shopping list based on the ingredients (原料) in a recipe. The app rates recipes for popularity and other qualities and inform users about vegetables in season in different areas.

Happy Cow

The Happy Cow app is made freely for Vegetarians. Users can search for vegetarian restaurants and stores around the world. The Happy Cow app is based on the Happy Cow website, where users can discover places nearby or search using keywords.

Local Eats

Restaurant chains, like McDonalds, can be found almost anywhere a person might travel. But sometimes tourists want to eat like locals. The website and app Local Eats is designed for that, which can help you find local restaurants in major cities in the US and in other countries.

1.Which app can help people book a table for a meal in advance?
A.Open Table.B.Local Eats.C.Epicurious.D.Happy Cow.
2.Who might be interested in the app Local Eats?
A.App designers.B.Travelers.C.Vegetarians.D.Chefs.
3.This text introduces these apps to help people to ________.
A.save moneyB.be better cooksC.eat betterD.make good food

It's no secret that inhaling(吸入)smoke is bad for your lungs. But now, scientists are suggesting smoke may also carry and spread infectious diseases. The theory, published in Science Magazine, is based on the research that found wildfire smoke is full of thousands of species of microorganisms(微生物).Some of these microorganisms, including bacteria and fungal spores(真菌抱子).are known to cause disease.

The new research suggests that when a wildfire burns plants or animal matter and disturbs soils, it exposes thousands of species of bacteria and fungi that otherwise might not easily become airborne. You might think the high heat from fire would kill these organisms, but one study mentioned in the article found that some bacteria even multiply after fires. Scientists say the organisms stick with smoke particulates(颗粒物), allowing them to travel thousands of miles across continents.

Dr. Peter Chen, director of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, is interested in the theory but somewhat skeptical that the microorganisms in smoke would actually cause infections. Many bacteria and fungi don't cause lung infections, says Chen, but it's certainly possible that a significant number could worsen symptoms in someone with a preexisting lung condition. "I always thought it was the particulates in smoke that were causing these issues," says Chen. "But when I read this, I started thinking, could it be the microorganisms that are also worsening existing illnesses?"

Whether the microorganisms in smoke actually cause infections or simply worsen potential respiratory(呼吸的)issues, the article raises a new health threat that is "certainly alarming", says Kelsey Jack, an associate professor of environmental and development economics. This is especially true for lower-income populations, Jack says, because people with fewer protective means are often more exposed to the environment. If smoke is affecting the air quality in a certain area, the people who work outside, or who have to go to the office on foot or by bike will inhale more smoke than those who drive.

But until more research is done, Chen says the best thing people can do is just follow existing recommendations when air quality is poor-including staying indoors, keeping windows and doors closed, using HEPA filters and running air conditioning.

1.What can we know about the microorganisms from Paragraph 2?
A.Some could reproduce after fires.
B.They could be killed by high heat.
C.They could possibly travel through air by themselves.
D.Some could copy the smoke particulates.
2.How do most microorganisms affect people according to Dr. Peter Chen?
A.They will cause lung infection.B.They might worsen lung diseases.
C.They will destroy living environments.D.They might damage respiratory systems.
3.Why are lower-income people suffering more than others according to Kelsey Jack?
A.They live in poor areas.B.They drive to and from work·
C.They have suffered from lung disease.D.They are exposed to polluted air more frequently.
4.What does Chen advise people to do in the last paragraph?
A.To wait for the results of more researches.
B.To ignore the air quality and to work out outdoors.
C.To follow previous suggestions on dealing with poor air quality.
D.To avoid using filters and air conditioning.
The exercises are designed to s________ your stomach muscles. (根据首字母单词拼写)