
Fourteen-year-old Peter often gets helpful tips from his Big Brother, Paul, a 32-year-old computer programmer, is not Peter’s brother. Instead, he is his mentor through an education program called “Big Brothers Big Sisters”.

Paul and Peter have been Big Brother and Little Brother for 1 year. Previously, they met constantly. They would go to Starbucks, walk through different districts of the city or play games. When COVID-19 started spreading, the relationship had to go completely virtual to ensure their health and security. Now things get better and they meet more.

When school is frustrating (令人沮丧的), Peter texts Paul and gets motivated. When he doesn’t understand a math problem, he asks Paul for help. Paul even gave Peter advice on avoiding being distracted while having lessons online at home, where he lives with four brothers and they talk, play and fight all in one space.

Older than Peter, Paul has had more life experiences. He helps Peter see things positively from different points of view, but he never makes decisions for Peter. Peter said, “Paul makes such a far-reaching difference to my life, in my education outside school in particular.” Paul said Peter had an effect on him likewise, saying that his life was enriched. “If you want self-improvement, join in this program. Really, it’s in practice a job worth doing. I’d like to be a lifelong Big. Brother of Peter, and more kids.”

Asked how it started, Paul said when he returned from abroad seven years ago, he started looking for ways to help his community. Then he accidentally found the program.

The program makes the most appropriate matches. Kids from ages 6 to 18 can continue to get help until they turn 21. At present, Big Brothers Big Sisters has about 1 300 kids paired with mentors locally.

1.Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “mentor” in Paragraph 1?
2.What troubled Peter most when he studied at home?
A.It was difficult for him to stay focused.
B.His brothers wanted to use his computer.
C.He wanted to talk and play with his brothers.
D.He always had trouble with his math homework.
3.What can we know from the passage?
A.Paul will leave Peter when he is 20.
B.Peter and Paul were carefully matched.
C.Paul makes Peter’s life even more difficult.
D.Peter depends on Paul’s advice to make decisions.
4.What can be the best title for this passage?
A.Peter and his big brotherB.How to make a great match.
C.Big Brothers Big Sisters programD.New ways to help your community



y = sin x, x∈R, y∈[–1,1],周期为2π,函数图像以 x = (π/2) + kπ 为对称轴
y = arcsin x, x∈[–1,1], y∈[–π/2,π/2]
sin x = 0 ←→ arcsin x = 0
sin x = 1/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/6
sin x = √2/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/4
sin x = 1 ←→ arcsin x = π/2


y = sin x, x∈R, y∈[–1,1],周期为2π,函数图像以 x = (π/2) + kπ 为对称轴
y = arcsin x, x∈[–1,1], y∈[–π/2,π/2]
sin x = 0 ←→ arcsin x = 0
sin x = 1/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/6
sin x = √2/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/4
sin x = 1 ←→ arcsin x = π/2


