1.What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?
A.Boss and employee.B.Teacher and student.C.Interviewer and applicant.
2.What’s included in the benefits plan?
A.The retirement ageB.The yearly income.C.The development plan.
3.How many days’ sick leave can the man have per year?
A.Ten days.B.Two weeks.C.Twenty days.
4.When will the man have the interview?
A.This Monday.B.This Wednesday.C.This Thursday.
The good thing about cycling is that you don’t have to worry about ________(stick) in a traffic jam. (用所给词的适当形式填空)

Fragile. Oversensitive. Glued to their phones. 1. While there may be some truth to these stereotypical (刻板印象的) features, there might be more to this generation of teens than what is generally observed.

Never before have the lives of any generation of teens been as flooded with mobile technology and social media as the teens of this generation. 2. This is in contrast to the more village spirit or community-oriented attitude of their parents’ and grandparents’ days. We have teens who may not know about who lives in the unit next to theirs, much less offer a friendly nod or wave when they happen to cross paths with a neighbour.

3. Arguably, the very connectedness that social media brings about has led to an opening of minds and a flourishing (繁盛) of dialogue among people of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Logging onto platforms where people of all walks of life meet means that one is exposed to those people and their distinctive ways of life. In comparison, the parents or grandparents of this generation of teens probably did not have the same opportunity to get to know people outside of their social circles at their age, and are thus more likely to have fixed, stereotypical opinions of people different from them. This generation of teens, on the other hand, has the chance to use this technology to learn more about and attempt to understand the variety and diversity out there. 4.

To conclude, the teens of this generation differ in many ways from their predecessors (前辈), in some ways more positive than others. 5. Therefore, this generation of teens differs from past generations, with the changes around them.

A.No wonder the self-confidence and mental health of teens have been damaged.
B.Yet, the effects of technology on this generation of teens are not all bad.
C.Is this what comes to mind when we think of the teens of this generation?
D.Their parents or grandparents were likely less connected and more isolated.
E.Moreover, in the older generations’ mind, the teens today are more individualistic.
F.As a result, this might be why the teens today are more open-minded and progressive.
G.Every generation is a product of the cultural, political and economic events of their time.

We’ve all heard it before: to be successful, get out of bed early. After all, Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up at 3:45 am, Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne at 3:30 am and Richard Branson at 5:45 am- - -and, as we know, “The early bird catches the worm.” Indeed, it may be true that those who get up early have a jump start on the day before others are even out of bed.

But just because some successful people wake up early, does that mean it’s a trait most of them share? And if the idea of having exercised, planned your day, eaten breakfast, visualized and done one task before 8 am. makes you want to roll over and hit snooze until next Saturday, are you really doomed to a less successful life?

For about half of us, this isn’t really an issue. It’s estimated that some 50% of the population isn’t really morning- oriented or evening oriented, but somewhere in the middle. Roughly one in four of us, though, tend more toward bright-eyed early risers, and another one in four are night owls. For them, the effect can go beyond falling asleep in front of the TV at10 pm or being regularly late for work.

Numerous studies have found that morning people are more self-directed and agreeable. And compared to night owls, they are less likely to be depressed, drink or smoke.

Although morning types may achieve more academically, night owls tend to perform better on measures of memory, processing speed and cognitive ability, even when they have to perform those tasks in the morning. Night-time people are also more open and more creative. And one study shows that night owls are as healthy and wise as morning types- and a little bit wealthier.

Still think the morning people sound more like CEO material? Don’t set your alarm for 5 am just, yet, as it turns out, overhauling (大修) your sleep times may not have much effect.

“If people are left to their naturally preferred times, they feel much better. They say that they are much more productive. The mental capacity they have is much broader,” says Oxford University biologist Katharina Wulf. On the other hand, she says, pushing people too far out of their natural preference can be harmful. When they wake early, for example, night owls are still producing melatonin (褪黑激素 ). “Then, you disrupt it and push the body to be in the daytime mode. That can have lots of negative, physiological consequences,” Wulff says like a different sensitivity to insulin and glucose (葡萄糖) which can cause weight gain.

1.What can we know from the 4th and 5th paragraphs?
A.Neither night owls no morning persons perform better than the middle ones.
B.To beat night-time people, ask them to do maths calculation in the morning.
C.Night owls tend to sacrifice their health for their wealth.
D.Morning types are more conservative but more optimistic.
2.Which of the following does Katharina Wulff support?
A.Don’t fall asleep in front of the TV.
B.Better not overhaul your sleep times.
C.Stop sting your alarm for 5 am.
D.Avoid being-regularly late for work.
3.What does the author do in the first three paragraphs?
A.raising the problem→analysing the problem→solving the problem.
B.presenting author’s viewpoint → providing supporting proofs→making a conclusion.
C.leading in the topic→challenging a viewpoint → discussing about the topic.
D.introducing a viewpoint -raising the question→presenting author’s viewpoint.
4.Why does the author write this article?
A.To argue against the view that the early bird catches the worm.
B.To compare the differences between early risers and night owls.
C.To advise people to get up neither too early nor too late.
D.To explain why some people are more successful.

I have never been creative, so despite enjoying most of school, I had a tough time with creative writing assignments. One year, we had a short story assigned that was especially big — ten to twenty pages — and worth an especially large part of that semester’s final mark. I was unable to think up even a bad idea, let alone a good one.

Then, the Sunday before it was due, I awoke having had a dream that would work fine for the short story! I wrote it all down. A young man killed all the bad men in the village, but then more people became bad guys. In the end, the young man realized that killing could never make the world a better place.

Monday arrived, but the teacher announced an extra week was being given since many kids were having trouble getting their stories done on time. So, a few of us who had our stories ready exchanged them to read. My friend read my story. I said, “I had great trouble doing it, but then, like a miracle, this came to me in a dream!”

My friend was surprised, “That wasn’t out of your subconsciousness (潜意识). That was the story of the last movie you saw. How could you forget? ! We watched it three weeks ago.”

“Oh my God. You’re right! What have I done? This is cheating!”

I was a good kid who got good marks easily, so I had never even for a moment considered cheating before. But I had no other story idea with which to redo the assignment. Eventually, I persuaded myself it was morally acceptable because I had written it in my own words, with the story of my choice, not copied something completely, and I had not stolen the idea purposely. So, I handed it in.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

A few days later, I was called into the teacher’s office.


I couldn’t accept this excellent award with peace of mind.



Summer vacation was coming. Jack and his brother Berlin were filled with excitement as they thought of visiting their grandparents again.

The big day came at last. After the happy family got ready, they set out for the grandparents’ eagerly. On the way, the brothers were excitedly talking about the fun they had with grandparents.

A little blue house with a tall white chimney finally appeared. Behind the property was the forest carrying their good memories with Grandpa. They arrived at the driveway, at the end of which Grandma was waiting for them joyfully.

Jack and Berlin each gave Grandma a big hug and then swept to the living room, shouting excitedly “Grandpa, we are back!”

Seeing his grandsons, Grandpa was wild with joy and tried to get up with all his strength from the chair but in vain. A helpless expression flashed on his face. Grandma explained that his health was declining rapidly and maybe couldn’t stand up on his own forever. But Grandpa declared stubbornly (倔强地), “I can!” Certainly, he was stuck in his boyish way. Mum and grandparents were happy to meet again after a long time. They sat together and chatted about what happened recently.

The brothers were soon bored with adult conversation, went out and wandered into the forest. Tall trees stretched up to the heavens with large branches crossing each other, while young ones rose straight like soldiers. Grandpa was once a great explorer full of wisdom. He could tell where the birds came from only by their calls and songs. The trees, birds, lizards, lots of bugs...How many merry moments they spent with Grandpa in the kingdom!

But now Grandpa couldn't get up. This made them worried. “We’d think out a way to cheer him up.” Jack said. “Grandpa is a bird lover, and we can catch him a bird.” Berlin suggested. “But he hates birds being caged!” Jack shook his head.

Then a bright idea came to Jack’s mind. “Why not make a cane (拐杖) out of a young tree!”


Berlin thought it was a good idea.


Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Grandpa.


A passion for sewing has been in my family for several generations, and with a few lessons from my grandma and brother, I became pretty _________ about it. So I decided to give scrunchies (布发箍) a try! My first _________ was a disaster, but I kept on trying until I eventually _________ the art of scrunchie-making.

When I was first _________, I would sit at the machine for hours on end, just managing to _________ an item I was eager to sell. I didn’t get bored or _________; I was just so determined to complete and _________ get it on the market.

I began selling my items to my friends, and now I’m selling dresses as well! My _________ have won me a reputation, for each item was _________ with great love and care.

My family and friends have offered me their constant __________ and feedback (反馈). They helped me learn how to run, __________ and plan a whole business. Most of the time, their feedback is __________, but they’re not afraid to tell me if I could have done something better. I’ve also had to __________ negative feedback, which cables me to be more __________ when something doesn’t work out the way as I planned.

My advice for anyone looking to start up their very own __________, would be to start small and build yourself up. Enjoy, and trust in the journey!

A.looking outB.falling downC.starting outD.calming down
A.come acrossB.deal withC.wait forD.insist on

A couple worked hard to provide for their family well, but their wealth came at the expense of their time. They hired a woman called May to help raise their three children. Their first son, Matt, was now 18, and they had two other children who were 8 and 5 years old. When they had Matt, they weren’t financially wealthy. However, by the time Matt turned 9, it slowly improved.

When Matt was 11, they decided to send him to a private school since they could afford it. Changing the school environment brought about a sudden personality change for Matt, and his parents believed it was because putting him in a class of wealthy teenagers made him feel superior (有优越感的).

Through the years, the concerned parents tried to change this side of Matt. When he was16, the parents made him take a part-time job to start taking financial responsibility seriously. At first, the parents thought it worked. However, after some time, the boy’s parents realized he hadn’t changed.

One day, the couple planned to go on vacation. Instead of leaving May at home, they decided to take her with them and bought her a first-class ticket. While they were planning the vacation, Matt overheard them talking. He felt his parents’ paying for May’s first-class seat was unnecessary because their family had already paid for her.

The mom was shocked. She said it was mean for him to say that, especially after everything May did for them. She added how grateful she was for May’s help, as she gave up time for her own child to raise hers—Matt included. Still, Matt continued to argue his point. The mom grew tired of his selfishness and said he’d be the one in an economy seat and had to pay for an upgrade to first class if he wanted one. The boy nodded, thinking it was a joke.


On the day of the trip, Matt realized his mom was telling the truth.


Still feeling ashamed after the trip, the young man knew he had to change.


Map reading, growing fruit and vegetable and basic car service are also more common skills among the baby boomer generation. But according to a new survey, just one in three 18- to 25-year-olds are able to do basic DIY, compared to two-thirds of those aged 58 and over.

Sarah Clarke-Kuehn, Chief Operating Officer-Commercial, said, “The survey findings are so interesting as they highlight a very common incorrect conception related to ‘getting old’.”

When asked at what age they thought developing new skills becomes “difficult”, Gen Z respondents said they were 35 years old, while those aged over 58 believed this number was 63 years old. The belief is that there is a boundary between learning new skills and getting a sense of achievement. But we know that this is just not the case. The benefits in continuing to enjoy life, as well as developing new talents are very significant—both physically and mentally as we grow older.

Neuroscientist and author, Dr Julia Jones, said, “We underestimate our brain’s ability to continue learning. Our brain is the most complex and precise structure in the known universe but we only use a small part of its true potential throughout our lifetimes. To boost continued brain health, we should learn complex and novel skills at all ages. This becomes more important as we age, because these learning experiences help to build new connections between neurons (神经细胞) that maintain intelligence and reduce the risk of future brain decline.”

“Learning languages and musical instruments are believed to be effective at boosting neuroplasticity (神经可塑性) due to their complex nature, but all learning is beneficial and can bring a sense of achievement, purpose and social engagement.”

Dr Jones added. “Find a new hobby and throw yourself into a wonderful learning experience or pick up an old pastime and improve those skills. I’m currently learning to play the guitar and it’s opened up a whole new world of music and fun.”

1.What is mentioned about the young generation in the text?
A.They lose interest in DIY.
B.They have no idea in plants.
C.Many of them lack some basic skills.
D.Many of them own poor reading skills.
2.What does the author imply in paragraph 3?
A.Learning brings a sense of belonging.
B.It is never too late to learn in one’s life.
C.It is necessary to show off one’s talents.
D.The benefits of lifelong learning are temporary.
3.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The significance of knowing the structure of the brain.
B.The difficulties in improving the ability of the brain.
C.The reasons for taking full advantage of the brain.
D.The process of protecting the brain from risk.
4.What is Dr Jones’ attitude to learning musical instruments?
Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.

Where Arts Should Get Its Funding?

Few people would contest the value of arts in a civilized society. Great art enriches people’s lives by providing pleasure, stimulation and an escape from the pressure of everyday life. However, it is also true that many of the arts, such as classical music, the ballet, and the visual arts have always attracted a minority audience. The question is whether the arts should be publicly funded, or whether it is the consumers who should pay.

It is my view that the government should subsidize the arts, for a number of reasons. First of all, without subsidies, many artists would undoubtedly be unable to survive financially. Government grants can enable them to work with artistic freedom, while if they worked independently or relied on private subsidies they might be subject to market pressures and the need to make a profit. Secondly, the arts contribute to a nation’s cultural heritage and can create a sense of social identity. They can also play an important role in education, community regeneration and even crime prevention. However, the main argument for public funding of the arts is not social usefulness, but rather because they are important for their own sake.

Of course, there are those who argue that public money would be better spent on meeting the needs of the poorer members of society, rather than catering for the interests of an elite. However, I believe that a healthy society is one in which art and creativity are valued alongside these basic needs. Indeed, a civilized society ought to make the arts accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or income.

In conclusion, the arts should be funded across a broad range of activities, for example, by supporting community or school theatre projects, or bringling sculptures and art installations to public places.
