
In 2014,AIA(American Institute of Architects)launched a large-scale awareness-building effort to educate the public about architects' impact on society. Five years later,the Blueprint for Better campaign has become an institute-wide program 1. seeks to connect architects with the public. Through innovative partnerships with the Architecture and Design Film Festival,Wired magazine,and Chicago Ideas Week,AIA has engaged plenty of individuals,ranging 2. working architects to government leaders to school children,encouraging them to design a Blueprint for Better together. The AIA Film chrallenge now in its 3.(five)year,is a good example of success, 4. (yield)   more than 240 documentary short films and hundreds of thousands of people's choice votes. Each summer,filmmakers and architects 5.(invite)to tell stories about the important design work happening in their communities. Winning films in recent challenges have explored affordable housing 6. (solve) in cities like Philadelphia and Los Angeles. Others have shed light on the need to save important 7.(culture)spaces and practices from Cleveland to Hawaii. Films 8.(submit) from around the world have shown how design can overcome challenges related to public health,homelessness,climate change and equity(公平).

But what about these films really speak to viewers? As 9. audiovisual medium,film is 10.(probable)the only one that comes close to conveying the experience of the built environment. When pictures of the spaces we live in is layered with stories,the power of architecture can be understood in a new way.


When we first moved into my grandparents' old house,my wife declared it a hidden danger. We planned to burn it. But I thought it prudent(审慎的)to check out the house first ______ something of value had been ______.

I walked through the tall grass where the old house sat. I felt as though I had stepped into a time capsule. Here were the ______ of my grandparents' lives: a broken chair,some old clothes. . . But the thing that ______ my eye was a ______ stuffed with papers. I ______ through its contents and was instantly ______ back in time. Greeting cards from old friends and relatives,an uncle's third-grade spelling book,now all dead and gone. I spent most of a ______ hour going through that box.

So the old house was ______ the torch.

As we hurried through our lives,visits grew ______ Then,one morning,my father died from a heart attack. Why I ______ that old house on a day shortly after my father's funeral is still   ______ me. It was as though it were ______. As I stood there once again,my eye was drawn to a pile of papers on the floor. An envelope,______ with age,lay on top. My father had served in the navy during World War Ⅱ and had written home whenever he could. I removed one letter ______ from its envelope. I ______ the familiar scrawl(潦草的字迹). Dad asked his mother to greet everyone and said that he ______ them all. Tears ______ in my eyes as I read those words he had so carefully emphasized:“All is well here. Please don't worry. I am doing fine. ”

As I left the old house that day,I took one last ______ back at it over my shoulder. I don't care what any one thinks,I ______. That old house gets to stay there until it rots(腐烂)into the earth.

A.so thatB.due toC.in caseD.even if
A.taken apartB.left behindC.set asideD.put away
A.built upB.welled upC.piled upD.showed up

In life,once on a path,we tend to follow it,for better or worse. What's sad is that even if it's the later,we often accept it anyway because we are so used to the way things are that we don't even recognize that they could be different.

This is what psychologists call functional fixedness.

The inability to think in new ways affects people in every comer of society. The political theorist Hannah Arendt coined the phrase frozen thoughts to describe deeply held ideas that we no longer question but should. In Arendt's eyes,the complacent(自满的)reliance on such accepted “truths”also made people blind to ideas that didn't fit their worldview,even when there was ample evidence for them. Frozen thinking has nothing to do with intelligence,she said. “It can be found in highly intelligent people.

Ardent considered critical thinking to be a moral imperative-in its absence,a society could go the way of Nazi Germany.

Another context in which frozen thinking can turn truly dangerous is medieine. If you land in the hospital,it's natural to want to be treated by the most experienced physicians. But according to a 2014 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA),you'd be better off being treated by the relative novices. The authors of the study explained that most errors made by doctors are connected to a tendency to form opinions quickly,based on experience. In cases that are not routine,the expert doctors may miss important aspects of the problem that are not consistent with their initial analysis. As a result,although junior doctors may be slower and less confident in treating run-of the mill cases,they can be more open-minded with unusual cases.

Fortunately,psychologists have found that anyone can unfreeze his or her thinking. One of the most effective ways is to introduce a little discord to one's intellectual interactions. Experiments have shown that it can not only sway(使动摇)us with regard to the issue at hand;it can also thaw frozen thinking in general,even in contexts unrelated to the original discussion.

1.Which of the following will Ardent agree with?
A.Many deeply held ideas are worth questioning.
B.Intelligent people tend to be more open-minded.
C.Critical thinking can save us from a world of conflict.
D.Believing in so-called truths can blind our judgement.
2.What results in most errors made by doctors?
A.Inadequate preparation.B.A lack of proper training.
C.Over-reliance on experience.D.Wrong approaches in initial analysis.
3.What does the underlined part“run-of-the-mill”in paragraph 5 mean?
4.What is the suitable title for the passage?
A.Unfreeze Your BrainB.Follow It Or Break It
C.Critical Thinking MattersD.What Shapes Your Thinking

It should come as no surprise that the more stressed parents are at work, the greater the burden on their family is. 1. After all, the more time parents spend working, the less time and energy they have to plan and prepare healthful meals. Previously, most studies have focused on the role of working mothers while fathers were ignored. 2. It adds a new wrinkle to the relationship between work stress and family nutrition. Mom’s work related stress is still a central factor in how well families eat because they typically do most of the food shopping and cooking. 3.

The study finds that when mom or dad experience high levels of work related stress, their families are eating one-and-a-half fewer family meals per week, and the parents themselves report eating fewer fruits and vegetables, more fast food, and are less likely to eat breakfast regularly.

It’s worth noting that the study looks mainly at low income families who belong to ethnic or minority groups. 4. But the implications are wide-ranging.

5. Teaching kids, especially teenagers, to help with grocery shopping and to cook actual meals, instead of just putting a frozen pizza in the microwave, could be an important piece of the puzzle in helping families improve their eating habits.

A.But dad’s work related stress has a large impact, too.
B.As to family nutrition, the entire family plays a role, even kids.
C.Yet, the kid’s stress may affect the families’ nutrition, too.
D.So the findings don’t necessarily apply directly to other types of families.
E.It’s also probably not a surprise that this can negatively affect a family’s nutrition.
F.Now, a study looks at the family as a whole and at the role of fathers in particular.
G.It is parents who give their kids a good model to develop a good eating habit.

Early in the year, the hope was that the bottlenecks that messed up the global supply chain in 2020 would be mostly cleared by now. They've actually only gotten much worse and evidence is mounting that the holiday season is at risk.

Across Europe, retailers (零售商) can't meet demand because of delivery delays. In the U.S., Nike cut is sales forecast after COVID-19 set off factory closures in Vietnam that wiped out months of production.

Covid outbreaks have affected ports. There still aren't enough containers, causing prices to increase 10 times from a year ago. Labor shortages have delayed trucking and pushed U.S. job openings to all-time highs.

On the supplier side, Jay Foreman's been making toys with manufacturing partners in China for more than three decades, and he's never seen anything like this. His mid-sized toy company, Basic Fun, is on pace for its best year ever. There is no shortage of demand, but a shortage of containers has left thousands of the company's Lite Brites and TinkerToys waiting to be shipped. At just one factory in Shenzhen, there's roughly $8 million worth of finished goods that could fill 140 containers.

The bigger, more systemic risk—one that could hurt every retailer—is that Americans spend less than expected because there isn't enough inventory (库存). The available goods may also not be all that attractive. The sharp increase in shipping prices has forced manufacturers to make hard decisions about what to transport. Hicks, the Academy Sports CEO, predicted that shoppers “will have to settle more because they just won't have as good of a selection.”

Shipping big items and goods with lower value don’t make as much economic sense right now. iPhones are small and pricey, making them an ideal good to ship, but the same case can’t be made for low-end furniture or toys.

“Consumers might see news about port backups (阻塞), but that won’t hit home until they try to buy the toy of the year and can’t get it,” Bartashus, an analyst for Bloomberg Intelligence, said, “That’s when they’ll hit crisis mode.”

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The goods are mounting.B.Supply chain issues are getting worse.
C.The consumers become hopeless.D.The holiday season hits the bottlenecks.
2.What problem is Jay Foreman faced with?
A.Basic Fun lacks orders.
B.There exists a shortage of shippers.
C.His toy company has its worst year.
D.The factory is filled with finished goods.
3.Which of the following will hurt every retailer?
A.Consumers will have limited options.
B.Consumers can't afford the attractive goods.
C.The shipping company will stop shipping expensive goods.
D.The manufactures will have poor selections of shipping companies.
4.What will probably happen according to?
A.The port problem will be settled.
B.Consumers will prefer to stay at home.
C.The government will pass the financial crisis.
D.The market will be in various forms of panic.

Finding Your Courage

Gold and brown leaves crunched(吱吱响)under Dora's boots as she made her way down the sidewalk. She could not wait to be home. The chill(寒冷)from the autumn winds was bad, but it was not nearly as hard to bear as the chill she felt in her heart.

She could not forget the way she had frozen in front of the class today. Mr. Roberts divided the class into groups to do presentations. Each person in the group would speak for five minutes in front of the class. Today was Dora's turn. Her legs trembled(颤抖)all the way to the front of the classroom. Her hands shook so badly that she could not read her notes. As Dora spoke, her voice became softer, almost to silence. Mr. Roberts kindly ended Dora's part of the presentation even though she had clearly not finished. He also asked Dora to stay after class for a moment.

“Dora, I know you're shy, but you worked hard on this project. I'd hate to see you give up on yourself. ” Mr. Roberts suggested, “If I give you another chance tomorrow, do you think you can find your courage?”

Dora nodded. She went as quickly as she could to her next class. She kept her head down and hoped the school day would end soon.

Arriving home, she found Mom baking in the kitchen. When Mom baked, Dora always watched and chatted with her. Mom always said it was Dora's company that made her baked goods taste so sweet.

Mom studied Dora's face as she came into the kitchen. “What's wrong, Dora?"

Tears shone in Dora's brown eyes. She told the whole story. Mom was silent for a moment, but her hands still busy with the cake.

“Why is it that you can talk to me about anything and everything, but you can't talk to your class?" Mom asked, sliding the round cake pans into the oven. She set the timer and then said, “Let me show you something. ”

Paragraph 1:

Dora followed Momma to her bedroom.

Paragraph 2:

The next day Dora again walked to the front of the classroom to give her presentation.                  

人们有一种倾向和偏好与坦率和真诚的人合作。(tendency, preference, straightforward, sincere, cooperate)(汉译英)
我们举办了两届书法比赛,这两届比赛在当地都很有名。(handwriting, contest, 代词+of+which)(汉译英)
他温和宽容的态度使他适合与企业谈判的工作。(gentle, tolerant, suit, negotiate, enterprise,非限制性定语从句)(汉译英)
The parents are making changes to their previous education methods. They begin to be aware of their negative effect. (同义句转换)
→The parents are making changes to their previous education methods, _______   _______negative effect they begin to be aware.