
Jimmy and Bob who were raised in New York were childhood best friends. When Bob was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty, Bob set out for the West to make his fortune. They parted at “Big Joe’ Brady’s” and made a promise to get together at the same place after twenty years. However, at the appointed time and place, it turned out that Bob became a criminal while Jimmy was a policeman. Jimmy did his duty and Bob was put into prison. Having spent 20 years in jail, Bob was finally released. Now 58, felt lost and helpless.

“Twenty years is a long time,” he smiled bitterly, not knowing where to go. He had no family, and had never heard a word from Jimmy again since that cold, dark night. “Was he ashamed of having a friend like me?” Bob longed for an answer.

“Excuse me, sir, are you Bob?” Bob heard the voice of a young man.

“Yes.” He turned around and was surprised to find a familiar-looking man in his thirties. “Have we met before?”

“No, sir,” replied the man. “My father told me to meet you today. I have a note for you from him.”

Doubtfully, Bob unfolded the note. His hands were shaking by the time he had finished reading.

Bob, the doctor says I’ve only got three months. I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet you this time, but you’ll always be my dear friend.


“You’re Jimmy’s son?!” Bob shouted in surprise.

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“Yes, sir,” the young man smiled. “And my name is Bob.”


Last summer holiday, Aunt Emily took us to a safari park (野生动物园), not far from Liverpool.

I was very happy to go as I had never been to a safari park before. It’s a very interesting park, full of wild animals running freely.

When we got there, we bought our tickets and drove into the park. We were very excited at the thought of going to see the lions. But to get to the lions’ place we had to go through the monkeys’ land first. And that was an unforgettable experience because they climbed all over the car, ate apples and bananas, and threw all kinds of things at us. They seemed very unfriendly.

Anyway, we went on our way to the lions’ place where we had to lock ourselves in the car as we knew lions could be dangerous. A lion came up very close to us. Then it was on the bonnet (车盖). It looked calm but we felt terrified. Aunt Emily, who isn’t very brave, started to call for help. The kids started crying. Only my brother, George, stayed cool. I sounded the horn (喇叭) but nobody heard us.

In the end a guard arrived in his car, and the lion just got off our car and started smelling the guard’s hand as if nothing was the matter.

1.Which animal did the author want to see the most?
A.The lions.B.The elephants.C.The monkeys.D.All of them.
2.Why did they lock themselves in the car?
A.Because the monkeys might steal things.B.Because they were afraid of being robbed.
C.Because the lions might be dangerous.D.Because something was wrong with the car.
3.What does the underlined word “terrified” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4.Who stayed calm among the visitors when they met the lion?
A.Aunt Emily.B.George.C.The guard.D.The author.

In the long history of about 5,000 years, numerous Chinese traditional festivals were celebrated in memory of gods or some significant days, some of which are passed down from generation to generation and people always practice special traditional activities in each festival.

Qingming Festival

Qingming Festival is on the 15th day after Spring Equinox, round April 4 or April 5 every year. 1. They remove the weeds growing on the ancestors’ tombs to make them clean, so this festival is also called Tomb-sweeping Festival. In some areas, people are forbidden to use fire to cook food, so they only eat cool food.

Double Ninth Festival

2.The Chinese character of September is the same as 9, so we get this special name. Chinese people, especially the north Chinese, climb the mountains to the peak to enjoy the wonderful scenery, and admire the beauty of chrysanthemum.

Winter Solstice(冬至)

Winter Solstice is on around December 22 or 23 of solar calendar each year. From Winter Solstice on, the daytime will be longer and longer. 3. In the northern region, people eat dumplings and wonton(馄饨), while in the southern region rice balls.


In China, this festival is in late January or early February, the last day of the Lunar year. People celebrate it by having a family reunion dinner, setting off fireworks and staying up late. Breaking the dishes and bowls is a thing all the people scare, but if you did it, you have to say: “sui sui ping an”. 5.

A.New Year’s Eve
B.Spring Festival
C.People will go to worship their ancestors.
D.People always visit their friends and relatives.
E.That day people in different regions eat different food.
F.It is a pun(双关语), meaning you will be healthy every year.
G.It is celebrated on Sept. 9th of the Lunar Calendar, around October.

Cruising along the long country road in my car, I was singing at the top of my lungs to help pass the time. It was just before midnight and I was making the two-hour journey to see my then-boyfriend, Richard, who lived two hours apart.

Around 20 minutes in, I was driving down a straight stretch of road, when my steering wheel started jerking from side to side and the car shook violently. The wind is strong here, I thought. But when my car suddenly pulled to the other side of the road, the reality of what was happening dawned on me. I was in the middle of an earthquake!

Situated between a mountain on one side and power lines on the other, I was far too scared to stop in case they came crashing down on top of me. Instead, I decided the safest option was to keep driving slowly. But, as the ground continued to shake beneath me, I grew more frightened by the second.

When it finally stopped, I found a safe place to pull over and check my mobile for reception. But there was nothing. Shaken, I was desperate to make my way to the nearest town to find service as quickly as possible.

Traveling at around 100km/h, I noticed a strange shadow on the road ahead. As I got closer, I realized the bridge in front of me had been removed from the road and had risen around 30 centimeters from the ground. I hit the brakes, but there was no way I could slow down in time. Crashing straight into the raised road, my car broke down finally.

Pain tore through my neck and body. I got out and ran to safety on the other side of the road and screamed for help. But, alone in the dead of night, there was no one around to hear me. Thankfully, around 15 minutes later, I saw two headlights in the distance.

1.Why was the author driving on the country road?
A.To pass the time.B.To meet her boyfriend.
C.To break up with Richard.D.To escape from a natural disaster.
2.The author realized an earthquake happened ________.
A.before the wind became strong
B.after the steering wheel started jerking
C.as soon as the car started to shake violently
D.when her car pulled to the other side of the road
3.Why did the author keep driving after the earthquake happened?
A.Because she was too panic to apply the brake.
B.Because she tried to get out of the high-risk area.
C.Because she wanted to contact the outside world for help.
D.Because she was desperate to find service as soon as possible.
4.What would most probably happen to the author at last?
A.She was rescued by others before long.B.She had to repair her car on her own.
C.She waited in the dark for help but in vain.D.She warned other drivers of the raised road.

It was a Saturday morning as I prepared to take my eight-year-old son, David, to the aquarium. His eyes were widened with excitement, and he chattered non-stop about the sea creatures we would see, the sharks, the dolphins... We boarded the bus, and after a few stops, we made ourselves comfortably seated. David gazed out the window, watching the world go by with wonder.

The bus continued its route, and with each stop, it became increasingly crowded. Passengers of varying ages and backgrounds filled the seats. David and I were engaged in a light-hearted conversation about marine life, our anticipation and joy building with each passing minute.

As we approached a mid-route bus stop, an elderly lady boarded, her movements labored and her legs visibly unsteady. The bus was full, and for a moment, there was an obvious hesitation among the passengers, each perhaps weighing the social morals against their own comfort. The elderly lady seized her walking aid, swaying slightly with each lurch of the vehicle.

Noticing the elderly lady’s struggle, David made a decision. Without a moment’s hesitation, he rose from his seat. His small hand gestured towards the elderly lady. “You can sit here, ma'am,” he said, his voice clear and sincere. The elderly lady’s face transformed with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. “Oh, thank you, boy,” she said, her voice filling up with emotion. David then took her hand gently, helping her navigate through the crowd to the seat he had left for her. With the help of David, the lady eased herself into the seat, her relief evident. I felt pride welling up within me as I watched what David had done. Looking at David, who was standing now, I saw not just the playful child he was known to be, but the empathetic and considerate young man he was growing into.


As the bus rolled on, it was filled with renewed warmth among the passengers.


That evening, as we returned home, I couldn’t help but reflect on the true treasure of the day.

1. 活动目的;
2. 活动过程;
3. 活动反响。
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A Chinese Costume Show At Our School


Holding fist is a form of ceremony originating from Chinese martial arts (武术). Traditionally, it is practiced by standing upright, 1. the body straight, holding the right fist tightly, straightening your left hand 2. (have) four fingers in a flat surface, wrapping the left four fingers together around the right fist and placing the two hands in front of your chest, without bringing the 3. (arm) up.

There are two traditional explanations for 4. practice. The left hand with its four fingers represents the four elements: virtue, wisdom, health, and art, all of 5. symbolize the spirit of martial arts. The left thumb (拇指) is slightly bent to imply that one should never be self-centered. Since the right hand is closed in a fist, it symbolizes attack; while the left hand, being virtuous and disciplined, stops the attack and symbolizes self-discipline and 6. (restrict).

The left hand symbolizes the five major lakes of China and the fist represents the four seas 7. (surround) the country. The two hands together show the unity of martial artists. This is exemplified in the saying “The people of the five lakes and four seas are all brothers”.

The holding fist can 8. (see) at every major Chinese event or festival, such as the Spring Festival. On festive occasions like weddings or birthday parties, guests can hold fist to express 9. (they) congratulations to the hosts. At farewell parties, people often hold fist while saying "Take care!" to one another. 10. (occasion), we hold fist to request forgiveness.


I’m an online columnist. A few weeks ago, I wrote a column about my life, ending up receiving some _________ reviews on a regular basis. I have become _________ used to being criticized like that. In the following days, I was also surprised when more lovely words _________ in. They told me that my running adventures had _________ them to go out to work out. Yet more _________ me for giving tips on the mental health issues they had also experienced. I have been so touched by all these people.

As an online columnist for ages, I have constantly encountered _________ readers. A lady was _________ about my daughter when she was hospitalized and a gentleman offered to _________ me for my training when I was badly off. There was also a couple who sent me a jar of home-made marmalade when they read about my _________, in the hope of cheering me up. As I thought about __________ of these kind people, I wondered why our brains are programmed to focus on the bad things __________ all the lovely ones.

At that moment, I’ve realized we don’t have the luxury of negativity. Our life is too short to be __________ by it. To stop engaging in it, the key is our __________ to be dragged down by it. In that spirit, I’ve __________ that from now on, I’m only going to focus on the positive. I’ll keep a file on my cellphone containing all __________ for me, and look at them when times get tough.

A.at the bottom ofB.at the expense ofC.on account ofD.on behalf of
A.held backB.brought upC.taken inD.turned down

How to Deal with Academic Failure

Experiencing failure in academic settings is inevitable in your journey to study. However, once you get through it, you can bounce back from almost any academic failure.

Adopt the proper mindset

The proper mentality plays a big part in dealing with academic failure. 1., focus on how you will feel when you have mastered the areas that give you trouble. Stop thinking of yourself as a failure, and regard yourself as a person with a fixable problem. The problem is an opportunity, because how a person responds to a problem is what creates success or failure.


Consider the troubles of chaotic personal relationships and stress. They are the most common external factor making students' academic performance suffer.3.. Activities including sports, partying, or arts are social distractions that are also a common source of academic struggle. Disorganization is a huge factor. Making an inventory of upcoming assignments work as well.

Bounce back

4.. Were your grades good and then suddenly fall, slowly decline, or are they changeable? If they slowly declined, this probably indicates a lack of proficiency in a foundational skill set. If your grades suddenly fall, then that can be indicative of the sudden presence of a troublesome external factor, like moving to a new school.

Once you have determined that, you need to develop a plan of action. Try to study at the same times and same places each day, so it becomes a routine. Enlist someone to help you stay accountable to your plan of action.5..

A.Identify the trouble spots
B.Analyze extracurricular commitments
C.Achieving academic goals is vitally important
D.Instead of judging yourself for past shortcomings
E.Only by recognizing your problems weren't created overnight
F.Look at the history of your grades and determine the overall trend
G.Talk to a friend, family member or teacher about helping you stay on track

Chinese material scientists have found the soil on the moon may potentially be able to generate oxygen and fuel, a finding that means more possibilities of humans to use lunar resources to further exploration of the moon and beyond.

The researchers at Nanjing University showed that the lunar sample brought back by China’s Chang’e-5 contains active compounds (化合物) that can change carbon dioxide into oxygen and fuel. Initially, they hoped to design a system that took advantage of lunar soil and solar radiation, the two rich resources on the moon, according to a study published on Thursday in the journal Joule.

After analyzing the Chang’e-5’s lunar soil, the team found the sample contained metal-rich substances, which could work as a catalyst (催化剂) to make oxygen using sunlight and carbon dioxide. The team proposed a strategy using lunar soil to electrolyze water from the moon and the astronauts’ life support system into oxygen and hydrogen. The process was powered by sunlight. The carbon dioxide breathed out by moon inhabitants can be collected and combined with hydrogen to produce the fuel, also catalyzed by the lunar soil, according to the study. The researchers said with this method, no external energy apart from sunlight would be used to produce oxygen and fuel to support life on a moon base.

“We use the environmental resources to minimize rocket payload, and our strategy provides a scenario for a sustainable and affordable living environment for life out of the Earth,” said the paper’s first author Yao Yingfang from Nanjing University, expressing his assumption.

“The challenge lies in the fact that catalytic efficiency of lunar soil is lower than catalysts on the Earth,” said the researchers. They are testing different approaches in order to improve the design. The team is looking for an opportunity to test the system in space with China’s future manned lunar missions.

1.What is the main implication of Chinese scientists’ discovery of the moon’s soil?
A.The moon is rich in rare elements.B.Lunar soil can be used for exploring space.
C.The moon can be lived on by human beings.D.Lunar soil is a new renewable energy source.
2.What did the researchers work on according to paragraph 3?
A.The process of the sun producing light.
B.The analysis of China’s Chang’e-5’s work.
C.The supportive method producing metal-rich substances.
D.The sustainable living strategy employing lunar resources.
3.What does the underlined word “scenario” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
4.What is the text mainly about?
A.The discovery of active compounds on the moon.
B.The testing approaches to improving the lunar soil.
C.The research on the environmental system of the moon.
D.The study of using lunar soil for oxygen and fuel production.