
These days, people show all kinds of things on the Internet like good food, nice clothes, wonderful vacations and so on. Now showing the number of steps is becoming popular.

Now more and more people find it important to be in good health. To keep healthy, many people go to work on foot. When they start walking, they open the step counter (计步) app on the phones to record (记录) how many steps they walk that day. After a day’s walk, some people show the number on WeChat or Weibo. This can make them learn from each other and keep exercising.

“This helps me to exercise much and keep a good habit,” Miss Liu said. “I can also talk about how to keep healthy with my friends on WeChat. We are in the same group to encourage each other to keep exercising.”

Mr. Wu likes to exercise. But in the past he was kind of lazy and didn’t want to exercise every day. “After I use the step counter app, everything is different. It is great to exercise with my friends. Sometimes there are prizes for those who walk more steps. I really like it,” he said.

Walking is a relaxing and useful way to exercise. Both the old and the young like it. Recording the steps helps people develop a good habit of walking and showing the number can make people more interested in walking. But don’t take the number too seriously.

1.What cannot we know from the second paragraph?
A.Why many people go to work on foot.B.How they use the step counter app.
C.In which places they use the app.D.Why they show the number online.
2.What does the writer think of showing the number of steps?
A.It can make people stop driving cars.B.It can make people much more relaxed.
C.It can make people develop a good habit.D.It can make more people want to keep fit.
3.The underlined word “it” refers to ________.
A.healthB.walkingC.the prizeD.the step counter app
4.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.More people go to work on foot to save money.
B.Miss Liu and Mr. Wu like to exercise with their friends.
C.People usually show the number of steps in the morning.
D.To be healthy, the number of your steps is important to you.

Saying “I am sorry” means apologizing. It is not always easy to apologize to someone, but it can help make things better.

Sometimes we do things we should not do. You might fight with a friend and say bad things to her. You might break a rule at school. When you know you did something wrong, apologizing is the right thing to do.

Sometimes accidents happen.You might step on someone’s foot by accident. It is still a good idea to apologize. You can apologize like this, “I wish that did not happen”.

Sometimes you do not start the conflict (纠纷). You might get angry and throw your classmate’s book down the hall if he says something bad to you. You might think, “I did not start it, so I don’t have to apologize.” The student was wrong to say bad things to you, but it’s not right for you to throw his book. You should also apologize for what you did wrong.

Apologizing when you aren’t sorry does not help much. Take some time to calm down and think about what happened. Then try apologizing. You will feel better about yourself and you will know you did the right thing. So, apology can make the world harmonious (和谐的).

1.What does the underlined word “apologizing” mean in Chinese?
2.You don’t have to apologize when ________.
A.you fight with a friend
B.you say bad things to a friend
C.you follow the rules at school
D.you get angry and throw your friend’s book
3.What’s the structure (结构) of the passage?
4.When people don’t want to say “I’m sorry”, they should ________.
A.never think about what happenedB.take time to calm down
C.say bad thingsD.stop apologizing

When I was about twelve years old, a girl in my class liked to point out my shortcomings (缺点). Week by week her list grew: I was very thin; I wasn’t good at math; I talked too much; I was too proud, and so on. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears (眼泪) in my eyes. He listened to me quietly and asked, “Are those things true or not? Jane, didn’t you ever think about what you’re really like?” Then he added, “Well, you have that girl’s opinions. Make a list of everything she said and mark (做标记) the points that are true.”

I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I found out that about half the things were true. Some of them I couldn’t change (改变), like being very thin, but many I could and suddenly I wanted to change. For the first time I got a clear picture of myself.

I brought the list back to Daddy, and he said, “Now you know better about yourself. But you have to learn to listen, not just close your ears angrily and feel hurt. When something about you is true, you’ll find it will be of great help to you. Don’t shut (闭上) your ears. Listen to the truth and do what you know is the right thing to do.”

Daddy’s advice has returned to me at many important moments. In my life, I’ve never received a better piece of advice.

1.Which of the following did Jane think she couldn’t change?
A.She was very thin.B.She wasn’t good at math.
C.She talked too much.D.She was too proud.
2.Who changed Jane’s opinion?
A.Her father.B.Her mother.C.Her classmate.D.Her teacher.
3.What did Jane’s father really mean by saying “Make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true”?
A.To advise Jane to talk with her classmate.
B.To advise Jane to learn from her classmate.
C.To help Jane know herself better and improve herself.
D.To advise Jane to fight with her classmate.
4.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A.My FatherB.The Best AdviceC.My LifeD.My Shortcomings

1. You may wonder, “Where does the time go?” Here are some ideas to help you find more free time to enjoy your life.

2. If you’re not excited about going to a party, then don’t go. Stay at home and relax. Or if you plan to go shopping but it is hot outside, then you’d better do some reading at home or talk with friends on the phone. It’s fine to change your mind and do your shopping tomorrow.

Change your pace (步调). If you normally do your shopping on Saturday, choose a weekday night to go instead (代替). The stores are less crowded on Wednesday evening than Saturday afternoon. 3.

4. After a day’s work, make time for yourself. 5. A bubble bath (泡泡浴) or a good cup of coffee can be enough. When you learn to get happiness from the small things in life, you’ll get more.

A.Say no to yourself.
B.Enjoy small things.
C.Sometimes you may have lots of things to do and you feel busy and upset.
D.You don’t need to spend too much money relaxing.
E.You can feel better if you go for a walk after shopping.

Dec 22 is a special day this year. It is the Winter Solstice, the 1. (short) day of the year. Chinese people call it dongzhi. The name 2. (mean) “the coming of winter”.

On this day, people in northern China eat dumplings. They usually fill the dumplings 3. different vegetables and meat. Sometimes, people put a coin (硬币) 4. [ɪn'saɪd]. If you happen to get the coin, you 5. (have) good luck. People see eating dumplings as a way to stay 6. (health). As the old saying goes, “7. (eat) dumplings on dongzhi keeps the ears from frostbite (冻疮).”

8. southern China, people eat tangyuan on the day of dongzhi. The little tangyuan balls are made from sticky rice (糯米). They have different 9. (kind) of sweet fillings (馅料). People hope eating tangyuan can 10. (bring) them a happy and sweet life. In some places, people also make a special kind of rice wine (米酒). The drink helps keep the body warm on cold days.

The book ________ children’s eating habits.
You can’t succeed in passing the exam ________.


提示:1. 要找人诉说你的烦恼;2. 参加户外活动;3. 听音乐;4. 去旅行。

要求:1.提示的内容要全部包括,可适当发挥;2.文中不能出现真实人名、校名及其他相关信息;3.邮件的格式已给出,请书写正文部分;4.总词数: 80词左右。

Dear John,





When I was a child, I loved to visit my grandparents’ farm. There was always something new to do, 1. (see) and to enjoy.

One day, I, together with my brothers and sisters, went to my grandparents’ farm to celebrate my birthday. We all liked eating strawberries and we went to pick 2. (they). We each took a basket. But I was lazy. I took the 3. (small) basket. While the others were picking strawberries, I had a rest. Before we 4. (return), I put a lot of grass in my basket and then I put a few strawberries on top. The basket looked full. My grandfather said he was proud 5. my hard work.

The next morning my grandmother made many 6. (pie). There was a big pie which 7. (make) just for me. It looked nice! But when I began to eat it, I found there was nothing but grass under the top strawberries! You can guess 8. surprised I was.

My grandfather looked at me 9. (calm) and said, “When you cheat others, you cheat yourself.” He didn’t need to say more but taught me 10. good lesson.



1. 沉迷上网聊天和打游戏;
2. 经常很晚回家,不能按时完成作业;
3. 和同学相处不融洽;
4. 父母和老师对我的看法……
5. 我的感受……
on time准时;get on well with … 与……相处融洽;stressed有压力的
1. 包含所有提示信息,提示词必须全部用上,适当扩展1—2句;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名;
4. 词数不少于70词(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear Tony,

Long time no see. How is it going? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


