假设你是Lingling。下周五下午2:30,你校戏剧俱乐部的同学将上演(put on)老舍的戏剧《茶馆》,你给在本市学习的英国朋友Tony发邮件,邀请他与你去看戏剧,并约定2:00在校门口见。邮件还要包括以下内容:
Hi Tony,

I have a piece of good news for you. The students in our play club are going to put on Lao She’s famous play Teahouse at 2:30 next Friday.


Looking forward to meeting you.


The movie for about 5 minutes,so let’s see the next one.
A.has been onB.has startedC.startedD.began
Sleeping is a popular way to relax(放松) _______ students.

One day, Bus NO.1 was running along Louxing Road. Suddenly, the driver saw 1. old man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help 2.. The bus driver 3. the bus without thinking too much. He got off and 4. the woman what happened. She said that 5. husband had a heart problem. He should go to the 6.. The driver made a decision to send him to the hospital quickly. He told the passengers (乘客) that he must go to the hospital first. He thought the passengers would get off and 7. for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go 8. him. Some passengers helped the bus driver to move the man onto the bus. Thanks to the bus driver and the passengers, the doctors 9. the man in time.

Now many people wouldn’t like to help others 10. they don’t want to get into any trouble. But the driver didn’t think about himself. He only thought about saving a life.


在科技日新月异的今天,我们的生活时刻发生着变化。若干年后,我们的生活将会是什么样子?假如下面是你对未来生活的预测,请根据表格内容写一篇题为Life in the future的短文,向大家介绍你所预测的未来生活。





要求:1. 包括表格中的所有内容,可适当发挥;

                 2. 注意使用本单元所学的will来表示一般将来时;
Caroline’s mom was good at making soup. She made it often. She made chicken soup. She made tomato soup. She made vegetable soup. But Caroline hated them all. She wouldn’t eat any soup. She thought soup was terrible.
Caroline’s mom wanted Caroline to eat soup because she thought it was healthy. One day Caroline’s mom got an idea. She let Caroline make her own soup. They made some hot water first. Then Caroline put in some vegetables she liked. She put in some salt and pepper (食盐和胡椒粉), too.
“I like spaghetti (意大利面),” Caroline said. “Can I put in spaghetti?”
“Yes,” Caroline’s mother said.
They put spaghetti into the soup. Caroline thought it looked funny.
Caroline let the soup cook for a few minutes. When the soup was ready, she couldn’t wait to taste it. It was wonderful! Caroline shared the soup with her family.
Everyone loved it!
“Soup is not so bad,” Caroline said. “Maybe I should try some other kinds of soup next time.” Caroline’s mom was so glad to hear that.
1.The underline word “hated” means “________” in English.
2.Caroline’s mom often made soup because _______.
A.she couldn’t make other food
B.soup was her favorite
C.soup was easy to make
D.soup was good for health
3.Caroline’s mom got a good idea to _______.
A.make her daughter love cooking
B.teach her daughter how to cook
C.change her daughter’s attitude (态度) to soup
D.make her daughter cook for herself
4.Caroline’s soup did not have ________.
A.chickenB.vegetablesC.salt and pepperD.spaghetti
5.Where does this passage probably come from?
A.A cookbook.B.A science magazine.
C.A storybook.D.A sports newspaper.
Tom usually helps others with math problems and Mr. Li often praises him for it.
I agree. A student        is always helping others is worth praise.
—Let’s go climbing if it____this Saturday.
— Good idea. But nobody knows if it        .
A.is fine; rainsB.is fine; will rain
C.will be fine; rainsD.will be fine; will rain

In the state of Qin (秦国 ) , there was a man called Shang Yang (商鞅). He was a statesman (政治家) and worked out many reforms(改革) for the state, like paying more attention to farming and giving rewards (报酬) to soldiers who were successful when at war.

But these reforms were not easily carried out (执行) at first. Most people didn’t trust Shang Yang. In order to solve this problem, Shang Yang came up with an idea. He put a thin wooden pole at the south gate of the Qin capital. Many people came to see him and the pole.

Then, in front of the crowd, Shang Yang said loudly, “The man who takes this pole to the north gate will get 10 gold pieces.”

It was a simple job and the reward was so large. However, some time passed and no one stepped forward. They all thought Shang Yang was making a joke.

Hearing no answer, Shang Yang stepped forward and said, “The reward now goes to 50 gold pieces.”          

This reward was unbelievably large. Finally, a man from the crowd came forward. He put the pole on his shoulders and walked to the north gate. True to his word, Shang Yang gave the man 50 gold pieces.

After that, the people of Qin were all talking about what Shang Yang did about the pole. They believed he was a man of his word. So when Shang Yang began carrying out his reforms, the people followed him.

Under these great reforms, Qin grew stronger and stronger. At last, Qin made all the seven states into one empire (帝国).

1.What did Shang Yang do?
A.A statesman.B.A king.
C.An emperor.D.A soldier.
2.In order to carry out his reforms, what idea did Shang Yang have?
A.Having a wooden pole carrying competition.
B.Having a wooden pole cutting competition
C.The man stepping forward first would be praised.
D.The man carrying the pole from south gate to the north one would get some gold pieces.
3.Why did Shang Yang's reward increase at last?
A.Because a man stepped forward.B.Because there wasn’t enough time.
C.Because Shang Yang heard no answer.D.Because Shang Yang was happy.
4.“They believed he was a man of his word.” What does the underlined part mean?
A.A man who can speak loudly.B.A man who likes to speak a lot.
C.A man who keeps his word.D.A man of few words.
5.After these great reforms, what happened in the history of China?
A.Shang Yang became the first emperor.B.The first empire of China appeared.
C.The south gate fell down.D.The state of Qin became weaker and weaker.

The human body is an amazing machine. It has many parts that form systems. The systems work together to keep you alive and healthy. Let’s look at some of your body’s systems.

There are 206 bones in your body that make up your skeleton. Your bones give your body shape and strength. They also protect your inner organs (内部器官). Most of the bones in your body are linked together at joints (关节). There are different kinds of joints. Different joints let body parts move in different ways. The joint that joins your arm and shoulder lets your arm rotate (转动). The joints at your elbows and knees let your lower arms and legs move up and down. If it were not for moving joints, you could not walk, run and swim.

Muscles control the movement of your body. There are three kinds of muscles. Skeletal muscle (骨骼肌) is the muscle that is attached to bones. It makes your arms, legs, fingers, eyes and other body parts move. Cardiac muscle is the strong heart muscle. It works around the clock. Smooth muscle is found in your skin, stomach and other organs.

Your brain and thousands of miles of nerve fibers form your body’s communication system. The brain is the control center. It receives information from your sense organs—eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin. The brain tells muscles what to do. If your fingers go near something hot, a signal goes to the brain. It then sends a signal to tell your hand to move away.

Many other parts also help you say strong and healthy. You can help your body do its job by eating well and getting exercise. You can also help by avoiding stress and unsafe situations.

1.What is this article mainly about?
A.How your brain works.
B.How to keep your body systems healthy.
C.How to help yourself avoiding stress.
D.How systems in your body keep you alive and healthy.
2.What would happen if your bones weren’t connected by joints?
A.You would fall down.
B.You would not be able to breathe.
C.You would not be able to walk and run.
D.All of the above.
3.How can you keep yourself stay strong and healthy?
A.By eating well.B.By doing exercise.
C.By avoiding stress and unsafe.D.All of the above.
4.Which of these statements is true?
A.You are able to run and swim without moving joints.
B.All the bones in your body are linked together at joints.
C.The brain is the control center.
D.Smooth muscle is found in your skeleton.
5.Which is the best title of this passage?
A.Inside your bodyB.Our muscles
C.Keep you alive and healthyD.Joints is important
6.How many body systems are mentioned in this passage? Which body system do you think is the most important? Why?