英汉互译。 1. 上学____________________ 2. 吃晚饭____________________ 3. 在星期五下午____________________ 4. at night____________________ 5. 一节游泳课____________________ 6. get up at seven forty-five____________________ 7. 回家____________________ 8. What a big cake! ____________________ 9. 在8:15____________________ 10. do my homework____________________
英翻汉 1. The wolf ran down the hill. ___________________________________________________ 2. He was bored yesterday. ___________________________________________________ 3. The wolf ate all the sheep. ___________________________________________________ 4. The boy learnt the lesson and wouldn’t tell lies again. ___________________________________________________
英翻汉 1. Where did you go yesterday? ___________________________________________________ 2. He bought two apples. ___________________________________________________ 3. The clock struck one. ___________________________________________________ 4. She didn’t tidy her room yesterday. ___________________________________________________