1. I'm white and black.
I like bamboos(竹子).
Who am I?
You're ________.
2. My eyes are red.
I have long ears.
I can jump, jump and jump. Who am I?
You're ________.
3. I'm the king(国王)of the forest(森林).
I look like a big cat.
I like to eat meat(肉). Who am I?
You're ________.
4. I'm a very big cat.
I catch and eat other animals.
I'm not a lion or a tiger.
I have many spots(斑点)on my skin(皮肤). Who am I?
You're ________.
5. I look like a horse, but I'm not a horse.
Heehaw heehaw...
I always bray(叫)like this. Who am I?
You're ________.