
When I was at the age of nine, my parents took us to the lake, 10 miles away, every day for a whole summer, me and my two brothers, Hap and Danny. To be honest, we were all a little too wild.

At that time, our car had only an outdated AM radio. A trip to the lake meant over an hour in the car, along with winding mountain roads where the AM radio could not pick up any signal. My parents must have figured out early that if they didn’t keep us three boys busy and focused, we would eventually start fighting just to have something to do. They made up various games. They told wonderful stories. He could even recite (背诵) “Casey at the Bat,” “The Raven,” “Dangerous Dan McGrew” or any of the other narrative poems at the drop of a hat.

One of the poems that fascinated me most was a bit of nonsense verse (打油诗) which I later found out was called “The Dying Fisherman’s Song.” It begins: “It was a summer’s day in winter / And the rain was snowing fast / As a barefoot girl with shoes on/ Stood sitting in the grass...” I was hooked. These lines in my head were kept repeating over and over, week after week, until they burned new electrical pathways in my brain.

I did what any 9-year-old poetry addict would do, given the circumstances: I read CRICKET magazine, hungrily. I was greatly influenced by their poems, and I am so thankful for what its publisher, Marianme Carus, did—creating such a prefect magazine for 9-year-olds. Yes, I fell in love with funny children’s poetry. It’s a love affair that continues to this day, 10 books related with poetry (of my own) later.

1.What can we say about the author’s parents?
A.They were hard on their sons.B.They knew their children well.
C.They were famous game makers.D.They focused on adventure education.
2.What might the underlined word “hooked” in Paragraph 4 mean?
3.What does the author think of CRICKET magazine?
A.It made him a child poet.B.It was intended for young poets.
C.It had a significant impact on him.D.It was Marianme Carus’s first book.
4.Why does the author write this passage?
A.To introduce a poetry addict.B.To show off his creation talent.
C.To recommend some funny poetry.D.To share his passion for poetry.

Famous Food Festivals Around the World

Food festivals are held all around the world every year, and people from different parts come to these festivals in large numbers to satisfy their taste buds(味蕾).

The Galway International Oyster(牡蛎)and Seafood Festival

Galway, Ireland

September 26 to September 29, 2023

This is the world's longest running oyster festival, first appearing in 1954. Apart from the excellent seafood that is served, the festival also features some exciting events such as oyster-eating contests, live music, tasting parties, etc.

The International Mango Festival

New Delhi, India

June 30 to July 2, 2023

This festival is a celebration of everything about mangoes. It features different kinds of mangoes and various food items that are made from them. The festival also holds a number of special events such as mango- eating competitions, mango-tasting events, quiz competitions, and plenty of traditional and folk performances.

The Garlic(大蒜)Festival

The Isle of Wight, England

August 17 to August 18, 2023

This is one of the largest events that the Isle of Wight hosts each year, and it shows recipes made from garlic. Some foods made out of garlic and garlic beer are available there. The festival also features live music and a country fair.

The Crave Sydney International Food Festival

Sydney, Australia

October 1 to October 31, 2023

This festival attracts a number of famous international chefs each year as visitors to experience the best of Australian food. From fine dining at famous restaurants to street food to cooking classes, this event has a lot in store for a visitor.

1.Where should you go if you want to enjoy mangoes?
A.Galway.B.Sydney.C.The Isle of Wight.D.New Delhi.
2.Which of the following is TRUE about the Garlic Festival?
A.It lasts for about a month.B.It's the largest event in England.
C.Visitors can enjoy special garlic beer.D.It only features live music.
3.A chef is advised to take part in ________ according to the passage.
A.the Garlic FestivalB.the Crave Sydney International Food Festival
C.the International Mango FestivalD.the Galway International Oyster and Seafood Festival

Last year my daughter started feeding a homeless cat that we named Miss Alice. Since then, things have_________. First two other homeless cats that we named Garfield and Tang also showed up, wanting to be__________ . Some days later, the local __________noticed them and started flying down to enjoy any leftover cat food after those three had finished__________. Everything was going well. Now my daughter is like a Disney princess. Anytime she walks outside, the __________ gather around.

My daughter always treats them equally with care. The only one who seems ____________with this new arrangement is Miss Alice. She keeps __________the other two cats away from the food. The other day when I walked over to my daughter’ s house, Alice came up meowing(喵喵叫) asking to be___________. While I was touching her head and___________her back, Garfield and Tang also meowed for attention. But Miss Alice scared them away. She wasn’t___________to share anything about me.

The thing that Miss Alice___________understands is something that has taken me years to learn, too. It is the truth that the more love we share and___________ ,the more love we have. Some __________ people like my daughter seem to know a lot about___________. It is in sharing love that we can make__________with the world. It is in love that we support each other. May we all learn this even if poor Miss Alice never does.

A.pick outB.break downC.apply forD.give away
1. 表达关心;
2. 提出建议。

New genetically modified (转基因) apples designed by a biology company are being released this fall but won’t be labeled as GMOs (转基因生物). They’re called Arctic apples, whose genes have been changed from their original Golden Delicious state to make sure that after the fruits are cut open and exposed to the air, their flesh won’t turn brown in color.

The development company, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, says the apples may be on sale as bagged slices in up to 400 stores this season throughout the Midwest and Southern California. The fruit won’t bear the standard “produced with genetic engineering” label because of a 2016 law allowing codes to be visible on the packaging that link to a website with information on how the fruit was made.

The apples were made using a technique called gene silencing. The Okanagan team engineered the fruit’s DNA to produce less enzyme (酶) that causes the white, inner flesh to brown so that the new and improved slices will stay fresh for up to three weeks. Although there are only about 250 acres of Arctic apple trees currently planted across the US, the team hopes GMO fruits can reduce waste and increase apple sales overall.

While some experts believe that the Arctic apple’s GMO status isn’t harmful, groups opposing GMOs have started protesting the apples. An organization called Friends of the Earth claims that they’re “understudied, unlabeled and unnecessary.” Right now, apple slices treated with calcium and vitamin C can be purchased off Amazon with the promise of not browning before they arrive on the customer’s doorstep. And, a little bit of lemon juice is an easier and more natural way to prevent cut apples from turning color for a few hours.

1.The Arctic apples will not be labeled “GMO” because ________.
A.actually these apples are not genetically modified food
B.the fruit will be sold as bagged slices in up to 400 stores
C.there is not enough space for the label on the packaging
D.information of their apples can be checked on the Internet
2.How do Arctic apples stay fresh according to the Okanagan team?
A.By changing the fruit’s DNA to reduce relevant enzyme.
B.By decreasing the percentage of engineers in the team.
C.By treating apple slices with calcium and vitamin C.
D.By adding a little bit of lemon juice to the slices.
3.What is the Friends of the Earth’s attitude to Arctic apples?
4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.A Novel Way to Keep Arctic Apples From Turning color.
B.Protest against Apples Entering US Markets due to the label.
C.GM Apples That Don’t Brown to Reach US Shelves This Fall.
D.Apples That Can Stay Free of Browning as Long as Three Months.

My friend had a chance to make a trip to Hong Kong1. August 15, 2011. He had dreamed about 2. (visit) since his boyhood and it3.(be) the first time that he had been there. The following was 4. he had seen.

Arriving there, he was5.(impress) by its beautiful scenery and tall buildings. It is said that Hong Kong has the most skyscrapers in the world. Wherever he went, he saw many smiling 6.(face) there. People in Hong Kong were kind, generous, easygoing and ready to help others. Much to7.(he) surprise, he saw that people there always kept order in public places. 8.crowds of people were waiting for the next train at the subway station, they were talking in such a low voice as not to disturb one another.

Chinese and English are their official languages. English is 9.(wide) used in governments, markets, service centers and other fields.Staying there for only a week was10. good experience that he will never forget.


It’s a sweet moment, as a chimp reaches up to kiss his mother’s face. The touching photo was taken by the famous conservationist and activist Jane Goodall in 1993 in Gombe National Park in northwest Tanzania where she has studied chimpanzees for more than six decades.

The image is part of Vital Impacts consisting of a group of 100 photographers. The women-led non-profit was founded by award-winning photographer Ami Vitale and visual journalist Eileen Mignoni. They are selling fine arts images, most of which focus on wildlife and nature, with earnings benefiting conservation organizations including Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots and Shoots program.

“Our purpose is to use photography to create awareness and understanding; to help us see that the survival of the planet is closely connected with our own survival. As photographers, we have a huge opportunity to inform and influence change, but pressing the shutter (快门) is just the start,” Vitale said.

“For an image to have significance, it needs to reach people. To this end, we are working to get the photographs of Vital Impacts photographers and our students into high-profile media and exhibitions around the world.”

The organization gives special attention to photographers who are committed to the planet. Funds will be used to support global conservation and environmental initiatives and the group will offer two $20,000 environmental storytelling awards.

Vital Impacts has raised more than $1.5 million from the sale of fine art prints since the organization was set up in late 2021. Some of its profits were donated to the organization Direct Relief, which shipped more than 1,400 tons of medical supplies worth $545 million to support 351 healthcare equipment in disaster zones. Other profits were able to provide fuel and vehicle assistance to support wildlife corridors (廊道), a monitoring program, and the restoration of the Snake River in the Pacific Northwest.

1.Why did the author mention the touching photo in paragraph one?
A.To lead in Vital Impacts.B.To introduce Jane Goodall’s hobby.
C.To share a sweet image.D.To introduce chimps’ touching behavior.
2.Which of the following statements about Vital Impacts is true?
A.It aims to make profits by selling fine arts images.
B.It helps students to hold worldwide photo exhibitions.
C.It aims to use images to promote environmental conservation.
D.It helps to pick out excellent photographers by offering 2 awards.
3.Who are most likely to join Vital Impacts?
A.Those who love wildlife and nature.
B.Those who are devoted to the environment.
C.Those who are committed to helping others.
D.Those who are passionate about photography.
4.What do the numbers in the last paragraph tell about Vital Impacts?
A.Its profits.B.Its benefits.C.Its contributions.D.Its effects.

My car suddenly broke down on a highway when going to a wedding with my daughter.

People shouted _______ at me and flashed their lights as they _______ away.

You cannot believe how _______ it is on the highway flowing at 120 km. When you’re _______ , you are a part of the flow and you don’t feel the speed. When you _______ , you suddenly realize how dangerous you are. As a 16-wheel truck _______ my car’s back window, I found the truck stopped in order not to _______ me. Cars piled up behind me and tried to miss one another and _______ hitting me. We felt terribly _______ for them.

I called Discovery Insure to assist. When we were waiting, I saw the truck ________ behind us and a man ran up quickly. I said I couldn’t pay him and my insurance service was on the way. He said, “I don’t want money. Someone will probably hit you. You aren’t ________ here.” Then I knew his name, Godfrey.

Godfrey placed a warning ________ behind my car. He took us to his truck, ________ to pull my car onto his truck, and drove us to safety. I was ________ , saying he was so kind, and the world needs more people like him. Godfrey waited until Discovery Insure came. Knowing we were OK, Godfrey drove off as ________ as he appeared! He was gone, but I will never forget his kindness!


They say procrastination (拖延) is the thief of time — actually deadlines are. New research has found that if you want someone to help you out with something, it is best not to set a deadline at all. But if you do set a deadline, make it short.

Professor Stephen Knowles tested the effect of deadline length on task completion for their research.Participants were invited to complete an online survey concerning a charity donation. They were given either one week, one month, or no deadline to respond. Professor Knowles says although the topic of the survey is about charity, the results are true of any situation where someone asks another person for help.

The study found responses to the survey were lowest for the one-month deadline and highest when no deadline was specified. No deadline and the one-week deadline led to many early responses, while a long deadline appeared to give people permission to procrastinate, and then forget. Professor Knowles wasn’t surprised to find that specifying a shorter deadline increased the chances of receiving a response compared to a longer deadline. However, he did find it interesting that they received the most responses when no deadline was specified.

“We interpret this as evidence that specifying a longer deadline, as opposed to a short deadline or no deadline at all, removes the urgency to act,” he says. “People therefore put off undertaking the task, and since they are inattentive or forget, postponing it results in lower response rates.”

He says of the research that it is possible that not specifying a deadline might still have led participants to assume that there is an unspoken deadline. Professor Knowles hopes his research can help reduce the amount of procrastinating people do. “Many people procrastinate. They have the best intentions of helping someone out, but just do not get around to doing it.”

1.Why did Professor Knowles do the research?
A.To study the role a deadline plays in procrastination.
B.To find out whether people are interested in charity.
C.To attract public attention to the effects of procrastination.
D.To test the effect of procrastination on task completion.
2.What most likely leads to procrastination?
A.No deadlines.B.Short deadlines.C.Specific deadlines.D.Long deadlines.
3.What’ s the attitude of Professor Knowles to the findings of the study?
4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Procrastination — the Thief of TimeB.Procrastination — the Urgent Problem to Solve
C.Deadline — the Key to Reducing ProcrastinationD.Deadline — a Result of Procrastination
假如你是李华,第19届亚运会(The 19th Asian Games)将于九月在杭州举行,目前组委会正在招募志愿者,职责主要包括接待运动员及介绍中国文化,要求志愿者能够熟练运用英语,请你用英语写一封申请信。
1.申请原因;2.你的优势;3. 相关经历。
1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。