
First-year college students often are expected or required to live in dormitories. In the rest years, it’s usually up to those students to decide whether to live on or off campus.

But some schools don’t provide an option and require four years of on-campus living for full-time students. Living on campus has been shown to increase retention (保留) and attendance rates among freshman and second-year students, according to a 2021 report. There are exceptions, however. At some colleges, students may be freed from the requirement if they are, for instance, commuters (通勤生), fifth-year seniors, at least 23 years of age or legally married.

Residential housing at colleges is not limited to shared rooms and bathrooms. Alternatives include flats, apartments, Greek houses or living-learning communities for students with shared interests. On-campus students also have access to services and resources such as residence life staff who can help if a housing issue arises. When students live in a community, they are forced to live with different people, learn more about themselves and about the others, and tell each other their stories.

On the other hand, off-campus living provides students with more independence, as they are not constrained by school housing policies. Off-campus students gain more real-world experience in areas like paying their own bills, finding renter’s insurance, cooking their own meals and negotiating or reviewing contracts. If students are choosing to live off campus, they should really think it through and talk to someone that lived off campus. Do their homework and look at all the costs before they make that decision. Make sure, too, that they are choosing people that they can live with.

At first glance, off-campus housing can appear less expensive. But the additional expenses outside of rent — like utilities, groceries, Internet access, cable and furniture — are often overlooked. To reduce off-campus costs, some students choose to overpack houses or apartments, sometimes with four or five people in a two-bedroom house. Unlike off-campus housing, the total cost of living on campus is typically all-inclusive, coveting rent, utilities, furniture, Wi-Fi and a meal plan.

1.Why do some colleges require all the students to live on campus?
A.To keep them stay longer on campus for classes.
B.To make sure all students can live in shared rooms.
C.To make as much profit as possible for the colleges.
D.To monitor all of their students as easily as possible.
2.What should students do before living off campus?
A.They should find someone to take care of them.
B.They should fully develop the ability to live alone.
C.They should learn all aspects of off-campus living.
D.They should seek accommodation through an agent.
3.What does the underlined word “overpack” in the last paragraph mean?
4.What is the best title for the text?
A.Residential Housing At Different Colleges
B.Choice Between Housing On Or Off Campus
C.Accommodation Situation For College Students
D.Different Living Experience On Or Off Campus

Health organizations such as the UK’s national health services recommend that adults take 10 micrograms, or 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D every day, while the National Institutes of Health advise that most adults take 600 IU, with both bodies cautioning against taking more than 4,000 IU per day. Having too much vitamin D can cause a build-up of calcium (钙) in the blood, leading to symptoms such as nausea and kidney stones.

But Patrick J. LaRiccia at the University of Pennsylvania and his colleagues recently found that a daily dose (一剂) of 5,000 IU may reduce the risk of influenza-like symptoms. They wondered whether this higher-than-recommended dosage may also have other positive effects.

So the team asked 196 adults to take 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 every day for about nine months. The adults, aged 47 on average, were aware of the dose they were having. The researchers also analyzed the data of more than 1,900 people who weren’t given the 5,000 IU daily dose of vitamin D. However, they were free to take vitamin D supplements if they wished. Towards the end of the study, across this group, the average reported dose was 1,318 IU and the average age was 50.

Over 10 months, those on the 5,000 IU dose had a lower risk of being hospitalized due to any cause, and they had to visit the emergency room or be admitted to intensive care less than people in the other group. No participants reported side effects.

However, LaRiccia says the team can’t rule out the age difference as a possible cause of these results, with those in the high-dose group potentially avoiding hospital because they were on average three years younger. The nationalities of people in the two groups also differed, with fewer Hispanic and Latino people in the high-dose group, which may have affected the results.

“The findings are promising, but the study was relatively small and the study period was too short to monitor any long-term safety issues of such a high daily dose of vitamin D,” says JoAnn Manson at Harvard University.

1.How much vitamin D does National Institutes of Health recommend us to take daily?
A.At least 10 IU.B.Less than 400 IU.C.Roughly 600 IU.D.Over 4,000 IU.
2.How did the team carry out the study?
A.By explaining the phenomenon.B.By referring to previous data.
C.By using supporting examples.D.By comparing and analyzing.
3.How many factors may have affected the results according to LaRiccia?
4.What is JoAnn Manson’s attitude towards the study?

On March 1, Dr. Joseph Dituri began a project to stay for 100 days at a special hotel called Jules’s Undersea Lodge 30 feet under the ocean surface in a conservation area in Key Largo.

The farther you go below the ocean’s surface, the greater the pressure. Dr. Dituri wanted to learn how this pressure would affect the human body over time. He believes that high pressure could help people live longer and stay healthier as they get older. It could also help doctors treat different medical problems, including brain injuries.

While he was living underwater, Dr. Dituri stayed busy. He often exercised in the morning. He kept teaching his college classes virtually and had online chats with over 5, 500 students from 15 different countries. He also worked with ocean experts to figure out ways to preserve the ocean. He even had a number of visitors who dove down to spend a little time with him.

On June 9, Dr. Dituri returned to the surface with a new world record, beating the old record of 73 days. Many friends, family, and other supporters were there to greet him and celebrate his success. Doctors quickly checked him out to make sure he was okay.

Actually, Dr. Dituri went through several big changes. For one thing, he became 1. 3 centimeters shorter during his time in the higher undersea pressure. Sleeping much better, his health greatly improved in a couple of ways. Dr. Dituri and his team plan to study the information they collected during the project. In November, Dr. Dituri will speak at an important medical meeting in Scotland about the discoveries the scientists made during the project.

Dr. Dituri says his favorite part of the project was talking with young people. “Who knows?” he said. “Maybe one day, one of them will come. back and break the record we just set. My greatest hope is that I have inspired a new generation of explorers and researchers to push past all boundaries.

1.What is Jules’s Undersea Lodge special for?
A.Its convenience.B.Its reputation.C.Its locationD.Its luxuriousness.
2.Why did Dr. Dituri decide to stay long in the hotel?
A.To treat his brain injuries.B.To live longer and healthier.
C.To deal with medical problems.D.To test one of his academic ideas.
3.Which statement best describes Dr. Dituri’s undersea life?
A.He kept a daily routine almost as usual.
B.He was busy with medical experiments.
C.He led a dull life separated from the others.
D.He set a world record of living 73 days underwater.
4.What does Dr. Dituri wish young people to do?
A.Communicate more with him.B.Explore the unknown bravely.
C.Study the information of the project.D.Meet at the conference in Scotland.

I have a passion for fishing and animal protection, which can date back to my childhood. When I was young, my father was a fish and wildlife officer, so he traveled all over the province in the spring and fall. He loved his job, especially the part where he protected nature from human.

He’d taught me to fish alone, in silence, lost in my own thoughts.

I still remembered that special day. Midweek, even in late August, no one was around. Police Outpost Lake is as far as you can go and still be in Canada. Songbirds, ducks, and Canada geese glided (滑翔) by on the breeze, touching down briefly on the water’s surface before flapping and quacking their way back up into the sky, passing in front of the sun, temporarily blocking its warming rays.

“How can I get the fish with these birds making noise?” I complained, rod (鱼竿) in my hand.

“Be patient, Jacob. Birds won’t disturb you.”

Out of the corner of my eyes, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a few great northern loons (潜鸟) stayed together not far from the shoreline. Dad once told me loon usually travel alone, but here were five of them in a group. Maybe it was a family? One loon, making odd sounds, swam away from the group, towards me.

This is unusual.

“Dad! Come here! Take a look at this loon!”
Hearing this, dad laid his rod down on the dirty sand, walking quickly towards me.

The loon rested in the shallow water near shore, not ten feet away from us. It was so close, we could see its red eyes.

“Look at that beak (喙)!”I said. “It could easily hurt us to death with that thing! It could tear our faces! Blind our eyes!”

Walking into the water, getting closer to the loon, we both saw thin wire wrapped around its neck. Fishing line maybe? Was there a hook(钩子)on the line, too? Was the loon asking us for help?

Paragraph 1: Reaching down, I touched its feather, my heart racing.
Paragraph 2: “Hurry, Dad! I can’t hold this bird forever, you know!” I said.
假定你是李华,你所参与的英语社团(Lemon Tree)要筹办本社团的英文公众号。你作为社团负责人,拟在学校用英文发布一则启事,号召同学们群策群力,为公众号的建立提供建议。内容包括:

Tips Needed for Lemon Tree’s WeChat Public Account


Chinese calligraphy is an artistic practice of writing Chinese characters, often with a brush and ink on rice paper. The 1. (develop) of Chinese calligraphy began alongside the earliest Chinese characters 2. (discover) to date from the Shang Dynasty in Anyang, Henan Province. Over time, calligraphy gradually took shape as a form of art rather than a mere means of record. Calligraphy is a 3. (demand) and advanced art. The type of brush, density (浓度) of ink and texture (质感) of paper can all affect the output. Structure and spacial layout (空间布局) as a whole determine its quality. Moreover, it is widely believed 4. the emotions and philosophy of the writer are directly reflected on calligraphy.

Calligraphy is refined art (高雅艺术). Lan Ting Xu, created by Wang Xizhi during the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420), 5. (be) one of the most famous masterpieces of Chinese calligraphy. 6. (it) elegance and expressive brush work bestowed (授予) it both historical 7. cultural significance in Chinese literature. Calligraphy is also within reach, which means other common people can have access to it. Like 8. Spring Festival couplets, calligraphy has always demonstrated persons’ preference for the traditional cultures 9. hanging up some famous works of calligraphy. Without doubt, the artistry is still 10. (high) valued today, for it is more than just writing, it is a living heritage.


On a business travel, I received the most unexpected phone call from my wife. She suddenly burst out crying because she was having a baby on the way. Immediately, I________a smile, showing my unwillingness since we already had three kids.

Later on, we were both ________ , speechless and hopeless. We were frightened of the________challenges ahead. This was completely out of ________. A storm of ________ flooded into my mind, “How can we ever raise four kids? How am I going to manage the financial stress? We must ________ all the baby stuff again!” I complained daily. “This is unfair! I don’t deserve this ________! I cannot handle so much pressure!” Ten months passing, ________, a baby came!

I was in complete shock in front of a perfectly beautiful and ________ baby boy. Emotions were in control of me. I was full of ________trying to overcome the uncertainty of how I was going to deal with this brand new ________ in my life. This is how the best days of my life started!

Unbelievably, what makes all of us ________at home every day is my little “nightmare (噩梦)”. Over the past four years, my baby has been the No.1 ________of smiles at home. No words could fully ________ my contained joy. Everyone in my family has been ________ by what such a wonderful “gift” has brought to us.


Four Tips to Stay Safe During a Heat Wave Very hot temperatures have been breaking records during the summer across USA. But it’s not just in the USA heat wave in June set new record highs. So what is a human to do? 1.

·Dress for the Weather

During a heat wave, you have to dress properly. Clothing like loose and light-colored clothes are best if you have to work or be outside. 2. Also be sure to protect your face, hands and any other exposed skin with sunscreen (防晒霜), or you can wear a hat and sunglasses.

·Avoid Outdoor Activities

If possible, participate in outdoor activities during the morning hours. 3. Take frequent breaks in the shade. If you’re working outside in the heat, and the activity makes your heart race faster, stop and get inside to cool off and rest, especially if you feel light-headed (头昏眼花的) or confused.

·Keep Cool

4. If that’s not possible, try to go to a public place like a library, mall or a movie theater. Many cities will open up shelters during heat waves to provide citizens with relief, especially in areas where air conditioning (空调设备) isn’t widely used.


Heat-related illness can affect anyone, but some people are particularly at risk. If you live with, or know people, like young kids, the sick or elderly, overweight people, outside workers, check on them frequently during a heat wave. We should monitor those at risk at least twice a day for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, and babies and young children, even more frequently.

A.Avoid the Side Effects
B.Protect Those Most at Risk
C.Here are four heat wave safety tips to help you deal with the dangers.
D.If not, you can put off them until evening when temperatures are cooler.
E.During a heat wave, you’d better stay indoors where there’s air conditioning.
F.This will help protect yourself from sunburn and help you keep a little cooler.
G.That is the best way to keep you from being affected by the high temperatures.

After traveling through space for seven months, China’s Tianwen 1 has reached Mars and successfully entered the planet’s orbit on Wednesday—bringing it one step closer to landing on the surface.

Tianwen 1, which got its name from an ancient Chinese poem, is made up of an orbiter (轨道飞行器), lander and a six-wheeled rover (巡视器) carrying scientific instruments, according to the China National Space Administration(CNSA).

The CNSA said the probe (航天探测器) is expected to land on the planet’s surface in May or June, and the rover is expected to stay for three months, with the hope that it can gather important information about Mars’ geological structure, atmosphere, environment and soil, and search for any signs of water.

Tianwen 1 was launched last July, and its arrival in the Mars’s orbit makes China the sixth country in history to reach Mars. So far, the United States and the former Soviet Union are the only two countries to land a spacecraft on the surface of Mars. But the European Space Agency and India have already sent spacecraft to enter the planet’s orbit—and on Tuesday, the UAE (阿拉伯联合酋长国) joined their ranks, with its Hope Probe successfully entering orbit.

With Tianwen 1, China is the first nation to attempt at sending both an orbiter and a rover on its first Mars mission on its own. According to the scientific team behind the mission, the probe will orbit, land and release a rover all on the very first try, and carry out experiments with an orbiter. By contrast, NASA sent many orbiters to Mars before ever attempting a landing, since pulling off the landing is a far more difficult task.

China’s first attempt to reach Mars was actually in 2011 with the Yinghuo 1 probe, which was supposed to orbit the red planet and study its environmental structure. It was launched (发射) from Kazakhstan together with the Russian Phobos-Grunt mission in November that year.

1.How long did Tianwen 1 travel in space before entering the Mars orbit?
A.Severn days.B.Three months.C.Seven months.D.Seven years.
2.What is the purpose of sending Tianwen 1?
A.To memorize a famous poet.
B.To carry scientific equipment.
C.To discover creatures on Mars.
D.To gain more information about Mars.
3.What is the function of the probe?
A.Studying Moon’s environment.
B.Sending enough water to Mars.
C.Sending orbiters to Mars before successfully landing.
D.Cooperating with an orbiter to conduct some experiments.
4.What can we learn about China’s Mars exploration?
A.China is the first country to send orbiter to Mars.
B.China’s first attempt to reach Mars occurred in 2012.
C.China once did research on Mars’ environmental structure.
D.China is the sixth country to reach Mars followed by the USA.

Everyone knows they feel amazingly good and refreshed (使精神振奋) after a good night’s sleep but now scientists have discovered it can help you to live longer too. According to a study in the US, healthy sleeping habits mean men can live almost five years longer, and women for two years. It also found that sleep is good for our health and reduces the risk of heart disease.

However, the study by the American College of Cardiology shows it’s not just about how long you sleep and the quality of your sleep is important too. Dr Frank Qian, who led the study, said sleep must be restful. The researchers said that sleep of high quality for adults was decided by five important factors: getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night; having trouble falling asleep no more than twice a week; having trouble staying asleep no more than twice a week; not using medicine to get to sleep; and waking up feeling rested at least five days a week.

Each factor was given one point, with a maximum (最大值) of five points for the highest quality of sleep. The researchers looked at the results of a survey of 172,321 people in the US that measured their health habits, including sleep, over five years. They found that people who had all five points were likely to live longer and lead healthier lives than those who had sleep difficulties.

According to the Sleep Charity, a good night’s sleep can improve people’s memory and immune (免疫的) system. Dr Qian admits that no one’s sleep is perfect—everyone has a late or restless night sometimes. However, he said, “Even from a young age, if people can develop these good habits of getting enough sleep, making sure they are sleeping without too many difficulties, which stem from daily troubles or noisy surroundings. And gradually it can greatly benefit their long-term health.”

The study was based only on people reporting their own sleep habits rather than recording them scientifically, so this may have affected the results and various study ways are needed.

1.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 1?
A.The effects of a bad sleep.B.The causes of heart disease.
C.The benefits of a good sleep.D.The length of a night’s sleep.
2.What can decide the quality of sleep for adults?
A.The bed for sleep.
B.The sleeping medicine.
C.The five key factors of sleep.
D.The five important ways to sleep.
3.Which of the words can replace the underlined phrase “stem from” in Paragraph 4?
A.Differ from.B.Result from.C.Hear from.D.Benefit from.
4.What is the disadvantage of the study?
A.Its limited objects.B.Its simple summary.
C.Its shortage of enough data.D.Its single researching method.