
Getting into an air-conditioned space during extreme heat is the best way of protecting yourself against heat-related illness, Dr. Pryor says. But there are a few additional things you can do to serve the purpose.

Focus on hydrating(补水), even before you go outside

1.,” Dr. Pryor says. And if you know you’ll be out in the heat for a while, here commends having a food or drink that contains electrolytes(电解质) — say, a salty snack or sports drink—before you head outdoors, since you’ll lose a lot of them in your sweat. Both water and electrolytes will keep you hydrated.


Go for lightweight, light-colored, and loose-fitting clothes, like a cotton shirt. Heavy, form-fitting clothing obviously won’t feel great when your skin badly needs to breathe. Meanwhile, dark-colored clothes take in the sun’s heat and make you feel hotter.

Rethink your dinner menu

Cooking meals will give off a lot of heat and can make your space even steamier. 3. .

Cut down on exercise needing great energy

4.,” Dr. Pryor says. So if you typically run three miles, you might instead run one or two during a cooler time of the day, have water with you, and take breaks to check in on how your body feels.

Take a cool shower

This kind of shower has an air conditioning effect, Dr. Pryor explains. 5. . This is also an important tip to keep in mind if someone near you is dealing with a heat stroke (中暑) situation, which is the most serious heat-related illness.

A.Choose your proper clothing
B.You’d better work out at a gym.
C.Bring a change of clothes with you
D.Cool water helps lower your body temperature quickly
E.If you are going to be outside in high heat, start hydrating early
F.Exercise is OK if you know how to reduce the time of the workout
G.Instead, consider making a meal that requires no heat, like no-cook dinners

Microplastics (微塑料) pollute drinking water. Data now suggest all of us have microplastics in our bodies. Some plastics are harmful.

Menake Piyasena, a professor at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, and his team worked on a new process. In the past, Piyasena used ultrasound (超声波) to separate microbes and other cells from water. He recalls thinking: “What if we can use the same method to concentrate on microplastics?”

The researchers send polluted water down a tube. The tube’s water flows past a transducer, which turns electrical energy into sound energy. It makes ultrasound waves that travel from one side of the tube to the other. When they hit microplastics, these waves exert(施加)a force on the plastic bits.

What happens next depends on the size of those plastic bits. Ones less than about 180micrometers across will move to the center of the flow. Larger ones will interact with each other and create an additional force. This sends those larger ones toward the other end of flowing water.

The ultrasound treatment removed about four in every five plastic bits from the water. It took about 90 minutes to clean one liter. It cost only about 10 cents to do that. “We think our approach will be cost-effective and simple,” Piyasena says.

“Microplastics are a problem worldwide,” says a research chemist Souhail Al-Abed, who works for the US Environmental Protection Agency. In his opinion, this tech is not yet ready to be rolled out for widespread use. “I’d like to express praise for Piyasena’s team that are conducting this research,” Al-Abed adds. “Research does not have all the answers on day 1 or day 2 or day 100. But continuing work by these researchers may find a good solution for the future.”

1.Why did the researchers turn to ultrasound in the new study?
A.They proved it was harmless to humans.
B.They managed to apply it to other studies.
C.It produced enough energy to heat water.
D.It enabled them to focus on the experiment.
2.What can we infer about the water treatment?
A.It might waste plenty of water.
B.It will serve every family soon.
C.It could lead to safer drinking water.
D.It has been the most effective approach.
3.What is Al-Abed’s attitude to Piyasena’s research?
4.Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Ultrasound Helps Remove Microplastics in Water
B.Scientists Have Found the Cause of Water Pollution
C.Efforts Are Made to Turn Microplastics into Energy
D.Plastics Have a Bad Influence on Our Everyday Life

Ecologists Dr. Matt Holden, Dr. Andrew Rogers and Dr. Russell Yong observed their share house and its backyard in 2020, and discovered 1,150 unique species of animals and plants over a 12-month period.

“We asked a large number of ecologists and conservation scientists how many species they’d expect to find in this setting and they said it could be only 200,”Dr. Holden said. “But after 60 days of surveying, we’d already discovered 777 species. It shows suburban (郊区的) houses and apartments could have far more biodiversity (生物多样性) than ever imagined, especially when it comes to insects.”

The idea of the species count was born when Dr. Rogers went to clean spider’s webs (蜘蛛网) in his room and wondered how many spiders were in the house. “The three of us soon worked out a plan to check the house and backyard in search of other insects that lived alongside us,” Dr. Holden said.

The survey showed richly biodiverse creatures, including 436 moth and butterfly species, 56 different spiders, and 56 birds. The researchers were also surprised to discover three species not previously recorded in Australia’s leading biodiversity database. “The house was a rich ecosystem of species interacting—we discovered unexpectedly a kind of moth, which spends its whole time feeding inside the waste of other animals before turning into an adult,” Dr. Holden said.

Homes across all suburban areas could play host to similar biodiversity. “It depends on how people tend to their homes and gardens—keeping low maintenance trees and flowers and preventing chemicals used for killing insects will lead to the rising number of living creatures,” Dr. Holden said. “You don’t have to go travelling to connect with Australia’s different species of creatures. Just look in your own backyard.”

1.How many species did the three housemates discover in 12 months?
A.200.B.436.C.700.D.1, 150.
2.What made Dr. Rogers get the idea of the species count?
A.Cleaning his room.B.Observing the spiders.
C.A talk with his friend.D.A mass of dead insects.
3.Which statement will Dr. Holden probably agree with?
A.Australia has seen a jump in living creatures.B.Suburban backyards are home to diverse species.
C.Wildlife tourism threatens animals and plants.D.People should keep their gardens free of insects.
4.Where is this text most likely from?
A.A children’s story.B.A museum guide.
C.A science magazine.D.A health report.

In December 2018, Cheré Bautista had to face a fear that she had worried about since she was a teen. Then 36, Bautista had spent months searching for work and had finally been offered a job in the call center of a Seattle-area hospital. But at the last minute, the offer was rescinded due to something Bautista had kept secret for twenty years: She had never graduated from high school.

“That was the lowest point in my life,” recalls Bautista. She has come a long way since her childhood. Raised by a single dad, she often had to take care of herself. At 16, she dropped out of high school to work and support herself. Gradually, Bautista built a life. By 2005, she had worked at a local bank.

With each passing year, however, Bautista felt her career options (职业选择) narrowing. After nearly ten years in banking, she was getting burned out. She dreamed of becoming an accountant (会计), but knew that required a diploma (文凭). Meanwhile, her incomplete education made her feel uncomfortable socially.

When the hospital call center job fell through, Bautista knew she’d reached a breaking point. “At that moment, it was just, ‘I have to fix this.’”

After searching for local classes, Bautista came across a preparatory program on the Hopelink website. She’d known it ran a food bank, but was unaware Hope link also offered free adult education programs.

Though Bautista was nervous about being in class, she refused to let that fear get in the way. “She always asked questions and was really open about what she understood and didn’t understand,” says Debbie Margolis, a teacher of Hopelink.

Hopelink helped Bautista prepare for her GED test, which awards the equivalent of a high school diploma. She passed the test in six months in June 2019. Even today, Bautista recalls the relief she felt—“Just the weight lifting off my shoulders: I finally get this done.”

1.What does the underlined word “rescinded” mean in the first paragraph?
2.What can we learn about Bautista from paragraph 2?
A.She missed her childhood.B.She suffered many hardships.
C.She supported a big family.D.She lived with her students.
3.One of the purposes of Hopelink is to ________.
A.teach the locals how to save foodB.design GED tests for young students
C.provide adults with education coursesD.help parents see their own strengths
4.Which of the following best describes Bautista?

From Alaska to New Mexico, here are some of the best national parks for a winter wonderland getaway.

Acadia National Park, Maine

Between early October and early March, Acadia National Park’s Cadillac Mountain, the tallest mountain on the eastern seaboard, offers hardy hikers impressive views of the first sunrise in the country. Because the roads are closed to motor vehicles (机动车) during the winter, those who go on the 3.5-mile hike from Park Loo p Road can treat themselves with an attractive view.

Denali National Park, Alaska

Denali National Park is a peaceful land in cold months. The season between September and April is the best time to photograph the northern lights. Winter visitors to the park can explore its icy landscapes by snowshoeing, skiing, and dogsledding (狗拉雪橇). While the National Park Service’s sled dogs don’t give visitors rides, travelers can book a tour with Denali Dog Sled Expeditions, which runs trips in the park.

Mount Rainier National Park, Washington State

The park is one of the oldest national parks in the US and a fresh playground for visitors in winter. There are areas where you could go snowmobiling, and the upper parking lot of the Paradise visitor center turns into a snow play area, which is great for families.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico

In northern New Mexico, Chaco Culture National Historical Park holds stone houses made by the Ancestral Puebloan from 1250 to 850 BC. These were the largest buildings in all of North America up until the mid-18th century. There are self-guided tour maps that visitors can pick up at the Chaco Canyon visitor center.

1.What can you do at Denali National Park in winter?
A.Admire the northern lights.B.Attend photography shows.
C.Hike from Park Loo p Road.D.Enjoy Cadillac Mountain.
2.Which offers a family-friendly snow play area?
A.Acadia National Park.B.Denali National Park.
C.Mount Rainier National Park.D.Chaco Culture National Historical Park.
3.What is special about Chaco Culture National Historical Park?
A.It is the oldest national park.B.It has ancient stone houses.
C.It requires a package tour.D.It asks visitors to get a guide.

It was my tenth birthday—double digits—which would be a big day for me, and I would have the biggest party ever. The guest list, which I kept at the back of my homework assignment folder, began with a few close friends. But in the two weeks before that special Friday night, it had quickly grown from seven girls to a large total of seventeen. Nearly every girl in my fifth-grade class had been invited to sleep over at my house for a big celebration. I was especially happy when each guest I invited excitedly accepted the invitation. I couldn’t wait! It would be a night of scary stories, funny games, pizza and lots of presents, which would be a happy paradise (天堂) for kids. Who could resist it?

But as I later realized, I would truly treasure only one gift I received that night.

The big night finally came. Every friend invited came to my house on time. We kept dancing, singing, talking loudly and playing all pop games. As you could imagine, my family room was full of crazy shouts and bursts of laughter. We had just finished a game of Twister and were lining up for the limbo (林波舞)when the doorbell rang suddenly. I hardly paid attention to who might be at the door. What did it matter? Who cared? Everyone I liked from school was there, in my family room, preparing for the game —to lean under the stick held by my two sisters.

“Judy, come here for a minute,” Mom answered the door and called loudly from the front door.

I hated to be interrupted. I rolled my eyes and shrugged to my friends as if to say, “Now who would dare bother me at a time like this?” What I really wanted to say was, “It’s tough being popular!”

Paragraph 1:

I ran to the front door, wondering who it was, and then I stopped.

Paragraph 2:

I slowly accepted the gift from Sarah.


The Two Tree Coffee, located in the Liyukou Village of Huyi District in the city of Xi’an, quickly went viral (走红) on social media.

The popularity of the cafe is 1.(large) due to the boom (暴涨) in cultural and ecological tourism in recent years, 2.(combine) with the government’s efforts at environmental preservation.

In recent years, the Chinese government 3.(strengthen) the long-term protection project, and adopted 4.(measure) such as the establishment of the five-level forest chief system. More and more urban residents, especially those 5. Xi’an, are attracted to the mountain villages for slow-paced vacations.

Wang visited many places before 6.(decide) to build the cafe here. “Cafes are among the favorite businesses of young people, and they provide 7. strong sense of uniqueness when they appear in the countryside,” she said. “People come here not only to consume coffee, 8.to ‘pay’ for the green ecology and the pastoral (田园的) environment.”

In front of the cafe is a tourism highway, 9.connects the store with many artistic villages along the mountain range. Art helps the villages to become 10.(fashionable) and livable, while retaining their natural beauty, than before.


A man named Joe in Austin spent several months in order to adopt a dog. Alva is a dog with wobbler syndrome(摇摆综合征), but that didn’t _________ Joe from knowing they would be together.

_________ at Austin Pets Alive in November 2020 at just 5 months old, Alva was _________ , skinny, and in need of a helping paw. She had a hard time _________ and walking on account of the _________ . After almost 24 months of shelter stays, the _________ in her life with wobblers and multiple owners had made her self-protective, _________ , and shy.

Joe had originally seen Alva on APA’s Instagram, and determined to do something to help her. “I just _________ her and said, ‘I bet everyone has given up on you,’” Joe told APA! “‘I’m not going to do that to you.’”

Nor did he, but instead visited her at APA every single day for two months to earn her _________ in the hope that he could welcome her into his __________. Seeing that there was a potential end to Alva’s difficulties, APA staff worked hard to treat and __________ Alva. Alva recovered well during the two months, and __________Joe got what he wished for—Alva was able to move in with him.

He __________ his house with various ramps and carpeted corners to ensure she had a safe, comfortable environment.

“Alva gave me a __________ every time I saw her, and that was: inspiration. It is her infectious spirit that makes her __________, and brightens my days,” Joe told APA!

A.turned toB.looked atC.waited forD.called on
A.adapt toB.take afterC.depend onD.attend to

A little more than three months ago, I began on a journey—one that required neither a backpack nor a plane ticket. Instead, all I needed was a notebook and a pen. 1. Come rain or shine. No excuses. Just words on paper, day after day.

Now, as I’ve crossed the finish line of this self-challenge, I’m here to share the invaluable insights I’ve gained, hopefully inspiring you to give this powerful tool a shot.

I’m a great listener to everyone except myself. Most of us spend our days listening to others, through meetings, phone calls, podcasts, or social media. But in that process, we often drown out (淹没) the most important voice—our own. 2.

My mind is an ocean, sometimes calm, often stormy. Through journaling, I was able to see my thought patterns like never before. Some days, my journal entries were as calm as a peaceful ocean. 3. It was a daily exercise in understanding that our minds, much like the ocean, have ups and downs.

The past is not a prison. 4. Regrets weren’t barriers, but guides showing me a better way forward. Journaling became a form of self-forgiveness and a process of releasing the past events.

The future is a canvas (画布). Journaling didn’t just make me a historian of my past; it also made me an architect of my future. I was able to plan, dream, and visualize like never before. My entries were filled with ideas, goals, and hopes. 5.My journal turned out to be a price less tool for personal growth and development.

A.However, they helped to get to know myself.
B.On others, they resembled waves during a storm.
C.Some mistakes were like the stormy waves on the sea.
D.Mistakes were not terrible failures, but stepping stones.
E.My journal served as a platform for my inner self to be heard.
F.I decided to commit to journaling every single day for 90 days.
G.For these, I could revisit, refine, and reimagine as many times as I wanted.