
Vel Scott is known for creating a bustling (热闹的) nightlife for Black Clevelanders in the 1960s. But now this grandmother has changed her life’s work into helping others change their eating habits and creating a(n) _______ lifestyle.

In 1963, Vel and her husband Don Scott _______ a nightclub. They brought in all kinds of performances from around the country to _______ people and served food and drinks. While the _______ husband-and-wife team continued to thrive (兴旺) _______, some alarming news was revealed about Don’s health. He was diagnosed during the 80s with heart problems and they knew they had to make some _______.

Vel took it upon herself to _______ new dishes. The things she learned helped her husband reverse (逆转) some of his health _______ in just a few short months. In 1998, she started Vel’s Purple Oasis — a community-based urban _______. It’s the place where people of all ages learned how to grow and eat healthier ________.

Dionne Thomas-Carmichael, a friend of Vel who suffered from cancer, said, “Vel has really helped to ________ me to eat really more fruits and vegetables.”

Vel brings the farm to the ________. And she brings residents to her community kitchen and gives them cooking lessons.

“The Black community has the highest rates of cancer and the highest rates of diabetes (糖尿病). It’s up to us to change our ________ and our eating habits,” Vel said.

Like Carmichael, many people have ________ Vel with helping them to take back their health, ________ at the kitchen table.

A.visitedB.dreamed ofC.passed byD.opened
A.trade inB.care forC.experiment withD.cut off

Many would consider emotions to be a barrier to decision-making and, therefore, think that they would be better off without them. However, the latest research has proved that our emotions will drive the conclusions we make, and that our well-being may depend upon our ability to understand and interpret them. 1. Here are some suggestions.

Start by understanding your emotions. 2. This mindful process of self-examination is important for healthy decisions, since emotions can influence our views and judgments.

Emotions can act as a compass (指南针), pointing you toward what matters most to you. However, strong emotions can affect our judgment and make it challenging to think objectively and critically. 3. You should be aware that emotions that arise from past experiences might cloud your judgment. Separate the present situation from the past and focus on the relevant factors.

4. However, they should be connected with factual information. Take your time to gather crucial information before making important decisions. Analyse the pros and cons (利弊) of your options to make the best possible decisions.

It’s beneficial to expand your viewpoint. When you see the big picture and are focused on your highest purpose, you are not distracted by smaller issues. Figuring out your deepest long-term goals and pursuing them will channel your emotions toward peace and harmony. 5.

To sum up, emotions play a significant role in decision-making and, when used properly, they can improve the effectiveness of the decision-making process.

A.Emotions can provide valuable insights.
B.All this information can serve your goal in the long run.
C.You’ll recognize that a decision driven by your values is the best.
D.Actually, we can effectively use emotions for successful decision-making.
E.Take a moment to recognize how you are feeling and why you are feeling so.
F.Therefore, it is essential to balance emotional insights with logical reasoning.
G.You should try to understand how critical thinking contributes to great decisions.

Robert Chmielewski has had quadriplegia (四肢瘫痪) since his teens. Sensors implanted (植入) in his brain read his thoughts to control two robotic arms, which helps him to perform daily tasks. Now he can use one robotic arm to control a knife and the other a fork.

Modern technology can reach inside someone’s head and pull out what he is thinking. Maybe he intends to move a robotic arm or type something on a computer screen. Such thought-controlled devices can help people who aren’t able to move or perform different tasks and promote the well-being of the disabled.

Decoding (解码) thought usually requires placing sensors directly on or in someone’s brain. Those implanted sensors can catch the electrical signals passing between the person’s brain cells, or neurons. Such signals carry messages that allow brains to think, feel and control the body.

Using brain implants, researchers have picked up electrical signals in the brain linked to certain words or letters. This has allowed brain implants to transform thoughts into text or speech on a computer. Likewise, brain implants have transformed imagined handwriting into text on a screen. Implanted sensors have even allowed scientists to turn the signals they caught that are associated with a song in someone’s head into real music.

In a recent study, scientists decoded full stories from people’s brains using MRI scans (磁共振成像扫描). This did not require any brain implants. But building the thought decoder did require many hours of brain scans for each person. What’s more, the system only worked on the person whose brain scans helped build it and only when that person was willing to have their mind read.

So devices that might let someone secretly read your mind from across the room are still a long, long way off. Still, it’s clear that mind-reading tech is getting more advanced. As it does, scientists are thinking hard about what it would mean to live in a world where not even the inside of your head is completely private.

1.What does the text begin with?
A.A suggestion.B.A comparison.C.An argument.D.An example.
2.What is explained in the text?
A.What principles a thought decoder should follow.
B.How MRI monitors the work of the implanted sensors.
C.What’s used to catch signals passing through the brain.
D.How robotic arms are designed to satisfy different needs.
3.What is scientists’ attitude towards the future of the technology discussed in the text?
4.What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Mind Reading is Stealing Our PrivacyB.Mind Reading is Hard, but not Impossible
C.Mind Reading—Good News for MusiciansD.Mind Reading—a Brain-scanning Technology

Emile and the Field is the story of a little boy who spends every season playing in a field by his house, whispering to the trees or playing in the leaves.

Kevin Young, the author of the book, originally wrote Emile and the Field years ago as a bedtime poem for his son. Young’s son is a teenager now — and too old for bedtime stories — but this poem about Emile lives on, now as a children’s book illustrated by Chioma Ebinama, a fine artist living in Greece.

Ebinama wanted to reflect Emile’s love for nature, so she used a sort of romantic palette (调色板) of pinks, blues and sunny yellows. She hand-painted the illustrations in watercolor.

For inspiration, Ebinama says she drew from a variety of influences. One scene, where Emile and his father hold hands and walk through the snow-covered field, reminds us of Snowy Day, Keats’ 1962 children’s book about Peter, an African American boy who explores his neighborhood after the season’s first snowfall.

And — as in Snowy Day — Ebinama drew the little boy in Emile and the Field as a black child. Even though the author and the illustrator never discussed it clearly, Young says the fact of Emile’s blackness was very important to him. The winter scenes were actually the most challenging. Obviously it’s winter so it’s mostly white.

Emile and the Field is a family story for both the author and the illustrator. Ebinama, for example, drew her dog, Luna, into the story as the little dog that follows Emile around. Even though there is no dog in Young’s original poem, Luna came in very handy.

There was a kind of family quality to the book for Young. He named the main character of his poem after his great-grandfather, Emile, a farmer who lived to be 103 years old. He says the story reminds him of running around his family’s fields as a kid in Louisiana.

“There’s nothing better than being read to or reading to someone,” Young says. “It really connects you to this long story-telling tradition.”

1.Why did Young write Emile and the Field at first?
A.To satisfy his love for nature.B.To read it as a bedtime poem.
C.To encourage his teenage son.D.To tell the story of a Greek boy.
2.Why was Snowy Day mentioned in paragraph 4?
A.To give us a good understanding of Keats.
B.To introduce the life of an African American boy.
C.To provide us with an example of children’s books.
D.To tell us where Ebinama got her inspiration to paint Emile.
3.What can be learned about the dog Luna?
A.It’s Emile’s pet in real life.B.It’s a character created by Young.
C.It gives Ebinama a sense of family.D.It has the colors of black and white.
4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To report an important event.B.To help readers appreciate a book.
C.To tell about a personal experience.D.To advertise for a publishing house.

When I was in second grade, I discovered my parents’ 600 Film Polaroid camera. Somehow, there was still film inside of the camera and the camera worked! I spent that night taking pictures of my family and our pet dog. The next day, I convinced my parents to let me take it to class and took pictures of my friends. I instantly fell in love with capturing memories.

From then on, I would always ask my parents if I could borrow their digital camera during family vacations. I loved taking pictures of everything in sight. When I saw the pictures, I was filled with happiness from the moments I was able to record.

At high school, I took some photography courses furthering my curiosity for this art form. I learned about editing and the wonders of Photoshop. I learned what a great tool it is and I tried my best to practice as often as I could. When I was looking at universities, I was extremely interested in art schools because of photography. I knew deep in my heart that I wanted to do something more with photography. However, I also had a dream and passion to study business. I eventually decided to attend a university where I had the opportunity to study both fields.

During my first year of college, I decided to pursue a photography minor. My love for Business and Marketing helped me to turn my passion into a business. I created Angelica Carrete Photography in 2016 as a way to do more with my hobby. I challenged myself to grow as a creative every day and tried my best to stay motivated through the struggles that come with being a college student. I created this blog as a way to express my thoughts on the many different aspects of photography and to further challenge my creativity. I am so excited about this journey!

1.What does the underlined word “capturing” mean in paragraph 1?
2.What happened in the author’s high school days?
A.He learned some photo-editing skills.
B.He was given an offer by an art school.
C.He was given a digital camera by his parents.
D.He used a camera as a tool to explore the world.
3.What can be inferred about the author?
A.He took photography as his major at university.
B.He got creative thoughts through reading a blog.
C.He considered marketing as the biggest challenge.
D.He enjoyed the process of turning passion into a business.
4.The author stayed positive, even though ________.
A.his college days are difficultB.his parents are not supportive
C.he could only use an old cameraD.he failed to be admitted to an art school
Pacific Coast Range

Stretching along the west coast of North America from northern California to Alaska, the forests found along the Pacific Coast Range are the largest area of temperate (温带的) rainforest in the world. The forests are home to the coast redwood, the world’s tallest tree. Across the region, the forest understory (林下叶层) is wet and heavily vegetated.

Taiheiyo Evergreen Forests

Found in southern Japan, they are temperate rainforests of evergreen broadleaf trees. The forests can receive more than 100 inches of rain every year. The forests are covered by Japanese cedar and Japanese stone oak, while moso bamboo comprise the understory. The extent of the Taiheiyo forests has been reduced due to development and agriculture. Today,17%of the remaining forest is protected by national parks and other reserves.

Atlantic Oakwood Forest

The Atlantic Oakwood Forest covers the wettest parts of the United Kingdom. A species of oak tree (橡树) called sessile oak occupies the landscape. Unlike other temperate forests, these forests tend to have an open understory of grasses. Much of the historical range of the forest has given to agriculture and other development, though that has changed in recent decades.

Valdivian Temperate Rainforest

This forest is found on the west coast of Chile and Argentina, on the wet, western slopes (斜坡) of the Andes mountain range. With the coastline to the west, the peaks of the Andes to the east, and the Atacama Desert to the north, the region supports a number of plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world. Uniquely, the forest is covered by evergreen flowering trees, which are native to Chile and little known outside the region.

1.Which of the four forest areas occupies the most land?
A.Pacific Coast Range.B.Taiheiyo Evergreen Forests.
C.Atlantic Oakwood Forest.D.Valdivian Temperate Rainforest.
2.What do Taiheiyo Evergreen Forests and Atlantic Oakwood Forest have in common?
A.They have open understory grasses.B.They’re home to extremely tall trees.
C.They’re of great historical significance.D.They used to be affected by agriculture.
3.What is unique to Valdivian Temperate Rainforest?
A.Wet climate.B.Coastal location.
C.Evergreen flowering trees.D.Well-protected national parks.

Several years ago, shortly after going through months of chemotherapy (化疗) for breast cancer (癌症), I was burned out. I should have been happy. The treatments were over. Instead, a door somewhere in my heart flew open from the stress of dealing with my cancer diagnosis (诊断). All the feelings, worries, and fears made me struggle. It took a huge effort to get through each day. The world was dark. I didn’t care about anything. One day, I visited a counselor at the nearby cancer center.

“You need to make a treasure map,” she said. “How do I do that?”

“First, you make a list of the things you want to do or achieve in the future. Then bring it here next week.”

That afternoon, I started and wrote, “Walk for twenty minutes each day” and “Finish the book I started.” Then I began thinking a week and then a month ahead, writing, “Visit Sea World,” and “Start attending yoga classes.” And, finally, I was looking a year ahead: “Finish writing my novel,” and “Go to cheer for Diane.”   (My sister was training for a sixty-mile walk to raise money for breast cancer research.) I felt a little better.

When I showed my counselor the list, she told me to buy a piece of poster board and cutout pictures of the goals I had written. That would be my treasure map, my working plan to lead my way to the future.

At home that day, I cleared off the kitchen table and took out some old magazines. At first, I felt silly looking for pictures, like I was back in kindergarten. But as I found what I was looking for, I became more interested. Before the cancer diagnosis, I had wanted to travel to see the Grand Canyon. I had forgotten that. I had wanted to learn to use my camera and to visit New Orleans. I had forgotten those, too.

        As I worked on creating the treasure map, my world began to change.
        I’m sure that following that early treasure map made things happen.
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Carved out of a rocky hill, the Temple of the Rising Sun had showed the power of Egypt’s greatest pharaoh to the Nubian people in the Upper Nile. Over time, the great temple and the smaller buildings became 1. (cover) in sand for centuries, until 2. (they) rediscovery in 1813.

But just over a century later, the southernmost relics of this ancient human civilization were threatened 3. the rising waters of the Nile following the construction (建造) of the Aswan High Dam. The construction of the Dam was meant to develop agriculture (农业) as well as economy, and led to a global debate 4. has appeared on the front pages of every newspaper in 5. world ever since: Why should people care for ancient stones and buildings when so many people need food?

In an attempt 6. (save) the temples of Egypt, UNESCO said that humanity does not have to sacrifice (牺牲) the past to develop economy in the present. Cultural heritage sites help us understand who we are 7. also mean massive opportunities for development.

The race against time 8. (begin) in 1964, when experts from different9. (nation) started working together. The whole site was 10. (careful) cut into large blocks, lifted and moved to a new location 65 metres higher and 200 metres back from the river, preserving it for future generations.


Young Emily, aged four, is deaf and uses British Sign Language to communicate. Her mother, Tanya Andrews, took her and her six-year-old brother Hugo to ________ Santa ahead of the Christmas holiday when an elf (精灵) made a ________impression on the family.

The family ________ the sweet story of how Melanie Boyeson, playing Holly the Elf, helped Emily tell Santa what she ________ for Christmas. Tanya took her ________ to the Airmyn Park Primary School for the outing, in which the school’s head teacher, Natalie Dodds, said that the elf was hired (雇用) ________ for Emily.

Tanya said the ________ was magical, as she had taken her daughter to four different Santa meetings over the years and been falsely promised a Santa who ________ sign language.

“Emily being able to ________ freely with the elf and tell Santa what she wanted was just________,” Tanya said. “Seeing what was in front of me, I was in tears. It was so amazing to see Emily’s face ________.” Emily was a little ________ at first, as she had never interacted with Santa before, but Holly the Elf ________ her to speak with Santa.

Tanya was so glad that her daughter’s dream ________ and hoped it would be a(n) ________for others to enjoy experiences similar to theirs with Santa. “I hope the barriers (障碍) for the deaf community will be removed one day,” she said.

A.light upB.calm downC.stand outD.break away
A.went onB.cried outC.set offD.came true