上周,我受邀参加了一个传统的中国婚礼,在那儿我目睹(witness)了“接亲”这一过程(Jieqin process)。一大早,穿着正装的新郎便来到了新娘家。与此同时,新娘穿着传统的秀和服(traditional Xiuhe clothing)坐在床上,等待新郎的到来。在整个接亲过程中,新郎通过了一系列的挑战和考验来展示他的爱和真诚(sincerity),才最终成功地把新娘带回家。(70 words)(汉译英)


影片1997年在美国上映,由詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)执导,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)和凯特·温斯莱特(Kate Winslet)领衔主演杰克和露丝。




每年的 12 月 5日是国际志愿者日(International Volunteer Day)。作为校志愿者协会(School Volunteer Association)主席,请你用英语在志愿者日发表国旗下讲话,内容包括:
1. 向校志愿者表示感谢;
2. 志愿服务的好处;
3. 发出呼吁。
注意: 1. 词数 80 左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear teachers and schoolmates,

Robots are highly beneficial to healthcare. Statistics show that around 16 million patients in China are 1. need of orthopedic (矫形外科的) surgery. Surgical robots help surgeons figure out the problem, 2. carry the risk of exposing both surgeons and patients to radiation damage. The all-in-one orthopedic robot (AIOOR) solves this problem. Developed by orthopedic 3. (special) Zhang Yuanzhi and his team, AIOOR is the first of its kind in China. Its cutting-edge imaging system and software 4. (short) the time needed for complex operations, such as those for spinal injuries, and also makes such surgeries much 5. (safe).

Advanced robotics, moreover, considerably eases patients’ discomfort created by the traditional gastroscopy (胃镜), 6. requires that the physician put a tube down the patient’s mouth to the stomach. The discomfort is unbearable to many patients, 7. (make) some avoid checkups and consequently miss the best time for treatment. The NaviCam, a system developed by ANKON Medical Technologies in Shanghai, enables 8. (entire) painless stomach visualization instead. Patients only need to “eat” 9. capsule-sized robot, and the examination is completed within 15 minutes. After the procedure, the robot is removed from patients’ body. So far, these robots 10. (employ) in about 1,000 medical centers across China.


Gail Rodgers, a grandma of three, has become a lifeguard at her local pool. Seeing her local pool couldn’t ________ due to a lifeguard shortage, the 66 year old woman decided that her ________ wouldn’t get in the way while helping her community. “I did this lifeguard thing back in the late ‘60s’.________ , I thought I can do this again,’’ she said.

Rodgers, ________ in the late 1960s, said she had to learn new skills. Jeff Blume, president of Cincinnati Pool Management and Rodgers’ boss, also admitted that the physical examination is ________. “Lifeguard candidates have to swim a 300 yard length, and then submerge (潜入水中) and grab a 10-pound brick off the bottom of the pool,” Blume explained.

Through great ________, Rodgers became a part time lifeguard.   “It’s been fun ________ people enjoying the nice weather in the pool. It’s been more ________ than I expected to be,” Rodgers said. Her boss said it has also been a joy to have her on their team.

Blume noted that fear can ________ a lot of people and he’s glad that Rodgers is such a(n) ________ for being courageous. “I think there’s a ________ of ‘I can’t do this’ or ‘That’s not for me. That’s for the young’ or something like that. So, there’s a lot to ________, but if people want to do it, we could help them with the skills and give them a little bit more of a________ before they actually take the class. If people ________ that is an option, I think they might not look at the skills test as a tall mountain to get over.”   They hope more people are inspired to ________ life-guarding as the country continues to face lifeguard shortages.

A.take upB.make upC.end upD.pull up

It is said that Shennongjia is the place where the mythical Emperor Yan once lived. In the remote mountains and primary forests, many visitors wish to encounter the legendary yeren (wild man), also called Bigfoot. 1. Instead, they are attracted by Shennongjia’s rich biodiversity and karst (喀斯特地形) land forms.

2. Tourists can enjoy flower blossoms in spring, be shaded from the summer heat, appreciate red leaves in autumn and go skiing in winter.

Visitors can hike in the forest. 3. An early rise by visitors may be rewarded with an extremely attractive view of a sea of clouds beneath.

The natural beauty of karst landforms is everywhere. There are waterfalls, pools and a 56-ft-high arch that resembles a bridge crafted by nature after centuries of rain erosion. 4. Located in the southeast region of Shennongjia, it is the largest and highest wetland in central China. The Dajiuhu Lake is surrounded by mountains, where a total of nine different lakes are connected by a flowing stream. The nine lakes pose the Dajiuhu Lake, which means “nine big lakes” in Chinese.

Shen Nong’s first top is attractive to people who like climbing. The highest elevation of 2,950 meters has a wonderful reputation, also Shennongjia major scenic areas. 5.

Tourists may come across an area in which golden snub-nosed monkeys that are ill or injured are treated before they go back into the forest.

A.They may not see any such creature.
B.Of them the most famous is the Dajiuhu Lake.
C.The special land forms create a wonderful climate here.
D.The most attractive is the discovery of “uncivilized man”.
E.Trips in such a mountainous region depend largely on the weather.
F.The nature of Shennongjia’s beauty varies colorfully all year around.
G.Visitors can enjoy listening to the sounds of swallows nestling while climbing.

Chancelor Bennett has surprises in store for educators during Teacher Appreciation Week. The Grammy Awards-winning artist is hosting his virtual award show “The Twilight Awards” to surprise 10 teachers and recognize them for their work. He’ll also donate $300,000 to these teachers.

“Most artists want to do the Grammys, but everybody wants to do ‘Sesame Street’,” he said. “It’s because when you’re a kid, you create long-lasting memories of it. Sesame Street’ teaches kids how to count or spell a certain word and influences them forever.” He said the same goes for the work teachers do for children. “The true superstars are these people.”

Chancelor first developed the idea in 2017, after working with educators in Chicago Public Schools. That year he donated $1 million to the school system, and started a fund in Chicago classrooms through one initiative of SocialWorks, a nonprofit he established. The award show was named in honor of American educator Alexander Twilight, the first African American known to graduate from an American college.

Chancelor didn’t have the best educational experience. He was kind of written off by some of his teachers due to the Fs on his report card, but it caused him to have a deeper gratitude to the ones that didn’t abandon him. “When I could have gotten kept back or kicked out of school or any number of things, there were quite a few teachers that helped keep me on track,” he explained.

Aliamer from Sayre Language Academy is among the first educators to be honored. “I asked them a couple of times on the phone if an error was committed,” said Aliamer. The 25-year-old has only been teaching for two years. “I don’t think any credit goes to me. It brings me optimism that people are learning to be more empathetic and understanding.”

1.How does Chancelor show the importance of teachers in paragraph 2?
A.By telling a story.B.By making a comparison.
C.By giving examples.D.By explaining reasons.
2.What inspired Chancelor to hold “The Twilight Awards”?
A.His own experience at school.B.Teacher Appreciation Week.
C.The request of Alexander Twilight.D.The activity of his nonprofit.
3.What do we know about Chancelor as a schoolboy?
A.He often skipped class.B.He was treated unfairly.
C.He did poorly in school.D.He was popular with teachers.
4.How did Aliamer feel on hearing her winning the award?

Coco Gauff won the U.S. Open women’s title in 2023. Gauff became only the third American teenager to win the national women’s title four years after she rose to fame in the sport by beating Venus Williams, one of her childhood idols, at the Wimbledon Championships when Gaff was just 15 years old.

When Gauff was barely school age she held a tennis racket (球拍) and told her parents that she wanted to be the best player in the world. By the time Gauff was seven, she was training with a tennis professional two hours a day, several days a week. Her father suggested that the family move from Atlanta to Delray Beach, Florida, home to some of the best tennis training camps in the world. At 13, Gauff was the youngest U.S. Open junior girls finalist in history; at 14, she became one of the youngest winners of the French Open junior girls tournament.

The win against Venus Williams in the first round of Wimbledon was a bit of a dreamy moment for both players. Gauff was 15; Williams was 39. Gauff beat Williams in straight sets in a stunning upset. When the competitors met at the net for the traditional handshake, Gauff tried to make the moment special. “I was just telling her thank you for everything she’s done for the sport,” Gauff said at the time.

Despite her age, Gauff demonstrated skills that both set her apart and made her worthy of being mentioned with other tennis genius, including Tracy Austin, Jennifer Capriati, and Andrea Jaeger. Yet her professional career has not been without its setbacks. Since beating Williams in the first round at Wimbledon, she has found herself knocked out in the first round at the 2022 Australian Open and at Wimbledon in 2023. Still, Gauff has shown consistent improvement in her game on the world stage.

1.Why did Gauff’s family move to Delray Beach?
A.For comfortable life.B.For stronger competitors.
C.For better training.D.For further education.
2.How did she make the moment of handshake special?
A.By saying thanks.B.By exchanging rackets.
C.By overcoming upset.D.By asking for instructions.
3.Which of the following words can best describe Gauff?
A.Friendly and outgoing.B.Selfless and determined.
C.Caring and competitive.D.Hardworking and talented.
4.In which section of the magazine can you see the text?

Most major droughts have tended to happen on seasonal or yearly time scales (范围), resulting from variability in large-scale climate patterns such as El Nino. But in the last six decades, there has been a transformation to more droughts that form over just a few weeks in most of the world, researchers of a new study at Nanjing University of Information Science Technology report in Science. This finding has implications for ecosystem conservation and agricultural management.

Some flash droughts develop into seasonal ones, yet even those that do not can cause significant damage to agriculture and contribute to other extreme weather events such as wildfires and heat waves. In the summer of 2012, a severe flash drought across the United States caused over $30 billion in damages. Flash droughts happen two to three times as often in wet regions such as northwest North America, Europe and southern China as elsewhere. Many affected areas transformed from normal conditions to extreme drought within a month,and no climate models predicted it.

As the world continues to warm, causing less rainfall,flash drought frequency is expected to continue to rise. Droughts can happen and strengthen rapidly, but current monitoring systems often cannot catch their beginning on short enough time scales. That makes flash droughts a sort of a hard nut, the researchers say.

“We have to improve these systems,” the lead researcher Yuan Xing says, “by exploring the mechanisms behind flash droughts,perhaps with the help of artificial intelligence.” Dealing with these droughts isn’t just about having a better tool set, Mark Svoboda, who first coined the term “flash droughts”, believes, but also a different mind-set. “It is human nature not to deal with drought until you’re in it. We advocate that drought be dealt with ahead and actively.”

1.What does the study find?
A.Droughts are formed in shorter time.B.Wildlife is adapting to a changing climate.
C.Climate change began sixty years ago.D.Droughts often happen seasonally or yearly.
2.What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.Reasons for flash droughts.B.Consequences of flash droughts.
C.Regions attacked by droughts.D.Extreme weather caused by droughts.
3.Why do researchers think of flash droughts as a hard nut?
A.They worsen climate change.B.They happen on a global scale.
C.They put agriculture at great risk.D.They are hard to detect in time.
4.What does Svoboda suggest?
A.Keeping a positive attitude.B.Turning to AI for help.
C.Taking measures in advance.D.Bettering existing tools.
1.Who is the speaker probably talking to?
A.New staff.B.Tour guides.C.Tourists.
2.How often is the safety meeting held?
A.Every month.B.Every two weeksC.Every week.
3.What are the listeners allowed to wear in the lab?
A.Jackets.B.Loose belts.C.Sports shoes.
4.Why does the speaker give the talk?
A.To come up with new ideas.
B.To introduce rules in the lab.
C.To invite some suggestions.