
When traveling in foreign nations, you have to know their way of life.1.Otherwise, you may get yourself on the wrong side. The following are the things you need to know when organizing sightseeing in a foreign nation.

Know as much as possible about your destination before travelling. What one country values might not be accepted in a different country. Get to know the religion, language, culture and things that appear obvious. 2.

Travel in the low season. There are times when people do sightseeing in large numbers. During such times, you need to pay lots of money for your flight.3.You may also find hotels with food and accommodation are half the regular prices.

4.You will get treated in the way you interact with the people that you meet. Share information with the people you meet, and you may get a nice experience in return. They may teach you their language, customs, lifestyles and so on. Besides, you may learn how they call certain foods.

Enjoy without reservation. Don’t think of the next time.5.Things change pretty fast, and you may have only one chance. Take part in the activities the locals engage in and make your trip a memorable one.

A.Be nice to people.
B.Enjoy the present moment.
C.Write down your spending when travelling.
D.It requires you to see things from a different angle.
E.If there are not many travelers, you can save on tickets.
F.Traveling there, you can communicate better with local people.
G.It refers to appreciating beautiful natural scenery in the country.

A rising number of Chinese mobile apps are having an influence around the world. From top short-video app TikTok to the biggest fashion app Shein and karaoke video app StarMaker,the Chinese apps are getting big. In 2021, the overseas revenue (收益) of China’s entertainment apps grew 204 percent year-on-year, according to a report by market research company, iResearch. The US, Japan and South Korea were the main overseas sources of income for Chinese apps. Downloads of Chinese apps also increased in Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia in 2021.

Experts said that this has shown the strong innovative (创新的) power of Chinese companies. “The global market is promising for Chinese companies. Though it takes a long time to develop a brand in foreign markets, Chinese companies are good at research and development,” said Fang Han, the developer of StarMaker.

For example, TikTok has more than one billion downloads in 150 markets and 75 languages worldwide, noted Harvard Business Review. Apart from showing videos to users according to their interests, it also offers simple creative video editing tools, such as music, filters (滤镜) and stickers (贴纸) to meet local cultural needs, reported People’s Daily.

The Chinese government has also made great efforts to encourage companies to go global. In July 2021, a guideline came out. It says more efforts will be made to help with the companies’ research and development overseas. They are encouraged to work together with foreign technology companies in fields such as big data, 5G and artificial intelligence.

1.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The rising number of Apps.B.The promising global market.
C.The Chinese apps getting big.D.The growing overseas revenue of apps.
2.What are music, filter and stickers intended for?
A.Editing videos.B.Introducing the local culture.
C.Beautifying the style.D.Drawing public attention.
3.What can we know from the text?
A.The global markets mainly depends on Asia and Africa.
B.The stylish Apps attract overseas customers more easily.
C.The overseas revenue in 2020 is double of that in 2021.
D.Innovative power matters in the popularity of the apps.
4.What is the best title for the text?
A.Chinese Apps Go Global
B.Chinese Companies Market Themselves
C.Chinese Apps Push Scientific Development
D.Chinese Government Cares More about Global Market

Scientists discovered that fewer humpback whales made the singing noises, as their population grew. “It was getting more difficult to actually find singers,” marine biologist Rebecca Dunlop in Brisbane said. She added, “When there were fewer of them, there was a lot of singing-now that there are lots of them, no need to be singing so much.”

Eastern Australia’s humpback whales came close to disappearing in the 1960s. With the end of commercial whaling (捕鲸), the population began to regrow, climbing to about 27,000 whales by 2015. That number is near estimated pre-whaling levels. As the density (密度) of whales increased, their singing behaviors changed. While 2 in 10 males made crying noises in 2004, 10 years later the number had dropped to 1 in 10, Dunlop said.

The team’s study appeared in a recent issue of Nature Communications Biology. Dunlop said she thinks singing played a big part in bringing in mates when populations severely declined. When humpbacks live in denser populations, males looking for mates also have to deal with competing whales.

Boris Worm, an ocean biologist, was not involved in the research. “As animal populations recover, they change their behavior-they have different cries,” Worm said. The research suggests the seas are still noisy with humpback whale sounds.

Many humpbacks seek to bring in mates with a combination of singing and physical movements, the study notes. The large increase in the humpback population during the study period provided valuable data about changes in the animals’ behavior and they must have been singers long before whaling reduced their numbers, said Simon Ingram. But the new study demonstrates (证明) how necessary their complex and beautiful songs were to their survival and recovery, he added.

1.Which may make humpback whales sing in the discovery?
A.The power of waves.B.The use of microphone.
C.The feeling of loneliness.D.The increase of their numbers.
2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly say about humpback whales?
A.Their sudden disappearance.B.Their sharp rise in numbers.
C.Their being well protected.D.Their change in behaviors.
3.What does the underlined word “declined” in Paragraph 3 mean?
4.Which does Simon Ingram agree?
A.Humpbacks’ behaviors have never changed.
B.Humpbacks’ numbers increased by whaling.
C.Humpbacks’ singing noises are important.
D.Humpbacks’ singing will disappear soon.

It was a warm winter’s day in South Africa and I planned to go surfing. The area of beach I went to is famous among surfers for its powerful waves and popularity with sharks.

After a while my brother and some of my friends got out of the water because they felt uneasy. There was the smell of fish in the air, which can attract sharks. A few of us stayed. Finally, I saw my first big wave, but as I was about to hit it, two great white sharks attacked me.

It happened so quickly. One shark hit me, throwing me into the air; a second later, it dragged me under the water. The shock stopped me from feeling pain. Under the water, another shark went for my head and shoulders but missed.

Perhaps surprised by the competition, the first shark lost its grip (控制) on me and the next thing I knew was that I was staring a shark straight in the face. It stared back at me for a few moments. Its mouth was wide open; I could see huge teeth and dark black eyes. After it passed, I swam to the surface as fast as I could.

When surfing, there is always the fear in the back of your mind of sharks. Now it was real. I was shaking, crying and panicking, realizing that I could die. I tried all my hardest to swim back to the shore. Eventually, I made it to dry land. I felt relief. Someone tied my arm to slow the bleeding and my brother rushed me to the hospital. The surgeon managed to save my fingers.

That day changed my life, but it hasn’t stopped me from surfing. I started a surfing school to teach the sport to others. I was more afraid of sharks before my attack. Now I know what it means to be alive.

1.Why do sharks like appearing at the surfing beach?
A.There are powerful waves in winter.B.The beach is their natural habitat.
C.The smell of fish attracts them.D.The beach is crowded with surfers.
2.How did the author narrowly escape to dry land?
A.By swimming as fast as possible.B.By surfing on his surfboard alone.
C.By frightening the sharks away.D.By fighting with the sharks at once.
3.What can be inferred about the author in the text?
A.He is more afraid of sharks.B.He is appreciative of being alive.
C.He started a surfing school.D.He didn’t surf after the incident.
4.What is the text mainly about?
A.An activity in South Africa.B.A safety problem for surfers.
C.A terrible lesson for surfers.D.An experience of a surfer.

If you want to know something about British life, their spirit, and even their humor, watching some classic British films will certainly help. Here are some for you.

Life of Brian

Life of Brian by Terry Jones in 1979 tells the story of a young man who is in a case of mistaken identity (身份).The film shows the unusual and wonderful British sense of humor. As a film certain to entertain, Life of Brian is not to be missed by those looking for an insight into what makes the British laugh.


Danny Boyle’s 1996 comedy-drama Trainspotting is about a group of Scots in the 1980s, adapted from Irvine Welsh’s book. With a cast of truly great actors, the tale impressed the moviegoers globally. It rapidly became a success.

Notting Hill

Released on 21 May 1999, Notting Hill directed by Roger Michell was well-received and also got a British Comedy Award in the same year. The story is of a romance between a British nobody (Grant) and a Hollywood star (Roberts) who happens to walk into his shop.

The Full Monty

This 1997 film directed by Peter Cattaneo is a comedy about six unemployed men who form a group to make money for a better life. The film receiving British Comedy Awards dives deeper into some serious issues surrounding working-class culture. The Full Monty is an encouraging film that helps know more about the work and life of the working class in Britain.

1.Which film is based on a book?
A.Life of Brian.B.Trainspotting.
C.Notting Hill.D.The Full Monty.
2.Which director’s film was released earliest of the four?
A.Terry Jones’.B.Danny Boyle’s.
C.Roger Michell’s.D.Peter Cattaneo’s.
3.What is The Full Monty about?
A.Hardships of film stars.B.The importance of laugh in life.
C.Daily life of some Scots.D.Life of the British working class.
1.How did Sharapova tell the world she would leave her sporting world?
A.Through a friend.B.Through an interview.C.Through a magazine.
2.What caused Sharapova to stop playing tennis?
A.Her physical condition.B.Her business.C.Her age.
3.When did Sharapova win the US Open?
A.In 2004.B.In 2006.C.In 2012.
4.What is Sharapova like?
A.She’s humorous.B.She’s self-centered.C.She’s hard-working.
1.Where did Mark learn about the Dead Sea?
A.From a book.               B .From his parents.               C. From a TV programme.
2.Why does the woman ask Mark about the Dead Sea?
A.To finish her paper.
B.To know if it’s worth a visit.
C.To make sure it is a safe place.
3.What makes Komodo Island famous?
A.Its large size.
B.The special custom.
C.The home of a special animal.
4.What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Friends.B.Family members.C.Co-workers.
1.What impressed the woman most about the Classical Cafe?
A.The price.B.The food.C.The waiters.
2.What does Karl think of the festival?
A.Just so-so.B.Interesting.C.Boring.
3.What does Karl advise the woman to do?
A.Go to the festival.B.Try the restaurant.C.Learn to cook.
1.Why does Jenna want to book the same flight?
A.The man can help her with luggage.
B.She can rest before the meeting.
C.The time is convenient for her.
2.When will the conference be held?
A.On Tuesday evening.B.On Wednesday morning.C.On Friday morning.
1.What will the man do on Wednesday?
A.He will have a math test.
B.He will hand in his paper.
C.He will finish a book report.
2.How will the woman help Sam tonight?
A.By finishing his paper.
B.By solving math problems.
C.By checking his report.