
It all began when I moved to Dallasin the fourth grade, and I noticed that I was behind in my reading at School. Reading out loud, I had difficulty with half the sentences. My teacher, Mrs. Agnew, said my reading comprehension and ability to pronounce words was at a lower level than other fourth graders. I was scared every time she called on me to read aloud because, although I would try my hardest, she would always have to help me with the words. Mrs. Agnew suggested to my mother that I be tested for dyslexia (发育性阅读障碍) and seek a cure.

At first I didn’t understand why I was being tested. To be honest, I was in fear of facing failure then. Nervous and confused, I sat waiting in the hospital room, unsure of what Dr. Grady, the doctor who diagnosed developmental dyslexia, was telling my parents about the test results.

However, the final results showed that I did have developmental dyslexia. Knowing it, I froze. I had no idea what to do but stand still. My mother looked at me and said quietly, “Honey, don’t worry, and I’ll be with you all time. Are you going to let the obstacle get in your way? Say NO!”. Eventually, I became determined to struggle against my disability. I started to take speech treatments from doctors and some medical volunteers regularly. Dr. Grady told us to go to the hospital twice a week for treatment and my reading ability will get to normal after three years’ training.

Gradually, I even began to love reading, which I had once hated it so much. Several medical volunteers listened to me patiently and taught me patiently. I was deeply moved. Whenever I saw volunteers in white candy-striped (粉白相间条纹的) medical uniforms passing by me, I had a strong desire to give back by being a volunteer to help those like me.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The time for retesting finally arrived.
One day a little girl in a wheelchair asked me to read a book to her.
1. 时间,中国的传统节日之一
2. 意义
3. 活动
人物马可·波罗(Marco Polo)


Hello, everyone,


Thank you.


As the sun set he remembered, to give himself more confidence, the time in the tavern at Casablanca when he had played the hand game with the great negro from Cienfuegos who was the strongest man on the docks. They had gone one day and one night with their elbows on a chalk line on the table and their forearms straight up and their hands gripped tight. Each one was trying to force the other’s hand down onto the table. There was much betting and people went in and out of the room under the kerosene lights and he had looked at the arm and hand of the negro and at the negro’s face. They changed the referees every four hours after the first eight so that the referees could sleep. Blood came out from under the fingernails of both his and the negro’s hands and they looked each other in the eye and at their hands and forearms and the bettors went in and out of the room and sat on high chairs against the wall and watched. The walls were painted bright blue and were of wood and the lamps threw their shadows against them. The negro’s shadow was huge and it moved on the wall as the breeze moved the lamps.

The odds would change back and forth all night and they fed the negro rum and lighted cigarettes for him. Then the negro, after the rum, would try for a tremendous effort and once he had the old man, who was not an old man then but was Santiago El Campeon, nearly three inches off balance. But the old man had raised his hand up to dead even again. He was sure then that he had the negro, who was a fine man and a great athlete, beaten. And at daylight when the bettors were asking that it be called a draw and the referee was shaking his head, he had unleashed his effort and forced the hand of the negro down and down until it rested on the wood. The match had started on a Sunday morning and ended on a Monday morning.

Many of the bettors had asked for a draw because they had to go to work on the docks loading sacks of sugar or at the Havana Coal Company.

Otherwise everyone would have wanted it to go to a finish. But he had finished it anyway and before anyone had to go to work.

For a long time after that everyone had called him The Champion and there had been a return match in the spring. But not much money was bet and he had won it quite easily since he had broken the confidence of the negro from Cienfuegos in the first match. After that he had a few matches and then no more. He decided that he could beat anyone if he wanted to badly enough and he decided that it was bad for his right hand for fishing. He had tried a few practice matches with his left hand. But his left hand had always been a traitor and would not do what he called on it to do and he did not trust it.

Quoted from The Old Man and the Sea

1.Since the old man is the main character, in the hand game, why does Hemingway put more efforts in describing his opponent the negro?
A.Because Hemingway himself is an anti-racist who wants to support the colored race.
B.By doing so, he indirectly shows how strong and determined the old man is to readers.
C.He shifts readers’ attention to a new character to neutralize the nervous atmosphere.
D.There is no need to describe the old man because he is well-known to all readers.
2.What does the underlined word “unleashed” in paragraph 2 mean?
3.Which of the followings is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Many bettors were afraid of losing their money so they wanted to call the game a draw.
B.The old man had owed his victory over the negro more to his will than to his strength.
C.The referee had been convinced by the bettors that the game be considered a draw
D.Regular hand games should be a good practice to enhance the old man’s fishing skills
4.What can be inferred from the whole passage?
A.The old man defeated the negro more than once in the matches with his will power
B.Many workers working on the docks had showed no respect towards the old man.
C.The old man had to self-feed himself a lot so as to stay competitive in the game.
D.The negro was not as strong and athletic as the old man had expected him to be.
1. 学生以学习为主,不要过于注重外貌和别人的看法;
2. 加强锻炼保持健康,养成良好的饮食和作息习惯;
3. 健康的心态也很重要。
参考词汇:state of mind 心态
Dear Xiao Wang,


Li Hua


A snake-robot designer, a technologist, an extradimensional physicist and a journalist walk into a room. The journalist turns to the crowd and asks: Should we build houses on the ocean? Like a think-tank panel, members of the team dream up far-out answers to the crucial problem, such as self-driving housing units that could park on top of one another in the coastal city center.

The setting is X, the enterprise which considers more than 100 ideas each year, in areas ranging from clean energy to artificial intelligence. Although only a tiny percentage become “projects” with far-reaching creativity, these projects exist, ultimately, to change the world, like Waymo, the biggest self-driving-car company. In the past 60 years, something strange has happened. As the academic study of creativity has thrived (蓬勃发展), the label innovation may have covered every tiny change of a soda can or a toothpaste flavor, but the rate of productivity growth has been mostly declining since the 1970s. John Fernald, an economist, points out that the notable exception to the post-1970 decline in productivity occurred when businesses throughout the economy finally figured out the breakthrough technology-information technology. John Fernald says, “It’s possible that productivity took off, because we picked all the low-hanging fruit from the IT wave. ”Actually, the world economy continues to harvest the benefits of IT. But where will the next technology shock come from?

Breakthrough technology results from two distinct activities-invention and innovation. Invention is typically the work of scientists and researchers in labs, while innovation is an invention put to commercial use. Seldom do the two activities occur successfully under the same roof. They tend to thrive in opposite conditions; while competition and consumer choice encourage innovation, invention has historically progressed in labs that are protected from the pressure to generate profit.

Allowing well-funded and diverse teams to try to solve big problems is what gave us the computer and the Internet. Today, we fail to give attention to planting the seeds of this kind of ambitious research, while complaining about the harvest. “Companies are really good at combining existing breakthroughs in ways that consumers like. But the breakthroughs come from patient and curious scientists, not the rush to market,” says Jon Gertner, the author of The Idea Factory.

“Technology is a tall tree, ” John Fernald said. “But planting the seeds of invention and harvesting the fruit of innovation are entirely distinct skills, often mastered by different organizations and separated by many years. ” As for me, both of them are essential for technology, although they are relatively independent. I don’t think X is a planter or a harvester, actually. It is like building taller ladders. Nobody knows for sure what, if anything, the employees at such enterprises are going to find up on those ladders. But they’re reaching. At least someone is.

1.What is the main purpose of the first two paragraphs?
A.To present the process of group discussion.
B.To illustrate X’s worry about big problems.
C.To reveal the importance of the crazy ideas.
D.To stress the varied backgrounds of the team.
2.What can we learn from the passage?
A.Breakthroughs must stand the test of the market.
B.Innovation on necessities can promote productivity.
C.Invention develops slowly under the pressure of profit.
D.The harvest of innovation lies in some ambitious research.
3.Regarding John Fernald’s view on technology, the author is ____.
4.What can be inferred about X from the passage?
A.It will focus on innovation.
B.It will have its outcome soon.
C.It may give in to its fruitless reality.
D.It may bring an encouraging outlook.

Adults are often embarrassed about asking for help. Its an act that can make people feel sensitive. The moment you ask for directions, after all, you reveal (泄露) that you may be lost. Seeking someone’s assistance can make you feel like you are broadcasting your incompetence. New research suggests young children don’t seek help in school, even when they need it, for the same reason.

To learn more about how children think about seeking help, we asked 576 children, ages four to nine, to predict the behavior of two kids in a story. One of the characters genuinely wanted to be smart, and the other merely wanted to seem smart to others.

Children thought that the kid who wanted to seem smart would be less likely to ask for assistance. They could still conceive of (想象) situations in which the kid who wanted to seem smart would seek help: when assistance could be sought privately (on a computer rather than in person), children thought both characters were equally likely to ask for it.

We also found that they recognize several more behaviors that might make a child appear less smart in front of fellow kids, such as admitting to failure or modestly downplaying successes. Children are therefore acutely aware of several ways in which a person’s actions might make them appear less clever in the eyes of others.

However, a number of solutions can be found to help children. Our Gist instinct may be to motivate seeking help by emphasizing its educational benefits. But reputational barriers likely require reputation-based solutions. For example, instructors could create activities in which each student becomes an “expert” on a different topic, and then children must ask one another for help to master all of die material. If seeking help is understood as a commonplace classroom activity, kids may be less likely to think of it as indicative (表明) of one’s ability.

Seeking help could even be framed as socially desirable. After all, asking for help often benefits not just die help seeker but also others listening in who have similar questions or struggles.

1.What feature do the adults and young children share?
A.They seldom ask for directions.
B.They are afraid of being laughed at.
C.They hesitate to seek assistance.
D.They regard themselves as incompetence.
2.What conclusion can be drawn from the research?
A.Teachers should praise kids for seeking assistance.
B.Assistance only works when sought privately,
C.It seems possible that children themselves are not struggling.
D.Children care deeply about the way others think about them.
3.How does the author explain the solution in Paragraph 5?
A.By making a comparison.B.By referring to an example.
C.By introducing a concept.D.By telling a school story.
4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Why Kids Are Afraid to Ask for Help.
B.Seeking Help Makes Kids Feel Uncomfortable.
C.Unwillingness to Seek Help Stop Academic Progress.
D.How Can We Help Children Overcome the Barrier,
1.What damage have the dirt and rocks done?
A.They have buried houses.
B.They have covered up cars.
C.They have knocked over people.
2.When should the storm get calmer?
A.By Friday afternoon.
B.By Saturday evening.
C.By Sunday evening.
3.How should people report a tip?
A.By going to the police station.
B.By telling the weather reporter.
C.By calling a special phone number.
4.Who is searching for lost people?
A.The government.B.Their neighbors.C.The news reporters.
Dear Paul,


Li Hua


A poor boy named Howard Kelly made his living by selling newspapers from door to door to pay his way through school. After a full day of working hard he had only too little bit of change left to get some food.

Starving and feeling low-spirited, he couldn’t walk anymore. After going through some scenarios (情节) in his mind, he was hoping for some kindness from the people living in the next house where he decided to ask for a meal. As he approached the door and rang the bell, he kept practicing his words for his request.

However. he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. With much hesitation, he asked for a glass of water instead of a meal. The woman remembered seeing this young boy many times working hard going up and down the streets knocking on doors. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk instead of water. The boy drank it slowly and then asked how much he owed.

“You don’t owe me anything,” she replied with a gentle smile. “I know you helped many people in the neighborhood. Mother has taught us that kindness is repaid with kindness.” “Then thank you from my heart.” Right there and then, Howard felt stronger and more confident as he found some hope in this kind of action.

Years’ later that young woman became so critically ill that she was sent to the bigger city where specialists were called to study her rare disease. The expense was beyond her family, but no one gave up. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation, When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor’s gown he went in to see her.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

He recognized her at once, determining to save her life.

Paragraph 2:

“Expense paid in full with one glass of milk. Dr. Howard.” she read the note.
