1.How does the woman think Mark feels?
2.What was Catherine doing when the speakers got home?
A.Reading her books.
B.Playing with her friends.
C.Chatting with the operator.
3.What’s the relationship between the speakers?
4.What will the speakers do for Mark?
A.Write down their own experiences.
B.Create an unexpected situation.
C.Keep a record of his reactions.
1.How long will the man probably stay in New Zealand?
A.One week.B.Two weeks.C.Three weeks.
2.What advice does the woman give to the man?
A.To go to New Zealand after Christmas.
B.To book his flight as soon as possible.
C.To save more money for his trip.
3.What can we learn about flights to New Zealand at Christmas time?
A.They require early booking.
B.They can be twice more expensive than usual.
C.They are on special offer.

Shared Reading is a unique experience and exposes us to great and varied literature. 1.. Short stories, poems or novel extracts are read aloud within the social atmosphere of a group. Then people joining in shared reading share their thoughts and feelings on the text. Shared reading is especially beneficial to children. Here’re some benefits of shared reading.

Create a positive and supportive reading environment. When children and adults come together to read and explore a text, they develop a sense of community and a shared experience. 2.. Besides, it can help build strong bonds and connections between readers.

3.. During shared reading sessions, children are exposed to rich and varied words. By hearing fluent reading from adults, children can learn more new words. By sharing thoughts and feelings on the text, children develop a deeper understanding of the text. This approach helps them be active readers and learn more words.

Develop a lifelong love for books. As children observe the pleasure and value their adult counterparts place on reading, they are more likely to develop a lifelong love for books themselves. 4..

Promote social and emotional growth. During shared reading, children participate in discussions and share their thoughts and opinions. What’s more, they listen to others. As for them, it is of significance. 5.. They gain confidence in their abilities to express their viewpoints and engage in meaningful conversations, skills that are vital for success in various aspects of life.

A.Learn more about the world
B.This can enhance their motivations to read
C.Expand vocabulary and comprehension skills
D.It allows people to discover more about themselves and others
E.It’s important for them to finish reading as many books as they can
F.They learn to express themselves effectively and respect the ideas of others
G.The affection can have a significant impact on their academic achievements
1. 简单介绍你最想感谢的人;
2. 简述感谢他/她的原因。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Hello, everyone. Today I’d like to share with you about the person I’m most grateful to.


Thank you for listening.


Located in the comfortable tropical setting of Xishuangbanna, 1. the rainfall is abundant, plants are plentiful, and animals are diverse, the Dai people breathe 2. a place where the atmosphere is filled with greenery and ecological force. This background gives rise to the Dai people’s unique cuisine, which effortlessly combines elements of nature with 3. (they) daily lives.

For the Dai people of Xishuangbanna, many plants that seem nontraditional to outsiders are cooking treasures. 4. casual chat with a restaurant owner might 5. (unexpected) lead to the generous offering of a homely delicacy (美味).

In the Dai cooking recipes, fried moss stands out as a traditional delight. 6. (harvest) from riverbanks, cleaned, and then pan-fried to a golden color, this crispy (脆的) delicacy gives out sweet flavour. 7. (transform) the crispy moss into a dish that shows the Dai identity requires a delicate touch. But if natural preparations and 8. (ingredient) can be compared to the initial sketch (草图) of a sculpture, the various spice-infused sauces can 9. (see) serving as the cover of the sculpture, lending a matchless realism to the masterpiece.

Take the Dai-style eggplant dip as another example of a combination of authenticity and health, after roasting an eggplant, peeling it, and mixing it with salt, green chillies, garlic, and cilantro (香菜叶), pounding them quick produces a seasoning (调味品) that 10. (match) perfectly with any dish in an entertainment.


In 2006, Calvin Lowe’s four-year-old son Tyler needed to have a serious surgery. On the day of the _________, he and his wife brought Tyler to the children’s hospital.

As they waited _________ and nervously in the waiting room, a young doctor who would be performing the _________ came up and explained to Lowe and his wife how the operation would be _________. Lowe’s mind went blank. He just couldn’t help feeling _________, unable to bear what he would do if he lost his son.

But then the doctor did something _________. He looked both Lowe and his wife in the _________, put a hand on each of their shoulders and _________, “Today, your son is my son.” Lowe said he would never _________ what the doctor said because that made him __________. It was very helpful and meaningful.

After the surgery was over, the doctor came back to __________ the family. “He walked up to us and he had a big __________ on his face and he said, ‘Our son is just fine, and you can see him in a few minutes,’” Lowe __________.

All these years after his son’s surgery, Lowe says he is still __________ to have the doctor there and for what he said to them the minute he thinks about the young doctor’s __________.

A.cheer onB.make senseC.calm downD.speak up

Most of us look forward to the weekend as a time to relax, connect with friends and family, and handle items from a to-do list that gets unnoticed during the work week. But as the weekday does come to an end, many of us are missing out on enjoying the weekend and instead experiencing a sense of anxiety and even fear for the upcoming week. Experts call this phenomenon Sunday scaries.

Sunday scaries, also known as the Sunday blues, arise when individuals expect the upcoming work week with a combination of various factors such as work-related concerns, unfinished tasks, the end of weekend relaxation, and the pressure to start the new week. As a result, individuals may find it challenging to unwind and relax before the new week begins.

A clinical psychologist, Renée Goff, said, “Sunday scaries are more than a physical heaviness for them, but they could even jump out of their skins due to the upcoming week. The negative emotions associated with Sunday scaries can have a significant impact on one’s mental well-being and overall productivity.”

“As a matter of fact, such anticipatory anxiety is a natural response that happens in preparation for anything that can cause pain or discomfort,” explains psychotherapist Angela Ficken. “Sunday scaries might even start bubbling up as early as Saturday, but tend to become less intense by the time Monday morning rolls around when you start your work week. This doesn’t mean we leave them unchecked.”

To battle anticipatory anxiety for the upcoming week, individuals can adopt self-care practices that promote relaxation and stress reduction. This may include engaging in hobbies, spending time in nature, exercising, practicing mindfulness or simply dedicating time to disconnect from work-related thoughts. Additionally, we can organize tasks for the upcoming week in advance to create a sense of control, reduce the Sunday scaries and promote a healthier work-life balance.

1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To lead in the topic of the text.B.To tell background for the text.
C.To offer suggestions to readers.D.To stimulate readers to imagine.
2.How does Renee Goff find Sunday scaries?
3.What can be inferred about Sunday scaries from Angela Ficken’s words?
A.They strengthen on Monday morning.
B.They tend to die down before Saturday.
C.They should be brought to our attention.
D.They will in no case disappear naturally.
4.What does the last paragraph focus on?
A.Theoretical basis for Sunday scaries.
B.Approaches to fighting Sunday scaries.
C.Positive aspects of anticipatory anxiety.
D.Extreme suffering from Sunday scaries.

Orla Walsh was not exactly an example of good health. Back in 2014, the 25-year-old then was fully occupied with her work and graduate study in Dublin, mostly eating on the go. “I was feeding on quick, easy food like sandwiches,” she said. “I stayed up a lot and the gym was a foreign concept for me for I did not work out at all.”

That changed the following year when Walsh needed a convenient, reliable and budget-friendly way to get to and from class. “Driving was expensive, and public transportation in the Irish capital left much to be desired,” she said. She turned instead to cycling.

At first, Walsh was doubtful. “I didn’t want to wear the same suits like other riders because it looked strange for me,” she joked. But as soon as she gave it a go, she was spellbound. The six miles she had to cover on her commute (上下班往返) each way didn’t seem like so much. “I can’t believe how quick and easy that was,” Walsh said. “The more I cycled, the easier it got, and I started getting faster. I think what I enjoyed the most was the freedom the bike gave me.”

In early 2016, she took the next step and joined a local cycling club, where she took part in long group rides. But something incredible was happening at the same time. As her weekly mileage (里程数) increased, her unhealthy habits fell by the wayside. She cleaned up her diet and cut back on burning the midnight oil. “I gradually got rid of that bad habit after joining in training,” she said.

Then, thanks to the encouragement of other club members, she tried open road racing. At first, she was overwhelmed by the competition, getting dropped by other members on every climb. Yet she kept pushing and viewing the failures as learning experience. “I was enjoying the challenges and was more confident,” she said.

1.Which of the following can best describe Walsh’s lifestyle in 2014?
2.What made Walsh turn to cycling?
A.Poor means of transportation.B.Her wish to break bad habits.
C.Her curiosity about cycling.D.Club members’ encouragement.
3.What does the underlined word “spellbound” in paragraph 3 mean?
4.How did cycling benefit Walsh?
A.By inspiring her to realize her dream.
B.By teaching her to brave challenges.
C.By encouraging her to be competitive.
D.By pushing her to connect with others.

We all love butterflies. Their beautiful wings attract us, and their presence lights up our garden. Well, that’s our view of butterflies, but have you ever wondered what plants think of them?

The butterflies’ eggs lie on the underside of the leaves. The eggs themselves don’t damage plants. However, upon coming into contact with the eggs, the plants become oversensitive. It means that once a plant recognizes a pest, it will cause death in the contacted plant part. When these dead leaves or partial leaf parts break away from the plant, the eggs on them fall off. Along with the hypersensitivity response, plants also produce something special, which can attract animals to cat the eggs, thus preventing damage in the future.

After the baby butterflies come out of their eggs, the caterpillar (毛虫) stage begins. Most caterpillars feed on the leaves of the plants, damaging some of the plants in your own garden. Incredibly, they are major plant pests that bring about major losses to farmers. The next stage is pupa (蛹). The caterpillars begin their change into an adult. They don’t depend on the energy that the leaves provide. Finally, they become adult butterflies that have wings and move from one plant to the other. They feed on the sweet liquid produced by flowers.

While on their search for food, the butterflies carry pollen (花粉) on their body. They are key pollinators that place pollen from one flower to another in ecosystem. Plants that have flowers will create some special features to draw these pollinators’ attention. Certain plants have flowers giving off smells that can charm butterflies when they are looking for a mate. Some plants even have flat flowers to assist butterflies when landing.

Butterflies aid in pollination during their final adult stage. Thus, they change into beneficial insects to plants. This change makes butterflies an important friend of plants, despite being a hated enemy in previous life cycle stages!

1.How does a plant respond to butterflies’ eggs?
A.It tries to get rid of them.B.It tries to appeal to them.
C.It grows a little better with them.D.It protects them from being eaten.
2.When do butterflies cause the greatest damage to agriculture?
A.In the period of egg-laying.B.In the period of pupa.
C.In the period of caterpillar.D.In the period of adult.
3.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 4?
A.Describe the process of pollination.
B.Show how flowers attract butterflies.
C.Stress the importance of pollination.
D.Explore how adult butterflies develop.
4.What can be the best title for the text?
A.Why do flowers need butterflies’ pollination?
B.How do plants defend themselves from pests?
C.Are butterflies’ life cycles similar to the plants’?
D.Are butterflies beneficial or harmful to plants?
Dear David,


Li Hua
