
Since 2009, a small army of _________ in the Palace Museum have been receiving global social media attention. These hairy guards are _________ inside the museum walls. The purpose is to defend wooden structures and _________ relics against mice.

I visited the Palace Museum in the summer of 2023 to _________ the history of Qing Dynasty. I stayed in a small hotel in one of Beijin’s hutong areas for a whole month. It took me a 20-minute walk to the _________ every morning. Before _________ to Beijing, I had already conducted some background research on the history of the Palace Museum itself and managed to read an article about the famous palace cats. I was _________ to spot at least one of them during my stay there.

In the third week, _________ I was walking through the western gates, I was surprised to spot not one, not two, but three cats on the corner of a porch in front of an office. I _________ the furry guards in Chinese, “Hi! Kitties!” The cats ignored me, __________ to take a rest in the shade next to their white painted cat houses.

I __________ three more cats inside the bamboo garden of the employees’ exercise grounds. It wasn’t until my last week in Beijing that I __________ got to pet one. The slightly fat furry cat looked like the real “boss” of the palace as he made his way over to me, staring with his sharp yellow and blue eyes and letting __________ short, loud meows demanding attention. He was very friendly and __________ to be scratched behind the ear and even given a belly rub.

For those cat __________ planning on taking a trip to China’s capital, these absolutely adorable security guards are definitely worth spending a day in the palace looking for.

A.looking forwardB.getting backC.setting outD.giving up

Self-discipline is the ability to control your behavior in a way that leads you to be more productive and have better habits. Whether you are trying to study for a test, lose weight, or kick a bad habit, self-discipline always plays a part. Wondering how to develop it? Here are some tips for you.


Figuring out what does and does not work for you is key to understanding how to be more self-disciplined. Some people succeed when working around others, while others do better working alone. Some people are motivated by rewards, while others prefer consequences to keep them in line.

Share your goals with someone

Telling your goals to people you respect is directly related to a better chance of achieving them. You can simply let your friends know that you have decided to work on your self-discipline in general, or you can share some of your goals with them. 2..

Start small

Don’t begin your daily work with self-discipline by trying to achieve something huge. 3..   Instead, work on daily, weekly, and monthly goals. You just need to make sure that they are moving you in the right direction.

Forgive yourself

4.. We all make mistakes, and that’s okay! When you behave in a way that cannot realize your pursuit of self-discipline, forgive yourself. 5.. And if possible, change your environment so that it doesn’t happen again.

A.Find a partner
B.Recognize how you struggle
C.Self-discipline requires lots of effort
D.Review why and where things went wrong
E.The act will help you achieve them more easily
F.We are all humans, so perfection isn’t possible
G.This will take too much time to keep you on track

Kids and teenagers who volunteer aren’t just helping their community. They might also be helping themselves. That’s according to a new research published in JAMA Network Open, in May.

Kids who participated in community service were 34% more likely to be in very good physical health than those who didn’t participate, the study found. And those who volunteered were 66% more likely to be considered doing well in general. Kids aged 12 and older who volunteered were 25% less likely to have anxiety than peers who didn’t. The findings come from survey data provided by the parents of some 50,000 kids in the United States aged 6 to 17. About half of those parents reported that their kids did volunteer work.

Studies like this have limitations. Parents answered questions about their kids’ health and community-service activity. But a parent might not know if their child experiences anxiety or considers themselves to be doing well in general. This type of data also can’t prove cause and effect. It can only uncover connections. So it’s not possible to say for sure that volunteering leads to better mental and physical health. It could be that people in good health are more likely to have the energy or desire to volunteer.

But the data comes at an important time for youth mental health. In recent years, rates of depression and anxiety have risen among young people. More than 40% of high school students reported experiencing feelings of sadness or hopelessness. So there’s a clear need for accessible and effective mental health resources. Giving back to the community may be one such resource. And this study isn’t the only one to reach that conclusion. Previous research has also found links between volunteering and well-being among adults. Serving the community seems to help people feel a sense of purpose. And it makes them feel connected to those around them. Generosity has also been shown to boost happiness and improve physical health. It might be a practice worth doing.

1.How many kids in the US who volunteered were less likely to be anxious?
2.What can we learn from the third paragraph?
A.Healthy people are less likely to volunteer.
B.Volunteering surely leads to better mental and physical health.
C.Parents know their kids’ mental and physical health very well.
D.There is a relationship between health and community-service activity.
3.What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.There are various mental health resources.
B.People of all ages will serve the community.
C.Serving the community will benefit mental health.
D.High school students are suffering mental health problems.
4.Which proverb best matches the article?
A.He laughs best who laughs last.
B.The rose is in her hand, the flavor in mine.
C.The longest journey begins with the first step.
D.Treat other people as you hope they will treat you.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re talking to someone but they keep looking at their phone? This is called “phubbing” — a mix of the words “phone” and “snubbing”, which is the act of ignoring someone in favor of the phone. It can happen in any conversation — whether it’s with a friend, family member, or even a business associate. When someone is “phubbing”, they’re using their phone to look through the online news, check messages, play games and so on, instead of focusing on the conversation or spending time with the people they’re with.

The word was first used back in 2012, when fewer people had smartphones. And now that most people have smartphones, phubbing is a common problem. Most people would agree that it’s rude to be focused on your phone when you’re spending time with another person. The expert William Hanson thinks so, too. “Phubbing is a no-no!” he says. “If you have planned to go out with friends, focus on them and not your friends on your phone.” Studies have found that phubbing can damage your relationships with others. Eye contact is super important in bonding and developing oxytocin, the chemical that builds trust and connection. A lack of eye contact due to phubbing can make people feel like you don’t care about them or value their time.

Phubbing can make people feel disregarded, and those who “phub” are thought of as less polite and caring. So science has shown that phubbing is not good for us — but why do we do it? It might be because we are feeling bored, worried or stressed. Or it might be because we are addicted to checking our phones, especially social media. Whatever the reason may be, phubbing is a bad habit and can make us miss out on real moments with the people around us. So the next time you’re spending time with a friend or family member, try and keep your phone out of sight!

1.What can we learn from the passage?
A.Phubbing dates from 2012.
B.Phubbing means using phone when necessary.
C.Phubbing only happens in business associates.
D.Phubbing is the act of focusing on people instead of phones.
2.Which of the following states would William Hanson agree with?
A.Phubbing would benefit relationship.
B.It is polite to phub when meeting friends.
C.People don’t need eye contact to show their caring.
D.Phone should be put aside when they meet their friends.
3.Which is NOT a reason for people’s phubbing according to the passage?
A.They are bored.B.They think it a fashion to phub.
C.They are addicted to their phones.D.They want to check their social media.
4.What does the underline word “disregarded” in the last paragraph refer to?

Jon Fosse has won the 2023 Nobel Prize in literature, “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable”. The 64-year-old playwright is not well-known outside his home country of Norway. But the author is internationally celebrated in literary circles and has been called “the most produced living playwright”.

Fosse grew up on a rural farm near Strandebarm, Norway, where his grandparents lived in one house while he, his parents, and two sisters lived in another. His father worked as a manager of Strandebarm Cooperative, a local grocery store, and his mother was a caregiver. Fosse started writing at age 12 or 13, first composing song lyrics and later trying poems.

In 1979 Fosse graduated from high school and moved to Bergen, where he began working for the newspaper Gula Tidend. That same year he became a father, and the following year he married the mother of his child. In the next decades he married twice more and had five additional children. Meanwhile, throughout the 1980s he studied at the University of Bergen, receiving a Master of Art in comparative literature in 1987.

Also during the 1980s, Fosse published his first novels, namely Red, Black, whose topic is suicide, and Stringed Guitar, about a mother in a difficult situation after locking herself out of her house where she has left her baby.

The playwright began as a novelist, and did not break through as a theater writer until he was in his 40s. His international reputation as a playwright was confirmed in 1998, with a Paris production of his first play Someone Is Going to Come, which had been written in 1992. Since then, his work has been performed in more than 60 countries around the world, according to his translator, Ann Henning Jocelyn. According to his publisher, Fosse’s work has been translated into more than 40 languages, and there have been more than 1,000 different productions of his plays.

1.When did Jon Fosse get married to his first wife?
A.In 1979.B.In 1980.C.In 1981.D.In 1987.
2.What can we learn about Jon Fosse?
A.He started writing in 1979.
B.His first novel is Someone Is Going to Come.
C.He gained international popularity as a playwright.
D.He worked as a theater writer when he was in his 30s.
3.What’s the best word to describe Jon Fosse?
A.Talented and productive.B.Positive and ordinary.
C.Hardworking and considerate.D.Imaginative and selfish.
4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Jon Fosse and His Novels
B.Jon Fosse and His Awards
C.Jon Fosse: The Greatest Norwegian Writer
D.Jon Fosse: Wins 2023 Nobel Prize for Literature

Hotels Where Wild Animals Wander Free

Check in to one of these hotels where wild animals wander free, and you could be sharing your breakfast table with giraffes, relaxing poolside with elephants, or viewing out from your hotel room window penguins.

Makanyane Safari Lodge
Madikwe Game Reserve, South Africa

Located within the Madikwe Game Reserve, the Makanyane Safari Lodge offers guests up close views of the surrounding bush and the wildlife that resides within it. The suites have floor- to-ceiling glass windows perfect for watching passing elephants, and the main lodge is conveniently located next to a water hole visited by a variety of wildlife.

Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge Resort
Orlando, Florida

A stay at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge Resort in Orlando will feel more like a visit to Africa than Florida. Take a walk around the grounds, and you’re likely to spot more than 30 species of African wildlife. The lodge is home to 200 resident animals and birds, including gazelles, flamingos, zebras, and giraffes.

Giraffe Manor
Nairobi, Kenya

This hotel outside of Nairobi lets you get up close and personal with Rothschild giraffes. The original place was built in 1932 and has served as a giraffe shelter since the 1970s. Today, Giraffe Manor has six bedrooms and offers guests the chance to share their breakfast table with the eight resident giraffes. All of the hotel’s profits go to support the African Fund for Endangered Wildlife.

Sea Lion Lodge
Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands

Despite the name, it isn’t sea lions you should look out for here: A group of Gentoo penguins has been known to set up camp next to Sea Lion Lodge, a comfortable 3-star hotel in the Falkland Islands. Aside from penguin spotting, the lodge offers expansive views of the South Atlantic Ocean where nothing but water separates you from Antarctica.

1.In which hotel can you view elephants through the windows?
A.Makanyane Safari Lodge.B.Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge Resort.
C.Giraffe Manor.D.Sea Lion Lodge.
2.What is special about Giraffe Manor?
A.It offers guests free breakfasts.B.It is home to varieties of wildlife.
C.It has been doing charity for wildlife.D.It provides a stay like a visit to Africa.
3.What can people see in Sea Lion Lodge?
A.Giraffes.B.Penguins.C.Sea lions.D.Elephants.
Directions: Write an English composition in 120—150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

这部改编自科幻小说的电影情节复杂、耗资巨大,上映以来吸引了大众广泛的关注。(adapt) (汉译英)
我表哥用业余时间练习驾驶 , 试图在三个月内拿到驾照。(attempt)(汉译英)
她太累了,今晚没心情去参加聚会。(too…to…) (汉译英)