1.What will the man do on Wednesday?
A.He will have a math test.
B.He will hand in his paper.
C.He will finish a book report.
2.How will the woman help Sam tonight?
A.By finishing his paper.
B.By solving math problems.
C.By checking his report.
What is the man doing in the conversation?
A.He is taking a subway.
B.He is catching a bus.
C.He is walking on the street.
What will the woman do next?
A.Watch a movie.B.Do her homework.C.Go to an exhibition.

When I was four years old, I learned an important lesson about trust and water. It was a lesson I would carry with me for the rest of my life.

I remember those lazy summer days when my father and I used to play in the swimming pool. He was a giant in the water, his chest towering above the surface, while I struggled to keep my head above water. One day, he decided it was time to teach me how to swim. Here assured me, “Put your head underwater. It’s not scary, I promise.” But my four-year-old self was too afraid of the unknown depths. What if something happened to me down there? I couldn’t take the risk. My father pointed to a distant flag and said, “Look at that flag!” As soon as I turned to look, his hands pushed my head beneath the water. For a brief moment, I couldn’t see or breathe. Then, just as quickly, he let go, and l emerged breathing for air. It was a memory that stayed with me.

A year later, during a family vacation in Miami when I was five, my father suggested we try the waterslide at the hotel pool. The slide was tall and full of twists and turns that made me dizzy just looking at it. He said, “Let’s go. If you’re scared, we can come back down.” I climbed to the top but refused to slide. I remembered his trick from the previous year. Unexpectedly, he lightly pushed me, and I went sliding down with a splash.

Over the years, with my father’s challenge and company, I tried various kinds of adventurous water sports, including surfing, sailing, and rafting. Gradually, I had turned from distrusting my father to trusting myself. As I turned 18, my father prepared a special gift for me, cliff-diving in Red Rocks, Arizona, where participants jumped off cliffs(悬崖) into bodies of water. After hours of flight and drive, we were there.


I stood on a cliff, facing the deep sea and vast sky and preparing to jump.

请你以“My View on Sportsmanship”为题写一篇英文发言稿,内容包括:

My View on Sportsmanship


A paper-cutting exhibition centered ok China’s dragon culture began at the Beijing Fengshang Art Museum on Monday. It 1.(co-host) by the Institute of Natural and Cultural Heritage Research at Nanjing University, the China National Culture Foundation, the bureau of culture and tourism in Beijing’s Dongcheng District and the Beijing Dongcheng District Culture Center to celebrate the approaching Year of the Dragon,2. (present) exquisite(精美的) works from 100 folk artists nationwide.

Chen Jing, deputy director of the Institute of Natural and Cultural Heritage Research at Nanjing University, stated, “The dragon,3. represents wisdom, courage, strength, prosperity, and auspicious ness(吉祥), serves as the 4.(symbol) representation of the Chinese nation.”

After nearly a year of5.(prepare) the organizers have collaborated with paper-cutting inheritors of intangible cultural heritage and folk artists from across the nation to produce hundreds of artworks6.(center) around the theme of dragon culture.

A thoughtfully selected collection of 200 exquisite pieces,7. (main) depicting dragons in different forms and styles, is now8.display at the opening exhibition in Beijing. Subsequently, the exhibition will embark on a tour,9. (visit) locations such as Shenzhen, Guangdong province, and Linfen, Shanxi province.

This offers a unique opportunity for a broader audience10.(appreciate) the diverse and fascinating representations of dragons in this artistic collection.


Looking at a timeline of Kirstie Ennis’ life, it’s clear that to call her ago-getter would be a considerable understatement By 31, she has made remarkable _________, such as gaining three masters degrees, walking 1,000 miles across England, and climbing six of the world’s tallest mountains, all after _________ a tragic accident.

In 2012, the former soldier _________ survived in a helicopter crash. Undergoing surgeries. she eventually lost her left _________ to serious infection. Forced into medical retirement, Ennis needed to _________ a way to both process her trauma (创伤) and continue to _________ people, one of her main reasons for joining the army.

She found the answer in the great _________. She began snowboarding and diving, participating in events to raise money for nonprofits. Soon, she had a more specific goal in mind: She would mount all Seven Summits — the highest _________ on each of the seven continents. Since 2017, she’s checked six of them off her list. Next spring, she would set to explore her final _________, the most difficult climb, Mount Everest.

She has also setup the Kirstie Ennis Foundation, offering educational and __________ opportunities to people like her and introducing medical device technology to underserved parts of the world. Its mission is to __________ individuals to bravely get over the mountains in front of them.

Ennis __________ doubt about her capabilities. “People look at me and think ‘She’s small she’s a woman, she has one leg. __________ I enjoy the challenge, and being the underdog.” She added, “I’m __________ of myself and I want to show people that with self-belief and __________, nothing is impossible.”

A.beg forB.agree onC.make upD.figure out

Building language skills doesn’t happen overnight, especially if you want to become a fluent speaker. However, there are some important tips and tricks that work for every learner.

1. Engage yourself in a language

Engagement is arguably the most effective way to learn a language. You should surround yourself with the language and listen to it as much as you can. Just try to speak the language in different situations, even if it’s not necessary. 1. If you don’t know the word, that would be a nice chance to look it up and learn something new.

2. Learn through context

If you’re learning a language, you should make sure that it’s based on natural dialogues and real-world situations. Contextual learning will help you guess the meaning from the context. 2. Learning about culture, people, and customs is an important part of acquiring language skills. And that’s really important, especially when you’re just starting out.

3. 3.

Grammar is the foundation of every language and a system of rules that allow us to structure sentences. But people are often afraid of it or they find it dreadfully boring. 4. Instead, grammar can be taught through examples, stories, and, once again, context! In other words, you should see grammar in action. You shouldn’t only learn grammar rules but rather see them in usage.

As you can see, there are many ways to practice the language efficiently. 5. One thing is for sure: learning languages can and should be a fun and enjoyable experience.

A.Learn language rules systematically.
B.Don’t skip grammar — but do it differently.
C.You just need to find a method that works for you and keep at it.
D.For instance, if you’re making dinner, you can try to name each cuisine.
E.This is a great way to learn from locals while integrating in a new country.
F.It will also allow you to apply your knowledge and get valuable cultural insights.
G.Learning it doesn’t have to involve memorizing a bunch of rules from a textbook.

“You can love someone and still choose to say goodbye to them.” Tara now says. It’s hard to understand these words until I read Tara Westover’s memoir Educated.

In her book Educated, Tara was raised in rural Idaho. Her dad believed the world was coming to an end, and that the family should interact with the health and education systems as little as possible. Major medical crises went untreated-her mother never recovered from her brain injury. Because Tara and her six siblings worked at their father’s junkyard, none of them received proper homeschooling.

Educated is an amazing story. I found it fascinating how it took studying philosophy and history in school for Tara to trust her own perception of the world. Before stepping foot in a classroom until she was 17, her worldview was entirely shaped by her dad. It wasn’t until she went to Brigham Young University that she realized there were other perspectives on things her dad had presented as fact. Eventually, she earned her doctorate in history from Cambridge. Of the seven Westover siblings, three earned Ph. D.s. I think their childhood experience made them tough and helped them persevere. When you meet Tara, she is never cruel even when mentioning her childhood traumas, including the physical abuse she suffered. I was impressed by how she talks so openly about how ignorant she once was.

Educated touches on the divides in our country: rural versus urban, college-educated versus not. Since she’s spent her whole life moving between these two worlds, I asked Tara what she thought. “I worry that education is becoming a stick that some people use to beat other people into submission or becoming something that people feel arrogant (傲慢的) about,” she said. “I think education is really just a process of self-discovery-of developing a sense of self and what you think. I think of it as this great mechanism of connecting and equalizing.”

Tara’s process of self-discovery is beautifully captured in Educated. She’s a talented writer, and I suspect this book isn’t the last.

1.How did Tara’s upbringing shape her worldview?
A.It prepared her for a successful academic career.
B.It limited her access to education and critical thinking.
C.It encouraged her to embrace different perspectives and ideas.
D.It instilled in her a strong sense of independence and resilience.
2.Which could best describe Tara according to the text?
A.Perseverant and honest.B.Talented and weak.
C.Cruel and accomplished.D.Romantic and determined.
3.According to Tara, what should education primarily involve?
A.Exploring more of oneself and individual thoughts.
B.Following established social rules and regulations
C.Strengthening divisions and in equalities among people.
D.Obtaining certain rights and privileges to defeat others.
4.What is the text type of this passage?
A.Autobiography.B.News report.
C.Persuasive essays.D.Book review.

What can a seal teach us about the deep ocean? Plenty-as long as it’s wearing satellite-linked devices on its head. Clive McMahon, who works on an elephant seal tagging project at the University of Tasmania in Australia, said that deep-diving seals can provide scientists with a wealth of information on the structure of the ocean floor.

To gather this information, McMahon and his team attached small satellite-linked devices to seals. The devices took measurements of temperature and depth as the seals swam. Since 2004, McMahon’s team has tracked more than 500, 000 individual seal dives beneath the East Antarctic continental shelf, which is the edge of a continent that lies under the ocean.

“Given the remote nature of Antarctica and the surrounding Southern Ocean, only a small part of the Antarctic continental shelf was surveyed by ships in the past,” McMahon said. “So the information available about this area is sparse.” But seals are helping scientists fill in the pieces to this puzzle. In July 2023, McMahon and his team published a study about their work with deep-diving seals in a scientific journal.

Information from seal dives is helping scientists understand how the ocean affects Antarctica’s role in global climate. “We found in some regions that more than 25 percent of previous estimates of the ocean depths were wrong.” said Mark Hindell, who also worked on the study. “We only know this now because the seals were diving hundreds of meters below those depths. In the most extreme cases, they dived more than 1, 000 meters (3,281feet) deeper than what we thought was the ‘ocean floor’”.

The data, or information, from the dives also revealed new underwater features, including troughs, which are long, wide and deep sunken areas in the ocean floor. Thanks to the seals, the scientists also found a deep canyon near the Vanderford Glacier, which is as low-moving river of ice hundreds or thousands of meters deep.

1.What is the main purpose of the article?
A.Analyzing East Antarctic shelf’s geography.
B.Discussing ocean impacts on climate change.
C.Describing satellite devices in ocean research.
D.Introducing seals’ role in collecting ocean data.
2.Which is closest in meaning to “sparse” in paragraph 3?
3.Why is the seal-gathered data considered important?
A.Seals dive deeper than other marine animals.
B.Seals are able to replace extensive ship surveys.
C.Seals are equipped with advanced technology in devices.
D.Seals access remote ocean areas beyond human’s knowledge.
4.What might the article continue talking about?
A.The impact of seal dives on ocean ecosystem research.
B.The challenges faced by scientists in tracking seal dives.
C.The significance of the newly discovered underwater features.
D.The applications of satellite-linked devices in other animal studies.