
It was the middle of the day on a bright sunny Saturday, and Jay and his friends Mike and Tony were riding their dirt bikes on one of their favorite off-road trails. The trail twisted and turned through some incredible small woods. Occasionally they would stop to climb a tree and find a comfortable branch to sit on so they could take a break from riding in the heat.

On this particular day, the three kids were settled in one of their preferred trees when Jay spotted something shiny on the ground. “What could that be?” he asked Mike and Tony as he pointed out the object reflecting the sun.

They all hopped down from their individual branches and went to take a closer look. What they found was unbelievable. It was a gold money clip ( 夹子) holding five hundred dollars.

Mike immediately cried out, “Awesome! We can split up the money, and we will each be much closer to being able to buy the new bikes we want.”

“Not so fast,” said Tony. “Jay was the one who spotted the cash. To be fair, he should get more.”

“Are you guys crazy?” asked Jay. “We can’t keep the money. It isn’t ours. Aren’t we more mature than to play finders keepers like we did when we were kids?”

“Stop being such an advocate for honesty,” complained Mike and Tony.

“Let’s all go home and think about this,” said Jay, knowing that he could have made the call because he was the one who spotted the money clip in the first place.

Mike and Tony agreed to Jay’s suggestion. Jay kept the money and they all rode their bikes home. They decided to meet up after dinner at the head of the off-road trail.

Mike and Tony lived on the same street so they rode home most of the way together. They were able to talk a bit more without Jay’s input. The more they talked, the more they came to see Jay’s point.

1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
After dinner, as agreed, the three kids met back up.          
The next morning, Jay received a phone call asking him to go to the police station.          
He entered the classroom, ________ a group of children.
A.followedB.followed byC.being followingD.following
假定你是校刊英语专栏Experiences Enlighten Us的负责人李华,请给外教Harry写邮件遨请他写一篇发生在自己身上的启发了自己的人生故事。内容包括:
1. 专栏简介;
2. 约稿内容;
3. 期待回复。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Harry,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


The Power of Silence

Joe was an old man aged 75. He lived happily in a beautiful family. His children grew up and moved to different cities in pursue of good career and future. He lived in a small village carrying the memories of his deceased wife.

Joe had four grandchildren. They used to visit him during their holidays. It was now their vacation time and Joe was eagerly waiting for their arrival. He prepared his home for the kids, cleaning the house, mowing the garden, and buying their favourite foods and dresses.

In the busy arrangements, he lost his watch. The watch was gifted by his dead wife when their first child was born. Joe treasured the watch. After his wife’s death, it became his sole companion with its ‘tick, tick’ sound throughout the silent night.

He was happy with the kids at home. He forgot the watch missing. It was only the next day when he was about to take bath, he remembered the watch was lost. He saw it last when he was arranging things in the barn.

He was very upset. His grandchildren asked him why he was so dull and what troubled him. Joe said, “Dear children! I lost the most precious watch I have ever had and ever got in my life. It was a gift from your grandma. I lost it while cleaning the house! I feel like I’m missing my heart.” The children tried to comfort him. One granddaughter asked, “Grandpa, do you remember when you saw the watch last time before it was missing?”

Joe said, “I guess when I was cleaning the barn!”

The children rushed to the barn to search for the watch. The barn was full of waste materials. They searched for more than two hours with the help of Joe, but could not find it. Joe was completely lost, and he asked the children to stop searching.

注意:1. 续写的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
All went out disappointedly, except Ted, who sat there in silence.
They were surprised and asked how he was able to find it.
If he ________ his teacher’s suggestion, he would have won the English Speech Contest.
A.had followedB.should follow
C.was to followD.followed
Was it in the village _______ he was born ________ the talented journalist met the retired professor?
A.that, whereB.where, whichC.which, whereD.where, that

I needed to do something in my community (社区) in order to complete the community service hours required to graduate from high school. Some of my friends had signed up to spend time at a soup kitchen, so I did, too. It seemed like a good thing to do.

I thought that we would just be passing out dinners to those in need, but I found out we would be doing everything from preparing to serving the dinner. We began preparing the food, from mixing salad dressing to separating frozen meat. Much still needed to be done before dinner was served, but already outside the building many homeless people were gathering. It wasn’t until a couple of hours later that we opened the doors and began serving dinner.

As the line of people came toward me, I got a little scared. I’d come face to face with the homeless: How should I act? How would they treat me? Would they hate me for having more than they did? While some of the people looked very friendly, some of them looked so dangerous. I didn’t have too much time to worry about it. I was assigned (分配) to serve the salad with the lady next to me. She smiled at me and said if I needed help, she’d be right there, which I found quite comforting.

I had never seen so many people wanting food. They were of all ages and nationalities. Most of them wore clothes that were torn and dirty. Some looked like they had tally given up on life, while others seemed to be making the best of the situation, smiling and joking. Some were better off than others, but they all needed a good meal and a warm place to eat. It saddened me to think of how many people there were who didn’t have a place to call home and the only food they got came from a soup kitchen.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Paragraph 1:

As they came in my direction, I put on my brightest and happiest smile.

Paragraph 2:

I was so happy that I had earned my service hours in this way.

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Stop Asian Hate

During the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, New York City saw a sharp increase in harassment and violence against Asian people and communities, especially Asian elders. Discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, age, and disability, including having or 1. (perceive) to be exposed to COVID-19, is illegal under the Human Rights Law.2.the start of the pandemic, there has been a significant, troubling increase in anti-Asian hate crimes and bias incidents. These have been verbal attacks, physical and even things like the tragic shooting of eight Asian-American spa technicians in Atlanta, Georgia. Beginning in February of 2020, we received a sevenfold increase in reports of anti-Asian harassment, discrimination, and violence. It is crucial to note that hate crimes and bias incidents have been found to be vastly under-reported 3.these numbers reflect just a fraction.

We all want to live in a world that is free from prejudice and4.everyone has the right to be proud of who they are. Unfortunately, this is a pretty tough ask. We’ve joined forces with other establishments to bring you some resources of the movement of Stop Asian Hate, 5.the aim is to an end to the rising tide of racism against east and south east asian (ESEA) people.

Since the pandemic, something has been made nasty in the media by comments from Donald Trump calling it “the China virus”, and ESEA people all over the world have found that their lives have been turned upside down. In the wake of the tragic deaths in the US and several studies 6.(reveal) the real increase of racism against this minority, the Stop Asian Hate movement started a conversation about what is going on. You can find out all about it on this website, and get resources and support to help you if you are dealing with the impacts 7.racism.

Working towards a world where no racism exists is always important to us, and will always be something 8.need to strive towards. The thing is, a lot of conversations around racism fail to distinguish between the multiple groups of people who are affected, and the issues 9. (face) by ESEA people will be completely different to other people of colour.

10.the growth of attacks and hate crimes still on the rise, we want to give you the tools to be able to understand the value and necessity of our voice, and how to stand up and fight back.


During the initial stages of instructed L2 (the second language) acquisition students learn a couple thousand, mainly high frequency words. Functional language proficiency, however, _______mastery of a considerably large number of words. It is therefore _______ at the intermediate and advanced stages of language acquisition to learn a large vocabulary in a short period of time. There is not enough time to _______the natural (largely incidental) L1 (the first language) word acquisition process. Incidental acquisition of the words is only possible up to a point, _______, on account of their low frequency, they do not _______often enough in the L2 learning material.

Acquisition of new words from authentic L2 reading texts by means of strategies such as contextual deduction (演绎) is also not a _______for a number of reasons. There appears to be no _______to intentional learning of a great many new words in a relatively short period of time. The words to be learned may be _______in isolation or in context. Presentation in bilingual (双语的) word lists seems an _______shortcut because it takes less time than contextual presentation and yields excellent short term results. Long term memory, ________, is often disappointing so contextual presentation seems advisable.

Any suggestions on how to use this in educational contexts should be based on a systematic ________ of the two most important aspects of the L2 word learning problem, this is to say,   selecting the relevant vocabulary (which and how many words) and creating the best conditions for the acquisition process. This article sets out to ________a computer assisted word acquisition programme (CAVOCA) which tries to do exactly this: the programme operationalises current theoretical thinking about word acquisition, and its ________ are based on a systematic list of the vocabulary relevant for the target group. To ________its frequency, the programme was ________ in a number of experimental settings with a paired associated method of learning new words. The experimental results suggest that an approach combining the two methods is most advisable.

A.by means ofB.moreoverC.in spite ofD.however