
To achieve something, you need the right mindset. You need a mindset that knows you can succeed at what you are aiming for. 1. Below are some pointers.

You complain about life.

2. Do you find yourself complaining about your situation, or what other people have said or done? If you do, it means that you do not accept the reality of your situation or past. That causes stress. Rather than complain, if you have the power, you should change your situation. If you cannot change your situation, then you need to accept it. If something cannot be changed, then you must change your attitude about it.

You want a pain-free life

Don't fear pain. Pain is a part of living. You cannot travel new paths and attain success without the pain of hard work, taking risks and making mistakes. Finally, pain makes you stronger. 3. Rather be pleased that you have the opportunity to learn new lessons.

You blame others for your problems

If you feel anger and resentment against others, blaming them for your problems, then you need to change your mindset. 4. They only make you bitter. Instead of being angry, choose to learn and grow from negative experiences, and then let them go. From today, you can choose your own path and it starts with choosing your thoughts.

An effective mindset is one that makes the best use of your time, energy and skills to make positive change. 5.

A.Don’t complain or worry about pain.
B.Watch what you say to yourself and others.
C.Your mindset will determine your future path.
D.Do you know how to have the right mindset?
E.You will see it doesn’t serve to benefit your progress.
F.These negative thoughts will not change other people.
G.How do you know if you need to change your mindset?

September was the peak season for tourism. Edward had a restaurant in a tourist attraction. He was hoping to welcome more and more tourists every day. Joyfully, he ran into his truck and drove at ease to his restaurant. Before turning into the main road, he had to drive through an fifteen-kilometer tunnel (隧道) which was the only access to his restaurant.

Three years earlier, a truck was burning in the tunnel, causing severe damage to the inner part. Then, the traffic flow came to a stop and it was a huge blow (打击) to Edward’s business. With the road to his restaurant blocked, the tourists stopped unwillingly. Difficult as it was, he managed to keep his staff on.

“How wonderful this year will be!” Edward said from the bottom of his heart. Eventually, the tunnel returned to normal and the traffic flow went smooth. But when he was near the end, Edward saw an unusual light 30 meters ahead, and then he saw something catching fire.

Edward stopped his truck and found a tour bus burning. At the same time, many tourists were running off the bus and towards him.

“No, they are running the wrong way,” Edward thought, knowing the tunnel exit was 400 meters ahead. Then he realized there was no possibility for them to get around the tour bus burning so violently.

Having been a volunteer firefighter previously, Edward had to raise the alarm (警报) first. “A bus on fire! Stop driving!” he texted the fire station. While driven by the strong wind, heavy smoke was blowing in his direction, Instantly, it would black out (遮挡) the tunnel, choking anyone inside it to death. Chances were that the poor tourists wouldn’t survive. Every second counted.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;

Having been a volunteer firefighter previously, Edward knew what needed to be done.


After Edward had driven his truck for 3 minutes, they finally arrived at the tunnel exit!


“I don’t think anyone is going to send you money, Jessica. People just aren’t that kind.” said my mother. I was shocked by such a comment. “But you’re wrong. People are kind and they will be generous enough to send me money.” I argued.

Last fall, I sent 200 letters to businesses, doctors and friends asking for sponsorship so I could attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine. everyone doubted my efforts, and I heard every excuse why people would be too busy to help me. “These people don’t even know you. Do you honestly think a stranger will send you money?” asked my friends. “Why put yourself through all this disappointment? Just forget it.” said my grandfather. I decided not to listen. The best thing I could do was to attend the Forum and learn more about my future career.

I waited weeks for my first response, which came from a bank. “Dear Jessica,” it read. “At this time. Our bank does not offer aid to students, but we wish you luck and success in your project.” My heart sank. I was rejected. I looked at my grandpa. “Well?” he asked. He should have been able to tell from my disappointed face. “ Here, ” I said, as I handed him the letter and locked myself in my room. But then I realized what I was doing. “It’s only one rejection,” I said to myself, “Cheer up. You will receive a letter with a check in it.”

Paragraph 1:

I rushed home from school every day the next two weeks.

Paragraph 2:

But one day, I came home and heard five beautiful words: Jessica, you have two letters.


Why isn’t science better? Look at career incentives.

There are often substantial gaps between the idealized and actual versions of those people whose work involves providing a social good. Government officials are supposed to work for their constituents. Journalists are supposed to provide unbiased reporting and penetrating analysis. And scientists are supposed to relentlessly probe the fabric of reality with the most rigorous and skeptical of methods.

All too often, however, what should be just isn’t so. In a number of scientific fields, published findings turn out not to replicate (复制), or to have smaller effects than, what was initially claimed. Plenty of science does replicate — meaning the experiments turn out the same way when you repeat them — but the amount that doesn’t is too much for comfort.

But there are also ways in which scientists increase their chances of getting it wrong. Running studies with small samples, mining data for correlations and forming hypotheses to fit an experiment’s results after the fact are just some of the ways to increase the number of false discoveries.

It’s not like we don’t know how to do better. Scientists who study scientific methods have known about feasible remedies for decades. Unfortunately, their advice often falls on deaf ears. Why? Why aren’t scientific methods better than they are? In a word: incentives. But perhaps not in the way you think.

In the 1970s, psychologists and economists began to point out the danger in relying on quantitative measures for social decision-making. For example, when public schools are evaluated by students’ performance on standardized tests, teachers respond by teaching “to the test”. In turn, the test serves largely as of how well the school can prepare students for the test.

We can see this principle—often summarized as “when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure”—playing out in the realm of research. Science is a competitive enterprise. There are far more credentialed (授以证书的) scholars and researchers than there are university professorships or comparably prestigious research positions. Once someone acquires a research position, there is additional competition for tenure (终身教授) grant funding, and support and placement for graduate students. Due to this competition for resources, scientists must be evaluated and compared. How do you tell if someone is a good scientist?

An oft-used metric (标准,度量) is the number of publications one has in peer-reviewed journals, as well as the status of those journals. Metrics like these make it straightforward to compare researchers whose work may otherwise be quite different. Unfortunately, this also makes these numbers susceptible to exploitation.

If scientists are motivated to publish often and in high-impact journals, we might expect them to actively try to game the system (钻空子). And certainly, some do—as seen in recent high-profile cases of scientific fraud (欺诈). If malicious (恶意的) fraud is the prime concern, then perhaps the solution is simply heightened alertness.

However, most scientists are, I believe, genuinely interested in learning about the world, and honest. The problem with incentives is that they can shape cultural norms without any intention on the part of individuals.

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Scientists are expected to persistently devoted to exploration of reality.
B.The research findings fail to achieve the expected effect.
C.Hypotheses are modified to highlight the experiments’ results.
D.The amount of science that does replicate is comforting.
2.What does deaf ears in the fourth paragraph probably refer to?
A.The public.B.The incentive initiators.
C.The peer researchers.D.The high-impact journal editors.
3.Which of the following does the author probably agree with?
A.Good scientists excel in seeking resources and securing research positions.
B.Competition for resources pushes researchers to publish in a more productive way.
C.All the credentialed scholars and researchers will take up university professorships.
D.The number of publication reveals how scientists are bitterly exploited.
4.According to the author, what might be a remedy for the fundamental problem in scientific research?
A.High-impact journals are encouraged to reform the incentives for publication.
B.The peer-review process is supposed to scale up inspection of scientific fraud.
C.Researchers are motivated to get actively involved in gaming the current system.
D.Career incentives for scientists are expected to consider their personal intention.

“Will you do me a favor, Achenyo?” Mama called as she looked up from her weaving. Beside her was a pile of wild-grass stalks (秆). Mama took a stalk, laid it along the length of the half-finished bag, and began to weave (编织). In the corner were pots of dyes (染料) she’d use to paint the finished bags. “Will you get me some water for the dyes?” “Of course, Mama!” Achenyo picked up a pot as she ran outside. She didn’t like weaving, although it was a tradition for a mother to pass on the trade to her daughter. Outside, Achenyo called to her neighbor Ajuma. Both girls, with pots balanced on their heads, made their way to the river.

Achenyo and Ajuma soon arrived at the water’s edge, and they found a huge surprise. The river was gone! In its place was a blanket of dark green leaves and lavender-colored (淡紫色的) flowers. “Oh no!” Achenyo cried. “Mama won’t have water to mix the dyes for her bags.” When the adults arrived at the riverbank, they shook their heads, saying “They’ve struck again!”

Last year, the rainy season had brought an invasion (入侵) of water hyacinths. The plants had covered the river and left no room to dip a pot to get water. And now they were back. The adults walked into the water. They began pulling up water hyacinths and throwing them onto the riverbank. When they’d cleared enough plants, the girls filled their pots with water. A pile of water hyacinths lay on the riverbank. What a shame to waste such pretty flowers, Achenyo thought. She picked some for Mama, and then the girls headed home. Each day, they found the river covered by water hyacinths as if no one had cleared the waterfront (水边地) the day before. To fill their pots, they again had to pull up and throw water hyacinths onto the riverbank. The pile on the sand grew taller.

One day, as Achenyo moved an armful of dried water hyacinths out of her way, she had an idea. Carrying the plants under her arm, she ran home.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
3. 参考词汇:weave vt. & vi. (wove, woven) 编织

“Mama, will you teach me to weave?” asked Achenyo eagerly.


One afternoon, Achenyo held up her finished work made from water hyacinths.


When it came to moral reasoning, we like to think our views on right and wrong are rational. But ultimately they are grounded in emotion. Philosophers have argued over this claim for a quarter of a millennium without _________. Time’s up! Now scientists armed with brain scanners are stepping in to settle the matter. Though reason can shape moral judgment, emotion is often _________.

Harvard psychologist Joshua Greene does brainscans of people as they study the so-called trolley problem. Suppose a trolley is rolling down the track toward five people who will die unless you pull a lever (杠杆) that pushes it onto another track where, _________, lies one person who will die instead. An easy call, most people say: _________ the loss of life — a “utilitarian” (实用主义的) goal, as philosophers put it — is the thing to do.

But suppose the only way to save the five people is to push someone else onto the track — a bystander whose body will bring the trolley to a stop before it hits the others. It’s still a one-for-five _________, and you still initiate the action that dooms the one. _________, now you are more directly involved; most people say it would be wrong to do this trade-off. Why? According to Greene’s brain scans, the second situation more thoroughly excites parts of the brain linked to _________ than does the lever-pulling situation. Apparently, the intuitive hesitation of giving someone a deadly push is more _________ than the hesitation of a deadly lever pull. Further studies suggest that in both cases the emotional concerns _________control with more rational parts of the brain. In the second situation, the emotions are usually strong enough to win. And when they lose, it is only after a tough __________ process. The few people who approve of pushing an innocent man onto the tracks take longer to reach their decision. So too with people who approve of smothering (闷死) a crying baby rather than catching the attention of enemy troops who would then kill the baby along with other __________. Greene explains that our intuitive dislike to the killing of an innocent gradually evolved to become especially sensitive to visions of direct physical attack.

Princeton philosopher Peter Singer argues that we should __________ our moral intuitions (本能) and ask whether they deserve respect in the first place. Why obey moral impulses that evolved to serve the “__________ gene” — such as sympathy that moves toward relatives and friends? Why not worry more about people an ocean away whose suffering we could __________ relieve? Isn’t it better to save 10 starving African babies than to keep your 90-year-old father on life support? In the absence of a tough decision-making process, reason may indeed be a(n) “__________ of the passions”.

A.compete forB.come fromC.take overD.engage in

Mental Health Crisis Among Teens Demands a New Approach

Since the CDC released its survey results last month showing alarmingly high rates of sadness and depressive thoughts among teens, fingers have been pointed from two sides at the causes of this crisis. 1.. Others say that today’s more secular(世俗的)culture has confused our most vulnerable young people. But neither side seems to grasp the true urgency of the issue.

According to the CDC’s findings, more than one in five of the 17,000 high school students surveyed reported mental breakdown. Their rates of sadness and hopelessness are the highest in a decade, reflecting an increasing trend exacerbated by society’s isolation(隔离)and stress. 2..

Parents as well as teachers and others who have direct contact with children must accept this preventive approach. It is crucial that they not be afraid to ask direct questions about depressive thoughts. 3.. It is also especially important that parents understand what help is available to their children.

4.. For example, we can demand equity equality, which means insurance coverage(保险范围)for behavioral illnesses health issues that is for physical , thus reducing the financial burden. We can also urge our congressmen to fund health programs and expand mental health professions. 5.. Put the politics aside. There are lives in the balance.

A.And they should resist the false idea that raising a question creates a risk that was not there before.
B.This means that we must put aside our disagreements and approach this issue as a matter of life and death.
C.Some have argued that the climate issue has created an existential threat and accompanying anxiety.
D.Hospitalization may also be appropriate when the person in question shows an immediate danger to themselves.
E.At the macro(宏观的)level, our country can do so much more to help people struggling with mental health problems and their families.
F.It’s time to stop blaming and turn our attention to this generation of struggling teenagers.
G.It’s time for those who have the power to amplify(放大)their voices and drive change to focus on helping teenagers and families access the help they need.


When I saw my mother at her home last month, it was a hot Sunday. I travelled there by train. As the train reduced its speed, I knew I was going to see her.

Leaving the station, I headed to the town center where I bought cakes — the kind she used to tell me to bring home. And I bought a cat, which I think can accompany her for along time. Until I got home, I didn’t think anything besides, I’m going to see her again and she’s waiting for me.

I knocked on the narrow door of the ground-floor apartment. She called out, “Yes. Come in!” “You should lock the door!” “I knew it was you. There’s no one else it could have been.”

When she saw the cat, she was very pleased as if it were my kid. She took the cakes, a little uneasy, but thanked me with a happy tone to her voice. That’s because she had already bought some for us on her way back home.

She was laughing, standing by the table. She put her hand on my shoulder, tilting her face up for me to kiss. At the same time, she was firing off questions about my trip, my children, my husband, my work...

We sat opposite each other at the table that, along with the meal she had already prepared for me, almost filled her apartment. She bought it big — it can seat at least ten people! But in six years, not once...

After meal, she tried to come up with more subjects of conversation, so that I wouldn’t go too soon, leaving her alone with her desire for me, her longing to live with me, her daughter, forever. Meanwhile, the cat approached us, which kept us busy for along time — watching it, taking turns holding it... My mother was the happiest she’d been since I got home. She seemed to have forgotten that I was going to leave.


It’s time for me to say goodbye to her.


A month later, I, along with my husband and kids, came back to visit my mother.


How to Feel Connected

It's easy to feel disconnected from what is going on around you in today's fast-paced world. 1. You can get in touch and feel connected, however, by following the tips below:

Consider why you feel disconnected. Knowing what is making you feel disconnected can help you choose the best ways to address it. 2. Ask yourself these questions: Are you keeping yourself occupied with work too much? Do you rely on electronic communication instead of face to face communication? Do you lack friendships that are satisfying?

Interact with people in person. Technology is a great way to stay in touch, but sometimes you need to spend time with other people in person. 3. You can also take steps to feel more connected by making small-talk with strangers who are sharing parts of your day.


Your loved ones could feel shy, so you may never know how to improve your relationship unless you ask the right questions. Asking them to open the doors can give you some insight on what you can do. Learning this information can help to strengthen your bond.

Show your commitment to them. Simply showing up and being there for your loved ones says a lot about how much you value your relationships. Putting in the time shows them that you are committed and want to stay connected. 5.

Show appreciation. A simple “thank you” goes a very long way. Unfortunately, it is something that people who are close often take for granted. Telling someone you appreciate their time, love, and efforts can strengthen your bond and help you to become more connected.

A.Ask others what they need from you.
B.Sometimes you can feel isolated and distant from the ones you love.
C.Be brave to express your love.
D.Reach out to people to schedule a time to get together.
E.Attending family events, or simply visiting someone once a week can help to strengthen your relationship and keep it strong.
F.Targeting your efforts toward those issues allows you to close that distance more effectively.
G.You can have a gift delivered to friends on special occasions.