
Studying a subject that you feel pointless is never a fun or easy task. If you’re studying history, asking yourself the question “why is history important” is a good start. 1. You will find something here that will arouse your interest, or get you thinking about its significance.

2. History is an important and interesting field of study, and learning the history of our home country can give us a deeper glimpse (一瞥) into our ancestral pasts, and how we got to where we are today. Many people feel like they need a sense of cultural belonging, which is something that studying your roots can provide.

History enriches our experience. Reading history is an amazing experience because it enables us to reflect on the social and economic life of the people living long time ago. According to the experts, problems faced by people regardless of the past and present are the same. 3.

History makes us more empathetic(具有共情能力的). Studying history can give us insight into why our culture does certain things, and how the past has shaped it into what we know now.   4. Fear and hate for others is usually caused by ignorance(无知). History has the potential to break down those boundaries by offering us insight into entire worlds that would otherwise be foreign to us.

History can inspire us to learn more. 5. It’s almost impossible to learn about one historical period without having dozens of related questions. Study the 19th century England, and you might catch a glimpse of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist. Or maybe you end up switching your attention away from novels, and discover the history of romantic poets in England. It can go anywhere for anybody.

A.History grounds us in our roots.
B.History helps us develop our interest.
C.History is an essential part of human civilization.
D.What’s fantastic about history is the way it broadens our horizons.
E.Being empathetic means listening to and understanding someone else.
F.It also provides a rather strong foundation for empathy across cultures.
G.With the information about the ancestors, one can become more experienced in handling challenges of life.

If a pancake could dream, it might long for legs so it could jump off your breakfast plate in pursuit of a better, unchewed life. But legs aren’t necessary for something as flat as a pancake to jump around. A group of scientists have designed a pancake-shaped robot that can jump several times per second and higher than seven times its body height. The new robot named Hop, which swiftly jumps without feet, is an important contribution to the soft robotics.

Many ground robots move by rolling or walking. But it’s more efficient for robots to jump over obstacles (障碍物) than to go around them. Although jumping can offer some robots a competitive edge, engineering that ability has been a challenge for robotics researchers. Some soft robots that store energy can perform a single impressive jump very infrequently. Some lightweight soft robots that don’t store energy can jump frequently but can’t jump high or far enough to successfully cross an obstacle.

For inspiration, the researchers looked to gall midge larvae (瘿蚊幼虫) that miraculously throw themselves across distances 30 times as long as their loglike bodies. A gall midge larva bends its body and squeezes the liquid in its body to one end, making it rigid (僵硬的). The accumulation of liquid builds up pressure, and releasing the pressure sends it soaring (飙升). The robot’s body doesn’t resemble (像) that of a gall midge larva, but it jumps like one. Its body is made of two small plastic bags printed with electrodes; the front bag is filled with liquid and the back one is filled with the same volume of air. The robot uses electricity to drive the flow of liquid, which causes the body to bend and generate force with the ground, resulting in a jump. And the air bag imitates the function of an animal’s tail, helping the robot keep a stable position.

While the robot is currently restricted to Earth, it might be right at home exploring another planet. If this is true, the researchers robot might jump over dusty rocks and large holes on the moon or Mars, going where no pancake has gone before.

1.What does the author want to show by mentioning a pancake?
A.A pancake’s dream to have legs is unrealistic.
B.A robot is capable of serving a good pancake.
C.A pancake-shaped robot can jump without legs.
D.Research on pancakes advances our understanding of robots.
2.What difficultly do robotics researchers have in developing Hop according to Paragraph 2?
A.Hop’s avoiding an obstacle.B.Hop’s moving around by rolling.
C.Hop’s performing one remarkable jump.D.Hop’s jumping high and far continuously.
3.What inspiration do the researchers draw from gall midge larvae?
A.They are shaped like logs.
B.They have tails to change positions.
C.They bend their bodies and increase force.
D.They are filled with liquid and have rigid bodies.
4.What is the author’s attitude to the future of the new robot?

A man recently connected with me on LinkedIn and sent me this note: “Let me know if you ever need a writer.” I guess he’s a writer? I don’t know. But I do know this phrase “Let me know if you ever need a.” shows up a lot, in my inbox and surely yours, too. I’ve come to think of it as the eight most deadly words in selling oneself because that phrase is the death of opportunity.

Let’s consider the approach. These people are being standoffish. Rather than selling themselves, they’re shifting the burden onto someone else to make the sale. If I need a writer, I should reach out to them. If I need a story, I should ask them for an interview. If I need a customer service solution, I should ask them for details. “Let me know if you ever need a ... ” sounds like an invitation, but it’s really a shrug.

Imagine the situation where I’d assign (分派工作) a story to the writer who used the nine words, “Let me know if you ever need a writer.” I would have needed a writer. Just any writer. Just anyone who can string words together. I would have needed to be in a panic, so desperate for someone to contribute to our magazine that I’d stopped thinking about great writers or good writers, or even serviceable writers and simply settled for a writer. This isn’t a situation that exists. The world is full of good options! We are not living in times of shortage. If we need a job done, there are plenty of qualified people to do it. Our question is: Who’s the best?

If you want to create opportunity for yourself, answer that question convincingly. The first thing to do is show someone you are the opportunity. Hiring you can help them. We also need to stop hiding behind ourselves. Get out in front! Sell yourself and your amazing abilities. Understand someone’s problem, and explain exactly why you are the solution. Avoid saying “Let me know if you ever need a ... ” Instead, start with: “Let me explain how I can help you.”

1.What do we know from the author’s experience?
A.We’d better start our own careers as early as possible
B.The author prefers to hire his employees on Linkedln.
C.The phrase “Let me know if you ever need a ... ” is polite.
D.Many people use the wrong opening sentence to sell themselves.
2.What does the underlined word “standoffish” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.Frank and open.B.Unfriendly and proud.
C.Unsure and sensitive.D.Concerned and confident.
3.What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.The author is in desperate need of a writer’s help.
B.There are very few great writers available nowadays.
C.Anyone who can string words together is a good writer.
D.The author isn’t interested in the writer using the nine words.
4.What can be the best title for the text?
A.A Better Way of Selling Yourself.B.Full Preparations Matter Most.
C.Good Jobs Wait for No Man.D.Politeness Makes Difference.
They________ every means, but the engine ________work.
A.tried; couldn’tB.have tried; won’t
C.tried; won’tD.have tried; can’t
The dictionary is out of date. Many a word ___________ to the language since it was published.
A.have been addedB.were addedC.has been addedD.was added
They added some hi-tech elements, which was ________ their program was supposed to shine.
Dr. Hart says ______ he really admires is the way ______ she has acknowledged good health not only makes her more beautiful, but happier too.
A.which, thatB.that, whatC.what, thatD.that, which
______ the reasons behind these species entering our cities are, one thing is for sure—they could be with us to stay.
A.HoweverB.No matter whereC.No matter whenD.Whatever
No sooner ________ home________ he hugged his two sons.
A.he had returned; thanB.he had returned; when
C.had he returned; thanD.had he returned; when
For Dutches unfamiliar with American culture, it can be an ________ occasion because they think ________ for dinner means the relationship is distant.
A.upsetting; being thankedB.upsetting; thanked
C.upset: being thankedD.upset; thanking