
Unwrapping your shopping to find you have bought mouldy (发霉的) bread, rotten fruit and sour milk could soon become a thing of the past, thanks to the range of emerging 'active packaging' technologies. While traditional packaging simply _______ a barrier that protects food, active packaging can do a lot more. Some materials _______ with the product to improve it in some way, or provide better information on the state it is in. _______, they may absorb oxygen inside a wrapper to help prevent food spoilage or show whether potentially dangerous foods like red meat and chicken have been stored at unsafe temperatures.

One of the new breed of packaging technologies that have just gone on the market in France is a ‘time temperature indicator’. Stores where the product has already been introduced report that far fewer consumers are returning _______ food. The indicator is basically a label that _______ the temperature a package has been kept at and for how long. The label has a dark ring around a lighter circle. The central ring contains a chemical which polymerises (聚合), changing colour as it does so from _______ to dark. If the package stays cool, the reaction is slow, but increasing the temperature speeds up the polymerization. When the inner circle darkens, it means the product is no longer _______ fresh.

Smart packaging can also control the _______ of the atmosphere inside a container. For instance, the make-up of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) within packaged vegetables will influence their freshness. This can be hard to control in a sealed package, since vegetables _______ more oxygen and give off more carbon dioxide as the package gets warmer. A firm in California is trying to solve the problem with a wrapper it calls ‘Intelimer’ which changes its permeability (渗透) as the temperature changes in a way that keeps different produces at their best O2/CO2 ________.

Decay can also be ________ by controlling the environment inside a package with an ‘oxygen scavenger’(清除剂). ________, this is achieved by placing a small bag filled with iron powder in the package — any oxygen in the package is consumed by the iron as it oxidises. However, consumers don't ________ finding small bags marked ‘Don't eat in their food’, so a company in New Jersey is making a wrap that itself consumes oxygen. The ________ includes an inner layer of an oxidisable polymer (聚合物) that traps oxygen in the same way as iron.

It is predicted that between 20 and 40 per cent of all food packaging will soon be ________.

A.acts asB.belongs toC.deals withD.relies on
A.Even soB.For instanceC.In consequenceD.What's more
A.taken onB.sped upC.turned awayD.slowed down

Like a tired marriage, the relationship between libraries and publishers has long been dull. E- books, however, are causing heartache. Libraries know they need digital wares, but many publishers are too cautious about piracy(盗版) and lost sales to co-operate. Among the big six, only Random House and Harper Collins license e-books with most libraries.

Publishers are wise to be nervous. Owners of e-readers(电子阅读器) are exactly the customers they need: book-lovers with money. If these people switch to borrowing e-books instead of buying them, what then? Electronic borrowing is awfully convenient. Unlike printed books, which must be checked out and returned to a physical library miles from where you live, book files can be downloaded at home. The files disappear from the device when they are due.

E-lending is not simple, however. There are lots of different and often incompatible(不兼容的) e-book formats, devices and licenses. Most libraries use a company called OverDrive, which secures rights from publishers and provides e-books and audio files in every format. Yet publishers and libraries are worried by Over Drive’s global market dominance(优势), as the company can control fees and conditions. Publishers were annoyed when OverDrive cooperated with Amazon, the world’s biggest online bookseller, last year. Owners of Amazon’s Kindle e-reader who want to borrow e-books from libraries are now redirected to Amazon’s website, where they must use their Amazon account to secure a loan.

According to Pew, an opinion researcher, library users are a perfect market for Amazon. Late last year Amazon introduced its Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, which lets its best customers borrow free one of thousands of popular books each month.

Library supporters argue that book borrowers are also book buyers and that libraries are vital spaces for readers to discover new works. Many were cheered by a recent Pew survey»which found that more than half of Americans with library cards say they prefer to buy their e-books.

So publishers keep adjusting their lending arrangements in search of the right balance.

Random House raised its licensing price’s earlier this year, and Harper Collins limits libraries to lending its titles 26 times.

1.It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that ________.
A.several big publishers have sold e-books to libraries
B.most publishers are hesitant to cooperate with libraries
C.libraries are eager to keep strong relationship with publishers
D.libraries and publishers face the same problem of e-books’ piracy
2.Why are publishers worried that people will switch to electronic borrowing?
A.E-books must be checked out and returned to libraries regularly.
B.There is no time limit for the book files downloaded on the device.
C.There are lots of different and incompatible e-book formats available.
D.Book sales may drop sharply because of convenient electronic borrowing.
3.We can learn from the text that ________.
A.Amazon is adopting measures to win more customers
B.e-books can be lent at libraries as many times as you like
C.Over Drive distributes e-books and audio files to publishers
D.over half of Americans are borrowing e-boo from libraries
4.What is the best title for the text?
A.The Hopeful Future of Publishing Business
B.The Uncertain Economics of Lending E-books
C.The Dull Relationship between Libraries and Publishers
D.The Close Cooperation between OverDrive and Amazon

In the 19th century, three pioneering women struggled to find their place in a male-controlled field. Elizabeth Blackwell, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Sophia Jex-Blake—among the first female doctors—are the heroines of Olivia Campbell’s new book. The story is lively and interesting, and the main characters are full of personality and individualism. Jex-Blake is described as “big and confident, a determined educational reformer with large eyes and an even lager personality”. Garrett Anderson, referred to as “Lizzie” throughout, was equally determined but also educated, and polite. The result is a great read for anyone looking for an introduction to the history of medical women.

The biographies of the three women are woven into a bigger, grander story about medicine in the 19th century and it is slow and unwilling acceptance of female physicians (医师). Though British, Blackwell attended medical school in the US. “Lizzie” was admitted to the medical school only via a loophole (漏洞) in the admissions policy. And Jex-Blake’s attempt to sit a medical exam in Edinburgh was met with a storm of protest.

Unsurprisingly, the three heroines faced many difficulties, but their efforts finally proved successful. Women in White Coats is, therefore, a successful tale of social progress. The final concluding chapter paints a sunny picture of present-day equality within the medical profession. However, in its efforts to tell an inspiring story, the book glosses over continuing problems within the profession today. Though more women than men now graduate from medical school, they face struggles with career progression and sexism.

We need more books that don’t offer a “great white men” approach to history. However, they have to deal with the incomplete and uneven nature of progress. Inspiring as it is to read stories of heroines tying hard and succeeding against the odds, that isn’t the whole picture. Medicine might be better for women now than in the past, but the problems of the Victorian era continue to exist and we still have far to go.

1.Who might particularly enjoy reading Women in white Coats?
A.People favoring science fiction novels.
B.Researchers studying great white men in history.
C.Those interested in female pioneers in medicine.
D.Students curious about the development of medicine.
2.Why does the writer tell the stories of the three women in Paragraph 2?
A.To praise their strong personality.
B.To state the success of women in medicine.
C.To prove their determination and confidence.
D.To show the challenges faced by female physicians.
3.What do the underlined words “glosses over” mean in Paragraph 3?
4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Gender equality has been achieved in medicine.
B.The problems faced by women are a thing of the past.
C.History books should inspire people with women’s success.
D.History books should cover the successes and struggles of women.
Peter was so excited _________ he received an invitation from his friend __________Chongqing.
A.that; to visitB.when; to visit
C.that; visitingD.when; visiting

The Daffodils

by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud,

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils (水仙花);

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine,

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line,

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund (欢乐的) company:

I gazed — and gazed — but little thought,

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie,

In vacant or in pensive (忧愁的) mood,

They flash upon that inward eye,

Which is the bliss of solitude (孤寂):

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.

【2018·江苏】—You know what? I’ve got a New Year concert ticket.
—Oh, _______ You’re kidding.
A.so what?B.go ahead.
C.come on.D.what for?
某中学生英文杂志正在开展以“My Holiday Plan”为主题的征文活动,请你写一篇英语短文投稿。除了学习计划外,请你再从所给的要点提示中选择两项,并阐述选择的理由。

As I sat on the bus waiting to arrive at school, the sun shining, I just sat there full of excitement ready to enjoy the first day of spring. At last, the bus stopped and I started my day.

The whole day I was waiting for one thing, noon break. As the day passed by, I heard the bell rang and everyone rushed out of the door. I hurried and ate lunch just to get outside.

As soon as I was out, my close friend, Riley called me over to play basketball. We all started playing and time flew by as we heard the timekeeper yell, “10 more minutes.” From that point on, the game sped up. Score after score, the competition process was more intense. I passed it to my teammate, Austin, and he dished it back as I pulled up a shot. I felt as if the world around me were barely moving, and all I concentrated on was the ball going to the hoop (篮筐). Not knowing I was pushed back hard, I hit the ground. A huge pain entered my left ankle. I wanted to scream, but I didn’t, hearing the people around me shout for help. I just lay there as Riley came over to pick me up and Austin fetched a wheelchair from the school clinic. Both of them helped me sit on the wheelchair. It seemed like the whole school circled around me as I was being pushed away.

The moment we entered the clinic where I always felt nervous, I didn’t think my ankle hurt as badly as it did just now, so I said, “I’m okay.” Then they had to send me back to class without any treatment. The rest of the day I felt my ankle swelling (肿) up and I thought of how stupid I was to say that my ankle didn’t hurt in the clinic. “I should have gone home.” I thought to myself as I was thrown through this terrible pain. After school, I worried how to go back home.

1.续写词数应为150 左右;

Just then I found Riley come in with an ice pack in his hand.


As we went out, we were surprised to find Austin holding some medicinal oil.

一家英语报社向中学生征文,标题是“Let’s live a healthy life”,请用英文写一篇征文。
投稿内容包括:1. 课余时间加强锻炼;
2. 注意饮食,合理搭配;
3. 以正确的方式来对待来自各方面的压力。

Let’s Live a Healthy Life

注意:1.写作词数应为 80左右;