
My son turned 14 and didn’t have a smartphone. He was the only kid in his class without one. When he asked for a phone, I _________.

“You can choose to do things _________ when you’re a parent.” I replied. But sometimes, I wondered if I was being too stubborn (固执的) or unfair.

The more I research, the more confident I feel in my _________. Many studies _________ the current mental health crisis among teenagers to changes in how they socialize, namely, the change from in-person to online _________.

But other parents _________ my view, saying “He must feel so left out!” Then there are the parents who tell me with sadness that they regretted not delaying their teenager’s phone _________ longer than they did. They _________ me to hold out.

If teenagers are truly spending about 5 hours on average per day on their devices, as a recent research states, then what are they not doing? Kids _________ in their devices are missing out on real life, which strikes me a lot.

I want my son to have a __________ childhood, one full of adventures, imaginative play and physical challenges. The simplest way to achieve these __________ is to delay giving him a smartphone.

Some think my son is missing out or falling behind, but he is not. He does well in school, __________ with friends, and moves independently around our town. He claimed he would give his own 14-year-old boy a phone someday, and I told him that’s __________. But recently, he admitted he __________ the beautiful scenery on a drive to a mountain because he had been so absorbed in his iPad.

If that is his __________ of admitting I’m right, I’ll take it.

A.hangs outB.catches upC.shows offD.settles down

Constructing an impressive and visually appealing resume (简历) can be challenging, but a few strategies can help you use your resume as a showcase of what makes you the best candidate for a job. Learning what to include in a resume can help you build a resume that will impress hiring managers. 1.

Give your contact information. The first item on your resume should be your first and last name, a phone number and an email address. You can also include your address, whether it’s the full mailing address or just your city and state. 2.

3. The work experience section of your resume should be more than a simple list of your previous positions. It should also effectively describe your work experience to enhance your candidacy. If you are seeking your first job, for example, you may not have any previous professional experience to include, but you can include relevant internships or volunteer work.

Include your education. Most jobs require at least some education, and employers seek this information on your resume. List your highest level of education completed first, then subsequent degrees and diplomas (文凭). 4. When entering a degree or diploma you are currently completing, add the date you began pursuing it and leave the end date blank.

List relevant skills. Near the end of your resume, you should include a section for any skills that may be relevant and can enhance your appeal as a candidate. 5. Soft skills may be abilities such as communication or leadership while hard skills could be computer programs or technical knowledge.

A.Add your work experience.
B.Explain your achievements and awards.
C.You may also choose to include any active licenses or certifications.
D.Follow these steps to show employers you are the best fit for their position.
E.When including your skills, choose both hard and soft skills that relate to the role.
F.When potential employers review your resume, they frequently go through it quickly.
G.Many companies prefer to hire local employees to reduce relocation time and expenses.

Are you tired of conventional workouts that feel like a chore? Look no further than cycling, the exercise that combines fun, adventure, and remarkable health benefits all in one. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, cycling is an excellent way to boost your well-being.

Cycling offers numerous physical health benefits that make it a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts. Regular cycling improves cardiovascular (心血管) fitness, helping to strengthen your heart, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease. It also increases lung capacity, allowing for better oxygen delivery to your muscles and organs.

In addition to cardiovascular benefits, cycling is an effective exercise for weight loss and management. It burns calories, helping you cast off extra weight and maintain a healthy body composition. Cycling also helps to build lean muscle (瘦肌肉) mass, which increases your metabolism (新陈代谢) and promotes fat burning even when you’re at rest.

Furthermore, cycling is gentle on your joints compared to high-impact exercises like running. It puts less injury on your knees and ankles, making it an ideal exercise for individuals with joint issues or those recovering from injuries. The low-impact nature of cycling allows you to enjoy a dynamic workout without harming joint health.

The benefits of cycling extend beyond physical fitness. Engaging in this outdoor activity can significantly improve your mental well-being. Cycling allows you to escape the stresses of daily life and lose yourself in the beauty of nature. The fresh air, scenic views, and the freedom of the open road can do wonders for your mental state.

Whether you prefer a leisurely ride in the park or an adventurous one through challenging route,cycling allows you to find comfort in the present moment and leave your worries behind. So, ride your bike and start harvesting the remarkable benefits of cycling. It is more than just exercise; it’s a lifestyle that brings vitality, adventure, and well-being.

1.What is the structure of the passage?
2.Compared with running, what is the advantage of cycling?
A.It enables man-nature interaction.B.It promotes fat burning more effectively.
C.It is more friendly to the health of joints.D.It makes people fit physically and mentally.
3.How does cycling benefit mental health?
A.By beatifying surroundings.B.By improving the memory.
C.By giving a carefree feeling.D.By helping escaping the daily life.
4.What is the purpose of the text?
A.To recommend a sport.B.To advertise bicycles.
C.To introduce a treatment.D.To advocate a lifestyle.

There are 225 students in Common Ground’s campus, who attend class on 20 acres (英亩) of land surrounded by West Rock Ridge State Park. Students take classes outside, learn how to tend to the land and grow food for local communities where access to fresh produce is insufficient.

Teachers at Common Ground say their students seem to be more engaged in the classroom when compared to most students at traditional public high schools. They say this is due in part to the autonomy that students are given over their education. “In class, students aren’t just being lectured; they’re experiencing their lessons,” O’connor, a senior at Common Ground said. “We’re very hands on. We’ve had science classes where we go outside and do experiments within nature. We’ll go into the wetlands and do experiments where we interact with the fish or the frogs out there.”

Samantha Townsend, an English teacher at Common Ground said the school encourages students to be active participants in their learning process. “There’s more cooperative learning here where they work in groups and have the opportunity to make a choice about what works best for them in their learning,” Townsend said. “If a student would prefer to write a poem rather than write an essay, then we allow them to tap into their unique passion, skill, or interest.”

“They’re looking at the world in a very different way. They’re thinking about climate change. They’re thinking about the types of food we eat and the impact it has on our bodies and on their communities,” Cherry Pacquette-Emmanuel, High School Director said. She said she wanted students to take their experience at Common Ground and understand their future careers could be anything they want it to be. To not just have a career to have a career, but make sure their life’s work is making a difference. “The fact that the concept for Common Ground came about because there’s some educators that wanted to do things differently and have created this really unique space,” she said.

1.What do the students of Common Ground do outside?
A.Grow produce.B.Plant trees.C.Do research.D.Hunt for jobs.
2.Why are the students in Common Ground more engaged in learning?
A.Because they hate traditional learning.B.Because they are autonomous students.
C.Because they study in a closed campus.D.Because they get experiential education.
3.What does Townsend think of the teaching of Common Ground?
A.It was unique to Common Ground.B.It was unfriendly to differences.
C.It was devoted to local communities.D.It was attentive to individuation.
4.What is the School Director’s expectation of the students?
A.To be a poet or a writer.B.To pursue their dreams.
C.To understand educators.D.To have a well-paid job.
She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from ________ to swimming instructor.
Tickets are limited and will be ________ to those who apply first.
He held a number of ________ for his many innovations.

Each year, as many as one billion birds are killed in the US from collisions (相撞) with glass windows and buildings every year. Birds that crashed into Philadelphia buildings began to be collected in the 1890s. Nearly 100 species of birds are known to have died out from crashes with buildings and other structures in Philadelphia. Many other species are probably affected in the city.

Called Lights Out Philly, the voluntary program in Philadelphia encourages buildings to turn out or dim unnecessary external and internal lights between midnight and six o’clock early in the morning to protect birds as they pass through during migration seasons.

Bird migration seasons are from April l to May 31 in spring and from August 15 to November 15 in fall. Each year, millions of birds pass through Philadelphia along a migration route known as the Atlantic Flyway. Bird-glass crashes are very common for migrating birds, most of which travel at night. Glass is difficult for them to recognize as hard surfaces, and artificial light can fool them into crashing with buildings and outdoor structures. Turning off lights between midnight and sunrise helps minimize the effect of artificial light when most birds are migrating.

On Oct. 2, 2020, a stormy and foggy day, Philadelphia had its largest mass collision event in more than 70 years with an estimated 1,000 birds crashing with buildings in one 3.5-square block area in just one day. Paired with a terrible storm of weather and fog conditions, the bright city and building lights attracted and confused the migrating birds, causing them to crash with buildings and outdoor structures.

Even if you don’t play a part in managing the lights of a big building, you can help birds avoid crashes by making the glass opaque to reduce the amount and intensity of artificial light at night, changing the color of lighting to blue or green, shortening the duration lights are on, directing the lighting downward or screening lighting.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The rich biological diversity in Philadelphia.
B.Great efforts to protect migrating birds in Philadelphia.
C.The present and the past of the bird conservation in America.
D.The serious consequence of bird-glass crashes in Philadelphia.
2.What added the danger to the migrating birds on Oct. 2, 2020?
A.Bad weather conditions.B.Traveling in the day.
C.The mistaken route.D.Too many buildings.
3.What does the underlined word “opaque” mean in the last paragraph?
4.What is the best title for the text?
A.It Is Difficult to Save the Migrating Birds
B.Philadelphia Turns out Lights to Save Migrating Birds
C.External and Internal Lights Affect the Bird Migration
D.Lights Out Philly Program Helps Save Endangered Birds

When a tiny glass frog sleeps, its body becomes so transparent that it almost cannot be seen. The frog’s glass-clear skin makes no shadows. Even the red blood disappears. It’s an unusual trick—most see-through animals live in water all the time, which don’t produce red blood cells.

But when the frogs are active, blood begins to flow again, forming a pattern of bright red that can be seen. So, scientists set out to discover what happens to all that blood.

In a new study, researchers found out how, while sleeping, a glass frog sends most of the red blood cells to its liver(肝脏). In the process, the liver grows in size by about 40% to accommodate the extra cells. Like its heart and some other organs, the frog’s liver is covered in a mirrored part, which reflects lights, that helps the frog hide itself from enemies.

“If these frogs are awake, stressed or under anesthesia(麻醉), their blood systems are full of red blood cells, and they are not transparent,” explains an expert. “The only way to study transparency is when these animals are happily asleep, which is difficult to achieve in a research lab.”

Luckily, there is an imaging technology which can check red blood cells without breaking the skin of frogs. The team used this technique on frogs while they were sleeping. They found the animals moved a shocking 89% of their red blood cells to their livers while sleeping.

How exactly these frogs can pack their red blood cells together without getting blood clots (血栓) remains a mystery. Most other animals’ blood becomes very thick if the cells bump into each other, which can help cure a wound or—in a worse situation—stop blood from flowing to important areas. Understanding more about how the frogs stay healthy while jam-packing their livers with red blood cells could help advance blood clot research in humans.

1.Why are the glass frogs unusual?
A.They are very tiny.
B.They can be nearly invisible.
C.They live in the water all the time.
D.They don’t produce red blood cells.
2.What happens to its liver when a glass frog is sleeping?
A.It takes in lights.B.It expands in size.
C.It gets blood clots.D.It functions like a heart.
3.What troubled the researchers when experimenting?
A.To stop blood from flowing.
B.To check the red blood cells.
C.To measure the frogs’ movement.
D.To put the frogs to a proper state for study.
4.What can be learned from the last paragraph?
A.Blood clots cause many deaths for humans.
B.Scientists have learned the secret of glass frogs.
C.Further study will probably be made on glass frogs.
D.Packing red blood cells together is harmful to animals.

Abdul Holik’s walk to school is anything but ordinary. The eight-year-old was born with a physical disability that resulted in his feet and legs severely deformed (变形). Each day, he has to make his way through steep paths and rocky surfaces with a pack tied to his back and his hands slipped into a pair of sandals (拖鞋).

His mother, Pipin, remembers when Abdul begged to send him to school. He desired to learn to read and be like everyone else. She was confused at first because she wasn’t sure which school would take him in. Finally she found a school located six kilometers away that accepted Abdul despite his limitations. Pipin thought it was impossible for her son to attend the school as there are no bus services at their small village. But the family was determined. They taught Abdul to walk on his hands. At first, Pipin would accompany Abdul to school every day but now he makes it himself. When the rainy season arrives, the road is slippery and dangerous. On days like that, his parents try to use motorcycle taxis, which depends on whether they have the money to spare. If there is no money, Abdul continues his crawl (爬行) to school by hand.

At school, Abdul’s principal Epi sees huge potential in Abdul. “We see he can follow along in the classroom just fine and he has no problems socializing with others,” said Epi. His teachers describe him as a child with enthusiasm and effort in schoolwork. Despite his limitations, Abdul is active in extracurricular activities, especially in sports.

He wants to attend university in the big city. His dream is to become a firefighter because he wants to help people in need. He has other ideals, namely becoming a doctor. For him, the goal is also to help other people, especially those who experience pain.

Abdul continues to struggle for his dreams. His love for life and learning has given him the opportunity to go far and his support system is pushing him further into his bright future.

1.What was Pipin’s initial concern about Abdul’s schooling?
A.Limited family budget.
B.Lack of available transportation.
C.A long distance from their village.
D.Uncertainty of school admission.
2.What can we infer from the text?
A.Abdul’s teachers think highly of him.
B.Abdul’s disability ruined his schooling.
C.Abdul walked to school himself in the past.
D.Abdul spends more time on sports than schoolwork.
3.Which can best describe Abdul according to the text?
A.Active and honest.
B.Humorous and optimistic.
C.Confident and adventurous.
D.Determined and enthusiastic.
4.What is the main idea of the text?
A.Abdul’s dream of helping people in need.
B.Abdul’s inspiring journey in persuing education.
C.The challenges in Abdul’s daily life at school.
D.The struggles of Abdul’s family for supporting his studying.