阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One day I got stuck in the Tube on my way to work.

The Tube—that’s what most people call it—is London’s underground railway system.

It was about nine o'clock in the morning, the middle of the rush-hour. Nobody had expected something unusual would happen later and everyone was doing their usual: a pretty girl gave her boyfriend sweet kisses one after another. Sitting next to me, a young woman with a suitcase and a baby took a scarf out of her suitcase and made her baby a nest, so that it could lie more comfortably. In fact, the train had just left Green Park Station when, instead of speeding up, it started to slow down and then came to a stand-still.

Ten minutes passed, though it seemed like half a day. the train didn’t move. Had the railwaymen forgotten all about our existence? Had there been a crash on the line in front? How serious was the breakdown? We had no means of knowing. However, to anxious people who are stuck in the Tube, I suppose it doesn’t really matter what it is that has broken down. What they care is when they can get out of the trouble.

Twenty minutes passed. All hope of getting to work on time had long since gone. Had the train really broken down? Several people thought so, but they were wrong. A railwayman at last came down the length of the train to tell us that the power supply had failed, and that we were not to worry as they were working to put it right.

We could not leave the train, as it had stopped in the tunnel (隧道), not at a station. There was nothing else to do. The weak signal disabled cellphones. Besides, the train was getting hot and stuffy (闷). I even began to wonder if we were going to stay there for the rest of the day.

1. 续写词数应为150左石:
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The hopeless waiting in the darkness drove us crazy.


As a commuter (上班族) who traveled to work on the train every day, I thought it my duty to do something.


Some of the advantages of bilingualism include better performance at tasks involving brain’s ability to plan and prioritize, better defense against Alzheimer’s (阿尔茨海默氏病)in old age and the obvious the ability to speak a second language. One advantage was not mentioned, though. Many multilinguals report different   ___. or even different worldviews, when they speak their different languages.

It’s an exciting idea that one’s very self could be_____ by the mastery of two or more languages other than in obvious ways such as________to new friends and literature, A former colleague,   ______, reported being ruder in Hebrew than in English. So what is going on here?

This______is not necessarily linked to the vocabulary or grammar of a second language. Significantly, most people are not symmetrically (对称性地)bilingual. Many have learned one language at home from parents, and another later in life, usually at school. They usually have different________in their different languages, and they are not always best in their first language. For example, when________in a foreign language, people are less likely to fall into a cognitive trap (answering a test question with an obvious-seeming but wrong answer) than in their native language. In part this is because working in a second language________the thinking. No wonder people feel different when speaking them. And no wonder they feel relaxed, perhaps more assertive or funnier, in the language where they were________from childhood.

Thenwhat of those bilinguals raised in two languages? Even for a speaker whose two languages are_______ in ability, there is another big reason that person will feel different in the two languages. This is because there is an important____between bilingualism and biculturalism. Of those bicultural bilinguals, we should be little____that they feel different in their two languages. Experiments in psychology have shown the power of “priming”small unnoticed factors that can affect behavior in big ways. Asking people to tell a happy story, for example, will put them in a better mood. The choice between two languages is a huge prime. Speaking Spanish rather than English, for a bilingual and bicultural Puerto Rican(波多黎各人)in New York, might _____ feelings of family and home. Switching to English might prime the same person to think of school and work.

So there are two very good reasons, asymmetrical ability and ________, that make people feel different speaking their different languages. We are still left with a third kind of________, though. We often see some languages’ inherent(内在的)properties overlap (重叠)with national stereotypes: French, rigorous; German, logical; English,playful. In this case, is there any convincing line of cause from grammar to personality?

A.in turnB.for exampleC.in another wayD.of course
A.cause and effectB.problems and solutionsC.strengths and weaknessesD.pains and gains
A.slow downB.result inC.break upD.cut up
A.related toB.brought upC.fixed onD.obsessed with

In a major medical breakthrough, Tel Aviv University researchers have “printed” the world's first 3D vascularized (有血管的)engineered heart using a patient’s own cells and biological materials. Their findings were published on April IS in a study in Advanced Science.

“This is the first time anyone anywhere has successfully engineered and printed an entire heart,” says Prof. Tal Dvir of Department of Materials Science and Engineering, who led the research for the study. “This heart is made from human cells and patient-specific biological materials. In our process, these materials serve as the bioinks, something made of sugars and proteins that can be used for 3D printing of complex tissue models,” Prof, Dvir says. “People managed to 3D print the structure of a heart in the past, but not with cells or with blood vessels (血管).Our results demonstrate the potential of our approach for engineering personalized tissue and organ replacement in the future.”

According to Prof. Dvir,the use of “ native ” patient-specific materials is important to successfully engineering tissues and organs.

The researchers are now planning on culturing the printed hearts in the lab and “ teaching them to behave” like hearts, Prof. Dvir says. They then plan to transplant the 3D-printed heart in animal models.

“We need to develop the printed heart further,” he concludes. “The cells need to form a pumping ability ; they can currently contract (收缩),but we need them to work together. Our hope is that we will succeed and prove our method’s efficacy (功效)and usefulness. “Maybe, in ten years, there will be organ printers in the finest hospitals around the world,and these procedures will be conducted routinely. ”

1.What does Prof. Dvir think of an early 3D-printed heart?
A.It was highly practical.B.It was too expensive.
C.It was personalized.D.It was too simple.
2.What do we know about the latest 3D-printed heart?
A.It can be cultured in the lab.
B.It can match a patient perfectly.
C.It has been transplanted in animals.
D.It has been widely used in hospitals,
3.What is Prof, Dvir's attitude to the development of the printed heart?
4.What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To explain the basic principle of 3D technology.
B.To introduce a breakthrough of medical research.
C.To doubt the medical value of a new invention.
D.To prove the effectiveness of the new technology.

Alexis Vaughan, 17, sat quietly in the passenger seat of her dad's car. She stared out the window at the Preston, Idaho, cornfields.

Alexis, a high school student, let her eyes lazily scan the landscape for wildlife. Still, she was terrified when a deer came into view about 200 yards in front of them, just a few feet off the road. "Dad, there's a deer, there!" Alexis said, rolling down the window for a better look. It was a three-point buck (雄鹿) — a male deer with sharp, three-pronged antlers (角) on each side of its head.

As the car moved closer, Alexis saw that the buck's head was bent toward the ground. Then she heard a scream. A few seconds later, she saw an arm fly up near the buck's head. Alexis realized the buck was attacking a woman. Sue Panter, a 44-year-old mother, had been out for her morning run. The buck had come out from the tall corn and began following her. Having lived in rural Idaho for years, Sue knew that most bucks got frightened by humans. But this buck edged closer, even when she threw at it with a handful of gravels (石子).

Sue went to pick up a log to use for self-defense, and the buck attacked her. It lifted her with its antlers (角) and threw her into the air. Sue could feel the horns punctured (刺穿) her leg and blood flowed down her leg. Within seconds, the buck had pushed her off the road and into the cornfield.

When Alexis and her father pulled up, the buck was rolling Sue like a rag doll. Alexis looked into the woman's terrified eyes, and before her father had even stopped the car, the 104 pound teenager jumped quickly out of the car and down the slope toward the buck. She was kicking and hitting it to get its attention. Then Michael, her father, who had followed his daughter, wrestled the buck away from the women by holding the antlers.

2) 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
Paragraph 1:

Alexis helped Sue up the slope.

Paragraph 2:

Then she heard her father yell.


One summer afternoon, when I was about eight years of age, I was looking at a beautiful rainbow that, bending from the sky, seemed to be losing itself in a thick wood about a quarter of a mile distant.

“Do you know, Gracie,” said my brother, who was just recovering from a severe illness, weak and tired, “that if you should go to the end of the rainbow, you would find there precious treasures?”

“Is it truly so?” I asked.

“Truly so,” answered my brother, with a smile but a very serious face.

Now, I was a simple-hearted child who believed everything that was told to me; so, without another word, I rushed out toward the wood. My brother called after me as loudly as he was able to, but I did not take any notice of him.

I cared nothing for the wet grass, on and on I ran. I was so sure that I knew just where that rainbow ended. But when I reached the cedars (雪松林), the end of the rainbow was not there!

Abruptly I saw it shining down among the trees a little farther off; so on and on I struggled, through the thick bushes, till I came within the sound of a stream. I reached the bank of the stream, and I could see it a little way off on the other side. I crossed the stream on a fallen tree, and still ran on, though my muscles were aching and my knees shaking.

Suddenly I met in my way a large porcupine (豪猪). I ran away from him as fast as my tired feet would carry me. In my flight and hurry I forgot to keep my eye on the rainbow, and when, at last, I remembered and looked for it, it was nowhere in sight!

When I saw that it was indeed gone, I burst into tears, for I had lost all my treasures, and had nothing but muddy feet and a wet and torn dress. So I set out for home.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:

But I soon found that my troubles had only begun.

Paragraph 2:

At last I heard my own name called.


If you live in Washington, D. C., or Redwood, Calif., you may have glimpsed a small, boxy robot rolling along a local sidewalk, minding it’s own business, but attracting the attention of many a curious onlooker. The autonomous machines were part of a pilot program last year by Starship Technologies focused on delivering meals from local restaurants in dozens of cities around the world.

“Today, more than ever, people lead a busy and diverse life,” Lex Bayer, Starship’s CEO, said in a statement online. “The hassle of needing to rearrange your life for a delivery will become a thing of the past. You don’t have to switch your working from home day, reschedule meetings, visit a locker, drive to a post office or contact a deliveryman all because of a missed delivery.”

The package delivery service is not available to everyone just yet. The company said it’s rolling out the service in Milton Keynes, England. The wheeled robots have a top speed of 4 mph and can detect obstacles from as far as 30 feet away. “The robot can operate through just about anything,” Nick Handrick, head of operations for Starship’s D. C. office, told The Washington Post's Maura Judkis last year. “If you had something in the way—a stick—it’s able to climb the edges of a road.”

By giving customers control of when deliveries occur, Starship Technologies is offering its service as a way to battle package theft. In its announcement, the company cited statistics from a Wakefield Research Poll for Comcast last year that found that 3 in 10 Americans who live in houses or townhouses have had packages stolen.

To sign up for the service, which costs a little more than $10 per month, customers need to download the company's app. Customers then create a “Starship Delivery Address,” a unique address inside a Starship facility, instead of a residence, where they can have packages sent from places such as Amazon, com. Once a package is delivered to the Starship address, customers receive a text that allows them to schedule a home delivery via robot.

1.Which can best replace the underlined word “hassle” in paragraph 2?
2.What problem is the delivery robot facing?
A.There is a limit to its service area.
B.It takes longer to deliver packages.
C.It covers a short distance each time.
D.It can’t sense the barriers 20 feet away.
3.How does the package by a robot avoid being stolen?
A.The company shortens the delivery hour.
B.The package is delivered to the house directly.
C.Its delivery time is in the control of customers.
D.The customers are informed of its delivery time in advance.
4.What can be inferred about Starship Delivery Address in the last paragraph?
A.It is a real home address of the customers.
B.It can arrange delivery robots for the customers.
C.It is a cheaper solution to the delivery of packages.
D.It sends the packages mainly to some shopping platforms.
假定你是李华,你新进入高一的朋友王强近来沉迷于网络游戏《王者荣耀》 (King of Glory)不能自拔,严重影响了学习和身心健康。请你给他写一封信劝他戒掉这一不良习惯,并对他的学习生活给出自己的建议。内容包括:
1. 你对他的担心;
2. 游戏的危害;
3. 提出建议。
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Wang Qiang,

I'm sorry to know that you become addicted to computer games recently.


I hope you will take my suggestions into consideration. Looking forward to your good news.


Li Hua



Eric was working in a selling business. He had been on the road visiting people for more than a month without going home. He couldn't wait to get back to see his wife and children. It was coming up on Mother's Day, and he usually tried to make it “back home", but this year he was just too busy and too tired. The day when he was driving in a small town, he saw a flower shop. He said to himself, "I know what I will do, I'll send my mother some roses ."

He stopped and went into the flower shop and saw a young man talking to the girl in it “How many roses can I get for fifty dollars. Ms.? " the boy asked. The girl was trying to explain that roses were expensive. Maybe the young man would be happy with something else.

"No. I have to have roses,'' he said, "my mom was badly sick last year and I didn't get to spend much time with her. 1 want to get something special. It has to be red roses, because that is her favorite." He was stubborn,

The girl in the shop looked up at Eric and was just shaking her head. Something inside of Eric was touched by the boy's voice. He wanted to get those roses so badly. Eric had been blessed(幸运的)in his business, and he looked at the girl and silently said that he would pay for the boy's roses.

The girl looked at the young man and said, "OK, I will give you a dozen red roses for your dollars.'' The young man almost jumped into the air. He took the flowers and ran down the store. It was worth more than fifty dollars just to see that kind of excitement.

Eric ordered his own flowers and asked the girl to have it delivered to his mother. After that, with a relief he drove down the road. Not long after his driving, he saw the boy walking to a graveyard(墓地).



Paragraph 1:

Eric stopped his car and followed the young man.

Paragraph 2:

Eric went into the car in tears.       .

The new-born baby looks very much______ its mother.
A.asB.as if