
French parenting isn’t perfect, but there’s a lot we can learn from this kind but no-nonsense style of parenting.

French children are allowed to handle difficult things themselves. 1. The early years are when they discover all the cool ways their new body works and how to use it. To encourage this autonomy, French parents treat children more like adults-in-training than helpless babies. They believe kids feel confident when they’re able to deal with things on their own.

Fearful of hurting feelings, American parents tend to praise every child for everything. 2. However, all that praise eventually turns out to be pointless. By contrast, French adults give children appropriate praise, thus allowing them to feel a true sense of achievement and take pride in what they learn.

Painful experiences are the best learning opportunities and sheltering children from this fact of life will merely delay their emotional development. French doctors never say “sorry” when giving kids shots. The French believe undergoing hurts, is part of life and that there’s no reason to apologize for that. 3.

Plus, the expectation of eye contact and a polite hello starts from the minute French children can say hello. They know saying “hello” and good manners are non-negotiable. Teaching them about that will benefit them for a lifetime. 4. Be patient with little ones as they learn.

All the above feels easier said than done, especially as a tired parent facing an intolerable child. 5. Your efforts will end up with children’s better behaviour overall.

A.They mean what they say.
B.This isn’t to say it’ll come easily.
C.It might save tears in the short term.
D.They wish children to suffer sometimes.
E.Bearing a few blow-ups is worthwhile, though.
F.Parents have to spare them such psychological discomfort.
G.“Me do it!” is little kids’ favorite phrase and for good reason.

The impact of fast fashion on the environment is significant. Recently Zara, one of the largest fast-fashion retailers (零售商) in the world, put forth a concept that only sustainable fabrics are used in clothing production. But how can Zara ever be sustainable? They produce around 450 million garments (衣服) a year and release 500 new designs a week, about 20,000 a year. Zara’s fast-fashion model has been so successful it has inspired an entire industry to follow them.

Clothing production doubled from 2012 to 2022. The average consumer bought 60 percent more clothing in 2022 than in 2012, but kept each garment half as long. And less than one percent of all clothing produced globally is recycled.

I spend a lot of time reading the corporate social responsibility reports of large brands and interviewing micro-to-small sized enterprises to see how they approach sustainability. The largest significant difference between them is culture.

Small brands focus on creating a culture of sustainability by using strategies like producing made-to-order, so they are not making more than what is sold. Most small brands are opting to work under, an “anti-fashion calendar”. They choose not to follow the intense seasonal calendar that fashion functions under. They do this because waste is one of their biggest concerns. They also design clothing to be of the highest quality, ensuring durability and longevity, so you may keep it longer.

Fast fashion is a “grow or die” business, and the fast-fashion growth model used by all large companies is predicated on limitless growth. Large global corporate retailers are not seeking to change their fundamental business model or create cultures of sustainability. That would require re-working their entire business structure and ultimately hurt their bottom line.

I would start to believe Zara and other large fashion brands had good intentions to fight climate change if they started to look at how to move away from their continuous offerings of weekly new products. They need to introduce alternative sustainable business model practices. One small step could be to offer repair or tailoring services. Tailoring creates clothes that fit perfectly, subsequently increasing their emotional value, so that we love them and keep them longer.

1.What does the author intend to show with the numbers about Zara in paragraph 1?
A.Zara is not eco-friendly.B.Zara is popular with consumers.
C.Zara is a large fast-fashion retailer.D.Zara is a success in fashion industry.
2.Which of the following shows a cultural feature of small brands?
A.Designing clothing as needed.B.Designing clothing seasonably.
C.Producing clothing as needed.D.Producing clothing seasonably.
3.What does the underlined part “bottom line” in paragraph 5 relate to?
A.The fast-fashion retailers.B.The profits from fast fashion.
C.The culture of sustainability.D.The relationship with consumers.
4.What does the last paragraph focus on?
A.How to make consumers love their clothes.
B.How to make consumers buy less clothing.
C.How large fashion brands offer weekly new products.
D.How large fashion brands improve their services.

A key part of protecting endangered species is figuring out where they’re living. Using environmental DNA, or eDNA, to track species isn’t new. For a few years now, researchers have been using DNA in water.

Two teams of scientists — one in Denmark led by Dr Kristine Bohmann and one in the UK led by Dr Elizabeth Clare — came up with the same question at about the same time: Could they identify the animals in an area from DNA that was simply floating in the air? DNA in the air is usually so small that it would take a microscope to see it. “I thought the chances of collecting animal DNA from air would be slim though much time had been spent on it, but we moved on,” said Bohmann who was trying to think of a crazy research idea for a Danish foundation that funds far-out science.

One team collected samples from different locations at Denmark’s Copenhagen Zoo, and the other at Hamerton Zoo Park in the UK. Clearly, they both chose the zoos. “We realized we have the Copenhagen Zoo,” Bohmann recalls. In fact, both the zoos in the UK and Denmark were almost like the zoos that were custom-built for the experiments: The animals in the zoos were non-native, so they really stuck out in DNA analyses. “If we detect a flamingo (火烈鸟), we’re sure it’s not coming from anywhere else but the zoo,” Bohmann says.

In the laboratory, by comparing their samples with examples of DNA from different animals, the scientists succeeded in identifying many different animals at the zoos.

Neither team knew that the other team was working on a similar experiment. The two were nearing submission to a scientific journal when they discovered about the other experiment. Rather than compete to rush out a publication first, they got in touch and decided to publish their findings as a pair. “We both thought the papers are stronger together,” says Clare.

“The next step is to figure out how to take this method into nature to track animals that are hard to spot, including endangered animals,” says Bohmann.

1.What did Bohmann initially think of the experiment?
A.It could be a failure.B.It wouldn’t take long.C.It wasn’t original.D.It would cost much.
2.Why did the scientists look for animal DNA in the zoos?
A.They raised many rare animals there.B.The zoos were specially built for them.
C.They could collect enough animal DNA.D.They could recognize animals confidently.
3.How was the two teams’ relationship when they learned of each other’s work?
4.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Research Teams Test DNA in NatureB.DNA in the Air Helps identify Animals
C.Different Zoos Conduct DNA StudiesD.eDNA Protects Endangered Animals

The Canadian town of Churchill is well-known for its arctic (北极的) wilderness. This town of extremes is home to about 900 year-round residents. However, 500, 000 tourists, more or less, flood here throughout the year.

In this setting, there’s a special find in a simple shipping container just outside the town. It’s a new project called Rocket Greens, led by the Churchill Northern Studies Centre(CNSC). Rocket Greens has successfully demonstrated the possibility of planting fresh, leafy produce regardless of seasons or weather conditions.

Erin Greene, a Churchill resident since 2015, became one of the first subscribers to Rocket Greens’s CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. “When I first moved here, it was very hard to get good-quality fruits and vegetables. We would never get fresh herbs and never see things like Swiss chard or kale,” recalls Greene, who says she now maintains a healthier diet and has become more self-sufficient as a result of the program.

In addition to Rocket Greens, CNSC has set up a seeding project for community garden support. This involves planting seedlings during the late fall and early spring that have been distributed to local community members free of charge in summer. Due to the short growing season and the challenging agricultural conditions, this seeding project offers a head start. “Community members can receive plants at no charge. It’s an educational tool to learn how to seed a field properly and how to grow your own food in your own home,” explains Dylan McCart, director of CNSC. This year’s seeding program will include a variety of crops such as peas, corn and peppers to make up for the traditional vegetables that are typically planted during Churchill summers.

“Considering the challenges of operating in a remote location like Churchill, we were one of the first ones to be able to do it, so it’s great that we were able to have that vision at that time. And it’s still successful today,” McCart says.

1.Why are so many people attracted to Churchill?
A.They want to live in the wilds.B.They like to enjoy the unique scenery.
C.They can taste fresh produce from the locals.D.They wish to become members of Rocket Greens.
2.What is the author’s purpose in mentioning Erin Greene?
A.To advertise the lifestyles of locals.B.To show the diversity of local food.
C.To prove the difficulty of living there.D.To illustrate the effects of the program.
3.Which can best describe the seeding project?
A.It adds fuel to the fire.B.It teaches a man to fish.
C.It pulls a rabbit out of the hat.D.It kills the goose that lays the golden egg.
4.How does McCart feel about the seeding project?

Reimagining the Outdoors: A Photography Workshop with Julia Reynolds

Discover the art of capturing the beauty of nature in this exclusive online workshop organized by Nature’s Lens Magazine.

Renowned photographer Julia Reynolds will guide participants through the essential techniques and creative processes involved in outdoor photography. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, Julia’s expert instruction will inspire you to explore the natural world with your camera lens.

Workshop Highlights:

◆ Exploring Outdoor Photography: Understand the unique challenges and opportunities of outdoor photography.

◆ Composition and Lighting: Learn how to compose stunning outdoor shots and make the most of natural lighting.

◆ Capturing the Moment: Master the art of timing and anticipation to capture the perfect outdoor photograph.

◆ Editing and Post-Processing: Discover essential editing techniques to enhance your outdoor photographs.

Who Should Attend:

▲ Photography enthusiasts eager to improve their outdoor photography skills.

▲ Nature lovers looking to capture the beauty of the great outdoors.

▲ Beginners interested in learning the basics of photography.

Workshop Details:

Date: Saturday, July 15, 2024

★ Time: 10am-1pm (GMT)

★ Participants will receive a recording of the workshop for future reference.

★ Upon registration, participants will receive an email with access details.

Please note: This workshop will be conducted via Zoom. Participants are advised to review Zoom’s privacy policy and terms and conditions prior to registration. Refunds will not be issued for non-attendance or cancellations.

1.What aspect of photography does the workshop focus on?
A.Editing techniques.B.Composition and lighting.
C.Capturing the moment.D.Exploring outdoor photography.
2.How will participants get access details?
A.By email.B.On the website.C.Via Zoom.D.By telephone.
3.What benefit is assured for participants?
A.Unlimited access to Zoom.
B.Free registration for future workshops.
C.A recording of the workshop.
D.24-hour live broadcasting of the workshop.

Until a few years ago, I was a calm person. If you were going to offend me or verbally ______ me, I almost never lost temper ______; of course I felt hurt, but I didn’t show it.

Then, one day, I met my husband and I fell in love with him, a proud ______ who loudly discusses things even with himself when he’s not happy. Things, however, got worse for me when we started ______ on things. He seemed really angry while I seemed polite. Truth is that I was ______ too, but I was used to not showing it on the outside. Fight after fight, he always acted as if nothing had happened a few minutes after each quarrel, while my moments of ______ discontent started to expand until they became hours, sometimes even days.

I felt this had to change and the conversation went ______ like this:

Me: “Either you change your ______ when we fight or I will start avoiding any discussion, otherwise this will ______ our relationship.”

Him: “Did you ______ the Mpemba Effect? If you put two ______ containers filled with the same amount of the same water into the freezer except that one has boiling water in it while the other one has water at ambient (周围的) ______, the boiling water will ______ faster than the ambient water. Baby, you got to boil first, to cool down faster. That’s why the Italians live longer than Canadians.”

The connection he suggested is to be ______, but I have learned a fact I didn’t know, one that has inspired me to understand that if I’m angry about something or someone, for that anger to disappear, it has to be towards the outside or otherwise it is like hiding ______ under the carpet: your house might look clean, but it is not.

A.in turnB.in publicC.in secretD.in time
A.up and downB.by and byC.sooner or laterD.more or less
A.learn fromB.worry aboutC.hear aboutD.hear from

Sharing New Year with Strangers

I come from a large multicultural family, spread out across the globe. Despite being found in distant corners of the world, we’re a tight-knit family that makes an effort to stay close and keep in touch. New Year has always been a special time for us and a chance for us all to come together, no matter where in the world we might be.

My aunt Samantha, known affectionately by everyone in the family as Mantha, loved New Year and always went out of her way to make it cosy and magical for everyone around her. Mantha was kind, fun and full of energy so it wasn’t hard to get into the New Year spirit when she was around.

This year was no exception. Mantha drove three hours from her house in Bournemouth to visit everyone two weeks before New Year and to drop off presents to her friends still in the area. We chatted merrily about our plans, laughed at how organized Mantha was — presents already bought and wrapped and the freezer full ahead of the big day — and kissed goodbye when it was time to leave. So just several days before New Year, when Mantha’s son called us saying Samantha had passed away suddenly at home, none of us could quite believe it. I’d only been messaging her the day before, sharing voice notes like we always liked to do.

Mantha had had a blood clot (血块) that had unfortunately travelled to her lung and despite the paramedic’s best efforts, they were unable to save my beloved, fun, wonderful aunt.

So close to New Year, none of us felt like celebrating and we decided we’d have a quiet day at home, surrounded by family. The silence lasted until my sister-in-law, Vera, told us about some colleagues of hers who’d just arrived in the UK far away from friends and family. And they were eager to experience a proper English New Year.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 开头已给出。
Paragraph 1:

Hearing this, we were in a dilemma.

Paragraph 2:

When the day finally came, we welcomed them into our house.

1. 建议加入汉语课程;
2. 陈述理由。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Sir or Madam,


Li Hua


Since its launch in 1981, China Daily has grown rapidly to become the nation’s leading English-language newspaper. With the online and mobile readership of more than 350 million, it serves 1. a vital role in telling the world about China, providing valuable insight into the world’s second-largest economy 2. witnessing China’s rapid development. 3. (consequent), it is quoted more often by overseas media than any other Chinese publication.

Besides the flagship edition on Chinese mainland and Hong Kong edition, 4. (report) news not only domestically but also globally, China Daily publishes an international edition 5. (cover) North and South America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific and Africa on various digital platforms.

Chinadaily.com.cn, 6. leading national website, is China’s most 7. (influence) English-language platform. More than 36 million readers from 180 countries 8. (download) the China Daily app so far, and its PV reaches 52 million. China Daily also has accounts on well-known social 9. (medium) such as Sina Weibo, WeChat, Facebook and Twitter. By the end of April 2022, its Facebook followers had reached 104 million, and Twitter followers 4.25 million.

China Daily plays a key role in the Asia news network through joint and constant efforts of the continent’s leading newspapers. China Watch, a China Daily supplement (副刊), 10. (issue) one year ago as an insert of more than 20 major international newspapers in 18 countries.


Nicole Graham from Melbourne, Australia owns 10 horses. One afternoon, she and her _________ Paris went for a horse ride when the animals suddenly got _________ in mud. Nicole somehow managed to _________ her daughter’s horse, while the other one, Astro, who weighs around 900 pounds, couldn’t get out of the mud.

_________, as she was struggling to help the poor animal, he got stuck even further. All Nicole could do at that point was to stay by Astro’s side to comfort him and made sure that she kept him _________ until help arrived. She stuck to staying by the 17-year-old horse’s side for over three hours. _________, fire fighters arrived and she felt much _________. In order to bring the big animal to _________, they gave him some sedatives (镇静剂) so that they could attach a harness (马具) to him for a car to _________ the horse from the mud. Luckily, the rescue was __________.

Speaking of the __________, Nicole said to a reporter, “It was terrifying. It was also __________ to see my horse struggling. I’ve been riding here for 20 years and never seen any __________ on the road showing the dangers and didn’t realize it was so muddy.

Stacey Sullivan, the vet who __________ Astro, praised Nicole and said, “A lot of horses don’t make it and I think without the __________ the chance of the horse’s survival would have been a lot lower.”

A.send outB.pull outC.bring upD.clean up