
What started as a sweet gesture on a 32nd birthday has grown into a beloved family tradition for one Midwest family. At the age of 8, Kim Carey made her dad, Ray Ronchetti, a crown(王冠)for his 32nd birthday with the help of her little sister Gina Chandler. Since then, the sisters have_________it and it has been a tradition. Every year, they have such a birthday_________for their dad at home.

“We_________it’s silly, but our dad and our children, who have never seen their_________eat his birthday dinner without a crown, would be_________if we stopped,” says Carey. “It makes Dad so happy. He_________the surprise of seeing it every year.”

Despite their growing families, the sisters still_________the birthday crown themselves, planning about one month _________every year. Each crown over the course of the past few decades has had a different_________.

“One year, we____________to make words with chocolate on the crown,” Carey recalls, “so it kept falling because it was so____________.Every year, we’d like to think up a theme for his birthday crown.”

When a serious disease kept the____________apart, Carey couldn’t go into her dad’s house. She had to leave the crown on her dad’s____________and had a celebration by the Internet. “But with family get-togethers back and my dad____________and in good health, I think we’ll be doing this____________,” said Carey.

A.on averageB.in caseC.at mostD.in advance

An Unforgettable Thanksgiving Day

“Mom, is it okay if I invite a few of the classmates for Thanksgiving?” asked my son Evan. Evan had been senior high school students for two years. The school he attends is a challenging school and is strict with students but Evan did well and he had changed a lot. We were very grateful that our son had learned not only to tidy up, but to shine everything. Most importantly, he became more outgoing.

But with all the strict rules and hard work, the students there were also forming lifelong friendships. It was a practice that those unable to go home for the holidays would find a welcoming place at the table in the home of any of their friends. We’d hosted Evan’s roommates last year and looked forward to meeting new guests this Thanksgiving.

“Oh, one thing, Mom,” Evan continued. “These guys are exchange students. They would be Tim from Thailand, Kanok and Patrick from Mexico and Costel from Canada. They couldn’t eat their traditional dishes at school. So you’d better cook some special dishes for them. I know you are good at cuisine(烹饪). ”

Indeed, I did delicious dishes and I was very excited about the international dishes we’d have at our dinner table. What dishes would I cook for these special visitors? They’d probably love a traditional turkey. But ... what are their traditional dishes? I love to cook, so this was an excuse to take out my wide variety of cook books, to do a little research on the favorite foods of these three faraway lands.

I decided to roast a turkey, and found several traditional dishes of Mexico and Canada. The only traditional dish of Thailand I thought I could have a try was something called foufou. I told Evan about it, who checked in with his friend Tim. “Tim is crazy about foufou, Mom! You have to make it! Tim also said he could help you if you needed. ”

So Turkey Day morning found me busy in the kitchen. The last dish I cooked was foufou. I followed the steps to prepare foufou and finally placed it on the stove(火炉)to cook for ten minutes.

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At this time, I heard Evan’s excited voice, so I went out of the kitchen.


Just as I talked with Tim, I smelt something burning in the kitchen!


Every morning on the island of Oahu, students at Pu’ öhala Elementary gather on a field as towering mountains watch them from the mist. Their day starts with songs in ‘ölelo Hawai’i, the islands’ native language, restating values of respect and justice that their teachers hope will guide them through their education, and throughout their lives.

Like most kids their age, they’re not concerned about the significance of the language they’re learning. Still, they have a weighty responsibility: to receive the torch (火炬) and ensure the security of ‘ölelo Hawai’ i for future generations.

It was only 50 years ago that the language was on the edge of extinction. Though the situation is much improved, in many ways ‘ölelo Hawai’ i is still on life support. Teachers say there’s a huge enthusiasm for school kids to learn the language, but as they grow up, they’re encouraged to focus on “more useful” subjects and use English, which are believed to assist them in achieving success in their work. In 2016, there were 18, 610 Hawaiian speakers on the islands.

“One hundred thousand is the approximate number of speakers needed to consider the language safe, ” says Solomon, professor of Hawaiian language at University of Hawai’i at Manoa. “The idea is that there are enough people passing it on to the next generation, socializing their children to use the language in all domains of life, to express all thoughts and needs and desires. ”

Fortunately, the kids of Pu’ öhala Elementary will take the responsibility to continue the work of the current young adults defending the language, expanding access to ‘ölelo Hawai’i in part through TikTok and Instagram, and making the language a practical skill in adulthood. These youth, along with those committed to recovering the language from previous generations, share their hopes for the better.

1.What are the students at Pu’ öhala Elementary expected to do?
A.To figure out the value of life.B.To go out of the island of Oahu.
C.To pass their native language down.D.To draw people’s attention to folk songs.
2.What makes the students abandon ‘ölelo Hawai’i?
A.Career development.B.The improved situation.
C.Lack of enthusiasm.D.Little educational support.
3.What is the current situation of ‘ölelo Hawai’i according to professor Solomon?
A.It is used in all walks of life.B.It is considered a safe language.
C.It demands more speakers to be safe.D.It has one hundred thousand speakers.
4.What is the author’s attitude towards the future of ‘ölelo Hawai’i?

A professor at the University of South Florida recently published a paper she knew barely anyone would read. At least, not outside her field. The paper had to do with the impact of algae (海藻) blooms and depletion (退化) of coral reefs on the region’s tourism industry.

The work of completing the paper was glum, says Heather O’Leary. It involved tracking visitors’ reactions to the environment on social media. “Part of the data for months was just reading posts: dead fish, dead fish, dead fish,” she recalled. “We were really thinking every day about the Gulf of Mexico and the waters that surround us, about those risks, and the risks to our coastal economy.”

O’Leary wanted people to pay attention to her paper and raise their environmental awareness. But she couldn’t come up with any solutions. However, attending concerts at USF’s School of Music inspired and gladdened her. She reached out to its director of bands, Matthew McCutchen. “I’m studying climate change and what’s going down at the coral reefs,” he remembered her saying. “And I’ve got all this data from my paper and I’d like to know if there’s any way that we can turn it into music. So people can know about my paper.”

Indeed there was. Composition professor Paul Reller worked with students to map pitch, rhythm and duration to the data. It came alive, O’Leary said, in ways it simply couldn’t be done on a spreadsheet.

“My students were really excited to start thinking about how students from other majors, such as the music students, heard patterns that they did not normally hear in some of the repetitions,” she said. In this case, she said, the patterns revealed the economic impact of pollution on coastal Florida communities.

With music, she added, “you can start to sense with different parts of your mind and your body that there are patterns happening and that they’re important.” “The world is going to see more and more of these ‘wicked problems’, the ones that take multiple people with different types of training and background to solve.”

Now,a group of professors and students are working to bring together music and the environment in related projects, such as an augmented (增强的) reality experience based on this composition. The group wants to spread awareness about the algae blooms, data literacy (数据认知) and environmental protection.

1.What does the underlined word “glum” in paragraph 2 mean?
2.What favor did Heather ask Matthew to offer?
A.Turn her algae data into music.
B.Find some music about coral reefs.
C.Teach her some musical terms.
D.Compose songs regarding climate change.
3.What do patterns in Paul’s music reflect?
A.The different types of training.
B.The repetition of pitch and rhythm.
C.The threat of pollution on the costal economy.
D.The complex challenges of wicked problems.
4.What role did Heather think music plays?
A.Providing solutions to the algae problem.
B.Exposing more wicked problems to the public.
C.Showing the economic growth in coastal cities.
D.Helping people experience the problems better.

A lot of people assume the more work they put in at the gym, and the longer and harder they push themselves, the better their results will be. 1. But if you want to get the best gains, the key is to focus on the quality of the work rather than the quantity.

Your body is capable of making only tiny adaptations and improvements at any one time. Once you've given it enough push to make these changes, any additional work you do after that point won't be making you any better. 2. This is because you'll need longer to recover afterwards. Besides, you won't feel fresh when you start your next session. Ideally, it's just enough to do the smallest amount of work required to promote growth in every workout. 3. Thus the minimum amount of exercise brings the maximum physical gains.

4. For example, if a new gym-goer wants to get stronger, he might start a squat (深蹲) workout, which is made up of ten steps, each having five repetitions. In theory, it's a sensible way for building strength. If he's only attempted three steps in his previous exercise, it's far from enough. The fourth step would push him past his previous limit and force adaptation. But the subsequent steps are meant for more professional people. 5.

As a general rule, regardless of your experience, aim to only increase the volume of any exercise by one step from workout to workout.

A.It seems logical.
B.Instead, it'll harm your progress.
C.It's natural that you may want to keep fit.
D.After that, you can stop exercising during the day.
E.Only in this way can you enjoy the benefit of exercise.
F.They would just increase the chance of injury for beginners.
G.How much exercise you need to do depends on your current fitness level.

Walking along the Great Wall is a once-in-a-lifetime dream for many, but Jim Spear has taken it one step 1. (far), spending the last 18 years living in a village beneath the ancient wonder.

2. 68-year-old, a self-taught architect from the US, made the most important decision of his life to move to China in 1986, a year before the Great Wall 3. (list) as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Today, Spear calls Mutianyu village home. In this quiet place, 4. (locate) at the foot of the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall, he lives with his dog in a home with a courtyard garden he tended 5. (he).

As an architect, not only did Spear renovate (翻新) his own dream house, 6. comes with multiple views of the Great Wall, but he also explored ways to boost the local business and support rural residents. Over the years, the architect 7. (help) renovate around 20 households in Mutianyu, most of which now operate 8. hotels or restaurants, while 9. (do) his best to preserve the original structures as much as possible.

In 10. (recognize) of his contributions, Spear was given the Great Wall Friendship Award in 2014.

1.upset _________ _________
2.leave_________ _________
3.wind _________ _________
4.lose _________ _________
5.stand_________ _________
6.spring _________ _________
7.eat_________ _________
8.foresee _________ _________
9.shake _________ _________
10.ride _________ _________
1.forbid _________ _________
2.freeze _________ _________
3.steal _________ _________
4.grow _________ _________
5.throw _________ _________
6.tear _________ _________
7.fly _________ _________
8.shrink _________ _________
9.swim _________ _________
10.lie (躺) _________ _________
1. 表达感谢;2. 提出个人建议;3. 说明理由。
【注意】1. 词数80左右;
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Findings on Perferred Celebration Activities

Dear James,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Yingge Dance, a traditional folk art combining dancing, Chinese martial arts, and Chinese opera, is popular in the Chaoshan area of Guangdong province in South China. Yingge, written with the characters for “hero” and “song”, 1. (mean) heroic song in Chinese and Yingge dancers, as their name implies, are the avatars (化身) of 2. (hero). The dancers each hold a pair of short sticks and strike the sticks with force 3. (create) strong beats — an 4. (art) display of masculinity (男子气概). In 2006, the Puning Yingge Dance 5. (list) among the first batch of national intangible cultural heritages in China.

However, as young people move out of the villages, so are local folk arts 6. (gradual) disappearing all around China. In Puning, Yingge is still danced during holidays such as the Lunar New Year and its performers are generally amateurs — farmers 7. have put down their tools and put on costumes. Some of the parts are passed 8. in the family, from father to son, and so far some villages have started giving performers a basic salary.

9. (dress) in colorful clothes and wearing heavy makeup, ordinary villagers have created a song of cultural confidence. The performance, 10. must-watch for the local people, graces the village square one more time.
