
While it seems like some people are naturally more sociable than others, the fact is that all human beings are social. Armed with some skills, it is possible to train oneself to become more social. 1..

Be less critical (批判性的). 2.. They avoid social interaction because they are afraid of being judged by others, or judgmental toward others. It is important to accept that everybody, no matter how they may seem on the outside, has both positive and negative qualities. What separates the confident people from the insecure people is the attitude that they have toward themselves and the active focus on living a fulfilling social life.

Don’t over analyze your interactions. It is vital to break the habit of anticipating what social interactions will be like before they happen, and of over analyzing them once they are over. Rather than focusing on what may go wrong, approach every new social interaction with a clean state and a positive attitude. 3., focus on the positive things rather than the negative ones. Even if it wasn’t the most eventful interaction of your life, try to identify one good experience from each interaction you have, even if it is as simple as having been able to make somebody laugh.

4.. Interestingly, shy people who feel invisible and unwanted also tend to feel like they are constantly under a spotlight, being watched and criticized by others. This strange paradox (悖论) of shyness is what prevents people from feeling comfortable being themselves in front of others. This doesn’t mean that you should feel like an unimportant person, but rather, that you should acknowledge that you are your own worst critic. 5..

A.When reflecting on past interactions
B.Realize that you’re not that big of a deal
C.Just break out of your comfort zone and try them out
D.Other people are simply too busy to constantly judge you
E.While you are so caught up in their own lives and interactions
F.Some people tend to constantly criticize both themselves and people around
G.Over thinking is usually what prevents people from enjoying social interaction

Southern Africa is home to most of the world’s black and white rhinos. Because of global warming, the weather in this area is changing quickly. People have worked hard to protect rhinos from being hunted, but until now, no one has really looked at how the changing weather might hurt these animals.

A research team from the University of Massachusetts Amherst has recently reported that the area will be affected by both higher temperatures and changing precipitation (降水) and the rhinos are more sensitive to rising temperatures, which will quickly increase above the animals’ acceptable maximum threshold.

Over the last 100 years, Africa’s average monthly temperatures have gone up by 0.5℃ to 2℃. Scientists think that in the next 100 years, it might get even warmer, up to 2 more degrees. This change in weather might also change how much rain we get. But here’s the thing:For animals like white and black rhinos, which people have been trying to protect for a long time, will the heat or the rain changes hurt them more? This is a big question because rhinos don’t have sweat to cool down. They stay cool by taking baths and staying in cool shady spots.

To understand how changing climate will affect rhino populations, lead author Hlelowenkhosi S. Mamba and his colleague, focused their efforts on five large national parks representing diverse landscapes in southern Africa that are home to most of the rhinos. They have found that temperature conditions in all study parks will become increasingly unsuitable for both species, but it is predicted that white rhinos will be affected earlier than black rhinos.

“This research highlights the importance of using climate predictions tor both park and rhino management,” says Randhir. “We propose that park managers now think about increasing water supplies, tree cover, watching for stress and planning to allow rhino migration as the world warms.”

1.How are rhinos traditionally protected?
A.By building their living habitats.
B.By saving them from illegal hunt.
C.By monitoring their physical health.
D.By removing their breeding surroundings.
2.Which can best replace the underlined word “threshold” in paragraph 2?
3.What is a means for rhinos to fight against heat?
A.Cooling heat off by sweating.B.Drinking much water.
C.Migrating to other places.D.Bathing in the water.
4.What is the key suggestion for park managers to help rhinos adapt to climate change?
A.Predicting the weather.B.Buying new species.
C.Boosting habitats.D.Restricting visitors.

While there are already apps that guide blind users to a bus stop’s approximate location, those people may unknowingly end up standing too far away from the actual stop. A new app addresses that shortcoming by letting the smartphone’s camera in on the act.

Known as All_Aboard, the AI-based app was developed by a team of scientists at the Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts Eye and Ear treatment and research center. It’s made to be used along with a third-party GPS-based online navigational (导航的) map.

Users start by using other apps to get to a bus stop’s location. They then open All _Aboard and proceed to hold their smartphone up so that its back camera can “see” the surrounding street. Drawing upon a deep learning neural network which was trained on around 10,000 images of bus stops within that city, the app is reportedly able to visually identify the target stop’s sign if it’s within a range of up to 15 meters away. Once the sign has been spotted, the app guides the user via sonar-like beeps (哔哔声) which change pitch and speed as the person gets closer to the bus stop.

In field tests, 24 legally blind volunteers used both online maps and All _Aboard to locate 20 bus stops—10 in an urban setting and 10 in a suburban environment.

When it came to getting close enough to those stops, online maps alone had a success rate of just 52%, whereas All _Aboard boosted the number to 93%. Additionally, while the average distance between the map’s endpoint and the actual bus stop was 6.62 meters with online maps, it was just 1.54 meters with All _Aboard.

“Our findings suggest that the All _Aboard app could help travelers with visual impairments (视力受损) in navigation by accurately detecting the bus stop, and therefore greatly reducing their chance of missing buses due to standing too far from the bus stops,” said Massachusetts Eye and Ear’s Assoc. Prof. Gang Luo. “This study indicates that computer vision-based object recognition capabilities can be used in a complementary (补充的) way and provide added benefit to purely mapping-based, macro-navigation services in real-world settings.”

1.What is the author’s purpose of writing paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the topic.
B.To highlight other apps.
C.To show the new app’s shortcomings.
D.To detailedly compare the new app with others.
2.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The importance of camera in smartphones.
B.The potential advantage of the new app.
C.How the new app All _ Aboard works.
D.Why users get closer to the bus stop.
3.What can we infer about All _ Aboard from the data given in paragraph 5?
A.High accuracy.B.Good reputation.
C.Perfect property.D.More application.
4.What can be the best title for the text?
A.Blind Users Benefiting From Science
B.A New App Is In The Charge Of Its Users
C.Online Maps Needing Improvement To The Bus Service
D.All _ Aboard Making Navigation Efficient For The Blind

In a video shared online, a young photographer, Lily, is seen confidently directing a well-known action movie star for a photoshopot. Even though the actor is very tall, she is not nervous. She tells him what to do like a real professional, even though she’s still quite young.

“Given his size, I asked him to make more pronounced movements,” said Lily, reflecting on the shoot in a recent interview. The young shutterbug (摄影爱好者) has already taken photos of several personalities and has earned a significant following online, with her work receiving millions of likes.

Lily’s journey into photography began when she was just four years old, with a simple point-and-shoot camera. Her father, recognizing her natural ability to connect with people, encouraged her to explore street photography. At the age of five, she captured a portrait of a renowned musician-turned-actress during a chance encounter in a store, which quickly went viral on the social media.

Since then, Lily has been receiving numerous requests to photograph top talents. “The more I photograph in public places, the more recognition I get, which in turn leads to more chances to work with well-known figures,” she explained.

Because of her young age, some have questioned how she manages to secure such high-profile shoots. Her father, who assists with minor post-production edits, explained that her unique perspective was what attracted the attention of talent agencies. “Through Lily’s lens (镜头), subjects show a different side,” he said. “Her photos capture a softer, gentler aspect of people, celebrity or not.”

Addressing concerns about the use of filters and heavy editing, Lily insists that her images are minimally processed. Her ultimate goal is to evoke (唤起) emotions through her photography and, eventually, to become a full-time portrait photographer. For now, she continues to hone (磨炼) her craft and enjoys the present moment.

1.What phenomenon is described in the first paragraph?
A.A girl is directing a film.B.How a girl is photographing.
C.Children need social activities.D.How a short video is produced.
2.What made Lily gain more attention?
A.She photographed many action movies.B.A famous actress offered to help her.
C.Her father made her skills known.D.Social media played a significant role.
3.How does Lily differ from professional photographers in photographing?
A.She is good at adjusting lens.B.She constantly learns from others.
C.She photographs from a special angle.D.She gains recognition from celebrities.
4.What is Lily’s attitude to improving her skill?

Getting Around Montreal

Montreal is a city for fun and festivals as dozens of summer celebrations highlight everything. Your best bet for getting around Montreal can be on foot, but there are other options if this isn’t the best mode of transport for you.

The Montreal subway is the best way to get about town quickly. It’s easy to navigate because there are only four color-coded lines: green, blue, orange, and yellow. The subway does not operate around the clock. It stops running from about 1:00 am to 5:30 am.

The bus system is even more extensive and equally recommended. A one-way fare costs $2.50. A strip of six tickets costs $11.50. A one-day tourist card, good for unlimited use, costs $9; a three-day tourist card costs $17. If you’re staying longer, purchase a regular weekly pass for $18.50.

A number of taxis are lined up on the airport’s ground level. Payment must be made in Canadian funds, but some drivers will make exceptions and accept US currency. It costs a minimum of $3.15 for the taxi ride and an additional $1.45 per kilometer. There’s a wait time charge of 55 cents per minute as well before you are picked up.

Like any other major city, Montreal’s rush hour ranks with the best or worst of them. Driving through city traffic is an art because there are a maze of one-way streets and lots of pedestrians (行人). In addition, a summer festival means the closing of some of the busiest streets in the city. Your biggest driving challenge may be when it comes time to park the car, as there are daily parking restrictions for street cleaning, rush hour, and residential parking.

Other ways to travel in Montreal are on foot or by bike. Montreal boasts hundreds of miles of walk and bike paths throughout the region.

1.How many transportation means are mentioned in the text?
2.What are you advised to do when taking a taxi in Montreal?
A.Increase your wait time for the taxi.
B.Avoid ordering the taxi much earlier.
C.Take US currency whenever possible.
D.Pay an extra tip of $1.45 to the driver.
3.What is the text?
A.A guide of ways of traveling.B.A travel journal.
C.A survey on ways of traveling.D.A travel schedule.
假定你是李华,你校英文报刊正在招聘英文记者。请你给负责此事的外教Mr. Black写封邮件,申请这个职位。内容包括:
1. 拥有良好的英语表达能力;
2. 关心时事;
3. 有做记者的经历;
4. 父亲是名记者,深受其影响。
注意: 1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Mr. Black,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Read Yuan Longping’s information and answer the questions.


Yuan Longping






Sept.7, 1930


Graduated from southwest agricultural college in 1953

Life goal

Finding ways to produce more rice


To export his hybrid rice (杂交水稻) so that it can be grown

around the globe


In 1973, he developed hybrid rice which produced 20% more than normal rice


Listening to violin music, playing mahjiong, swimming and reading

1.Which of the following is Yuan Longping’s favourite music?
A.Pop music.B.Country music .C.Violin music.D.Piano music.
2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the form?
A.His name.B.His nationality.C.His birthplace.D.His occupation.
3.From the form,we know that ________.
A.Yuan Longping developed hybrid rice in 1972.
B.Yuan Longping graduated from Southwest College in 1953.
C.Yuan Longping was born in 1930.
D.Yuan Longping dreamt to win a big prize.
4.According to the form, which of the following is NOT true?
A.Yuan Longping was an expert in agriculture.
B.Yuan Longping hoped his hybrid rice could be grown only in China.
C.Yuan Longping graduated from college when he was 23 years old.
D.Yuan Longping’s life goal was to find ways to grow more rice.

China’s famous museums include ancient buildings and world class modern museums with big collections. They are excellent places for sightseeing and learning about China.

Sanxingdui Museum

The museum is on the path less beaten by tourists, but it makes one of the top museums for the 3,400-year-old artworks. If you’re an ancient history fan, this place will attract you. If you love art, its style will surprise you a lot.

The Palace Museum

The museum is one of the largest old buildings kept in the country with a history of 600 years old. Built at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty between 1406 and 1420, it was the home of 24 rulers and their courts. It is one of the finest buildings in China and a good place to study Chinese history.

The Shanghai Museum

The big modern museum is popular with foreign tourists. It is probably the most modern museum with the focus on creative art displays about the history of the whole area. Located in People’s Square, the museum is most famous for its huge collection of china.

The Shaanxi History Museum

Since 14 historical dynasties founded their capitals and developed in Shaanxi Province, the museum may have the oldest treasure of all the museums in China. The artworks show the greatness of the museum, and the displays are modern and well laid out.

1.What do we know about the Palace Museum?
A.The museum is one of the oldest buildings in China.
B.The museum was built at the end of the Ming Dynasty.
C.The museum was the home of 26 rulers and their courts.
D.The museum is a good place to learn Chinese history.
2.Which museum is located in People’s Square?
A.Sanxingdui Museum.B.The Palace Museum.
C.The Shanghai Museum.D.The Shaanxi History Museum.
3.Who will be interested in this passage?
A.A person who is fond of music.B.A person who is into Chinese culture.
C.A person who has passion for movies.D.A person who is interested in sports.
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

It was Mother’s Day morning last year. My son, a five-year-old boy 1.( name) Tom, and I were leaving the supermarket after shopping. Suddenly an old woman2.(fall)over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground.Her husband was with her,but the woman was3.(serious) hurt and shaking with pain.

At the front of the supermarket a charity group was selling some beautiful 4.(flower)to raise funds. Tom wanted5.(buy)the lady a flower. “It will make her feel better” he said. I was6.(surprise)that he’d come up with such a sweet idea. So we went to the flower seller to buy a flower7.the lady. By now rescuers had arrived,and they were8.(take) care of the injured woman. As we walked up to her,my son became scared by all the blood and medical equipment. He said he was just too scared to go up to her.

Instead I gave the flower to the woman’s husband9.told him,“ My son was very upset for your wife and bought her this flower to cheer her up. ”At that moment,the old man was moved and said,“Thank you so much,you have 10.good son. Happy Mother’s Day to you. ”

The man then gave his wife the flower,telling her who it was from. Although badly hurt,the old lady looked up at Tenyson with thanks in her eyes and gave him a little smile.


Once again. Myra sat alone on the bus. Even after two weeks at her new school, Myra had not made any friends. At recess between classes, she played alone. In _______ class, she drew alone. In the lunchroom, she ate _______. And on the bus home, she sat alone. Myra could not _______ why no one wanted to be her friend. Other kids joked and laughed with each other. But _______ of them joked and laughed with her. Just thinking about it made her _______ hurt and her stomach feel funny.

One day, as Myra sat alone on the way to school, she looked at the seat _______ from her. She saw a girl sitting all by herself. The girl looked _______, too. Myra wondered if she should say hello.

But what if the girl didn’t want to be her friend? Maybe she already had a lot of friends. What if the girl _______ her? What if she laughed at her? Myra stared at the floor of the bus. Finally, she took a deep _______ to relax and smiled at the girl. The girl smiled back. Myra said, “Hi, I’m Myra. Do you want to sit next to me?”

The girl’s smile ________. “I’m Nadia! Yes. I’d like to sit next to you.” At the next stop, Nadia slid into the seat next to Myra. They joked and laughed the whole way to school. At ________, Myra and Nadia played together. In the lunchroom, they ate together. And on the bus ________ home, they sat together. When it came time for Myra to get off the bus, she turned to her new friend. “Bye, Nadia! I’ll see you tomorrow!” Nadia smiled. “Good-bye, Myra. I’ll ________ you a seat.” Myra got off the bus. She turned around and waved to Nadia. Then she watched as the bus drove away. A big smile ________ across Myra’s face. She had made a friend, a friend who was going to reserve a seat for her tomorrow. She could ________ wait.

A.on her wayB.to her delightC.in her favourD.on her own
A.rule outB.carry outC.figure outD.put out