
More than 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous Period(白垩纪), many species died off during a global disaster often called the K-Pg extinction. The end of the Cretaceous Period saw some very big changes in Earth’s oceans and on its lands. It wiped out up to 80% of all animal species, including the dinosaurs. But 20% of the animals that were alive with the dinosaurs did survive. What were these amazing animals? How and why did they survive while so many others disappeared forever? Behold the survivors of the K-Pg mass extinction.

Spider Arachnid

The earliest web-spinning arachnids (蛛形纲动物)produced silk from their abdomens about 386 million years ago. These ancient arachnids are closely related to today’s spiders. The original function of spider webs was probably to wrap eggs in a protective covering. Later, spiders evolved to use their silk to spin webs for catching prey. This ingenious invention helped them save energy while hunting and made it easier for them to survive.

Dragonflies Meganeura 巨脉蜻蜓

Today these flying insects have wings with a span of about 6 inches. But the earliest dragonflies used to grow to huge sizes 325 million years ago. The Meganeura dragonfly had a wingspan of almost 27 inches and would have dwarfed the largest modern dragonfly. In the oxygen-rich swamp environment of the Cretaceous, their large size helped Meganeura to absorb needed oxygen. But after the K-Pg extinction, the air and water contained less oxygen. Dragonflies adapted to their new environment by becoming smaller.

Crocodile Sarcosuchus 帝王鳄

The largest Sarcosuchus from the Cretaceous was 39 feet long. This is three times longer than the biggest modern crocodile. Crocodiles are predators and have probably hunted in much the same way for the past 225 million years. They have survived all this time by matching their relatively small size with their extremely powerful jaws that produce a great biting force.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1.When did the K-Pg extinction happen?
2.How did spiders survive?
3.What were Meganeura’s large-sized wings used for?
4.Dragonflies didn’t become smaller to adapt to the new environment, did they?
5.Compared with crocodiles today, did crocodiles 225 millions ago hunt differently or similarly?

Some of you may play Ant Forest. It is a game on Alipay. Users collect “energy” to make their “trees” grow. When the “energy” reaches a certain level, some organizations and companies will plant a real tree in a desert area of China. And now it seems that the nation’s efforts as a whole to make a greener world have paid off.

According to a study by NASA and published in the journal Nature Sustainability in February, China and India are mainly responsible for making the Earth greener over the past two decades. The study has found that since 2000 the Earth’s green leaf area has increased by 5 percent, or over 5 million square kilometers. That’s an area equivalent to the total area of the Amazon rainforest. It is mainly the result of big tree planting programs in China and intensive agriculture in both countries, according to NASA. “China and India account for one third of the increased greening but contain only 9 percent of the planets land area covered in vegetation.” Chi Chen, the study’s lead author and a researcher at Boston University, US, told CNN. China was the major contributor, adding 25 percent to this increase, while India added 6.8 percent.

Over the past decades, China has made great efforts to green the land. In 1978, China began a national-level forestation project—the Three North Shelterbelt Forest Program, also known as the “Great Green Wall”. The program has seen many trees planted in 13 provinces and autonomous regions in northern China to act as windbreaks, according to China Daily. By the end of 2017, the forest coverage rate among the regions of the project had reached 13.57 percent, compared to 5.05 percent 40 years ago.

For example, Kubuqi Desert, which is near the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia, is the seventh largest in the country. It was once the source of sandstorms in Beijing. But thanks to forestation efforts, about one third of the Kubuqi Desert is now covered with trees and shrubs, and sandstorms are less common, reported Xinhua News Agency.

In the light of China’s success in dealing with desertification, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) believes China is a good example for others to follow. “China is one of the most successful countries in greening the desert and has lessons to share with the world.” UNEP Executive Director Erik Solheim told Xinhua.

1.When the users of Ant Forest collect enough “energy”, ________.
A.a tree can be planted in the game
B.they can go to the desert and plant a tree
C.a tree in the desert will be named after them
D.an organization or a company will plant a tree in a desert
2.According to NASA, ________.
A.China contributes more to the increased greening than India
B.the area covered in vegetation contains 9 percent of the planets land
C.the increase in greening is the result of big tree-planting programs in India
D.China and India helped the Amazon rainforest become greener
3.What does the word “it” (Para.2) refer to?
A.The area is equivalent to the total area of the Amazon rainforest.
B.Since 2000 the Earth’s green leaf area has increased by 5 percent, or over 5 million square kilometers.
C.China and India are mainly responsible for making the Earth greener one the past two decades.
D.Big tree-planting programs in China and intensive agriculture in both countries.
4.What can be known about the “Great Green Wall”?
A.It was a project led by the 13 provincial governments.
B.This project started in 1978 and completed in 2017.
C.Trees were planted to provide protection from the wind.
D.The forest coverage rate of China increased about 8.5%.
5.Why does the author write this article?
A.To suggest that other countries learn from China’s actions.
B.To call for more efforts to make the Earth greener.
C.To state that China has been playing a leading role to increase green land.
D.To prove that the green leaf area on the Earth has been decreasing rapidly in recent years.
It is said that a strange disease ________ South Sudan. Until now the disease ________ the death of at least 89 people.
A.is causing an effect on; has caused
B.is having an impact on; has resulted from
C.is damaging to; has lead to
D.is causing damage to; has resulted in
—When will a person feel cold in summer?
—Well, when he ________. You know, ________ can affect the temperature.
A.is in the South Pole; longitude
B.reaches the top of the mountain; altitude
C.is located near the equator; latitude
D.is situated in the Sichuan Basin; clouds
Parents ________ their children’s safety. All of the followings have the same meaning EXCEPT ________.
A.fear forB.are concerned with
C.are concerned aboutD.worry about

Many of us have been troubled by junk mail or phone calls from salespeople. We are especially angry that our personal information has been leaked (泄露).

Here comes some good news. On Dec. 28,China’s top law-making body made rules to protect personal information online and public interests (利益). Such a decision is timely and necessary. Online information safety has been a problem because of no Internet laws. Some people are making use of the Internet to damage (损害) the rights and interests of the nation and people.

Liu Yang, a bank officer in Beijing said to China Daily that he has received many messages from a school that asked whether he was interested in security (证券) classes.” I am preparing for a licensing examination, but I’d like to know how those schools could know that if the examination organizers didn’t sell my information,” he said.

The trading of personal information is not allowed in the rules. Companies and government staff who break the rules will be punished. If people find their information has been spread online, they have the right to ask websites to delete it.

The rules also ask Internet users to give their real names to service providers. Some main micro-blogging services, including Tencent Weibo and Sina Weibo, already started asking users to stop online rumors (谣言) and create a healthy online environment. But users can continue to use their Web names when posting something online.

Making laws to protect personal information and stop junk electronic information is common in other countries. Nearly 100 countries have such laws, including the US, the UK and Japan.

1.What does the word salespeople mean?
2.What often make us angrier?
A.We have got junk mail.B.We have junk phone calls.
C.We aren’t allowed to protect ourselves.D.Our personal information has been leaked.
3.Why has online information safety been a problem?
A.Because there is not a Internet law.B.Because people are interest in the Internet.
C.Because people isn’t right to use the Internet.D.Because some people are making use of the Internet.
4.Which isn’t allowed by the Internet law?
A.Internet users have to stop online rumors.
B.The personal information is spread online.
C.Internet users have to give their real names to service providers.
D.We have the right to ask websites to delete the information that hurt ourselves.
5.What is the best title of this passage?
A.How to make us not be troubled.B.The trading of personal information.
C.The trouble of junk mail or phone calls.D.The Internet law keeps the information safe.

Your parents go to work and you are at home alone(独自). Do you _____ it’s great?

Cao Fan says _____.“I can do my favorite things, like _____ TV and playing computer games. But who cooks the _____ for me?” the fourteen-year-old boy says.“I can have instant noodles(方便面), but that's not healthy. I think many _____ my classmates are the same. Our _____ do all the things for us at home.”

Students _____ to learn some life skills(生活技能).Making chicken is _____ for you, but tomato and egg is easy. Sweaters are big for you to wash, _____ socks and T-shirts are small. You can't tidy the big house. So, how about your room? You see, there are lots of ______ we can learn to do.

The winter holiday is a good time to start. Come on! And try(尝试) to learn to do something.

Over the past decade, an increasing stress has been placed on the importance ofScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) related classes in primary,middle and high school education in the U􀆰 S. The reason for this direction is well founded:research and test scores from the 1980s and 1990s showed that our students had fallen behindtheir international peers in all of these subject areas. Education officials, teachers andparents all felt that the situation needed to be changed, and quickly. However, in the rushto play catchup in STEMrelated areas, there's one important aspect that is beingneglected (忽略): the Fine and Performing Arts, particularly drama.It's long been understood that a study of drama at the primary, middle and high schoollevel helps students improve in many areas, such as selfconfidence, selfexpression,communication skills, teamwork, and imagination. Most educators and parents agree thatall of these are important for students to develop at any age, but it is difficult for the sameparents and teachers to prioritize (优先安排) study time and classroom time to a subject likedrama over subjects like Math, Physics or Computer Science. It's even more difficult forpolicy makers and school officials to channel funds (资金) towards classes like drama,when the skills arts subjects develop are considered “soft skills.” When the modern world iscalling out for “hard” skills, like those needed to succeed in the techdriven 21st century,how can they possibly prove it is reasonable to spend their funds that are becoming smallerand smaller on anything but STEM subjects?The short answer to the question “why spend time and money on drama?” is that dramaeducation has been scientifically proven to improve students' achievement, especially incommunication skills that are very important to a STEM education. As we develop studentswith highly refined skills in STEM subjects, it's equally important that we train the teachersthat will support continued growth in these areas. An active, communicative teacher is thebest way to get students on board in the study of STEM subjects, which can be unbearablydry. The best way to develop active communication skills? Drama. The next area in whichthe communication skills can be developed is publication and conference presentation.Drama improves students' public speaking skills necessary for STEM students to effectivelypresent papers in conferences and their writing skills necessary to publish papers. It's alsovery important for students to be able to work well with one another. In the real STEMworld, almost all scientific work happens in teams. Without the “ soft ” people skillsnecessary to navigate (导航) all of these interactions, no matter how technologically skilledone becomes, he or she will be at a disadvantage without the ability to communicate andwork in teams.While the nationwide trend (趋势) to focus on playing catchup in STEM education isreasonable, practical, and absolutely necessary, it's important not to forget the huge effectarts, specifically drama education, have on the overall education of our children. Thequestion parents, educators, and policy makers should be asking themselves is not “can weafford to support arts education in schools?” but rather “can we afford not to?”
1.Why did Americans start to stress STEM related classes?
A.Because the world has moved into a techdriven century.
B.Because STEM classes have long been neglected in America.
C.Because education officials prefer STEM classes to art classes.
D.Because US students are expected to be at an advantage in these areas.
2.The word “channel” in Paragraph 2 probably mean “ ”.
3.The third paragraph is mainly about .
A.the benefits of drama education
B.the importance of STEM learning
C.the abilities needed for STEM learning
D.the reasons to improve drama education
4.The writer probably agrees that .
A.drama is more important than STEM classes
B.drama education has been the nationwide trend
C.the result of neglecting drama education is hard to bear
D.American students have made progress in playing catchup
—______ you ______ your sister has learned a lot in the school over the three years.
     — Yes, so we really want to say thanks to our kind and caring teachers who have given us wonderful memories.
A.Either; orB.Neither; norC.Not only; but alsoD.Both; and
九年寒窗苦,六月备考忙。对于即将到来的中考,同学们既有期盼也有压力。为了让同学们学得开心,学有信心,我校英文报刊将开展“How to Face Senior High School Entrance Examination”的征文比赛,请你根据提示内容,用英语简要描述并适当表达自己的观点。内容要点如下表:

注意事项:1. 征文须包含表格中所有要点。要求语句通顺,意思连贯;
                 2. 词数100左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

How to Face Senior High School Entrance Examination

        The Senior High School Entrance Examination is coming. Are you ready for it? Although we have dreams, we may feel worried from time to time.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________