A: Hi, Zhou Hui! What fashionable sportswear you are wearing today!
B: Thanks, Jack. It’s Li Ning, a famous Chinese national sports brand. I like 1. sportswear better than the other brands’, not only for the cool style, but also for the breathable 2.. It’s very comfortable.
A: Really? What’s it made of?
B: The label(标签)on it 3. it’s made of Xinjiang cotton. We Chinese know that our nation’s 4. cotton is produced in Xinjiang, as China’s over 80% cotton comes there.
A: I know Xinjiang cotton, as so many famous brands use it to make their products. Can you tell me more about it?
B: Well, according to historical records, the first cotton introduced from India to Xinjiang through Silk Road could 5. back to the late Western Han Dynasty, more than 2000 years ago. Cotton soon spread widely there because of the full sunlight and suitable rainfall, which meet the 6. of cotton’s growth.
A: Wow, what a long history it has!
B: Also, the pure(纯)white color and strong tensile(伸缩)strength of the cotton make it popular among customers. What’s more, it is 7. with the name “White Gold” for the value.
A: Great! No wonder that Xinjiang cotton is of high quality, and 8. is Li Ning.
B: Of course. Actually, besides Li Ning, some other Chinese brands have surprised the world. Time magazine recently released(发布)a 9. of the 100 most influential brands in the world. Several Chinese brands were included, such as Alibaba, Huawei, and TikTok.
A: There is no doubt that many Chinese brands are going worldwide and becoming well-known.
B: Yes, we all feel excited and 10. that more and more brands are shaping the world with high technology.

Nowadays, we can call our friends from a thousand kilometers away. We can talk to each other at the tap (轻敲) of a button on WeChat. Developments of technology have brought us 1. (close) together than ever before.

It is, of course, the most 2. (convenience) and quickest way of communication. However, do we ever think about what we are losing? As someone who 3. (like) writing and receiving letters, I often feel sad that so few people now give letter writing a fair chance.

While you might consider letter writing to be out-of-date, I believe we should all write and send letters more often. To begin with, there is lots of love in a handwritten letter. This is 4. texting or calling doesn’t feel as special as writing. These days, we focus on getting things 5. (do) in the quickest way. Handwritten letters, however, deliver (传递) much more 6. (warm) because they take time for us to prepare. When we receive a letter, we feel we are loved, remembered and missed. In fact, the process of writing a letter can make us feel happy, too. When we sit down and focus on what we are writing, we allow 7. (we) to take a break from the stress of our lives.

Moreover, while texts come and go, letters can be 8. (keep) forever. We can always go back and read them again. 9. keeping a letter, we keep a part of that person and his or her relationship with us.

10. pick up your pen! Let’s bring back the art of letter writing.


The Most Valuable Player (MVP) award was what I hoped to get. Yes, MVP-the best. Win this award and everyone regards you as the best player on your team.

Back in Grade 6, soccer became my favorite sport. I wasn’t the best player on the team at the beginning of the year. But after a lot of hard practice, by the end of the year, I felt that I was the MVP.

As the soccer season went on, our team made it to the playoffs (季后赛). We finished second in the city. We were a very good team, and I was a big part of that. Kenny was the captain, but I had the most goals on the team. Kenny would always pass the ball to all his players. At the end of the year, there was a sports dinner at school. People got awards for outstanding performances. Everyone felt that I would get the MVP. When the dinner almost finished, the coach stood up and announced the winners for the awards. “The winner for MVP is...Kenny!” he said.

I didn’t understand why. After the event, the coach came up to me and explained. He said, “You were the best player on the team, but you did not pass the ball. You were out there for yourself and not for the team. You have to realize that soccer is about the team, not about one individual player.” That night, I did receive a trophy (奖杯). It was called the Most Improved Player (MIP). However, I was embarrassed by what the coach said.

Now I’m in Grade 9 and the captain of the soccer team. I feel that I have learned that a team sport is not just “you”. It’s about “us”. I am both a better player and a better captain because of this.

1.By the end of the year, the writer felt that he would get the MVP because ________.
A.he was good at passing the ballB.he always had the most goals
C.he got better and better at soccerD.he was the captain of the team
2.The writer felt ________ when he heard that the winner for MVP was Kenny.
3.The underlined word “individual” might mean ________.
4.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Kenny was the captain and had the most goals.
B.The writer won the MVP award when he was in Grade 6.
C.The coach thought that the writer wasn’t the best player.
D.The writer finally realized the importance of teamwork.
travel       it       end     cover     leaf     world       quick     France     they     long

Have you been to Canada? How much do you know about this country? Canada is the 1. second largest country after Russia. It’s an area of 9.98 million square kilometers. It is north of the United States. 2. capital is Ottawa (渥太华). It has two official languages. One is English, and the other is 3..

There are about 38 million people in Canada. Most Canadians live in or near cities. Canada is a beautiful country. There are big open areas, large cities, 4. glaciers (冰川), forests, lakes and mountains. The special animals in Canada are beavers (海狸), which are really good at swimming and can act 5. when facing danger.

The weather in Canada is quite different in a whole year. Spring begins in mid-March and ends in mid-May.

Summer is longer. Winter is the 6. season in Canada. It lasts for about five months. So in winter, most places are 7. with snow and people can ski a lot. Another attractive season is autumn, because maple (枫树) 8. turn red. It’s a perfect time for people to enjoy 9. under the beautiful maple trees.

Have you ever 10. to Canada? If you haven’t, find some time to go there in the future.


Roberta, Peter and Phyllis lived in a large house in London. Father worked hard in a government office. He was never angry and always ready for a game. Mother was almost at home, ready to play with the children, read to them, and help them do their home lessons.

These three lucky children always had everything they needed: pretty clothes, good fires, a lovely playroom and a dog called James. They had a happy life, but they did not know how happy till the pretty life in the large house was over.

Peter had a toy and it broke. After dinner, Peter showed Father the broken toy. Father looked it over and promised to repair it on Saturday.

At that moment two men came to see Father. Minutes passed. Father’s voice came out from the study, loud and angry.

More time passed. Then Mother came in and said, “Father’s been called away— on business.”

A week after their father went away, their mother said, “Now, we’re going to move to the country. A pretty little white house, called Three Chimneys.”

The family started packing: clothes, plates, candles and also tables and chairs. “We seem to be taking all the ugly things,” said Roberta.

“We’re taking the useful ones,” said Mother. “We will have to get used to a poor life.”

Peter said happily, “I do like moving! I wish we moved once a month.” Mother laughed and said, “I don’t like moving!”

As she turned away, Roberta saw her face. She never forgot it. “Oh, Mother,” she whispered, “how I love you! You are brave enough to laugh when you’re feeling like that!”

Then they took a train to Three Chimneys. No one knew how long they had been in the train when Mother woke them up.

They stood in the cold night air on the dark platform (站台). At that moment they didn’t know how important the station and the trains would become to them. They didn’t know they were going to be the railway children.

1.What was the three children’s life like before their Father was taken away?
A.Only mom played with them at home because she had no job.
B.They had everything they wanted.
C.Their life was full of joy.
D.Their father could make a lot of money for them from his business.
2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?
A.Father was taken away from his office.
B.Their life in the big house only lasted one week or so after Father was taken away.
C.Mother didn’t tell them the real reason why Father was taken away.
D.Father failed to repair the broken toy.
3.While the train was going towards Three Chimneys, what did the three children do?
A.They kept on playing games.B.They kept sleeping.
C.They talked about their new house.D.They enjoyed the scenery along the way.
4.What can we learn from the underlined sentence “She never forgot.”?
A.Roberta realized her mother actually didn’t like moving.
B.The sad look on her mother’s face deeply touched her.
C.Roberta was too young to understand her mother.
D.Mother made Roberta too scared to forget the look on her face.
—Whose is the pencil box?
—It_______ be Tom's. Look at his name on the cover!

Renald Richard is a professional trumpet(小号) player and songwriter in the USA. Born in 1925 in Louisiana, Richard’s memories of children are filled with music. His father played the piano. His uncles and cousins all played instruments and sang. So at the age of six, Richard started piano lessons at home. At the age of 13, Renald Richard went to see band perform at a church dance. He noticed two young trumpet players in the band. He thought they were cool. Then Renald started lessons on the trumpet.

He started his career in New Orleans, his hometown, and performed with many groups including his family band, the Johnson Brothers and did trumpet studio work with other artists in the late 1940s.

While playing in Houston in 1954, Richard met the manager of musician Ray Charles. Ray Charles was forming a new band and he invited Richard to play trumpet in the band. Soon Richard became Charles’ band leader. Renald Richard toured all over the South and West with Ray Charles. Sitting in the back seat of the car on the way to a gig(演奏会), Richard wrote the song I Got a Woman for Charles. It became Ray Charles’ first number one radio hit and the song put Ray Charles on the map. Richard wrote many other songs that were recorded by artists including the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Elvis Presley. He was very excited when music artist Kanye West used I Got a Woman as the basis for his hit song Gold Digger, which was No. 1 in the world for 16 weeks on the Billboard Charts, 2006-2007.

Renald taught in private and public schools in Louisiana and New York for over 30 years and stopped teaching in 1991. Living in Southern Florida, Richard was still active at the age of 92.

Renald made a lot of special achievements throughout his lifetime. “To be a musician, it’s like fulfilling a part of your life that’s not replaceable. It’s something that I enjoy and I love to do and I get a satisfaction from it,” Renald said.

Renald J. Richard, aged 96, passed away in Marco Island, Florida on Friday, November 26, 2021.

Renald Richard: A life filled with 1.

Renald Richard, an American famous musician, was born in 1925. He 2. at the age of 96 a few weeks ago.
His childhoodRichard learned to play the piano when he was six.
At 13, two trumpet players attracted his 3., then he started practicing the trumpet.
Musical 4.Richard started to perform in his home town. He worked with many artists in the late 1940s.
He played an important 5. in Ray Charles’ Band in 1954.
Many famous artists 6. his songs. Kanye West’s Gold Digger   7. on his I Got a Woman remained No. 1 for 16 weeks.
He worked as a teacher 8. 1991.
He was still active after when he was 92.
His feelingsRichard thought he couldn’t imagine his life 9. music.
He was 10. about music and got pleasure from it.

Which “go” has the same meaning as that in the sentence “I doubt if he will accept my advice, but I’ll give it a go”?
A.Mary is full of go this morning.B.It took her three goes to get it right.
C.Whose go is it to clean the classroom?D.Three kids keep her always on the go.

“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”。一件很平凡微小的事情,它带来的温馨会在赠花人和受花人的心底慢慢升騰、弥漫。因此,善待他人就是善待自己,请以“An act of kindness”为题结合自己生活中一次真实经历写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对善良的看法。



An act of kindness

compete       reduce       protect          various          science
recommend       annually       whale       value       creation

The definition of 1. in the dictionary is “the practice or industry of hunting and killing whales for their oil, meat, or whalebone.” This industry has greatly increased in the past century, making it a highly 2. business and slowly making the whales a dying species.

People hunt whales because every part of the whale is useful. Meat, skin, blubber, and organs contain a 3. of nutrients, such as protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Whale oil and baleen (sometimes called whalebone, although it’s not bone at all) are also 4.. Technological developments since the mid-nineteenth century have increased their kill. For example, the steamboat and floating factory ships are responsible for bringing about a dramatic 5. in whale population.

Countries all over the world have been paying more and more attention to the 6. of whale populations. Lots of efforts have been made to protect whales.The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was 7. in 1946 to protect these creatures. The IWC encourages, funds whale research and publishes the results of these and other 8. research. The IWC has three committees (委员会) to assist it in performing these functions. The Scientific Committee analyzes data on whales and makes its 9. to the Technical Committee. The Technical Committee drafts rules for consideration by the IWC at its 10. meetings. The Finance and Administration Committee oversees the entire IWC.
