A: Lately Chengdu has seen another outbreak of the CONVID-19 pandemic. Everyone is busy fighting the virus. Can you introduce how people deal with the pandemic around the world?
B: Well, if you visit Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali, you’ll see dozens of hand-washing basins (洗手池) at the city’s bus station that 1. passengers to wash their hands before getting into the bus. Doctors suggested that all cities should build hand-washing stations in public areas.
A: The doctors really have a 2.. If everyone was washing their hands actively, we would certainly see a 3. in all types of infections (感染). I wonder how people stopped the pandemic in the old days.
B: Actually, the pandemic has always been around in human history, and the fight 4. the virus has never stopped. In 1854, a cholera (霍乱) outbreak in London, UK 5. to the design of modern sewers (下水道). At that time, Londoners’ drinking water came from groundwater. It was heavily 6. by wastewater. The sewer system separated (分隔) the wastewater from the groundwater. This stopped the spread of cholera. In New York, US, tuberculosis (肺结核) caused many 7. in the early 1900s. one reason was the overcrowded conditions in apartment buildings. Eventually the New York government made laws that required all apartments to have air shafts (通风井), windows, running water and indoor toilets. That worked and saved lots of lives.
A: It seems 8. there is a serious disease outbreak somewhere in the world, city planners come up with new ideas to fight it.
B: You are quite right about that. During this year’s pandemic. Mayor of Paris introduced the idea of “decentralizing (去中心化)” the city — every neighborhood should have a mix of stories, homes, offices, and other important buildings. This would avoid 9. on public transportation and prevent the spread of disease.
A: Pandemics have been 10. the cities around the world for a long time in human history. The same is true of Chengdu. We are building a garden city now. We are sure to see a safer and more beautiful Chengdu in the future with our hard and creative work through the hard time.
B: You can bet on it!

Lie down, but don’t be beaten down.

“Tang ping”, or “lie down”, has become a buzzword among young Chinese people recently. It is used to describe youngsters who give up all ambitions of achieving worldly success in life, and instead do the least to get by. Such people prefer to lie down, lower their desire for buying new things, and keep themselves far away from competition for fame and money.

Many say such people don’t want to work hard for a better life. Others say those who “lie down” decide to avoid the unreasonable fierce competition at school and work, looking for new ways of developing their career and leading a meaningful life.

It’s no good criticizing the young generation for “lying down” before finding out why they choose to do so.

The fierce competition for a good college, the tiring 996 work schedule(working from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week), and the skyrocketing house prices frustrate(使挫败)many young people. Some even believe no matter how hard they try, they will fail. In this case, why not lie down in the first place?

Instead of taking part in “involution”(内卷), which gives people a burned-out feeling and makes individual efforts less worthwhile in involuntary (不自愿的)competitions, these young people would rather live a different life, focusing more on their personal development than success.

This trend of “lying down” requires attention but there is no need to panic. On the one hand, it serves as a warning to prevent the country from sliding into a low-desire society, as happened in Japan, where an aging population and a large number of young people who have lost their passion are destroying the economy. On the other hand, the phrase serves more as self-mockery(自嘲), and thus serious criticism is not necessary. Young people also like to call themselves “corporate slaves”(社畜)though they mean no harm to the company. These fun terms help them find people alike and feel better.

Luckily, the government and more companies are seeking solutions to ease the pressure of the young. For instance, Bye-Dance Technology made new rules last November to discourage staff from working overtime. The company told its employees not to work beyond 7 pm. In recent years, the government is also putting growing efforts into lowering housing prices and providing public rental housing.

Success shouldn’t be measured by fame and money only. People from all walks of life deserve equal respect. For young people, what they really desire is being seen. Actually, Chinese young people are fulfilling their duties well. The average age of more than 67,000 scientists and engineers who devote themselves to China’s aerospace cause is only 36 years old. And many excel in ordinary jobs. They live on their own, support their families, and contribute to the society with their work. They may lie down for a while when they are tired, but they will never be beaten down.

1.The underlined word “burned-out” in Paragraph 5 probably means “________”.
2.What can we learn about the trend of “lying down” from the passage?
A.It prevents the country from sliding into a low-desire society.
B.It started in Japan, where “involution” destroyed the economy.
C.It happens in big cities because work hours are long and house prices are high.
D.It requires little serious criticism as young people use it to make fun of themselves.
3.What is Paragraph 7 mainly about?
A.What society has done to help young people.
B.How Chinese young people ease their pressure.
C.How companies stop young people from “lying down”.
D.What responsibilities the society has for young people.
4.The writer would probably agree that ________.
A.it is necessary to respect people who refuse to “lie down”
B.some young people “lie down” to get ready for future life
C.the people who excel in ordinary jobs should be better paid
D.it is fine for some people to lie down as long as they succeed
Dear Li Hua,
How’s everything going? Congratulations on your graduation from junior high school!
I hope you have a great time during the holiday, but there is something important for you to think about- a plan for your personal growth. Here is some advice for yon
Firstly. study yourself. Understand what you like, what you value and what you want to be. In studying yourself, you check your strengths( 长处)and weaknesses. Find out what you need to prepare for vour dream job.
Secondly,write down your plan. When writing,you can try using Mind Maps (思维导图).It is a good way to help you to think more clearly. And you may find a proper way to you’re your plan out.
Thirdly ,go over your plan with your teachers, parents or friends. They may give you some advice.Think carefully about their advice and make some changes to your plan if necessary. And then you can go on with it.
Finally,__ 54__. For example, if you want to be an English teacher in the future, you should spend more time reading English books, learning more about English culture and practicing your listening and speaking from now on. You can make your dream come true only through hard work..
You may find it difficult to make the plan now. Don’t worry. All you need is just a rough(粗略的) one. Once you enter the senior high school, you’ll get a chance to make it better with the help of your teachers. And your personal growth plan may change with your age, your interests and the social development. So take your time and I believe you will grow into an excellent young man.
Best wishes!
Li Fang
1.The underlined word“study”in Paragraph 3 probably means_______in Chinese.
2.Which of the following can be the missing part in Paragraph 6?
A.plan to find a jobB.try to be an English teacher
C.practice EnglishD.work hard to realize your dream
3.According to the passage, a personal growth plan in your lifetime may change with the following things except________.
A.your Mind MapsB.your age
C.social developmentD.your interests
4.In the letter, Li Fang mainly wants to tell Li Hua________。
A.how to spend the holiday happilyB.how to prepare for his dream joy
C.how to make his personal growth plan        D,how to review he plan with his frients


友谊,需要用忠诚去播种,用热情去灌溉。请以“My best friend”为题目介绍一下你对“朋友”的看法,并描述你和朋友相同之处和不同之处,以及你对“朋友应该相同还是不同”的看法。

提示词语:bring out, similar, different
提示问题:What do you think a good friend is like?
Who is your best friend? In what ways are you similar and different?
Do you think friends should be the same or different? Why?

A friend in need is a friend indeed. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Years ago, we were, asked to create a newspaper in groups about world culture in our history class.

We first wrote the names of three friends we wanted in our group. Unluckily, Mrs. Bartlett, our teacher, didn't put me in the group with any of my friends. Instead, I was with Mauro, who never spoke English, Juliette, who always wore thick glasses and Rachel, who wore strange clothes. I had never talked to them. Oh, how badly I wanted to be with my friends!

I was so sad that I walked up to Mrs. Bartlett. "I know what you want, Karina, " she gently patted me on my shoulder, "but your group needs a leader. I need you to help them get a passing grade on this project. Only you can make it."

I was shocked.

"Will you help them?" she asked.

"Yes, " I replied. I couldn't believe it came out of my mouth, but it did.

I bravely walked to my group and started our project. We had different tasks according to our interests. Gradually, 1 felt myself enjoying their company. I found out Mauro was struggling with English. Behind Juliette's thick glasses were her sparkling eyes. Rachel was so creative that she wanted to be a fashion designer. I realized that they were not strange; they were just people that no one cared enough for-except Mrs. Bartlett. Her thoughtfulness brought out the best in the four of us.

I learned something that week. I was given a chance to see other people in a new light. I learned that who we, are is more important than what we are or seem to be.

Mrs. Bartlett gave us an A on that project, but thought we should have handed it right back, for she was the one who truly deserved it.

1.Karina badly wanted to be with her friends because she thought ___________.
A.her friends took great interest in history
B.her group mates knew little about world culture
C.it would be easy for her friends to create newspapers
D.it would he hard to communicate with her group mates
2.What can we learn about Karina's group?
A.Juliette didn't like her thick glasses.B.Mauro had trouble in speaking in public.
C.Karina was made the leader of her group.D.Rachel wanted to be a pop star in the future.
3.From the story,   we know Mrs. Bartlett is _____________________ .

朱熹在《劝学诗》里告诉我们:“少年易老学难成,一寸光阴不可轻。”请以The time I’ve spent on ________ 为题,根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。

1. 要点:1)你曾经把时间花在哪里;



2. 要求:1)请补全标题,如 exercising, reading等;



The time I’ve spent on ________

We _______________ to the road safety as there are more and more vehicles on the way to school.
The young man was charged ________ murdering his boss, but most people don’t think he is guilty ________ that crime.
A.for; ofB.with; ofC.of; withD.with; for
There was once a professor of medicine, who was very strict with the students. Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee (委员会), the students would be in fear, for he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave. A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him. At the end of the term, the students of medicine would take their exam again. Now a student entered the room and got seated before the committee. This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all.
The professor began to ask. The student was required to describe a certain illness, his description of which turned out to be OK.
Then the professor asked about the cure (治疗) for illness, and the student also answered just as right.
“Good,” said the professor, “and how much will you give the patient?”
“A full spoon,” answered the student.
“Now you may go out and wait for what you can get,” said the professor. At the same time the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given. Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer. “A full spoon is too much,” he thought to himself. Anxiously, he opened the door of the room and cried, “Mr. Professor, I’ve made a mistake! A spoon is too much for the patient, He can take only five drops.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” said the professor coldly, “but it’s too late. Your patient has died.”
1.The passage is mainly about _________.
A.the student’s being poor at answering the questions
B.the professor’s rude behavior to the students
C.the professor’s strictness with the students
D.the committee’s hard questions for the students
2.The student who finished his answers was asked to go out _____.
A.to cure a patientB.to wait for his mark
C.to think over his answersD.to ask someone else to go in
3.We learn from the passage that ______.
A.very few students receive a good mark from the professor
B.one student’s careless mistake led to one patient’s death
C.the students were not clever enough for the questions
D.the exam at the end of the term was most difficult
4.According to the passage, ‘taking the chair’ probably refers to ______.
A.sitting down on the chairB.take a chair in front
C.asking the hardest questionsD.controlling the exam
5.We can infer that the student who corrected his answer would ______.
A.get a good markB.not get a good mark
C.be lucky enough to cure a patientD.have no chance to go on with the study
Answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答下列问题)

What is it like being an actress? Many people think it must be wonderful because we travel to exciting places, wear beautiful clothes and make a lot of money. This is only one aspect of our life though. We also work very hard.

I played a country girl in my last movie. I had to live in a small village with other actresses for part of the winter. It was really hard for me as I grew up in a city. To help me play a country girl better, I cooked for myself and other people every day. I even walked a few miles sometimes to get water, as there was none in the house. I wanted to understand how a real village girl lived. I thought it was fun at first. I felt different after a week or two. I wore some beautiful traditional clothes, but they were not thick enough. I was very cold but I had to keep smiling all the time. One day, I couldn’t do it any longer and I suddenly started crying, “Great.” said the director. “I like it. She is crying with true feelings.” I called my mum to tell her about it but my mobile phone wouldn’t work in the village.

I think it is worth doing all this. I like it when people tell me they enjoy my plays and ask me to sign a picture. It is also fun to be someone else for a while. I’m very lucky to be an actress.

1.Do actresses work very hard?
2.Did the actress play a country girl or a city girl in her last movie?
3.What did the actress do to help her play a country girl better?
4.What kind of clothes did the actress wear when acting a country girl?
5.Why didn’t the actress tell her mother about her true feelings?
6.What do you think of the actress? Why?