—Could you please tell me ?
—It makes me happy and relaxed.
A.why do you like photographyB.why you like photography
C.why did you like photographyD.why you liked photography

Social Bond of Animals

Friendship is an important part of human life. Friends can share our joys and our hardships. We aren’t alone. Many different animals also make friends.

Recently , a British research team finished an eight-year study of Indo-Pacific dolphins off the coast of Western Australia. These dolphins can use different tools to search for food. The researchers found that these dolphins are more willing to hang out with partners that like the same tool. Other factors, like family closeness or sex, have no influence on this relationship.

“It suggests that dolphins form social bonds (纽带)based on shared interests,w UK biologist Simon Allen told Science Daily. "Using different tools is time-consuming (耗时间的)” for dolphins to cooperate.

Apart from dolphins, elephants, horses and bats are also known to form friendships. Are friendships only limited to the same species? Of course not, The

Atlantic reported in 2015, a goat Timur was originally left in the tiger Amur's enclosure (围场)as a meal. But instead of eating Timur, Amur likes to play with it and gets jealous when others are close to his friend.

The Atlantic said it’s not unusual among captive (圈禁的)animals. That's because in captivity, animals don’t need to spend much time and energy marking their territory (领地)or looking for mates the way they would in the wild. They are actually more likely to feel bored. " In this particular situation, the animal's motivation to engage (参与)socially and playfully may be higher than eating. n

More interestingly, animals not only make friends but also try to keep lasting friendships. Take bats for example. In 2011, scientists found bats prefer to hang out with a few certain friends, keeping loose ties to the rest of their group.

Humans aren't so different. “We do not work, play and live together with the same friends all the time," Swiss zoologist Gerald Kerth explained. “ But nevertheless, we are able to maintain long-term relationships …despite our often highly dynamic (动态的)social lives."

1.What did the recent British research find about dolphins?
A.They form a group to look for food together.
B.They form friendships based on family closeness.
C.They are likely to make friends based on interests.
D.They are better at building friendships than other animals.
2.What can we infer from Gerald Kerth’s words?
A.Animals like to hang out with different friends.
B.Animals might feel bored with friends of the same species.
C.Humans are better at keeping long-term bonds than animals.
D.Humans and animals make and keep friendships in similar ways.
3.What's the passage mainly about?
A.How animals form and keep friendship.
B.The importance of friendship for animals.
C.How to build strong ties with your friends.
D.The different ways humans and animals socialize.
Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

As you are reading this story, there are a lot of things flying through space. These things are called space junk (太空垃圾).

Space junk comes from many different kinds of things such as old spaceships. These things travel very fast in space.

According to NASA, there are about 500,000 pieces of junk in outer space. Some of these pieces of junk are traveling as fast as about 28,163 kilometers per hour. This can be even faster than a spaceship. Even a small piece of junk can destroy(毁坏) a spacecraft or satellite.

Luckily, NASA has found a way to solve this problem. It made a special satellite called Nano Racks-Remove Debris. The satellite looks like a cube(立方体). It works by collecting small pieces of space junk. There is a 3-D camera on the satellite. It can find where the space junk is, how big it is and how fast it is moving. When it gets close to the space junk, it uses a net to catch it. Later, the satellite burns the space junk in Earth’s atmosphere (大气层).

1.Where does space junk come from?
A.Outer space.B.Things like old spaceships.
C.Nano Racks-Romove Debris.D.Earth’s atmosphere.
2.Space junk can travel as fast as about ________ kilometers per hour.
3.How does Nano Racks-Romove Debris work?
a. It collects small pieces of space junk.
b. It uses 3-D camera to find the space junk.
c. It burns the space junk in a spaceship.
d. It uses a net to catch the space junk.
4.What cannot the 3-D camera find?
A.The location of the space junk.B.The size of the space junk.
C.The color of the space junk.D.The speed of the space junk.
5.Which one of the following statements is true?
A.Some space junk may travel faster than a spaceship.
B.There isn’t much rubbish in space.
C.It’s impossible for a small piece of junk to destroy a satellite.
D.The special satellite made by NASA works by collecting large pieces of space junk.
—________ exciting movie it is!
—Yes.I've seen it several times.
A.What anB.WhatC.HowD.How an
He jumps     of the three.

Cows Affect Earth’s Climate

Many scientists believe that Earth is slowly heating up and that greenhouse gases are a likely cause. These gases create a “b1. ” that traps the sun’s heat in Earth’s atmosphere. As a result, there have been strange weather patterns around the world, such as storms and melting polar ice. The greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, emitted (散发) by decaying trees and certain burning fuels in cars and power plants. Methane is another greenhouse gas.

The problem with greenhouse gases is that their molecules (分子) easily absorb radiation (热辐射) from the sun, and they hold onto the radiation. Methane is a particularly problematic gas because each of its molecules traps t2. more heat than a molecule of carbon dioxide. During the past 100 years, the amount of methane in Earth’s atmosphere has risen by 145 percent, and it’s possible that it will continue to rise f3.. So, where does the methane come from? Animals cause a lot of it!

Many people believe that cows are adding more pollution to the environment than cars, surprisingly. When an animal eats, bacteria b4. down the food inside its gut. This forms methane, an invisible gas. Nearly all animals r5. this gas, often by burping. Worldwide, 28 percent of all methane that enters the atmosphere comes from livestock (牲畜). One of the worst offenders is cows. There are 1.5 billion cows worldwide. Due to the fact that methane holds more h6. than carbon dioxide, it’s no wonder that people are blaming cows!

Although these facts are startling, there is hope that we can cut down on the amount of methane gas. E7. have shown that a type of red seaweed can be dried and added to cow feed. When only a small amount of seaweed is added to the cow feed, the cow does not n8. it. Still, this small percentage makes a huge difference, cutting the cow’s methane production by 70 percent. And, cows that consume this seaweed are healthier, too.

If people rely on this seaweed as a final s9., there is only one problem-there isn’t enough of it in the sea at the present time. Right now, all the red seaweed is picked by divers by hand. This is simply the start of seaweed farming. T10., it may take decades to increase the amount of seaweed readily available to farmers for their gassy cows. Still, it’s a relief to know that scientists are constantly working to address this issue.

when, her, Shakuntala’s abilities, she, unlike, stayed with, whizz-kids, grew up, most (连词成句)
________________________________________________ .
假如你是 Rickey,你发明的“会飞的房子”在学校科技节中获奖,被推荐参加国际青少年科技展览。请根据以下内容提示,用英语介绍你的发明。
要求:80 词左右,给出部分不计入总词数,可适当发挥。提示:
1.       外观:四个轮子,两只翅膀;
2.       特点:可以高速飞行,可在短时间内到达一个较远的地方;声音控制,非常方便;使用太阳能环保;
3.       功能:节省大量空间.....(至少添加一项)

My invention

Hello,     everyone,     my     name     is     Ricky.     Now     let     me     introduce     my     invention—a     flying     house.


Nowadays, the online world is nearly as important as the real one. It is not uncommon to see the whole Internet bands together to “cancel” someone after they make a mistake, which is called Cancel Culture. It can result in a person, if famous, losing fans and having to face attacks online. Even a normal person faces risks of losing their jobs or personal relationships. While stepping foot on any social media platform, everyone including young children can fall victim to it.

Cancel Culture is a lose-lose situation. The person being canceled has to stand the negative effects of the Internet, and the people doing the canceling are contributing to (促成) the mindset that it’s okay to do this to people they don’t know. Young kids may not understand or contribute completely to Cancel Culture, but by simply being on the Internet, they can see it firsthand, affecting their real lives. A New York Metro Parents article describes one girl who was canceled in school the same way people are canceled on the Internet, and her friends wouldn’t even talk to or look at her.

Dr. Pam Rultledge, a media psychologist, explains in her blog post that Cancel Culture discourages kids from expressing their opinions and standing up for others. It’s always an “us against them” mindset; anyone agreeing with the person being canceled is at risk of being left out online too.

So again I ask, what is this teaching our kids? That they aren’t allowed to make mistakes? That they have to be perfect? This may be the current narrative, but it shouldn’t be. Everyone messes up at some point, especially young children. They shouldn’t be publicly punished for it and not given the chance to change people’s minds. Forgiveness is an important skill kids need to learn, and Cancel Culture is encouraging the opposite.

One small mistake doesn’t make someone a bad person, but Cancel Culture makes them feel as if they are. Cancel Culture doesn’t have to exist. We make it exist. And just as easily, we can make it disappear by contributing to an online world full of praise and love.

1.The underlined words “fall victim to” in Paragraph 1 probably mean “________”.
A.be attracted toB.get used toC.be shocked byD.get hurt by
2.Why does the writer mention the New York Metro Parents article in Paragraph 2?
A.To explain why Cancel Culture does harm to children’s friendships.
B.To stress the importance of close relationships with friends for students.
C.To show how Cancel Culture has exercised influence on kids’ real lives.
D.To suggest possible ways of changing the habit of overusing the Internet.
3.In Cancel Culture, a person who makes mistakes will be ________.
A.comforted with great patienceB.left out and publicly punished
C.taught how to correct the mistakesD.blocked from using the Internet again
4.By saying “This may be the current narrative, but it shouldn’t be” in Paragraph 4,the writer wants to express that Cancel Culture ________.
A.is easy to changeB.has a two-sided nature
C.is supposed to be canceledD.stops mistakes from being repeated

Winston, a physics teacher, came into the classroom one morning. “Morning, my dears. I have a question for you today. Why do we have brakes (刹车) in our car?”

One student got up and replied, “Sir, to stop the car.” 1. one replied, “To reduce and control the speed of the car.” A third one said, “Not to hit other cars.”

Soon, all the students began to give similar answers. Being unhappy with them, the teacher decided to answer the question himself. He said, “I look at it in a 2. way—the brakes in the car help us to make it run faster.”

Hearing this, all the students in the classroom kept silent because no one had imagined this answer. The teacher continued, “Here’s one more truth. 3. our car has no brakes, we may not have the courage to drive the car as fast as we can and reach our destination (目的地) safely in time.”

All students were surprised at 4. the teacher said. They never thought about brakes in the car this way.

The teacher smiled and continued, “Similarly, there are many such brakes in our life, such as the directions our parents need us to follow, the effort our teachers ask us to put in, or the progress we require ourselves to 5. in life.”

Most of us have experienced one or two of those difficult situations and thought they were like brakes to stop our pace (脚步). But what if we 6. them as our helpers? With the help of these brakes, we are able to take risks and make sure of our safety at the same time. As everyone can imagine, life is not always about moving on. Sometimes we have to stop to have a rest, or even take one step 7., so that we can run faster.

It is because of such difficult situations that we are able to reach where we are today. When we make good 8. of these brakes, they are sure not to push us back or bind (约束) us, but to help us move forward faster than before, so that we can reach our destination quickly and safely.
